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(по состоянию на 20 октября 2006 года)

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                                              [неофициальный перевод]
                            СУДЕБНОЕ РЕШЕНИЕ
                     (Страсбург, 10 июля 1984 года)
                           A. Основные факты
       18 августа 1976 г.  г-н Гинчо, 1949 г. рождения, проживающий в
   Лиссабоне, и еще два человека стали жертвами дорожно-транспортного
   происшествия в Алверса.  Заявитель был ранен и  утратил  зрение  в
   левом глазу.
       7 декабря 1978 г.  заявитель и водитель машины, в которой ехал
   заявитель,  подали  гражданский  иск в Окружной суд Вила Франка де
   Хира против владельца и водителя другого автомобиля,  который, как
   они утверждали, стал причиной аварии.
       9 декабря  1978  г.  судья  принял  иск   к   производству   и
   распорядился   уведомить   о  том  ответчиков,  которые  постоянно
   проживали в Лиссабоне.  Последующее вручение ответчикам материалов
   дела,  их  возражения  на  иск,  передача возражения истцам заняли
   значительное время.  Устное разбирательство с  вызовом  свидетелей
   состоялось лишь 20 октября 1982 г.  Суд признал право заявителя на
   возмещение ущерба.  Однако он нашел,  что вопрос об оценке  ущерба
   еще не готов для решения,  и отложил его до рассмотрения вопроса о
   порядке исполнения данного Судебного решения.  Г-н Гинчо обратился
   за исполнением решения 22 сентября 1983 г.
            B. Разбирательство в Комиссии по правам человека
       В жалобе,  поданной  в  Комиссию  г-ном  Гинчо  в мае 1980 г.,
   заявитель  утверждал,   что   длительность   разбирательства   его
   гражданского  дела  в  Окружном  суде Вила Франка де Хира является
   нарушением статьи 6 п. 1 Конвенции.
       6 июля  1982 г.  Комиссия объявила жалобу приемлемой.  В своем
   докладе от 10 марта 1983 г.  она выразила единогласное мнение, что
   имело место нарушение статьи 6 п. 1 Конвенции.
       Дело было передано Комиссией в Суд 18 июля 1983 г.
                             ВОПРОСЫ ПРАВА
              I. О предполагаемом нарушении статьи 6 п. 1
       28. Заявитель    жаловался    на    длительность     судебного
   разбирательства,  начатого им и г-ном Лопесом в Окружном суде Вила
   Франка де Хира.  Он ссылался на статью 6 п.  1 Конвенции,  которая
       "Каждый человек имеет право при  определении  его  гражданских
   прав  и  обязанностей...  на...  разбирательство  дела  в разумный
   срок... судом..."
       Гражданский характер   спора  ясен  и  не  вызывает  сомнений,
   единственный вопрос,  который предстоит решить по настоящему делу,
   было  ли  соблюдено  требование  о  "разумном  сроке".  По  мнению
   Комиссии,  оно не было соблюдено, тогда как Правительство считает,
   что нарушения не было.
                       A. Срок, принятый в расчет
       29. Точка  отсчета  соответствующего  периода - и это никто не
   оспаривал - 7 декабря 1978 г.,  дата возбуждения дела  в  Окружном
   суде Вила Франка де Хира (см. п. 10 выше).
       По  мнению  Правительства,   соответствующий "срок" закончился
   25 октября 1982 г.  вынесением Судебного решения, по которому было
   признано право  г-на  Гинчо  на  возмещение  ущерба,  но  отложено
   определение   его   размера   до   процедуры "исполнения"  Решения
   (см. п. 19 выше).
       Суд, как и Комиссия,  полагает, что данное Решение не является
   окончательным, т.к. Окружной суд еще не определил сумму возмещения
   ущерба (см. п. 65 доклада). Суд отмечает, что производство по делу
   распалось  на  две  стадии,   первая  продолжалась  до 25  октября
   1982 г.,  а  вторая  все  еще  не  завершена  и представляет собой
   процедуру  "исполнения".  Эта  процедура,  возможная   только   по
   инициативе заявителя,  была начата лишь 23 сентября 1983 г.,  т.е.
   по  прошествии  почти  одиннадцати  месяцев  (см.  п.  20   выше);
   материалы  дела  свидетельствуют,  что последующая стадия не может
   быть подвергнута какой бы то ни было критике.  Следовательно,  Суд
   ограничится   рассмотрением   первой  стадии,  которая  длилась  с
   7 декабря 1978 г. до 25 октября 1982 г. (три года десять месяцев и
   восемнадцать дней).
       30. Такой продолжительный отрезок времени, потребовавшийся для
   рассмотрения  дела  только  в  одной инстанции,  кажется на первый
   взгляд неразумным (см. mutatis mutandis Решение по делу Циммермана
   и Стейнера от 13 июля 1983 г.  Серия A,  т. 66, с. 11, п. 23), тем
   более что Судебное решение не было окончательным.  Таким  образом,
   движение  дела  нуждается  в  тщательном  рассмотрении  на предмет
   соответствия статье 6 п. 1.
                        B. Применяемые критерии
       31. Разумность  срока  разбирательства  оценивается  в  каждом
   случае  в  зависимости  от  конкретных  обстоятельств  и  с учетом
   критериев,  сложившихся  в   практике   Суда   (см.   inter   alia
   вышеупомянутое  Решение  по  делу  Циммермана  и Стейнера, там же,
   с. 11, п. 24).
       32. В   Португалии,  как  указало  Правительство,  гражданский
   процесс основан на "принципе диспозитивности": правом начать такой
   процесс      наделены     стороны     (статья     264     п.     1
   Гражданско-процессуального кодекса),  которые должны также принять
   надлежащие   меры   для   быстрого  прохождения  дела  в  судебных
   инстанциях.  По  мнению  Суда,  указанный  принцип,   однако,   не
   освобождает сами суды от рассмотрения дела в надлежащие сроки, как
   того требует от них  статья  6  Конвенции  (см.  Решение  по  делу
   Бухольца от 6 мая 1981 г.  Серия A,  т.  42,  с. 16, п. 50). Более
   того,  законодательство  Португалии  обязывает   судей   соблюдать
   разумные сроки прохождения дел (статья 266 упомянутого Кодекса), а
   статья 68 Дорожно-транспортного кодекса предусматривает, что дела,
   подобные   делу  г-на  Гинчо,  должны  рассматриваться  в  порядке
   суммарного производства,  которое  характеризуется,  в  частности,
   сокращением некоторых процессуальных сроков (см. п. 10 выше).
                           1. Сложность дела
       33. Правительство  признало,  что  дело  по  существу  не было
   сложным.  Тем  не  менее   его   представители   утверждали,   что
   рассмотрение  было  затруднено поведением сторон,  в частности,  в
   результате ходатайств об отсрочке со стороны страховой компании  и
   неявки свидетелей и адвокатов (см.  п.  12, 15 - 16 и 18 выше). По
   мнению Комиссии,  судебное разбирательство  не  было  сопряжено  с
   какими-либо особыми трудностями.
       Суд согласен с последней  точкой  зрения:  обстоятельства,  на
   которые  ссылается  Правительство,  не усложняют ведение судебного
   разбирательства каким-либо способом,  который был бы необычен  для
   подобного рода споров.
                         2. Поведение заявителя
       34. По  мнению  Правительства,  г-н  Гинчо мог бы ускорить ход
   судебного  разбирательства,  направив  жалобу   в   Высший   совет
   магистратуры.   Помимо   того   различные  задержки,  например,  в
   отношении вызова в качестве свидетеля  г-жи  Марии  Силва  и  г-на
   Адриано  да  Круз  Суррейра  в  такой  же  мере  лежат  на совести
   заявителя,  как и другой стороны. Правительство настаивало на том,
   что  по крайней мере нельзя возлагать вину на португальские власти
   за период после 25 октября 1982 г.
       Суд уже  решил  этот  вопрос (см.  п.  29 выше).  Относительно
   оставшихся доводов Суд прежде всего отмечает,  что на заявителе не
   лежала  обязанность  обращения в Высший совет магистратуры.  Кроме
   того,  подобный шаг не сократил  бы  сроков разбирательства,  т.к.
   самое  большее,  что  мог  сделать  Высший  совет,  - это наложить
   дисциплинарные санкции, если бы они были уместны, на провинившихся
   судей  или  должностных  лиц.  Хотя  г-н Гинчо представил неверный
   адрес,  что вызвало некоторую задержку с  заслушиванием  показаний
   г-жи Силва (см.  п.  15 - 16 выше),  эта задержка незначительна по
   сравнению  с  общей  продолжительностью  разбирательства.   Другие
   обстоятельства,  приведенные  Правительством,  в  частности неявка
   свидетелей и адвокатов ответчиков,  не могут, с точки зрения Суда,
   быть поставлены в вину заявителю.
       Короче говоря,  медлительность  судебного  разбирательства  не
   может быть отнесена на счет заявителя.
                   3. Поведение португальских властей
       35. Из  представленных  доказательств можно увидеть,  что дело
   оставалось без движения дважды:  с 9 декабря 1978 г.  до  18  июня
   1979   г.,   т.е.   более  шести  месяцев  в  ожидании  исполнения
   направленного в Лиссабон поручения о вручении  искового  заявления
   ответчикам,  а затем  с  4 июля 1979 г.   до  28  января  1981 г.,
   т.е. более полутора лет, для передачи истцам возражений ответчиков
   (см. п. 11, 13 выше).
       Правительство признало,  что  во  время  этих  двух   периодов
   движение дела в некоторой степени застопорилось,  но оно проводило
   при  этом  различие  между  ритмом  разбирательства  и  его  общей
   продолжительностью.      Общая     продолжительность     судебного
   разбирательства имеет существенное значение в целях статьи 6 п. 1,
   но в данном конкретном деле она представляется приемлемой.
       Заявитель оспаривал это,  утверждая,  что  полное  прекращение
   движения  дела  в  течение  двух  лет  отрицательно  сказалось  на
   разбирательстве в целом.
       36. Мнение  Суда  в  принципе  совпадает  с  последней  точкой
   зрения. Он отмечает, что в период почти полного бездействия должны
   были   быть  совершены  процессуальные  действия  чисто  рутинного
   характера,  такие как вручение  искового  заявления  ответчикам  и
   передача  возражений  ответчиков  истцам.  Продолжительность  этих
   периодов могла бы найти  оправдание  лишь  в  существовании  особо
   исключительных обстоятельств (см.  mutatis mutandis вышеупомянутое
   Решение  по  делу  Циммермана и Стейнера.  Серия A,  т. 66, с. 12,
   п. 27 in fine).
       37. Правительство утверждало, что отступления от правил в ходе
   производства  в  судах  Вила  Франка  де  Хира и Лиссабона явились
   следствием "институционной  перестройки",  которой  сопровождалось
   возвращение Португалии к демократии (см. п. 21 выше).
       В этот период,  утверждало Правительство, страна столкнулась с
   внезапным и непредвиденным увеличением количества тяжб. Вследствие
   этого для отправления правосудия в  перегруженных  судах  пришлось
   призвать малоопытных судей.  Компетентные власти,  и в особенности
   Высший совет магистратуры,  делали все,  что могли,  для  принятия
   необходимых мер по исправлению ситуации (см. п. 25 выше).
       38. Суд признает значимость первого довода. Он не может пройти
   мимо того,  что восстановление демократии в Португалии, начавшееся
   в  апреле  1974  г.,  сопровождалось  трансформацией  ее  судебной
   системы  в  сложных  условиях,  не  имевших  аналога в большинстве
   других европейских стран;  эти трудности были усугублены процессом
   деколонизации  и разразившимся экономическим кризисом (см.  п.  21
   выше).  Суд ни в коей мере  не  собирается  недооценивать  усилий,
   направленных на улучшение судебной организации и доступа граждан к
   правосудию, особенно после принятия Конституции 1976 г. (см. п. 21
       Тем не менее по данному вопросу мнение Суда совпадает с точкой
   зрения Комиссии и заявителя.  При ратификации Конвенции Португалия
   гарантировала   "каждому   человеку,   находящемуся    под    [ее]
   юрисдикцией,  права и свободы,  определенные в разделе I настоящей
   Конвенции" (статья 1).  В  частности,  Португалия  взяла  на  себя
   обязательство  организовать  свою  правовую систему таким образом,
   чтобы обеспечить соблюдение требований статьи 6 п.  1,  включая  и
   требование    судебного    разбирательства   в  "разумный    срок"
   (см.  вышеупомянутое  Решение  по  делу  Циммермана  и   Стейнера.
   Серия A,  т.  66,  с.  12,  п.  29). Суд хотел бы еще раз привлечь
   внимание к  крайней  важности  этого  требования  для  надлежащего
   отправления правосудия.
       39. Нисколько не игнорируя общую обстановку,  Суд тем не менее
   исходит   из  того,  что  его  задача  ограничивается  в  принципе
   рассмотрением находящегося перед ним одного частного дела, которое
   касается в основном одного конкретного суда.
       На протяжении более года в Окружном суде Вила Франка  де  Хира
   одному-единственному  судье  приходилось вести дела в двух палатах
   по причине незаполненной вакансии:  пост судьи  во  второй  палате
   оставался  незанятым  с  7  января  до 26 июня 1979 г.,  а затем в
   первой палате - с 21 июня 1979 г.  до 8 апреля 1980  г.  В  то  же
   самое  время  произошло резкое увеличение числа незавершенных дел;
   оно  более  чем  удвоилось  за  период  между  1976  г.  и 1980 г.
   (см. п. 22 - 23 выше).
       Компетентные власти,  для того чтобы устранить накапливающееся
   отставание,  решили в октябре 1980 г. назначить судью - помощника;
   в  марте 1981 г. из Лиссабона были направлены три судьи для работы
   в Вила Франка де Хира на условиях неполного рабочего дня;  аппарат
   канцелярии суда был также значительно увеличен (см. п. 25 выше).
       40. Согласно установившейся практике Суда,  временные задержки
   в  судопроизводстве  не  влекут  за  собой   международно-правовой
   ответственности государства - ответчика Конвенции при условии, что
   оно примет эффективные меры для быстрейшего  исправления  ситуации
   (см.   в   качестве   новейшего   источника   по  данному  вопросу
   вышеупомянутое  Решение  по  делу  Циммермана и Стейнера,  с.  12,
   п. 29).
       В данном случае Суд  отмечает,  как  это  ранее  было  сделано
   Комиссией,  что перегрузка судов растянулась на несколько лет. Суд
   хотел бы напомнить,  что после принятия Конституции 1976  г.  были
   введены различные меры,  направленные на улучшение доступа граждан
   к  правосудию,  в  то   время   когда   почти   миллион   человек,
   репатриированных  из  бывших  колоний,  устраивались  в Португалии
   (см. п. 21 и 38 выше). В этих условиях следовало ожидать ощутимого
   увеличения числа тяжб.  В декабре 1979 г. адвокаты, практиковавшие
   в Вила Франка де Хира,  привлекли внимание к этой проблеме Высшего
   совета магистратуры и министра юстиции (см. п. 24 выше).
       Однако с учетом сложности  ситуации,  сложившейся  в  судебной
   системе,  шаги,  предпринятые в октябре 1980 г. и в марте 1981 г.,
   очевидно,  были недостаточными и запоздалыми. Они, хотя и отражали
   намерение  справиться с проблемой,  были неспособны по самой своей
   природе  достичь  удовлетворительных  результатов   (см.   mutatis
   mutandis  вышеупомянутое  Решение  по  делу Циммермана и Стейнера.
   Серия A, т. 66, с. 13, п. 31).
       41. Принимая во внимание все обстоятельства дела, Суд приходит
   к выводу,  что исключительные трудности,  с  которыми  столкнулась
   Португалия,  не были такими, которые лишали бы заявителя его права
   на правосудное решение в "разумный срок" (там же,  с.  13, п. 32).
   Следовательно, имело место нарушение статьи 6 п. 1.
                        II. Применение статьи 50
       42. Статья 50 гласит:
       "Если Суд установит,  что решение или мера, принятые судебными
   или иными властями Высокой Договаривающейся Стороны, полностью или
   частично  противоречат  обязательствам,  вытекающим  из  настоящей
   Конвенции,  а  также  если  внутреннее  право  упомянутой  Стороны
   допускает лишь частичное возмещение последствий такого решения или
   такой  меры,  то  решением  Суда,  если в этом есть необходимость,
   предусматривается справедливое возмещение потерпевшей стороне".
       В  своем  письменном  дополнительном  обращении  от 27 февраля
   1984 г.  г-н Гинчо потребовал в качестве справедливого  возмещения
   проценты  -  за  два  года  -  от заявленной в иске суммы ущерба в
   размере 350000 эскудо.
       43. Правительство  заявило,  что  судебная практика Португалии
   разрешает учитывать при расчетах инфляцию и  обесценение  денег  и
   адвокат заявителя уже увеличил 9 февраля 1981 г. его требования до
   700 тысяч  эскудо;  однако  в  процессе  "исполнения"  ограничился
   первоначально заявленной суммой.
       Г-н Гинчо возражал,  что темпы инфляции  и  проценты,  которые
   причитаются  в  связи  с необычайной длительностью производства по
   делу,  - две разные вещи и что он и без того был ограничен в своих
   требованиях,   т.к.  сумма  выплат  по  его  страховке  ограничена
   потолком в 200000 эскудо.
       44. Суд  хотел  бы  напомнить,  что  несоблюдение требования о
   "разумном сроке" - прямое следствие двух  периодов  почти  полного
   бездействия  судов  Вила  Франка  де Хира и Лиссабона (см.  п.  35
   выше);  эти периоды длились в общей сложности более двух лет.  Это
   дополнительное   по   сравнению  с  нормальной  продолжительностью
   судебного  разбирательства  время,   на   которое   соответственно
   задержалось решение спора в суде.  Задержка в условиях инфляции не
   только уменьшила реальную значимость суммы, заявленной по иску, но
   и   поставила   заявителя  в  ситуацию  неопределенности,  которая
   сохраняется до сих пор,  причем даже окончательное решение  в  его
   пользу может оказаться недостаточной компенсацией.
       Соответственно Суд присуждает г-ну Гинчо  сумму  в  150  тысяч
   эскудо в порядке справедливого возмещения в целях статьи 50.
       1. Постановил, что имело место нарушение статьи 6 п. 1;
       2. Постановил,  что государство -  ответчик  должно  выплатить
   заявителю  150000 (сто   пятьдесят   тысяч)  эскудо  на  основании
   статьи 50.
       Совершено на английском и французском  языках  и  оглашено  во
   Дворце прав человека в Страсбурге 10 июля 1984 г.
                                                      За Председателя
                                        Вальтер Гансгоф ван дер МЕЕРШ
                                                            За Грефье
                                                   Заместитель Грефье
                                                     Герберт ПЕТЦОЛЬД
                      CASE OF GUINCHO v. PORTUGAL
                       (Strasbourg, 10.VII.1984)
       In the Guincho case,
       The European Court of Human  Rights,  sitting,  in  accordance
   with Article 43 (art.  43) of the Convention for the Protection of
   Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ("the Convention")  and  the
   relevant  provisions  of  the  Rules  of  Court <1>,  as a Chamber
   composed of the following judges:
       <1> Note by the registry:  The revised Rules of  Court,  which
   entered  into  force  on  1  January  1983,  are applicable to the
   present case.
       Mr. G. Wiarda, President,
       Mr. J. Cremona,
       Mr. W. Ganshof van der Meersch,
       Mr. {F. Golcuklu} <*>,
       Mr. J. Pinheiro Farinha,
       Mr. {E. Garcia de Enterria},
       Mr. J. Gersing,
       and also Mr.  M.-A.  Eissen,  Registrar,  and Mr.  H. Petzold,
   Deputy Registrar
       <*> Здесь  и  далее  по  тексту  слова  на  национальном языке
   набраны латинским шрифтом и выделены фигурными скобками.
       Having deliberated in private on 30 March and 23 June 1984,
       Delivers the following judgment,  which  was  adopted  on  the
   last-mentioned date:
       1. The  case  was  brought  before  the  Court by the European
   Commission of Human Rights ("the Commission") and  the  Portuguese
   Government   ("the   Government").   The  case  originated  in  an
   application (No.  8990/80) against  that  State  lodged  with  the
   Commission  by  a  Portuguese  national,  Mr.  Manuel  dos  Santos
   Guincho, on 20 May 1980 in accordance with Article 25 (art. 25) of
   the Convention.
       2. The Commission's request and the  Government's  application
   were  lodged  with  the  registry  of  the Court on 18 July and 26
   September 1983 respectively,  within the period  of  three  months
   laid down by Articles 32 para.  1 and 47 (art.  32-1,  art. 47) of
   the Convention.  The request referred to Articles 44 and 48  (art.
   44,  art.  48)  and  to  the  declaration  whereby the Republic of
   Portugal recognised  the  compulsory  jurisdiction  of  the  Court
   (Article  46)  (art.  46).  The application referred to Article 48
   (art.  48).  The purpose of the request and the application was to
   obtain  a  decision  as  to  whether  or  not  the reasonable time
   requirement laid down in Article 6  para.  1  (art.  6-1)  of  the
   Convention had been complied with.
       3. In response to the inquiry made in accordance with Rule  33
   para.  3  (d) of the Rules of Court,  the applicant stated that he
   wished to take part in the proceedings pending  before  the  Court
   and designated the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 30).
       4. The Chamber of seven judges to be constituted included,  as
   ex officio members,  Mr. J. Pinheiro Farinha, the elected judge of
   Portuguese nationality (Article 43 of the Convention)  (art.  43),
   and Mr. G. Wiarda, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 3 (b)
   of the Rules of Court). On 21 September 1983, the President of the
   Court drew by lot,  in the presence of the Registrar, the names of
   the five other members,  namely Mr. J. Cremona, Mr. W. Ganshof van
   der Meersch,  Mr.  L. Liesch, Mr. {F. Golcuklu} and Mr. J. Gersing
   (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para.  4)  (art.
   43).  Mr.  {E. Garcia de Enterria}, substitute judge, subsequently
   replaced Mr. Liesch, who was prevented from taking further part in
   the consideration of the case (Rules 22 para. 1 and 24 para. 1).
       5. Mr.  Wiarda, who had assumed the office of President of the
   Chamber (Rule 21 para.  5),  consulted, through the Registrar, the
   Agent of the Government,  the Delegate of the Commission  and  the
   lawyer  for  the  applicant  regarding  the  need  for  a  written
   procedure (Rule 37 para.  1).  He directed on 6 October 1983  that
   the  Agent and the lawyer should have until 6 January 1984 to file
   a memorial and that the Delegate should  be  entitled  to  file  a
   memorial  in  reply  within  two  months  from  the  date  of  the
   transmission to him by the Registrar of whichever of the aforesaid
   documents should last be filed.  The lawyer for Mr. Guincho waived
   this right in a letter received at  the  registry  on  11  October
       On 7 October 1983,  the Registrar,  acting on the instructions
   of  the  President,  invited  the Commission and the Government to
   produce certain documents;  he received them on 18 October and  10
   November respectively.
       The Government filed their memorial with  the  registry  on  3
   January  1984;  on  27  January,  the  Secretary to the Commission
   informed the Registrar that the Delegate would be  presenting  his
   observations at the hearings.
       6. On 6 February, the President, after consulting, through the
   Registrar,  the  Agent  of  the  Government,  the  Delegate of the
   Commission and the lawyer for the  applicant,  directed  that  the
   hearings should open on 28 March (Rule 38). He also authorised the
   Agent and lawyer to use the Portuguese language (Rule 27 paras.  2
   and 3).
       On 27 February,  the lawyer for Mr. Guincho transmitted to the
   Court  his  client's  claims  under  Article  50 (art.  50) of the
   Convention;  on  26  March,  he  replied  in  writing  to  various
   questions that the Registrar had put to him on the instructions of
   the President.
       7. The  hearings  were  held  in  public  at  the Human Rights
   Building,  Strasbourg,   on   the   appointed   day.   Immediately
   beforehand, the Court had held a preparatory meeting.
       There appeared before the Court:
       - for the Government
       Mr. J.N. da Cunha Rodrigues, Deputy Procurador-Geral, Agent;
       Mr. A.V.  Coelho, Judge on the Supreme Court and Vice-Chairman
   of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary,
       Mr. J.A.  Sacadura  Garcia  Marques,  Secretary General of the
   Ministry of Justice and Director General of the Judicial Services,
       - for the Commission
       Mr. J.C. Soyer, Delegate;
       - for the applicant
       Mr. J.A. Pires de Lima, advogado, Counsel.
       The Court heard addresses by Mr.  da Cunha Rodrigues  and  Mr.
   Sacadura  Garcia  Marques  for the Government,  Mr.  Soyer for the
   Commission and Mr.  Pires de Lima for the applicant,  as  well  as
   their   replies   to  its  questions.  During  the  hearings,  the
   Government produced a document to the Court.
       On 9   April   and   21   May   1984,  the  registry  received
   supplementary answers from the applicant and then comments thereon
   from the Government.
                               THE FACTS
       8. The  applicant  is a Portuguese citizen,  born in 1949.  He
   works as an electrician and resides in Lisbon.
       On 18  August  1976,  he  was  travelling  in  a  car with Mr.
   Domingos Lopes,  who was the owner and driver of the car, and with
   the latter's brother, Mr. {Jose Carlos Lopes}. At Alverca, the car
   entered into collision with a vehicle  belonging  to  the  Canalux
   Company  of  Lisbon  and driven by Mr.  Antonio Rodrigues Baptista
   Dinis.  Mr.  Guincho was injured and lost the use of his left eye;
   on  18  May  1977,  he was certified as having a permanent partial
       9. After  being  notified of the accident by the local police,
   the public prosecutor's department at  the  Vila  Franca  de  Xira
   Regional Court instituted criminal proceedings against the drivers
   of both vehicles for causing unintentional bodily harm.
       On 20 January 1977,  the applicant learnt that the file on the
   case had been closed as a result of an  amnesty  granted  under  a
   Legislative Decree.
       10. On 7 December 1978,  Mr.  Guincho and Mr.  D.  Lopes ("the
   plaintiffs")  commenced  a civil action in the Vila Franca de Xira
   Regional Court against Mr.  Dinis,  the Canalux  Company  and  the
   "Tranquilidade"   Insurance   Company   ("the   defendants").  The
   applicant claimed damages of 350,000 Escudos.
       Under Article  68  of  the Road Traffic Code,  civil liability
   actions in road traffic matters must be  conducted  in  accordance
   with   summary  procedure.  Under  the  Code  of  Civil  Procedure
   (Articles 783 to 800),  this  procedure  is  characterised,  inter
   alia, by the reduction of certain time-limits.
       11. On  9  December  1978,  the  judge  of the second  chamber
   (2- juizo) of the Vila Franca  de  Xira Regional Court granted the
   plaintiffs legal aid and  ordered  service  of  the  writ  on  the
   defendants.  In  this  connection,  the judge issued a request for
   service (oficio precatorio) in Lisbon,  the defendants'  place  of
       In principle,  when such a request is received at a court  the
   registry  has  two  days  in which to submit it to the judge.  The
   latter must then order the  writ  to  be  dispatched  for  service
   within  five days,  following which the relevant registry official
   is bound to execute the  request  for  service  within  a  similar
   five-day interval unless he has a justifiable excuse (Articles 159
   and 167 of the Code of Civil Procedure).
       On 30 January,  28 February,  2 April, 4 May and 11 June 1979,
   the judge of the first chamber of the Vila Franca de Xira Regional
   Court,  replacing  the judge of the second chamber (whose post was
   vacant),  insisted that the request for service  of  the  writ  be
   given effect. However, this was not done until 18 June.
       12. The "Tranquilidade" Insurance Company  filed  its  defence
   ({contestacao}) on  27 June contesting the plaintiffs' claims.  It
   applied to have a third party,  Mr.  {Jose Lopes} (see paragraph 8
   above), joined in the proceedings ({intervencao} principal).
       On 2 July 1979,  Mr. Dinis and the Canalux Company filed their
   defence.  They indicated that at the appropriate moment they would
   be seeking to have a medical examination of the plaintiffs.
       13. The  registry  of  the  Vila Franca de Xira Regional Court
   transmitted the file to the judge on 4 July.
       On 28  January  1981,  the  judge  directed  that  the defence
   pleadings be communicated to  the  plaintiffs  and  that  they  be
   allowed five days to reply to the interlocutory application by the
   "Tranquilidade" Insurance Company.
       In their  reply filed on 9 February 1981,  the plaintiffs took
   issue with the other  side's  submissions  and  claimed  that  the
   interlocutory  application  was  a delaying  tactic  as Mr.  {Jose
   Lopes}, who was the brother of Mr. Domingos Lopes, had suffered no
   prejudice and had expressly waived his right to claim damages.  In
   addition,  they complained that they had not been  notified  until
   January  1981  of  defence  pleadings dating back to June and July
   1979,  and informed the Regional Court that Mr. Guincho had lodged
   a  petition  with  the  European  Commission  of  Human  Rights in
   connection with the length of the proceedings. The registry of the
   Regional  Court  did not transmit this reply to the judge until 26
   March 1981.
       14. In  the  meantime  on  10  February  1981,  the  judge had
   declared the interlocutory application admissible  on  the  ground
   that no objection had been raised against it, and he directed that
   a summons be served on Mr.  {Jose Lopes}, who resided in Loures. A
   request  for  service  in that jurisdiction was issued on the same
   day and service was effected on 26 February.
       On 27 March 1981,  the above-mentioned judge,  having received
   late  notice  of  the  objection  to  the   application,   decided
   nonetheless  to  maintain  his decision of 10 February 1981.  In a
   preliminary decision (despacho saneador) taken on the same day, he
   declared  the  main  action  admissible  and  drew  up  a  list of
   uncontested  facts  ({especificacao}) and a list of facts that had
   to be clarified at the hearing (questionario).
       15. The  parties did not enter an appeal (agravo) against this
   decision.  On 29 April, 30 April and 5 May 1981, they filed in the
   registry the list of witnesses they proposed to call.
       Mr. Guincho   and  Mr.  D.  Lopes  asked  that  one  of  their
   witnesses,  Maria do Sacramento Peixoto Silva, be heard at Almada,
   the  seat  of the Regional Court within whose jurisdiction she was
   said by them to reside.  The judge consented on 18 May 1981 and  a
   request  for  evidence on commission (carta precatoria) was issued
   on 1 June.
       On 8 June,  the Almada Regional Court set the hearing down for
   9 July 1981.  However,  the Court discovered soon afterwards  that
   Mrs.  Silva did not reside within its jurisdiction; on 12 June, it
   forwarded the request to the Seixal Regional Court,  the competent
   court in this respect.
       16. On 26 June, the judge of the Seixal Regional Court issed a
   direction  to  the  effect  that  he  would hear the witness on 12
   October.  On 9 October,  the lawyer  representing  the  first  two
   defendants  sent  the judge a telegram saying that he could not be
   present because of illness.
       Mrs. Silva failed to appear on 12 October.  The same day,  the
   judge fined her and directed that she  be  heard  on  17  November
   1981. However, the lawyer once more notified the judge by telegram
   that he was still unwell, and the witness did not attend.
       The judge thereupon adjourned the hearing of the witness until
   10 February 1982; Mrs. Silva was finally examined on that date.
       17. The  evidence  taken  on  commission  was sent to the Vila
   Franca de Xira Regional Court.  The judge dealing  with  the  case
   received it on 16 February 1982.  The following day,  he submitted
   the file to the two other judges of the full Court  who  certified
   it on 18 February.  On 19 February,  he directed that the hearings
   be held on 12 March 1982.
       The hearings  could  not  be  held  on that day because of the
   absence of the lawyer representing the first two defendants and of
   two other persons,  namely Fernanda do Carmo Oliveira,  in respect
   of whom the summons as requested by the "Tranquilidade"  Insurance
   Company  indicated  an  address  where  she  was not known,  and a
   witness called by the plaintiffs,  the police officer  Adriano  da
   Cruz  Surreira.  The latter witness had drawn up the report on the
   accident (see paragraphs 8 and 9 above) but had subsequently  been
   transferred to Oporto.
       The judge therefore adjourned the hearings until 16  June  and
   then  until  15  December  1982.  He also issued a request for the
   evidence of the latter  witness  to  be  taken  on  commission  in
   Oporto,  as he had been asked to do by counsel for Mr. Guincho and
   Mr. Lopes.
       18. The Oporto Regional Court summoned Mr.  Surreira to appear
   on 14 May 1982,  but on  that  day  neither  he  nor  the  lawyers
   representing  the plaintiffs and the first two defendants attended
   and the hearing was deferred until 3 June.  However on 18 May, the
   judge  was  informed  that  the  witness  had  again  changed  his
   residence and was serving in Montalegre;  the request for evidence
   on  commission  was  therefore  forwarded to the Regional Court of
   that town.
       The Montalegre Regional Court set the hearings down for 1 June
   1982.  On that day,  Mr. Surreira's superiors gave notice that the
   demands  of  public service (razoes inadiaveis de servico publico)
   prevented his attendance.  Counsel on both sides  also  failed  to
       Examination of the witness took place finally on 17 June  1982
   and  the evidence on commission was remitted to the Vila Franca de
   Xira Regional Court.
       19. On 29 July 1982,  because of the impending court vacation,
   the competent judge decided to bring the hearings  forward  to  20
   October 1982. The hearings were duly held on that day.
       Judgment was given on 25  October  1982.  The  Regional  Court
   found  for  the  plaintiffs;  it  held  that they were entitled to
   damages from the defendants within the limits of the statement  of
   claim  but  subject  to  the  proviso  that  the  liability of the
   "Tranquilidade"  Insurance  Company  could  not   exceed   200,000
   Escudos. The Regional Court awarded Mr. D. Lopes, compensation for
   repairs to the car and for pecuniary and non-pecuniary  prejudice.
   In the case of Mr.  Guincho, on the other hand, it considered that
   the amount of the award could not yet be assessed, and it reserved
   the  decision  on quantum for the procedure for "execution" of the
   judgment (liquidacao en execucao de sentenca) in  accordance  with
   Article 661 para.  2 of the Code of Civil Procedure.  The judgment
   was notified in writing to the applicant on 3 November.
       The Regional  Court  subsequently  liquidated  the  costs  and
   expenses,  having varied its decision with regard to this point in
   December  1982.  The applicant was given notification thereof on 9
   December 1982 and then on 17 January 1983.
       None of the parties appealed.
       20. On 22 September 1983,  Mr.  Guincho sought "execution"  of
   the  judgment in the Vila Franca de Xira Regional Court.  Prior to
   that,  he had received from the "Tranquiladade" Insurance  Company
   part of the sum claimed.
       According to the evidence adduced before the Court,  the  Vila
   Franca  de  Xira  Regional  Court has not yet fixed the quantum of
   compensation to be awarded to the applicant.
                     The socio-political situation
       21. The Government stressed that  at  the  relevant  time  the
   Portuguese   legal   system   had  to  operate  under  exceptional
   circumstances on account of the restoration of democracy in  April
   1974,  the  need  to consolidate the newly set up institutions and
   the repatriation of  almost  a  million  people  from  the  former
   colonies. The domestic courts had to be reorganised in a period of
   serious economic recession.  From 1974  to  1979,  the  volume  of
   litigation almost doubled.
       On 25 April 1974,  there were only 336 judges in office,  that
   is  approximately  four times fewer judges per inhabitant than the
   European average; by the end of 1983, the number had risen to 952.
   In 1976,  court administration posts totalled 2,844,  including 20
   per cent vacant;  currently, on the other hand, 5,566 of the 5,714
   existing posts are filled.
       After the Constitution was published in 1976, several measures
   relating  to  the  administration of justice were taken.  Notably,
   access to legal aid was improved,  Acts governing  the  judiciary,
   the  Supreme  Council  of  the  Judiciary  and  the  office of the
   Procurador-Geral were passed,  a judicial re-organisation  of  the
   territory was carried out and a Centre of Judicial Studies (Centro
   de Estudos Judiciarios) was set up to train  judges  and  judicial
          Situation at the Vila Franca de Xira Regional Court
       22. Against  this  general background,  the population of Vila
   Franca de Xira increased by nearly one quarter  between  1978  and
   1984,  partly because of the privileged position of the town on an
   important main road and partly because of  the  influx  of  people
   repatriated from the former colonies.
       According  to  the statistics supplied by the Government,  the
   number of cases,  both civil and criminal,  before the chambers of
   the Vila Franca de Xira Regional Court increased sharply: 2,377 in
   1976,  2,705  in 1977,  4,079 in 1978,  4,175 in 1979 and 5,485 in
   1980.  As  far  as  civil  actions  were concerned,  the following
   figures were cited:
       1978 - first chamber: 206
              second chamber: 199
       1979 - first chamber: 457
              second chamber: 337
       1980 - first chamber: 579
              second chamber: 508
       23. The established posts of judge in  the  second  and  first
   chambers of the Vila Franca de Xira Regional Court remained vacant
   for more than five months (from 7 January 1979 to  26  June  1979)
   and  nine months (21 June 1979 - 8 April 1980),  respectively.  On
   each occasion,  the judge sitting in the other chamber was obliged
   to deputise during the period of vacancy; in particular, the judge
   of the first chamber acted in this way  in  the  applicant's  case
   (see paragraph 11 above).
       24. According to  uncontested  information  furnished  by  Mr.
   Guincho's  representative,  the lawyers in Vila Franca de Xira met
   on 14 December 1979 and drew the attention of the Supreme  Council
   of  the  Judiciary  and  the  Minister of Justice to the "chaotic"
   situation of the Regional Court and asked for urgent  measures  to
   be  taken,  in  particular  the  appointment  of another permanent
   judge,  three seconded assistant judges, an investigating judge, a
   registrar and six court officials whose posts were then vacant.
       On 18 February 1980,  they raised the matter  again  with  the
   Minister  of  Justice.  On  29  May,  they  sent a telegram to the
   Supreme Council of the Judiciary once more urging the  appointment
   of judges and emphasising that it was "humanly impossible" for the
   two judges in office to cope with the  backlog  of  cases.  On  27
   February  1981,  they made further representations to the Minister
   and the Supreme Council.
       On  19  March  1981,  the  judge of the second chamber himself
   requested  the  relevant  department of the Ministry of Justice to
   recruit a number of court officials as a matter of urgency.
                     Steps taken by the Government
       25. The Government pointed out that from 1 October 1980 to  19
   February 1981,  the four judges sitting on the Vila Franca de Xira
   Regional  Court  were  aided  by  a  seconded   assistant   judge.
   Furthermore,  as  from  March  1981,  the  Supreme  Council of the
   Judiciary decided that three judges from Lisbon should work  on  a
   part-time basis in in the Vila Franca de Xira Regional Court.
       The number of court officials varied as follows:
       1977: 14 out of 17 posts filled;
       1978: 15 out of 23 posts filled;
       1979: 27 out of 33 posts filled;
       1980: 24 out of 27 posts filled;
       1981: 23 out of 26 posts filled;
       1984: 33 posts, all filled.
       According to  the  Government,  the  Supreme  Council  of  the
   Judiciary recommended especial speediness in the  conduct  of  the
   applicant's case.
                   Proceedings before the Commission
       26. In  his  application of 20 May 1980 to the Commission (no.
   8990/80),  Mr.  Guincho  complained  of  the   length   of   civil
   proceedings  he  had  instituted  on  7  December 1978 in the Vila
   Franca de Xira Regional Court and relied  on  Article  6  para.  1
   (art. 6-1) of the Convention.
       27. The Commission declared the application  admissible  on  6
   July 1982.  In its report of 10 March 1983 (Article 31) (art. 31),
   it expressed the unanimous opinion that there had been a violation
   of Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1). The full text of the Commission's
   opinion is reproduced as an annex to the present judgment. (*)
                             AS TO THE LAW
          I. Alleged violation of Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1)
       28. The applicant  complained  of  the  length  of  the  civil
   proceedings brought by himself and Mr. Lopes in the Vila Franca de
   Xira Regional Court.  He invoked Article 6 para.  1 (art.  6-1) of
   the Convention, which provides:
       "In the determination of his civil rights and obligations ...,
   everyone is entitled to a ...  hearing within a reasonable time by
   a ... tribunal ..."
       The civil   character   of  the  litigation  being  clear  and
   undisputed,  the sole issue to be decided in the present  case  is
   whether  the  "reasonable time" requirement was complied with.  In
   the Commission's opinion,  it  was  not,  whereas  the  Government
   argued that there had been no violation.
                   A. Period to be taken into account
       29. The  starting  point  of  the relevant period - likewise a
   matter on which there was no dispute - was 7  December  1978,  the
   date  proceedings  were  instituted before the Vila Franca de Xira
   Regional Court (see paragraph 10 above).
       In the submission of the Government,  the relevant "time" came
   to a close on 25 October 1982 with the judgment  which  held  that
   Mr. Guincho was entitled to damages but reserved the assessment of
   the quantum for the procedure for "execution" of the  ruling  (see
   paragraph 19 above).
       The Court,  like the Commission,  finds that this judgment did
   not constitute the final decision since the Regional Court had not
   yet assessed the  damages  to  be  awarded  to  Mr.  Guincho  (see
   paragraph 65 of the report).  The Court notes that the action fell
   into two phases,  the first one lasting until 25 October 1982  and
   the   second  one,  as  yet  uncompleted,  being  the  "execution"
   procedure. The latter procedure, which was entirely dependent upon
   the  initiative  being  taken by the applicant,  was not commenced
   until 23 September 1983, that is after approximately eleven months
   (see  paragraph  20  above);  on the basis of the evidence adduced
   before the Court,  it cannot be open to any criticism.  The  Court
   will  consequently  confine  its  examination  to the first phase,
   which ran from 7 December 1978 until 25 October 1982 (three years,
   ten months and eighteen days).
       30. Such  a  lapse  of  time  would  at   first   sight   seem
   unreasonable  for  a  single  jurisdictional  level (see,  mutatis
   mutandis,  the Zimmermann and Steiner judgment of  13  July  1983,
   Series A no. 66, p. 11, para. 23), especially considering that the
   judgment in question concerned  solely  the  first  phase  of  the
   action   and   did  not  constitute  the  final  decision  on  the
   applicant's claims.  It thus calls  for  close  examination  under
   Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1).
                         B. Criteria applicable
       31. The  reasonableness  of the length of proceedings is to be
   assessed in each case according to  the  particular  circumstances
   and  having  regard  to  the  criteria  laid  down  in the Court's
   case-law (see,  inter alia,  the  above-mentioned  Zimmermann  and
   Steiner judgment, ibid., p. 11, para. 24).
       32. In Portugal,  the Government pointed out,  civil procedure
   is  governed  by  the so-called "principle of determination":  the
   power of initiative rests with the parties (Article 264 para. 1 of
   the  Code  of Civil Procedure) who must take all appropriate steps
   to further the expeditious  conduct  of  the  litigation.  In  the
   opinion of the Court, this principle does not however dispense the
   courts from ensuring  the  expeditious  trial  of  the  action  as
   required by Article 6 (art. 6) (see the Buchholz judgment of 6 May
   1981,  Series A no. 42, p. 16, para. 50). Moreover, Portuguese law
   places  judges  under a duty to show diligence (Article 266 of the
   said Code);  in addition,  Article 68 of  the  Road  Traffic  Code
   provides  that  cases  such as Mr.  Guincho's should be dealt with
   under the summary procedure which  is  characterised  by,  amongst
   other  things,  reduction  of  some  time-limits (see paragraph 10
                       1. Complexity of the case
       33. The Government acknowledged that the case was not  complex
   in  substance.  They  nonetheless  contended  that the case became
   complex through the behaviour of the parties,  in particular as  a
   result  of  the interlocutory application by the insurance company
   and the failure of witnesses and lawyers to appear (see paragraphs
   12, 15  - 16 and 18 above).  In the opinion of the Commission,  on
   the other hand,  the proceedings did  not  entail  any  particular
       The Court agrees  with  the  latter  view:  the  circumstances
   adverted  to  by  the Government did not complicate the conduct of
   the proceedings in a manner unusual for such litigation.
                      2. Conduct of the applicant
       34. According  to  the  Government,  Mr.  Guincho  could  have
   accelerated  the  progress  of  the  proceedings  by  addressing a
   complaint to the Supreme Council of the  Judiciary.  In  addition,
   various  delays,  for example with regard to the appearance of the
   witnesses Maria Silva and Adriano da Cruz Surreira,  were said  to
   be  as  much  the  responsibility of the applicant as of the other
   parties. At the very least, so the Government maintained, no blame
   could  be  laid  at the door of the Portuguese authorities for the
   period subsequent to 25 October 1982.
       The Court  has  already  given its ruling on this latter point
   (see paragraph 29 above).  With regard to the remaining arguments,
   the  Court would firstly note that the applicant was under no duty
   to refer the matter to  the  Supreme  Council  of  the  Judiciary.
   Furthermore,  the  taking  of such a step would not have shortened
   the duration of the procedure,  since at most the Supreme  Council
   could have imposed disciplinary sanctions,  if appropriate, on any
   judges or officials at fault. Next, although the furnishing by Mr.
   Guincho  of  an  incorrect  address  may have somewhat delayed the
   hearing of Mrs. Silva (see paragraphs 15 and 16 above), the period
   of  time  involved  is  insignificant in comparison with the total
   length of the proceedings.  The other circumstances set out by the
   Government,  and  in particular the failure to appear of witnesses
   and of lawyers for the defendants, cannot, in the Court's view, be
   held against the applicant.
       In sum,  the dilatory nature  of  the  proceedings  cannot  be
   attributed to the applicant.
                3. Conduct of the Portuguese authorities
       35. From  the  evidence  adduced,  it  can be seen that on two
   occasions the case remained dormant: from 9 December 1978 until 18
   June  1979,  that is more than six months,  for the execution of a
   request sent to Lisbon for service of the writ on the  defendants,
   and then from 4 July 1979 until 28 January 1981, that is more than
   a year and a half,  for the transmission of the defence  pleadings
   to the plaintiffs (see paragraphs 11 and 13 above).
       The Government acknowledged that matters were  held  up  to  a
   certain  extent  during the two periods mentioned above,  but they
   drew a distinction betwen the rhythm at which the action proceeded
   and its overall length; in the Government's submission, the latter
   factor alone was material for the purposes of Article  6  para.  1
   (art.  6-1)  and,  in  the  particular circumstances,  the overall
   length of the action was acceptable.
       The applicant   contended   that  the  existence  of  a  total
   cessation of activity during  two  years  adversely  affected  the
   proceedings as a whole.
       36. The Court concurs in principle with the  latter  view.  It
   would  also  note  that the two periods of almost total inactivity
   related to the performance of procedural acts of a purely  routine
   character,  such  as the service of the writ on the defendants and
   the transmission of the defence pleadings to the plaintiffs. These
   periods  could  thus  have been justified only by very exceptional
   circumstances  (see,   mutatis   mutandis,   the   above-mentioned
   Zimmermann and Steiner judgment,  Series A no. 66, p. 12, para. 27
   in fine).
       37. According  to  the  Government,  the  abnormalities in the
   proceedings before both the Vila Franca de Xira Regional Court and
   the   Lisbon  Regional  Court  resulted  from  the  disruption  of
   institutions that accompanied Portugal's return to democracy  (see
   paragraph 21 above).
       At the same time,  the Government contended,  the country  was
   confronted  with a sudden and unforeseen increase in the volume of
   litigation.  In consequence,  judges with little  experience  were
   called   on   to   administer   justice  in  overburdened  courts.
   Nonetheless,  the competent authorities,  and notably the  Supreme
   Council  of  the  Judiciary,  did  what  they  could  to  take the
   necessary remedial action (see paragraph 25 above).
       38. The  Court recognises the value of the first argument.  It
   cannot overlook that the restoration of democracy  as  from  April
   1974  led Portugal to carry out an overhaul of its judicial system
   in troubled circumstances which were without equivalent in most of
   the   other  European  countries  and  which  were  rendered  more
   difficult by the process of  decolonisation  as  well  as  by  the
   economic  crisis  (see paragraph 21 above).  Nor does the Court in
   any way underestimate the efforts taken to improve  the  citizen's
   access  to  justice  and  the  administration  of  the courts,  in
   particular after the promulgation of the Constitution in 1976 (see
   paragraph 21 above).
       Nonetheless, the Court must on  this  issue  concur  with  the
   views  of  the  Commission  and  the  applicant.  In ratifying the
   Convention,  Portugal guaranteed to  "secure  to  everyone  within
   [its]  jurisdiction  the rights and freedoms defined in Section I"
   (Article 1)  (art.  1).  In  particular,  Portugal  undertook  the
   obligation  of  organising  its  legal  system  so  as  to  ensure
   compliance with the requirements of Article 6 para.  1 (art. 6-1),
   including  that  of  trial  within  a  "reasonable  time" (see the
   above-mentioned Zimmermann and Steiner judgment,  Series A no. 66,
   p.  12, para. 29). The Court would once more draw attention to the
   extreme  importance   of   this   requirement   for   the   proper
   administration of justice.
       39. Furthermore,  and without ignoring the general  background
   outlined  above,  the  Court  would  point  out  that  its task is
   confined in principle to the examination of  the  particular  case
   before it, which essentially concerns one specific court.
       At the Vila Franca de Xira Regional Court,  for  more  than  a
   year  a single judge had to deal with the business of two chambers
   because of an unfilled vacancy:  the post of judge was  vacant  in
   the  second  chamber from 7 January until 26 June 1979 and then in
   the first chamber from 21 June 1979 until 8  April  1980.  At  the
   same time,  there was a sharp rise in the number of pending cases,
   which more than doubled between 1976 and 1980 (see  paragraphs  22
   and 23 above).
       In order to eliminate the accumulated backlog,  the  competent
   authorities decided in October 1980 to appoint an assistant judge;
   in March 1981, they dispatched from Lisbon three judges to work in
   Vila  Franca  de  Xira  on  a  part-time  basis;  the staff of the
   registry was also greatly increased (see paragraph 25 above).
       40. According  to  the  established  case-law of the Court,  a
   temporary  backlog  of  court  business  does   not   engage   the
   international  responsibility  of  the  State  concerned under the
   Convention provided that the State takes effective remedial action
   with the requisite promptness (see,  as the most recent authority,
   the  above-mentioned  Zimmermann  and  Steiner  judgment,  p.  12,
   para. 29).
       In the present case,  the Court notes,  as did the Commission,
   that  the  growth  in  the  burden of work was spread over several
   years.  The Court would recall that following the promulgation  of
   the Constitution in 1976,  various measures were introduced with a
   view to improving the citizen's access to justice,  at a time when
   nearly a million persons repatriated from the former colonies were
   being resettled in Portugal (see paragraphs 21 and 38  above).  In
   these  conditions,  an  appreciable  expansion  in  the  volume of
   litigation was to be expected.  In addition,  by December 1979 the
   lawyers  practising  at Vila Franca de Xira had brought the matter
   to the attention of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary  and  the
   Minister of Justice (see paragraph 24 above).
       However, in the face of a state of affairs that had  developed
   into  one  of structural organisation,  the steps taken in October
   1980 and March  1981  were  evidently  insufficient  and  belated.
   Although reflecting the will to tackle the problem,  they were, by
   their very nature,  incapable of  achieving  satisfactory  results
   (see, mutatis mutandis, the above-mentioned Zimmermann and Steiner
   judgment, Series A no. 66, p. 13, para. 31).
       41. Having  regard  to all the circumstances of the case,  the
   Court concludes that the exceptional difficulties  encountered  in
   Portugal  were  not  such  as  to  deprive  the  applicant  of his
   entitlement to a judicial determination within "a reasonable time"
   (ibid.,  p.  13, para. 32). There has accordingly been a breach of
   Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1).
                II. Application of Article 50 (art. 50)
       42. Article 50 (art. 50) reads as follows:
       "If the  Court  finds  that a decision or a measure taken by a
   legal authority or any other authority of a High Contracting Party
   is  completely  or  partially  in  conflict  with  the obligations
   arising from the ...  Convention,  and if the internal law of  the
   said  Party  allows  only  partial  reparation  to be made for the
   consequences of this decision or  measure,  the  decision  of  the
   Court shall, if necessary, afford just satisfaction to the injured
       In his  written  comments  of  27 February 1984,  Mr.  Guincho
   sought under the head of just satisfaction the  interest  that  he
   would  have  earned  in  two  years on the damages - had they been
   recovered - of 350,000 Escudos claimed in his civil action.
       43. The  Government  stated  that  Portuguese case-law already
   allows account to be taken of inflation and monetary erosion.  The
   applicant's lawyer had, it was said, raised to 700,000 Escudos his
   client's claims when replying on 9 February 1981  to  the  defence
   pleadings  (see  paragraph  13 above);  yet,  in the procedure for
   "execution" of the judgment, the lawyer had limited himself to the
   initial sum specified.
       Mr. Guincho contended, on the other hand, that inflation rates
   and   interest   due  on  account  of  the  inordinate  length  of
   proceedings constitute two different things and that in any  event
   he had been obliged to curtail his claims since the sum covered by
   the insurance policy was subject to a maximum ceiling  of  200,000
       44. The Court would recall that the failure  to  ensure  trial
   within  a  "reasonable  time" stemmed directly from two periods of
   almost total inactivity on the part of the Regional Courts of Vila
   Franca de Xira and Lisbon (see paragraph 35 above);  these periods
   total more than two years.  The resultant lapse of time, which was
   additional  to the normal length of the proceedings,  delayed to a
   corresponding extent the completion of the  litigation.  Not  only
   did it reduce the effectiveness of the action brought, but it also
   placed the  applicant  in  a  state  of  uncertainty  which  still
   persists  and in such a position that even a final decision in his
   favour will not be able  to  provide  compensation  for  the  lost
       Accordingly, the Court awards Mr.  Guincho the sum of  150,000
   Escudos by way of just satisfaction for the purposes of Article 50
   (art. 50).
       1. Holds that there has been a breach of  Article  6  para.  1
   (art. 6-1);
       2. Holds that the respondent State is to pay the applicant one
   hundred  and  fifty  thousand  (150,000)  Escudos under Article 50
   (art. 50).
       Done in  English  and  in French at the Human Rights Building,
   Strasbourg,  this tenth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and
                                            Signed: For the President
                                       Walter GANSHOF VAN DER MEERSCH
                                            Signed: For the Registrar
                                                      Herbert PETZOLD
                                                     Deputy Registrar

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