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(по состоянию на 20 октября 2006 года)

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                         MULTILATERAL PROTOCOL
                          (Geneva, 3.IV.1982)
       The Contracting Parties to the present Protocol,
       Being Parties  to  the  Convention  for  the Protection of the
   Mediterranean Sea  against  Pollution,  adopted  at  Barcelona  on
   16 February 1976,
       Conscious of  the  danger  threatening  the environment of the
   Mediterranean Sea Area as a whole, in view of the increasing human
   activities in the region,
       Taking into account the special  hydrographic  and  ecological
   characteristics of the Mediterranean Sea Area,
       Stressing the importance of protecting  and,  as  appropriate,
   improving  the state of the natural resources and natural sites of
   the Mediterranean Sea,  as well as of their cultural  heritage  in
   the  region,  among  other means by the establishment of specially
   protected areas including marine areas and their environment.
       Desirous of  establishing  close co-operation among themselves
   in order to achieve that objective,
       Have agreed as follows:
                               Article 1
       1. The  Contracting  Parties  to  this  Protocol  (hereinafter
   referred  to as "the Parties") shall take all appropriate measures
   with a view to protecting those marine areas which  are  important
   for  the  safeguard  of the natural resources and natural sites of
   the Mediterranean Sea Area,  as well as for the safeguard of their
   cultural heritage in the region.
       2. Nothing in this Protocol shall prejudice  the  codification
   and  development  of  the  law  of  the  sea by the United Nations
   Conference  on  the  Law  of  the   Sea   convened   pursuant   to
   Resolution 2750  C  (XXV)  of the General  Assembly  of the United
   Nations,  nor the present or future claims and legal views of  any
   State  concerning  the law of the sea and the nature and extent of
   coastal and flag State jurisdiction.
                               Article 2
       For the purposes of the  designation  of  specially  protected
   areas (hereinafter referred to as "protected areas"),  the area to
   which this Protocol applies shall be the Mediterranean Sea Area as
   defined  in  article 1 of the Convention for the Protection of the
   Mediterranean Sea against Pollution (hereinafter  referred  to  as
   "the Convention");  it being understood that,  for the purposes of
   the present Protocol,  it shall  be  limited  to  the  territorial
   waters  of the Parties and may include waters on the landward side
   of the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial  sea  is
   measured  and  extending,  in the case of watercourses,  up to the
   freshwater limit.  It may also include wetlands or  coastal  areas
   designated by each of the Parties.
                               Article 3
       1. The  Parties  shall,  to  the  extent  possible,  establish
   protected areas  and  shall  endeavour  to  undertake  the  action
   necessary  in  order  to protect those areas and,  as appropriate,
   restore them, as rapidly as possible.
       2. Such areas shall be established in order  to  safeguard  in
       a) - Sites of biological and ecological value;
       - The  genetic  diversity,  as well as satisfactory population
   levels, of species, and their breeding grounds and habitats;
       - Representative  types  of ecosystems,  as well as ecological
       b) Sites of particular importance because of their scientific,
   aesthetic,  historical,  archaeological,  cultural  or   education
                               Article 4
       The Parties to this Protocol shall,  at their  first  meeting,
   formulate  and  adopt,  if  necessary  in  co-operation  with  the
   competent international organizations,  common guidelines and,  if
   needed, standards or criteria dealing in particular with:
       a) The selection of protected areas;
       b) The establishment of protected areas;
       c) The management of protected areas;
       d) The notification of information on protected areas.
                               Article 5
       The Parties  may strengthen the protection of a protected area
   by establishing,  within the area to which this Protocol  applies,
   one  or  more  buffer  areas in which activities are less severely
   restricted while remaining compatible with  the  purposes  of  the
   protected area.
                               Article 6
       1. If a Party intends to establish a protected area contiguous
   to the  frontier  or  to  the  limits  of  the  zone  of  national
   jurisdiction  of  another Party,  the competent authorities of the
   two Parties shall endeavour to consult each other with a  view  to
   reaching  agreement  on the measures to be taken and shall,  among
   other things,  examine the possibility of the establishment by the
   other  Party  of a corresponding protected area or the adoption by
   it of any other appropriate measure.
       2. If a Party intends to establish a protected area contiguous
   to the  frontier  or  to  the  limits  of  the  zone  of  national
   jurisdiction of a State which is not a party to this Protocol, the
   Party  shall  endeavour  to  work  together  with  the   competent
   authorities of that State with a view to holding the consultations
   referred to in the preceding paragraph.
       3. If  contiguous  protected  areas  are  established  by  two
   Parties,  or by one Party and by a State which is not a  party  to
   this  Protocol,  special  agreements  may  provide  for  the means
   whereby the consultation  or  the  collaboration  contemplated  in
   paragraphs 1 and 2 respectively may take place.
       4. If a State which is not a party to this Protocol intends to
   establish  a  protected  area contiguous to the frontier or to the
   limits of the zone of national jurisdiction of  a  Party  to  this
   Protocol,  the  latter  shall endeavour to work together with that
   State  with  a  view  to  holding  consultations,   and   possibly
   concluding a special agreement as referred to in paragraph 3.
                               Article 7
       The Parties,  having  regard  to  the  objectives  pursued and
   taking into account the characteristics of  each  protected  area,
   shall,   in  conformity  with  the  rules  of  international  law,
   progressively take the measures required, which may include:
       a) The organization of a planning and management system;
       b) The prohibition of the dumping or discharge  of  wastes  or
   other matter which may impair the protected area;
       c) The regulation of the passage of ships and any stopping  or
       d) The regulation of fishing and hunting and of the capture of
   animals and harvesting of plants;
       e) The prohibition of the destruction of plant life or animals
   and of the introduction of exotic species;
       f) The regulation of any act likely to  harm  or  disturb  the
   fauna   or   flora,   including  the  introduction  of  indigenous
   zoological or botanical species;
       g) The regulation of any activity involving the exploration or
   exploitation of the sea-bed or its subsoil or  a  modification  of
   the sea-bed profile;
       h) The regulation of any activity involving a modification  of
   the  profile of the soil or the exploitation of the subsoil of the
   land part of a marine protected area;
       i) The  regulation  of  any archaeological activity and of the
   removal of any object which may be considered as an archaeological
       j) The regulation  of  trade  in  and  import  and  export  of
   animals,   parts   of   animals,   plants,  parts  of  plants  and
   archaeological objects which originate in protected areas and  are
   subject to measures of protection;
       k) Any other measure  aimed  at  safeguarding  ecological  and
   biological processes in protected areas.
                               Article 8
       1. The   Parties  shall  give  appropriate  publicity  to  the
   establishment of protected areas, as well as of the areas provided
   for  in  article  5,  and  to  their  markings and the regulations
   applying thereto.
       2. The information referred  to  in  the  preceding  paragraph
   shall  be notified to the Organization designated in article 13 of
   the Convention (hereinafter referred  to  as  "the  Organization")
   which  shall  compile and keep up to date a directory of protected
   areas in the area to which  this  Protocol  applies.  The  Parties
   shall  supply  the Organization with all the information necessary
   for that purpose.
                               Article 9
       1. The  Parties  shall,  in  promulgating protective measures,
   take into  account  the  traditional  activities  of  their  local
   populations. To the fullest extent possible, no exemption which is
   allowed for this reason shall be such as:
       a) To  endanger either the maintenance of ecosystems protected
   under  the  terms  of  the  present  Protocol  or  the  biological
   processes contributing to the maintenance of those ecosystems;
       b) To cause either  the  extinction  of,  or  any  substantial
   reduction  in,  the number of individuals making up the species or
   animal and plant populations within the protected  ecosystems,  or
   any  ecologically  connected species or populations,  particularly
   migratory species and rare, endangered or endemic species.
       2. Parties  which  allow  exemptions with regard to protective
   measures or do not apply such measures strictly shall  inform  the
   Organization accordingly.
                               Article 10
       The Parties   shall   encourage  and  develop  scientific  and
   technical research on their protected areas and on the  ecosystems
   and archaeological heritage of those areas.
                               Article 11
       The Parties  shall endeavour to inform the public as widely as
   possible of the significance and interest of the  protected  areas
   and of the scientific knowledge which may be gained from them from
   the point of view of both  nature  conservation  and  archaeology.
   Such  information  should  have  an appropriate place in education
   programmes concerning the environment  and  history.  The  Parties
   should also endeavour to promote the participation of their public
   and  their  nature  conservation  organizations   in   appropriate
   measures  which  are  necessary  for  the  protection of the areas
                               Article 12
       The Parties  shall,  to  the  extent  possible,  establish   a
   co-operation programme to co-ordinate the establishment, planning,
   management and conservation of protected areas,  with  a  view  to
   creating a network of protected areas in the Mediterranean region,
   taking fully into account existing networks,  especially  that  of
   biosphere reserves of UNESCO.  There shall be regular exchanges of
   information concerning the characteristics of the protected areas,
   the experience acquired and the problems encountered.
                               Article 13
       The Parties shall, in accordance with the procedures set forth
   in article  14,  exchange  scientific  and  technical  information
   concerning  current  or planned research and the results expected.
   They shall,  to be  fullest  extent  possible,  co-ordinate  their
   research.  They shall, moreover, endeavour to define jointly or to
   standardize the scientific methods to be applied in the selection,
   management and monitoring of protected areas.
                               Article 14
       1. In  applying  the  principles  of co-operation set forth in
   articles 12 and 13, the Parties shall forward to the Organization:
       a) Comparable   information   for  monitoring  the  biological
   development of the Mediterranean environment;
       b) Reports,  publications  and  information  of  a scientific,
   administrative and legal nature, in particular:
       - On  the  measures  taken by the Parties in pursuance of this
   Protocol for the protection of the protected areas;
       - On the species present in the protected areas;
       - On any threats to those areas,  especially those  which  may
   come from sources of pollution outside their control.
       2. The  Parties  shall  designate  persons   responsible   for
   protected areas.  Those persons shall meet at least once every two
   years to discuss matters  of  joint  interest  and  especially  to
   propose recommendations concerning scientific,  administrative and
   legal information as well as the standardization and processing of
                               Article 15
       1. The  Parties  shall,  directly  or  with  the assistance of
   competent  regional  or  other  international   organizations   or
   bilaterally, co-operate, on the entry into force of this Protocol,
   in formulating and implementing programmes  of  mutual  assistance
   and  of  assistance  to those developing countries which express a
   need for it in the  selection,  establishment  and  management  of
   protected areas.
       2. The  programmes  contemplated  in  the  preceding paragraph
   should relate,  in particular,  to the training of scientific  and
   technical  personnel,  scientific  research,  and the acquisition,
   utilization and  production  by  those  countries  of  appropriate
   equipment  on  advantageous  terms  to be agreed among the Parties
                               Article 16
       Changes in  the  delimitation  or  legal status of a protected
   area or the suppression of all or part of such  an  area  may  not
   take  place  except under a similar procedure to that followed for
   its establishment.
                               Article 17
       1. The ordinary meetings of the Parties to this Protocol shall
   be   held  in  conjunction  with  the  ordinary  meetings  of  the
   Contracting Parties to the Convention held pursuant to article  14
   of  the  Convention.  The  Parties  may  also  hold  extraordinary
   meetings in conformity with that article.
       2. It shall be the function of the meetings of the Parties  to
   this Protocol, in particular:
       a) To keep under review the implementation of this Protocol;
       b) To  consider  the efficacy of the measures adopted,  having
   regard in particular to the area to which  the  Protocol  applies,
   and  to examine the need for other measures,  in particular in the
   form of annexes, or for envisaging, if necessary, an alteration to
   that area,  in conformity with the provisions of article 16 of the
       c) To  adopt,  review  and amend as required any annex to this
       d) To monitor the establishment and development of the network
   of protected areas provided by article 12, and to adopt guidelines
   to facilitate the establishment and development of that system and
   to increase co-operation among the Parties;
       e) To consider the recommendations made by the meetings of the
   persons responsible  for  the  protected  areas,  as  provided  by
   article 14, paragraph 2;
       f) To consider reports  transmitted  by  the  Parties  to  the
   Organization  under  article  20  of  the Convention and any other
   information which the Parties may transmit to the Organization  or
   to the meeting of the Parties.
                               Article 18
       1. The  provisions  of the Convention relating to any protocol
   shall apply with respect to the present Protocol.
       2. The rules of procedure  and  the  financial  rules  adopted
   pursuant to article 18, paragraph 2, of the Convention shall apply
   with respect to this Protocol, unless the Parties to this Protocol
   agree otherwise.
       3. This Protocol shall be open for signature,  at Geneva on  3
   and 4 April 1982,  and at Madrid from 5 April 1982 to 2 April 1983
   by any Contracting Party to the Convention and any  State  invited
   to  the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Protocol concerning
   Mediterranean Specially Protected Areas held at Geneva on 2 and  3
   April 1982.  It shall also be open for signature from 5 April 1982
   to 2 April 1983 by any regional  economic  grouping  of  which  at
   least  one member is a coastal State of the Mediterranean Sea Area
   and which exercises competence in fields covered by this Protocol.
       4. This Protocol shall be subject to ratification,  acceptance
   or approval.  Instruments of ratification,  acceptance or approval
   shall be deposited with the Government of Spain, which will assume
   the functions of Depositary.
       5. As  from  3  April  1983,  this  Protocol shall be open for
   accession by the Contracting Parties to the Convention and by  any
   State or grouping referred to in paragraph 3.
       6. This Protocol shall enter into force on the  thirtieth  day
   following the deposit of at least six instruments of ratification,
   acceptance or approval of, or accession to, the Protocol.
       In witness  whereof  the  undersigned,  being duly authorized,
   have signed this Protocol.
       Done at  Geneva  on  this third day of April one thousand nine
   hundred and eighty-two in a single copy in  the  Arabic,  English,
   French  and  Spanish  languages,  the  four  texts  being  equally
                                              (Follow the signatures)

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