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(по состоянию на 20 октября 2006 года)

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                       OF DIFFERENT FAMILY NAMES
                           (Hague, 8.IX.1982)
       The States  signatories  to  this  Convention,  members of the
   International Commission on Civil Status,
       Wishing to  alleviate  the difficulties encountered by certain
   persons to whom one State attributes a family name different  from
   that attributed to them in another State,
       Have agreed as follows:
                               Article 1
       1. The certificate of attribution  of  different  family names
   established  by this Convention is intended to facilitate proof of
   identity for persons who,  owing to differences in the legislation
   of  certain  States,  in  particular  with  respect  to  marriage,
   filiation or adoption, are known by different family names.
       2. The sole purpose of the said certificate is to certify that
   the various family names recorded therein under  different  bodies
   of legislation refer to one and the same person. It shall not have
   the effect of undermining legal provisions governing names.
                               Article 2
       The certificate referred to in the preceding article shall  be
   issued,  upon presentation of supporting documents, to any person,
   either by the competent authorities of the  contracting  State  of
   which  he  is  a  national  or by the competent authorities of the
   contracting State under whose legislation  he,  although  being  a
   national of another State, has been attributed a family name other
   than that attributed under his national legislation.
                               Article 3
       A certificate  issued in accordance with this Convention shall
   be accepted in every contracting State as attesting,  until proved
   otherwise,  the  accuracy of the entries it contains regarding the
   different family names of the person concerned.
                               Article 4
       For purposes of the application of this  Convention,  refugees
   and  stateless  persons whose personal status is determined by the
   law of a contracting State shall be considered nationals  of  that
                               Article 5
       The certificate of attribution of different family names shall
   conform to the model annexed to this Convention.
       No modification of that model may be  made  by  a  contracting
   State  without  the prior approval of the International Commission
   on Civil Status.
                               Article 6
       All entries in the certificate shall be written in the printed
   Roman  alphabet;  they may also be written in the  alphabet of the
   language of the authority issuing the certificate.
                               Article 7
       1. Dates  shall  be  written  in  Arabic  numerals  indicating
   successively the day, the month and the year under the symbols JO,
   МО,  and AN.  The day and the month  shall  be  indicated  by  two
   figures,  the  year  by  four figures.  The first nine days of the
   month and the fust nine months of the year shall be  indicated  by
   figures from 01 to 09.
       2. When a place mentioned in the certificate  is  not  in  the
   State  of  the authority issuing the certificate,  the name of the
   place shall be followed by the name of the State in  which  it  is
       3. The following symbols shall be used exclusively:
       - To indicate the masculine sex, the letter M, to indicate the
   female sex, the letter F,
       - To  indicate nationality,  the letters used to designate the
   country for purposes of vehicle registration,
       - To indicate refugee status, the letters REF,
       - To indicate stateless status, the letters АРА.
                               Article 8
       If the competent authority is  unable  to  fill  the  allotted
   space or a part thereof, lines shall be drawn across that space or
   part thereof to render it unusable.
                               Article 9
       1. On the front of each certificate,  the invariable headings,
   except  for the symbols concerning dates referred to in article 7,
   shall be printed in at least two languages, including the language
   or   one  of  the  official  languages  of  the  State  where  the
   certificate is issued and the French language.
       2. The  meaning  of the symbols shall be indicated in at least
   the language or one of the official languages of each State  which
   is a member of the International Commission on Civil Status at the
   time this Convention is signed, and in the English language.
       3. The  back  of  each certificate shall contain the following
       - A  reference to the Convention in the languages mentioned in
   paragraph 2 of this article,
       - A  translation  of  the invariable headings in the languages
   mentioned in paragraph 2 of this article,  if those languages were
   not used on the front,
       - A summary of articles 5,  6,  7 and 8 of the Convention,  at
   least  in  the  language  or  one of the official languages of the
   State of the issuing authority of the certificate.
       4. Any  translation  must  be  approved  by  the Bureau of the
   International Coimmission on Civil Status.
                               Article 10
       1. Certificates shall be dated,  signed  and  stamped  by  the
   issuing authority.
       2. They shall be exempt from authentication or any  equivalent
   formality on the territory of the contracting States.
                               Article 11
       1. Upon signing, ratifying, accepting or approving or acceding
   to this Convention,  each contracting State  shall  designate  the
   authorities which are competent to issue the certificate.
       2. Any subsequent change in that designation shall be reported
   to the Swiss Federal Council.
                               Article 12
       This Convention shall be ratified,  accepted or approved,  and
   the instruments of ratification,  acceptance or approval shall  be
   deposited with the Swiss Federal Council.
                               Article 13
       1. This Convention shall enter into force with effect from the
   first day of the third month following the deposit of  the  second
   instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
       2. For a State which ratifies,  accepts,  adopts or accedes to
   it  after  it  has entered into force,  the Convention shall enter
   into force on the first day of the third month following the  date
   of  the  deposit  by that State of its instrument of ratification,
   acceptance, approval or accession.
                               Article 14
       Any State member of  the  International  Commission  on  Civil
   Status,  the  European  Communities  or  the Council of Europe may
   accede to this Convention.  The instrument of accession  shall  be
   deposited with the Swiss Federal Council.
                               Article 15
       No reservations to this Convention shall be permitted.
                               Article 16
       1. Any State may,  upon signature,  ratification,  acceptance,
   approval or accession or at any time subsequent  thereto,  declare
   that  the  applicability  of  this Convention shall be extended to
   all,  one or several of the territories  for  whose  international
   relations it is responsible.
       2. The Swiss Federal Council shall be  notified  of  the  said
   declaration  and  the  extension shall take effect at the time the
   Convention enters into force for the said State or,  subsequently,
   on  the  first  day  of  the  third month following receipt of the
       3. Any   declaration   of   extension   may  be  withdrawn  by
   notification addressed  to  the  Swiss  Federal  Council  and  the
   Convention shall cease to be applicable to the territory concerned
   on the first day of the third month following the receipt  of  the
   said notification.
                               Article 17
       1. This Convention shall remain in force indefinitely.
       2. However,  any State party to this Convention shall have the
   option  of  dehouncing  it  at any time after a period of one year
   from the date of the entry into force of the Convention in respect
   of that State.  The Swiss Federal Council shall be notified of the
   denunciation,  which shall take effect on the  first  day  of  the
   sixth  month  following  the  receipt  of  the  notification.  The
   Convention shall remain in force in the other States.
                               Article 18
       1. The Swiss Federal Council shall notify the  States  members
   of  the  International  Commission  on  Civil Status and any other
   State which has acceded to this Convention of:
       (a) The deposit of any instrument of ratification, acceptance,
   approval or accession;
       (b) Any date of entry into force of the Convention;
       (c) Any declaration concerning the  territorial  extension  of
   the  Convention  or withdrawal thereof and the date on which it is
   to take effect;
       (d) Any  denunciation  of the Convention and the date on which
   it is to take effect;
       (e) Any  designation  of  the  competent  authorities  made in
   implementation of article 11,  paragraph 1,  and any  change  made
   pursuant to paragraph 2 of that article.
       2. The   Swiss    Federal    Council    shall    advise    the
   Secretary-General  of the International Commission on Civil Status
   of any notification submitted pursuant to paragraph 1.
       3. Upon  the entry into force of this Convention,  a certified
   copy shall be transmitted by the  Swiss  Federal  Council  to  the
   Secretary-General  of  the  United  Nations  for  the  purposes of
   registration and publication,  in accordance with Article  102  of
   the Charter of the United Nations.
       In witness whereof the undersigned,  duly authorized for  this
   purpose, have signed this Convention.
       Done at the Hague on 8 September  1982  in  one  copy  in  the
   French  language,  which shall be deposited in the archives of the
   Swiss Federal Council,  and of which a  certified  copy  shall  be
   transmitted through the diplomatic channel to each member State of
   the International Commission on Civil Status and to  the  acceding
   States.  A  certified  copy  shall  also  be  transmitted  to  the
   Secretary-General of the International Commission on Civil Status.
   ¦  1 ¦ State:..............................
                    ¦  2 ¦ Issuing authority:........................
   ¦  3 ¦ Certificate of attribution of different family names
   ¦  4 ¦ This certificate shall not undermine the legal provisions
   L----- governing names
                    ¦  5 ¦ The undersigned authority certifies that
   ¦  6 ¦ Family name in the state listed above:                    ¦
   ¦  7 ¦ Given names:                                              ¦
   ¦  8 ¦ Sex:      ¦  9 ¦ Place and number                         ¦
   ¦    ¦           L----- of the family register:                  ¦
   ¦ 10 ¦ Nationality <*>:                                          ¦
   ¦ 11 ¦ Date and place          JO    MO    AN                    ¦
   ¦    ¦ of birth:              -¬-¬  -¬-¬  -¬-¬-¬-¬               ¦
   ¦    ¦                        L-L-  L-L-  L-L-L-L-               ¦
                    ¦ 12 ¦ Is, according to the evidence provided,
                    L----- designated in:
   ¦ 13 ¦ State attributing                                         ¦
   ¦    ¦ a different family name:                                  ¦
                    ¦ 14 ¦ By the family name
   ¦ 15 ¦ Different family name                                     ¦
   -----¬                         JO    MO    AN
   ¦ 16 ¦ Date of issue,         -¬-¬  -¬-¬  -¬-¬-¬-¬
   L----- Signature, Stamp       L-L-  L-L-  L-L-L-L-
       <*> Enter letters used to designate the country  for  purposes
   of vehicle registration.
       Enter REF for refugee and АРА for stateless.
   JO:  Jour - Tag - Day - Dia - Huepa - Giorno - Dag - Dia - Gun
   MO:  Mois - Monat - Month - Mes - Mnvac - Mese - Maand - Mes - Ay
   AN:  Annee - Jahr - Year - Ano - Eroc - Anno - Jaar -  Ano - Yil
   M:   Masculin  -  Mannlich  -  Masculine  -  Masculino  - Avbpac -
        Maschile - Mannelijk - Masculino - Erkek
   F:   Feminin - Weiblich - Female - Femenino - Guvaika -  Femminile
        - Vrouwelijk - Feminino - Kadin
   REF: Refugie - Fluchtling - Refugee  -  Refugiado  -  Ppoofuyac  -
        Rifugiato - Vluchteling - Refugiado - Multeci
   АРА: Apatride-Staatenloser   -   Stateless  -   Apatrida  -  Xwpic
        ithayeveia - Apolide - Staatloze - Apatrida - Vatansiz
   Certificate issued  in  implementation of the Convention signed at
   The Hague on 8 September 1982
   ¦  1 ¦                                                           ¦
   ¦  2 ¦                                                           ¦
   ¦  3 ¦                                                           ¦
   ¦  4 ¦                                                           ¦
   ¦  5 ¦                                                           ¦
   ¦  6 ¦                                                           ¦
   ¦  7 ¦                                                           ¦
   ¦  8 ¦                                                           ¦
   ¦  9 ¦                                                           ¦
   ¦ 10 ¦                                                           ¦
   ¦ 11 ¦                                                           ¦
   ¦ 12 ¦                                                           ¦
   ¦ 13 ¦                                                           ¦
   ¦ 14 ¦                                                           ¦
   ¦ 15 ¦                                                           ¦
   ¦ 16 ¦                                                           ¦
       Entries should be written in the printed Roman alphabet;  they
   may  also  be  written  in  the  alphabet  of  the language of the
   authority issuing the certificate.
       Dates should   be   written   in  Arabic  numerals  indicating
   successively the day, the month and the year under the symbols JO,
   MO  and  AN.  The  day  and  the  month should be indicated by two
   figures,  the year by four figures.  The first nine  days  of  the
   month and the first nine months of the year should be indicated by
   figures from 01 to 09.
       When a  place mentioned in the certificate is not in the State
   of the authority issuing the certificate,  the name of  the  place
   should  be  followed  by  the  name  of  the  State in which it is
       If the authority issuing the certificate is unable to fill the
   allotted space or a part thereof, lines shall be drawn across that
   space or part thereof to render it unusable.
       Any modification of the certificate model and any  translation
   must  be submitted to the International Commission on Civil Status
   for approval.

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