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                          EUROPEAN CONVENTION
                           ON SOCIAL SECURITY
                               (ETS N 78)
                          (Paris, 14.XII.1972)
       The member states of the Council of Europe signatory hereto,
       Considering that  the  aim  of  the  Council  of  Europe is to
   achieve greater unity between its members,  in particular for  the
   purpose of facilitating their social progress;
       Considering that multilateral co-ordination of social security
   legislation is one of the means of achieving that aim;
       Considering that the European Code of Social Security,  opened
   for signature on 16 April 1964,  provides, in Article 73, that the
   Contracting Parties to the Code  shall  endeavour  to  conclude  a
   special instrument governing questions relating to social security
   for foreigners and migrants,  particularly with regard to equality
   of  treatment  with  their own nationals and to the maintenance of
   acquired rights and rights in course of acquisition;
       Affirming the principle of equality of treatment for nationals
   of the Contracting Parties,  refugees and stateless persons, under
   the social security legislation of each Contracting Party, and the
   principle that the  benefits  under  social  security  legislation
   should  be  maintained  despite  any  change  of  residence by the
   protected  persons  within  the  territories  of  the  Contracting
   Parties,  principles which underlie not only certain provisions of
   the European Social Charter but also several  conventions  of  the
   International Labour Organisation,
       Have agreed as follows:
                      TITLE I. GENERAL PROVISIONS
                               Article 1
       For the purposes of this Convention:
       (a) the  term  "Contracting  Party" means  any State which has
   deposited an instrument  of  ratification,  of  acceptance  or  of
   accession,  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Article 75,
   paragraph 1, or of Article 77;
       (b) the terms "territory of a Contracting Party" and "national
   of a Contracting Party" are defined in Annex I;  each  Contracting
   Party  shall  give  notice,  in  accordance with the provisions of
   Article 81, paragraph 1, of any amendment to be made to Annex I;
       (c) the term  "legislation"  means  any laws,  regulations and
   other statutory instruments which are in  force  at  the  time  of
   signature  of this Convention or may enter into force subsequently
   in the whole or any part of  the  territory  of  each  Contracting
   Party and which relate to the social security branches and schemes
   specified in Article 2, paragraphs 1 and 2;
       (d) the term  "social security convention" means any bilateral
   or multilateral  instrument  by  which  two  or  more  Contracting
   Parties are,  or may subsequently be,  bound exclusively,  and any
   multilateral instrument by which at least two Contracting  Parties
   and one or more other States are, or may subsequently be, bound in
   the field of social security in respect of all or of part  of  the
   social  security  branches  and  schemes  specified  in Article 2,
   paragraphs 1 and 2,  as well as any agreements concluded  pursuant
   to the said instruments;
       (e) the  term  "competent authority"   means   the   Minister,
   Ministers  or  other  corresponding  authority responsible for the
   social security schemes in all or any part  of  the  territory  of
   each Contracting Party;
       (f) the  term  "institution"  means  the  body   or  authority
   responsible  for  applying  all or part of the legislation of each
   Contracting Party;
       (g) the term "competent institution" means:
           (i)  in relation to a social insurance scheme,  either the
       institution with which the person concerned is insured when he
       claims  benefit,  or the institution from which he is entitled
       to  receive benefit or would be entitled to receive benefit if
       he  were  resident  in  the territory of the Contracting Party
       where  that  institution  is  situated,   or  the  institution
       designated by the competent authority of the Contracting Party
           (ii) in relation to a scheme other than a social insurance
       scheme,  or  in  relation  to  a family  benefits scheme,  the
       institution  designated  by  the  competent  authority  of the
       Contracting Party concerned;
           (iii)  in  relation  to  a scheme concerning an employer's
       liability  in  respect  of  benefits referred to in Article 2,
       paragraph 1, either the employer or his insurer or, in default
       thereof,  the  body  or  authority designated by the competent
       authority of the Contracting Party concerned;
       (h) the term "competent State" means the Contracting  Party in
   whose territory the competent institution is situated;
       (i) the term "residence" means ordinary residence;
       (j) the term "temporary residence" means a temporary stay;
       (k) the term "institution of the place of residence" means the
   institution  empowered,  under the Contracting Party's legislation
   which it applies,  to pay the benefits in question at the place of
   residence  or,  where no such institution exists,  the institution
   designated by the competent authority  of  the  Contracting  Party
       (l) the term "institution of the place of temporary residence"
   means  the  institution  empowered,  under the Contracting Party's
   legislation which it applies,  to pay the benefits in question  at
   the  place  of  temporary residence or,  where no such institution
   exists,  the institution designated by the competent authority  of
   the Contracting Party concerned;
       (m) the  term  "worker"  means  an   employed  person   or   a
   self-employed  person  or  a  person  treated  as  such  under the
   legislation of the Contracting Party concerned,  unless  otherwise
   specified in this Convention;
       (n) the term "frontier worker" means an employed person who is
   employed  in the territory of one Contracting Party and resides in
   the territory of another Contracting Party  where  he  returns  in
   principle every day or at least once a week; provided that
           (i) as   regards   relations   between   France   and  the
       Contracting  Parties  bordering  France,  the person concerned
       must,  to be deemed a frontier worker,  reside and be employed
       within a zone which does not,  in principle,  extend more than
       twenty kilometres on either side of the common frontier;
           (ii)  a frontier  worker  employed in the territory of one
       Contracting  Party  by  an  undertaking  which  is  his normal
       employer,  who is sent by that undertaking to work outside the
       frontier area, either in the territory of the same Contracting
       Party or in the territory of another Contracting Party,  for a
       period  not  expected to exceed four months,  shall retain the
       status  of frontier worker during such employment for a period
       not exceeding four months;
       (o) the term "refugee"  has  the meaning  assigned  to  it  in
   Article 1, Section A, of the Convention on the Status of Refugees,
   signed at Geneva on 28 July 1951,  and in Article 1,  paragraph 2,
   of  the  Protocol  on  the  Status of Refugees of 31 January 1967,
   without any geographical limitation;
       (p) the term "stateless person" has the meaning assigned to it
   in Article 1 of the Convention on the Status of Stateless Persons,
   done at New York on 28 September 1954;
       (q)  the  term  "members  of  the  family"  means  the persons
   defined,  or  recognised as such,  or designated as members of the
   household, by  the  legislation   applied   by   the   institution
   responsible for paying benefits,  or,  in the cases referred to in
   Article 21,  paragraph 1,  sub-paragraphs a and c and Article  24,
   paragraph 6,  by the legislation of the Contracting Party in whose
   territory they reside;  where,  however,  this legislation regards
   only  persons  living  with the person concerned as members of the
   family or members of the household, this condition shall be deemed
   to  be  satisfied  if  such  persons  are mainly maintained by the
   person concerned;
       (r) the  term  "survivors"  means  the   persons   defined  or
   recognised as such by the legislation under which the benefits are
   granted;  where,  however,  this legislation regards as  survivors
   only  persons  who  were living with the deceased,  this condition
   shall be deemed to be satisfied,  if the  persons  concerned  were
   mainly maintained by the deceased;
       (s) the  term  "periods  of   insurance"   means   periods  of
   contributions,  employment,  occupational activity or residence as
   defined or recognised as periods of insurance by  the  legislation
   under which they were completed,  and any other periods, in so far
   as they are regarded by this legislation as equivalent to  periods
   of insurance;
       (t) the  terms  "periods  of  employment"   and   "periods  of
   occupational  activity" mean periods defined or recognised as such
   by the legislation under which they were completed,  and any other
   periods,  in  so  far  as they are regarded by this legislation as
   equivalent to periods of employment or occupational activity;
       (u) the term "periods of residence" means periods of residence
   as defined or recognised as such by the  legislation  under  which
   they were completed;
       (v) the terms "benefits" and "pensions" mean  all  benefits or
   pensions  including  all components thereof provided out of public
   funds and all increases,  revaluation allowances or  supplementary
   allowances, unless otherwise specified in this Convention, and any
   benefits awarded for  the  purpose  of  maintaining  or  improving
   earning capacity, such lump sum benefits as are payable in lieu of
   pensions and, where applicable, any payments made by way of refund
   of contributions;
       (w) the  term  "family  allowances"  means   periodical   cash
   benefits granted according to the number and age of children;  the
   expression "family benefits" means any benefits in kind or in cash
   granted  to  offset  family maintenance costs,  except the special
   birth grants explicitly excluded in  Annex  II;  each  Contracting
   Party   concerned   shall  give  notice  in  accordance  with  the
   provisions of Article 81, paragraph 1, of any amendment to be made
   to Annex II in respect of any special birth grants provided by its
       (x) the  term  "death grant" means any lump sum payable in the
   event of death,  other than the lump  sum  benefits  mentioned  in
   sub-paragraph v of this article;
       (y) the term "contributory" applies to benefits,  the award of
   which  depends  either  on  direct  financial participation by the
   persons protected or by their employer,  or on a qualifying period
   of  occupational  activity,  and  to  legislation or schemes which
   provide for such benefits;  benefits,  the award of which does not
   depend  on direct financial participation by the persons protected
   or by their employer,  or on a qualifying period  of  occupational
   activity,  and  the  legislation  or  schemes under which they are
   exclusively awarded, are said to be "non-contributory";
       (z) the   term   "benefits    granted    under    transitional
   arrangements"  means  benefits  granted  to persons who are over a
   given  age  on  the  date  of  entry into force of the legislation
   applicable,  or benefits granted provisionally in consideration of
   events  that  have  occurred  or  periods that have been completed
   outside  the  current  frontiers of the territory of a Contracting
                               Article 2
       1. This Convention applies to all  legislation  governing  the
   following branches of social security:
       (a) sickness and maternity benefits;
       (b) invalidity benefits;
       (c) old-age benefits;
       (d) survivors' benefits;
       (e) benefits in respect of occupational injuries and diseases;
       (f) death grants;
       (g) unemployment benefits;
       (h) family benefits.
       2. This Convention applies  to  all  general  social  security
   schemes    and    special   schemes,   whether   contributory   or
   non-contributory,  including  employers'  liability   schemes   in
   respect  of  the  benefits referred to in the preceding paragraph.
   Bilateral  or  multilateral  agreements  between   two   or   more
   Contracting  Parties  shall  determine,  as  far as possible,  the
   conditions  in  which  this  Convention  shall  apply  to  schemes
   established  by  means of collective agreements made compulsory by
   decision of the public authorities.
       3. Where  schemes  relating  to  seafarers are concerned,  the
   provisions of Title III of this  Convention  shall  apply  without
   prejudice  to  the  legislation of any Contracting Party governing
   the liabilities  of ship-owners,  who  shall  be  treated  as  the
   employers for the purposes of the application of this Convention.
       4. This  Convention  does  not  apply  to  social  or  medical
   assistance  schemes,  to benefit schemes for victims of war or its
   consequences,  or to special schemes for civil servants or persons
   treated as such.
       5. This Convention does not apply to legislation  designed  to
   give  effect  to  a social security convention concluded between a
   Contracting Party and one or more other States.
                               Article 3
       1. Annex II specifies,  in respect of each Contracting  Party,
   the legislation and schemes referred to in Article 2, paragraphs 1
   and 2.
       2. Each  Contracting  Party  shall give notice,  in accordance
   with the provisions of Article 81,  paragraph 1,  of any amendment
   to  be  made  to  Annex  II  as  a  result  of the adoption of new
   legislation.  Such notice shall be given within three months  from
   the  date  of  publication of such legislation or,  in the case of
   legislation published before the  date  of  ratification  of  this
   Convention, on the date of ratification.
                               Article 4
       1. The provisions of this Convention shall be applicable:
       (a) to persons who are or have been subject to the legislation
   of  one  or more of the Contracting Parties and are nationals of a
   Contracting Party,  or are refugees or stateless persons  resident
   in the territory of a Contracting Party, as well as to the members
   of their families and their survivors;
       (b) to  the  survivors  of  persons  who  were  subject to the
   legislation  of  one  or  more   of   the   Contracting   Parties,
   irrespective  of  the  nationality  of  such persons,  where these
   survivors are nationals of a Contracting  Party,  or  refugees  or
   stateless  persons  resident  in  the  territory  of a Contracting
       (c) without  prejudice  to  Article  2,  paragraph 4, to civil
   servants and persons treated as such under the legislation of  the
   Contracting Party concerned,  in so far as they are subject to any
   legislation of that Contracting Party  to  which  this  Convention
       2. Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-paragraph (c) of  the
   preceding  paragraph,  the  categories  of  persons  -  other than
   members of the service staff of diplomatic  missions  or  consular
   posts  and persons employed in the private service of officials of
   such missions or posts - in respect of whom the Vienna  Convention
   on  Diplomatic  Relations  and  the  Vienna Convention on Consular
   Relations  provide  for  exemption  from   the   social   security
   provisions  which  are in force in the receiving State,  shall not
   benefit from the provisions of this Convention.
                               Article 5
       1. Subject to the provisions of  Article  6,  this  Convention
   replaces,  in  respect  of  persons to whom it is applicable,  any
   social security conventions binding:
       (a) two or more Contracting Parties exclusively; or
       (b) at least two Contracting Parties  and  one  or  more other
   States in respect of cases calling for no action on the part of an
   institution of one of the latter States.
       2. However,  where  the  application  of certain provisions of
   this Convention is subject  to  the  conclusion  of  bilateral  or
   multilateral   agreements,   the  provisions  of  the  conventions
   referred  to  in  sub-paragraphs  (a)  and  (b)  of  the preceding
   paragraph  shall  remain  applicable until the entry into force of
   such agreements.
                               Article 6
       1. The  provisions  of  this  Convention  shall   not   affect
   obligations  under  any  convention  adopted  by the International
   Labour Conference.
       2. This  Convention  shall not affect the provisions on social
   security in the Treaty of 25 March 1957 establishing the  European
   Economic  Community nor the association agreements envisaged under
   that Treaty  nor  the  measures  taken  in  application  of  those
       3. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 5,  paragraph  1,
   two  or  more  Contracting  Parties  may keep in force,  by mutual
   agreement and in respect of themselves,  the provisions of  social
   security conventions by which they are bound by specifying them in
   Annex  III  or,  in  the  case  of  provisions  relating  to   the
   application  of these conventions,  by specifying them in an annex
   to  the  Supplementary  Agreement  for  the  application  of  this
       4. However, this Convention shall apply in all cases requiring
   action  on the part of an institution of a Contracting Party other
   than those which are  bound  by  the  provisions  referred  to  in
   paragraph  2  or  in paragraph 3 of this article as well as in the
   case of persons who are entitled to benefits under this Convention
   and to whom the said provisions are not exclusively applicable.
       5. Two or more Contracting Parties  which  are  bound  by  the
   provisions specified in Annex III may,  by mutual agreement and in
   respect of themselves,  make appropriate amendments to this  annex
   by  giving  notice  thereof  in  accordance with the provisions of
   Article 81, paragraph 1.
                               Article 7
       1. Two or more Contracting Parties may,  if need be,  conclude
   with  each  other  social  security  conventions  founded  on  the
   principles of this Convention.
       2. Each  Contracting  Party  shall give notice,  in accordance
   with the provisions of Article 81,  paragraph 1, of any convention
   which  it  concludes by virtue of the preceding paragraph,  and of
   any subsequent amendment or denunciation  of  such  a  convention.
   Such  notice  shall  be given within three months from the date of
   entry into force of that convention or its amendment,  or from the
   date on which its denunciation takes effect.
                               Article 8
       1. Unless otherwise specified in this Convention,  persons who
   are resident in the territory of a Contracting Party and  to  whom
   the  Convention  is  applicable  shall  have  the  same rights and
   obligations under the legislation of every  Contracting  Party  as
   the nationals of such Party.
       2. However,  entitlement  to  non-contributory  benefits,  the
   amount  of  which  does not depend on the length of the periods of
   residence completed,  may be made conditional on  the  beneficiary
   having resided in the territory of the Contracting Party concerned
   or,  in the case of survivors' benefits,  on the  deceased  having
   resided there for a period which may not be set:
       (a) at more than six months immediately preceding  the lodging
   of the claim, for maternity benefits and unemployment benefits;
       (b) at more than five consecutive years immediately  preceding
   the lodging of the claim,  for invalidity benefits, or immediately
   preceding death, for survivors' benefits;
       (c) at more  than ten years between the age of sixteen and the
   pensionable age, of which it may be required that five years shall
   immediately   precede  the  lodging  of  the  claim,  for  old-age
       3. If  a  person  does  not fulfil the conditions laid down in
   sub-paragraph (b) or sub-paragraph (c) of the preceding paragraph,
   but has been subject - or,  in the case of survivors' benefits, if
   the  deceased  has  been  subject  - to  the  legislation  of  the
   Contracting Party concerned for at least one year,  that person or
   the   survivors  of  the  deceased  shall  nevertheless,   without
   prejudice to the provisions of Article 27, be entitled to benefits
   calculated  on  the  basis of the full benefit and up to an amount
   not exceeding it:
       (a) in the case of invalidity or death benefits, in proportion
   to  the ratio of the number of years of residence completed by the
   person concerned  or  the  deceased  under  the  said  legislation
   between  the  date  on which he reached the age of sixteen and the
   date of his incapacity for work followed by invalidity  or  death,
   to  two-thirds  of the number of years separating those two dates,
   disregarding any years subsequent to pensionable age;
       (b) in the case of old-age pension, in proportion to the ratio
   of the number of  years  of  residence  completed  by  the  person
   concerned  under the said legislation between the date on which he
   reached the age of sixteen and  the  pensionable  age,  to  thirty
       4. Annex IV specifies,  for each Contracting Party  concerned,
   the   benefits   provided  under  its  legislation  to  which  the
   provisions of paragraph 2 or  paragraph  3  of  this  article  are
       5. Each Contracting Party  concerned  shall  give  notice,  in
   accordance with the provisions of Article 81,  paragraph 1, of any
   amendment to be made to Annex IV.  If such  an  amendment  results
   from  the adoption of new legislation,  such notice shall be given
   within  three  months  from  the  date  of  publication  of   that
   legislation  or,  in  the case of legislation published before the
   date  of  ratification  of  this  Convention,  on  the   date   of
       6. The provisions of paragraph 1 of  this  article  shall  not
   affect  the  legislation  of any Contracting Party in so far as it
   concerns  participation  in  social  security  administration   or
   membership of social security tribunals.
       7. Special   measures   may   be   adopted   concerning    the
   participation   in   voluntary  insurance  or  optional  continued
   insurance  of  persons  not  resident  in  the  territory  of  the
   Contracting Party concerned,  or the entitlement to benefits under
   the transitional arrangements specified in Annex VII.
                               Article 9
       1. The  benefit  of  the   provisions   of   social   security
   conventions  which  remain  in  force  by  virtue  of  Article  6,
   paragraph 3,  and the provisions of  social  security  conventions
   concluded by virtue of Article 7, paragraph 1, may be extended, by
   agreement between the Parties bound thereby, to nationals of every
   Contracting Party.
       2. Annex  V  specifies  the  provisions  of  social   security
   conventions  which  remain  in  force  by  virtue  of  Article  6,
   paragraph  3,  and  whose  application  is  to  be  extended,   in
   accordance  with paragraph 1 of the present article,  to nationals
   of every Contracting Party.
       3. The  Contracting  Parties  concerned shall give notice,  in
   accordance with the provisions of Article 81,  paragraph 1, of the
   provisions of the social security conventions concluded by them by
   virtue of Article 7,  paragraph 1,  whose application is extended,
   in  accordance  with  paragraph  1  of  the  present  article,  to
   nationals of every Contracting Party.  The provisions of the  said
   conventions shall be indicated in Annex V.
       4. Two or more Contracting Parties  which  are  bound  by  the
   provisions  specified  in Annex V may,  by mutual agreement and in
   respect of themselves,  make appropriate amendments to this  annex
   by  giving  notice  thereof  in  accordance with the provisions of
   Article 81, paragraph 1.
                               Article 10
       If the legislation of a Contracting Party makes  admission  to
   voluntary  insurance  or  optional continued insurance conditional
   upon the completion  of  periods  of  insurance,  the  institution
   applying  that  legislation shall to that end,  for the purpose of
   adding periods together, take account, to the extent necessary, of
   periods  of insurance completed under the legislation of any other
   Contracting Party and,  where appropriate, of periods of residence
   completed  after  the  age  of  sixteen under the non-contributory
   scheme of any other Contracting Party, as if they had been periods
   of insurance completed under the legislation of the first Party.
                               Article 11
       1. Unless  otherwise  specified  in  this Convention,  neither
   invalidity cash benefits,  old-age or  survivors'  cash  benefits,
   pensions  in  respect  of  occupational injuries or diseases,  nor
   death grants,  payable  under  the  legislation  of  one  or  more
   Contracting Parties,  shall be liable to reduction,  modification,
   suspension,  suppression or forfeiture by reason of the fact  that
   the  beneficiary  is  resident  in  the territory of a Contracting
   Party other than that in which the institution liable for  payment
   is situated.
       2. However,  notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  Article  8,
   paragraphs 1 and 2, the invalidity, old-age or survivors' benefits
   specified in Annex IV shall be calculated in accordance  with  the
   provisions  of sub-paragraph (a) or sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph
   3 of the said Article 8, as the case may be, if the beneficiary is
   resident  in  the territory of a Contracting Party other than that
   in which the institution liable for payment is situated.
       3. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of the present article
   shall not apply to the following benefits,  in so far as they  are
   specified in Annex VI:
       (a) special non-contributory benefits granted to  invalids who
   are unable to earn a living;
       (b) special non-contributory benefits granted  to  persons not
   entitled to normal benefits;
       (c) benefits granted under transitional arrangements;
       (d) special benefits granted as assistance or in case of need.
       4. Each Contracting Party  concerned  shall  give  notice,  in
   accordance with the provisions of Article 81,  paragraph 1, of any
   amendment to be made to Annex VI.  If such  an  amendment  results
   from  the adoption of new legislation,  such notice shall be given
   within  three  months  from  the  date  of  publication  of   that
   legislation  or,  in  the case of legislation published before the
   date  of  ratification  of  this  Convention,  on  the   date   of
       5. Where the legislation of  a  Contracting  Party  makes  the
   repayment  of  contributions conditional upon the person concerned
   having  ceased  to  be  subject  to  compulsory  insurance,   that
   condition  shall  not  be  regarded  as  fulfilled so long as that
   person is subject to compulsory insurance under the legislation of
   any other Contracting Party.
       6. The  Contracting  Parties  shall  determine  by  means   of
   bilateral  or multilateral agreements the conditions of payment of
   benefits referred to in paragraph 1 of the present article due  to
   persons  enjoying rights under this Convention who are resident in
   the territory of a State which is not a Contracting Party.
                               Article 12
       The rules governing changes in rates of benefits laid down  in
   the  legislation  of  a  Contracting  Party shall be applicable to
   benefits payable under such legislation  in  accordance  with  the
   provisions of this Convention.
                               Article 13
       1. Except  for  benefits  in  respect of invalidity,  old age,
   survivors  or  occupational  disease  which  are   paid   by   the
   institutions of two or more Contracting Parties in accordance with
   the provisions of Article 29 or of Article 47,  sub-paragraph (b),
   this  Convention  shall  not  confer  or  maintain  entitlement to
   several benefits  of  the  same  nature  or  to  several  benefits
   relating to one and the same period of compulsory insurance.
       2. Provisions in the legislation of a  Contracting  Party  for
   the  reduction,  suspension or suppression of benefits where there
   is overlapping with other benefits or other income,  or because of
   an  occupational  activity,  shall  apply also to a beneficiary in
   respect of benefits acquired  under  the  legislation  of  another
   Contracting Party or in respect of income obtained,  or occupation
   followed, in the territory of another Contracting Party. This rule
   shall not,  however,  apply to benefits of the same nature payable
   in respect of  invalidity,  old  age,  survivors  or  occupational
   disease  by the institutions of two or more Contracting Parties in
   accordance with the provisions of Article 29  or  of  Article  47,
   sub-paragraph (b).
                       THE LEGISLATION APPLICABLE
                               Article 14
       In respect  of  persons  coming  within  the  scope  of   this
   Convention,  the  legislation  applicable  shall  be determined in
   accordance with the following provisions:
       (a) employed persons  who  are  employed in the territory of a
   Contracting Party shall be subject  to  the  legislation  of  that
   Party,  even  if  they  are  resident  in the territory of another
   Contracting Party or if the undertaking which employs them has its
   principal  place  of business,  or their employer has his place of
   residence, in the territory of another Contracting Party;
       (b) workers who follow their occupation on board a ship flying
   the  flag  of  a  Contracting  Party  shall  be  subject  to   the
   legislation of that Party;
       (c) self-employed persons who follow their  occupation  in the
   territory   of  a  Contracting  Party  shall  be  subject  to  the
   legislation of that Party, even if they reside in the territory of
   another Contracting Party;
       (d) civil  servants  and  persons  treated  as  such  shall be
   subject  to  the  legislation  of  the  Contracting Party in whose
   administration they are employed.
                               Article 15
       1. The  rule stated  in Article 14,  sub-paragraph (a),  shall
   apply subject to the following exceptions or modifications:
       (a)  (i) employed persons who are employed in the territory of
       a  Contracting  Party by an undertaking which is their regular
       employer  and  who are sent by that undertaking to work for it
       in  the  territory  of  another Contracting Party shall remain
       subject  to  the  legislation of the first Party provided that
       the  expected  duration  of  the  work  does not exceed twelve
       months  and  that  they are not sent to replace other employed
       persons who have completed their period of employment abroad;
           (ii) if the work to be carried  out  continues  because of
       unforeseeable   circumstances   for   a   period  longer  than
       originally  intended  and   exceeding   twelve   months,   the
       legislation  of  the first Party shall remain applicable until
       the work is completed, subject to the consent of the competent
       authority of the second Party or of the body designated by it;
       (b) (i) employed persons who  are  employed  in  international
       transport  in the territory of two or more Contracting Parties
       as travelling personnel in the service of an undertaking which
       has  its  principal  place  of  business in the territory of a
       Contracting Party and which, on behalf of others or on its own
       account,  transports passengers or goods by rail, road, air or
       inland waterway,  shall be subject to the legislation  of  the
       latter Party;
           (ii) however,   if  they  are  employed   by  a branch  or
       permanent  agency  which  the  said  undertaking  has  in  the
       territory of a Contracting Party other than the Party in whose
       territory  it has its principal place of business,  they shall
       be  subject  to  the  legislation  of the Contracting Party in
       whose territory the branch or permanent agency is situated;
           (iii) if  they  are  employed  wholly  or  mainly  in  the
       territory  of  the  Contracting Party where they are resident,
       they shall be subject to the legislation of that  Party,  even
       if   the  undertaking  which  employs  them  has  neither  its
       principal place of business nor a branch or  permanent  agency
       in that territory;
       (c) (i) employed persons  other  than those  in  international
       transport   who   normally  follow  their  occupation  in  the
       territory of two or more Contracting Parties shall be  subject
       to the legislation of the Contracting Party in whose territory
       they reside if their occupation is carried on partly  in  that
       territory  or  if they are employed by several undertakings or
       by several employers having their principal places of business
       or  their  places  of  residence in the territory of different
       Contracting Parties;
           (ii) in  other  cases,   they  shall  be  subject  to  the
       legislation of the Contracting Party in  whose  territory  the
       undertaking  which  employs  them  has  its principal place of
       business or their employer has his place of residence;
       (d) employed persons  who  are  employed in the territory of a
   Contracting Party by an undertaking which has its principal  place
   of business in the territory of another Contracting Party and lies
   astride the common frontier of the Contracting  Parties  concerned
   shall  be  subject  to the legislation of the Contracting Party in
   whose  territory  the  undertaking  has  its  principal  place  of
       2. The  rule stated  in Article 14,  sub-paragraph (b),  shall
   apply subject to the following exceptions:
       (a) employed persons who are employed by an undertaking  which
   is   their   regular  employer,  either  in  the  territory  of  a
   Contracting Party or  on  board  a  ship  flying  the  flag  of  a
   Contracting  Party,  and  who are sent by that undertaking to work
   for it on board a ship flying  the  flag  of  another  Contracting
   Party, shall remain subject to the legislation of the first Party,
   subject to the conditions laid down in paragraph 1,  sub-paragraph
   a, of the present Article;
       (b) workers  who  normally  follow  their  occupation  in  the
   territorial  waters or in a port of a Contracting Party on board a
   ship flying the flag of another Contracting Party but who are  not
   members of the ship's crew, shall be subject to the legislation of
   the first Party; and
       (c) employed  persons  who are employed on board a ship flying
   the flag of a Contracting Party and who are  paid  in  respect  of
   this  occupation  by  an undertaking having its principal place of
   business,  or by a person having his place of  residence,  in  the
   territory  of  another Contracting Party,  shall be subject to the
   legislation of the latter Party if they reside in  its  territory;
   the  undertaking  or  person  paying  the  remuneration  shall  be
   considered as the employer for the purpose of the  application  of
   the said legislation.
       3. The  rule stated  in Article 14,  sub-paragraph (c),  shall
   apply subject to the following exceptions or modifications:
       (a) self-employed persons who reside in the  territory  of one
   Contracting  Party and follow their occupation in the territory of
   another Contracting Party shall be subject to the  legislation  of
   the first Party:
           (i) if the second Party has no  legislation applicable  to
       them, or
           (ii) if,  under  the  legislation  of   the  two   Parties
       concerned,   self-employed   persons   are   subject  to  such
       legislation solely  by  reason  of  the  fact  that  they  are
       resident in the territory of those Parties;
       (b) self-employed persons who normally follow their occupation
   in  the  territory  of  two  or  more Contracting Parties shall be
   subject to the legislation  of  the  Contracting  Party  in  whose
   territory they are resident, if they work partly in that territory
   or if,  under that legislation,  they are subject to it solely  by
   reason of the fact that they are resident in the territory of that
       (c) where   the  self-employed  persons  referred  to  in  the
   preceding sub-paragraph do not follow a part of  their  occupation
   in the territory of the Contracting Party where they are resident,
   or where,  under the legislation  of  that  Party,  they  are  not
   subject to that legislation solely by reason of the fact that they
   are resident, or where that Party has no legislation applicable to
   them, they shall be subject to the legislation jointly agreed upon
   by  the  Contracting  Parties  concerned  or  by  their  competent
       4. Where  by  virtue  of  the  preceding  paragraphs  of  this
   article,  a  worker is subject to the legislation of a Contracting
   Party in whose territory he does not work,  that legislation shall
   be  applicable  to  him  as  if he worked in the territory of that
                               Article 16
       1. The provisions of Articles 14 and 15  shall  not  apply  to
   voluntary insurance or optional continued insurance.
       2. Where the application of the legislation  of  two  or  more
   Contracting  Parties  would  result in affiliation to a compulsory
   insurance scheme and at the same time permit membership of one  or
   more  voluntary insurance or optional continued insurance schemes,
   the  person  concerned  shall  be  subject  exclusively   to   the
   compulsory  insurance scheme.  However,  in respect of invalidity,
   old age and death pensions,  this Convention shall not affect  the
   provisions  of  legislation  of  any  Contracting Party permitting
   simultaneous affiliation to  a  voluntary  insurance  or  optional
   continued insurance scheme and to a compulsory insurance scheme.
       3. Where the application of the legislation  of  two  or  more
   Contracting  Parties would result in the possibility of membership
   of two or more voluntary insurance or optional continued insurance
   schemes,  the  person  concerned  shall  be admitted solely to the
   voluntary insurance or optional continued insurance scheme of  the
   Contracting  Party in whose territory he is resident or,  if he is
   not resident in the territory of one of these Contracting Parties,
   to  the  scheme of that Contracting Party for whose legislation he
   has opted.
                               Article 17
       1. The  provisions  of  Article 14,  sub-paragraph (a),  shall
   apply  to  members  of the service staff of diplomatic missions or
   consular  posts,  and  also  to  persons  employed  in the private
   service of officials of such missions or posts.
       2. However,  workers referred to in the  preceding  paragraph,
   who  are  nationals  of  a  Contracting Party which is the sending
   State,  may opt for the application of  the  legislation  of  that
   Party. Such right of option may be exercised only once, within the
   three months following the entry into force of this Convention  or
   on  the  date  on  which  the  person  concerned is engaged by the
   diplomatic mission or consular post or enters the private  service
   of  an official of that mission or that post,  as the case may be.
   The option shall take effect on the date on which it is exercised.
                               Article 18
       1. The  competent  authorities  of  two  or  more  Contracting
   Parties   may,   by  agreement,  provide  for  exceptions  to  the
   provisions of Articles 14  to  17  in  the  interests  of  persons
   affected thereby.
       2. The  application  of  the  provisions  of   the   preceding
   paragraph  shall,  if  need  be,  be  subject  to a request by the
   workers concerned and,  where  appropriate,  by  their  employers.
   Moreover,  such  application shall be the subject of a decision by
   which the competent  authority  of  the  Contracting  Party  whose
   legislation  is  applicable  confirms that the said workers are no
   longer subject to the aforesaid legislation and will henceforth be
   subject to the legislation of another Contracting Party.
                         CATEGORIES OF BENEFITS
                               Chapter 1
                         SICKNESS AND MATERNITY
                               Article 19
       1. Where the legislation of  a  Contracting  Party  makes  the
   acquisition,   maintenance  or  recovery  of  the  entitlement  to
   benefits conditional upon the completion of periods of  insurance,
   the  competent institution of that Party shall,  to that end,  for
   the purpose of adding  periods  together,  take  account,  to  the
   extent  necessary,  of  periods  of  insurance completed under the
   legislation of any other Contracting Party and, where appropriate,
   of  periods  of residence completed after the age of sixteen under
   non-contributory schemes of any other  Contracting  Party,  as  if
   they  were periods of insurance completed under the legislation of
   the first Party.
       2. Where   the   legislation  of  a  Contracting  Party  makes
   admission to compulsory insurance conditional upon the  completion
   of periods of insurance,  periods of insurance completed under the
   legislation of any other Contracting Party and, where appropriate,
   periods  of residence completed after the age of sixteen under the
   non-contributory schemes of any other Contracting Party shall,  to
   that  end,  for  the purpose of adding periods together,  be taken
   into account,  to the extent necessary, as if they were periods of
   insurance completed under the legislation of the first Party.
                               Article 20
       1. Persons  who reside in the territory of a Contracting Party
   other than the competent State and who satisfy the conditions  for
   entitlement  prescribed  by  the  legislation of the latter State,
   regard being had,  where appropriate, to the provisions of Article
   19,  shall  receive  in  the territory of the Contracting Party in
   which they are resident:
       (a) benefits in kind, provided at the expense of the competent
   institution by the  institution  of  the  place  of  residence  in
   accordance with the provisions of the legislation which the latter
   institution applies, as if these persons were affiliated to it;
       (b) cash  benefits,  paid  by  the  competent  institution  in
   accordance  with  the  provisions  of  the  legislation  which  it
   applies, as if these persons were resident in the territory of the
   competent State.  However,  by  agreement  between  the  competent
   institution  and  the institution of the place of residence,  cash
   benefits may also be  paid  through  the  latter  institution,  on
   behalf of the competent institution.
       2. The provisions of  the  preceding  paragraph  shall  apply,
   mutatis mutandis, in respect of benefits in kind to members of the
   family who are resident in the territory of  a  Contracting  Party
   other than the competent State.
       3. Benefits may also  be  paid  to  frontier  workers  by  the
   competent institution in the territory of the competent State,  in
   accordance with the provisions of the legislation of  that  State,
   as  if  they were resident in its territory.  However,  members of
   their family shall be entitled to benefits in kind under the  same
   conditions  only  if  there is an agreement to that effect between
   the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties concerned, or
   failing  that,  except  in  case  of emergency,  if there is prior
   authorisation by the competent institution.
       4. Persons  to whom this article applies,  other than frontier
   workers or members of their families, who are temporarily resident
   in  the  territory  of  the competent State,  shall be entitled to
   benefits in accordance with the provisions of the  legislation  of
   that  State as if they were resident in its territory even if they
   were already receiving benefits for the same case of  sickness  or
   maternity before taking up their temporary residence.
       5. Persons to whom this article  applies  who  transfer  their
   residence  to  the  territory  of  the  competent  State  shall be
   entitled to benefits in accordance  with  the  provisions  of  the
   legislation  of  that  State,  even if they were already receiving
   benefits for  the  same  case  of  sickness  or  maternity  before
   transferring their residence.
                               Article 21
       1. Persons  who  satisfy  the  conditions  for  entitlement to
   benefits under the legislation  of  the  competent  State,  regard
   being  had,  where  appropriate,  to the provisions of Article 19,
       (a) whose  condition  necessitates  the immediate provision of
   benefits  during  temporary  residence  in  the  territory  of   a
   Contracting Party other than the competent State, or
       (b) who,  having become entitled to  benefits  payable  by the
   competent  institution,  are  authorised  by  that  institution to
   return to the territory of a  Contracting  Party  other  than  the
   competent  State  where  they  are  resident  or to transfer their
   residence to the territory of a Contracting Party other  than  the
   competent State, or
       (c) who are authorised by the competent institution  to  go to
   the  territory  of  a  Contracting  Party other than the competent
   State  in  order  to  receive  the  treatment  required  by  their
       shall receive:
           (i) benefits  in  kind,  provided  at the  expense  of the
       competent institution by  the  institution  of  the  place  of
       residence  or  temporary  residence  in  accordance  with  the
       provisions  of  the  legislation   applied   by   the   latter
       institution,  as if these persons were affiliated to it, for a
       period not exceeding any period which may be prescribed by the
       legislation of the competent State;
           (ii) cash benefits,  paid by the competent institution  in
       accordance  with  the  provisions  of the legislation which it
       applies,  as if these persons were in  the  territory  of  the
       competent State.  However,  by agreement between the competent
       institution and the institution of the place of  residence  or
       temporary  residence,  cash  benefits  may be paid through the
       latter institution, on behalf of the competent institution.
       2. (a)  The authorisation referred  to in sub-paragraph (b) of
   the  preceding  paragraph  may  be  refused only if the move might
   prejudice  the  health  or  the course of medical treatment of the
   person concerned;
       (b) the authorisation referred  to in sub-paragraph (c) of the
   preceding paragraph  shall  not  be  refused  when  the  requisite
   treatment  cannot  be  given  in  the territory of the Contracting
   Party in which the person concerned resides.
       3. The  provisions of the preceding paragraphs of this Article
   shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to members of the family in respect
   of benefits in kind.
                               Article 22
       1. Where  the  legislation  of  a  Contracting Party makes the
   provision of benefits in kind to members of the family conditional
   on  their being personally insured,  the provisions of Articles 20
   and 21 shall apply to members of the family of a person subject to
   that  legislation  only  if  they are personally affiliated to the
   same institution of the said Party as that person,  or to  another
   institution   of  the  said  Party  which  provides  corresponding
       2. Where  the legislation of a Contracting Party provides that
   the calculation  of  cash  benefits  shall  be  based  on  average
   earnings,  the competent institution of that Party shall determine
   those average earnings exclusively on the basis  of  the  earnings
   recorded during the periods completed under the said legislation.
       3. Where the legislation of a Contracting Party provides  that
   the calculation of cash benefits shall be based on fixed earnings,
   the  competent  institution  of  that  Party  shall  take  account
   exclusively of such fixed earnings or,  where appropriate,  of the
   average fixed earnings  corresponding  to  the  periods  completed
   under the said legislation.
       4. Where the legislation of a Contracting Party provides  that
   the  amount of cash benefits shall vary with the number of members
   of the family,  the competent institution of that Party shall take
   account also of members of the family resident in the territory of
   another Contracting  Party,  as  if  they  were  resident  in  the
   territory of the first Party.
                               Article 23
       Unemployed persons  who satisfy the conditions for entitlement
   to benefits in kind under the legislation of the Contracting Party
   responsible for providing unemployment benefit,  regard being had,
   where appropriate,  to the provisions  of  Article  19,  shall  be
   entitled, together with the members of their families, to benefits
   in  kind  if  they  are  resident  in  the  territory  of  another
   Contracting Party.  Such benefits in kind shall be provided by the
   institution of the place  of  residence  in  accordance  with  the
   provisions  of the legislation which that institution applies,  as
   if the persons concerned were entitled to the benefits  by  virtue
   of that legislation,  but the cost shall be borne by the competent
   institution of the first-mentioned Party.
                               Article 24
       1. Where a person receiving a pension under the legislation of
   two  or  more  Contracting Parties is entitled to benefits in kind
   under the legislation of the Contracting Party in whose  territory
   he  is  resident,  regard  being  had,  where appropriate,  to the
   provisions of Article 19,  such benefits shall be provided for him
   and  for the members of his family by the institution of the place
   of residence at its own cost,  as if he were a pensioner under the
   legislation of the latter Party only.
       2. Where a person receiving a pension under the legislation of
   a  Contracting  Party  or pensions under the legislation of two or
   more Contracting Parties,  is not entitled  to  benefits  in  kind
   under  the legislation of the Contracting Party in whose territory
   he is resident, he shall nevertheless be entitled to such benefits
   for himself,  and for the members of his family, if he is entitled
   to them under the legislation of the former Party,  or of  one  of
   the former Parties,  regard being had,  where appropriate,  to the
   provisions of Article 19, or if he would be entitled to them if he
   were  resident  in  the  territory  of  one of those Parties.  The
   benefits in kind shall be provided by the institution of the place
   of residence, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation
   which it applies,  as if the pensioner were entitled to  the  said
   benefits  under  that legislation,  but the cost shall be borne by
   the institution as determined under the rules  laid  down  in  the
   following paragraph.
       3. In the cases referred to in the  preceding  paragraph,  the
   institution  which  shall  bear  the  cost of the benefits in kind
   shall be determined according to the following rules:
       (a) where the pensioner is entitled to the said benefits under
   the legislation of one Contracting Party only,  the cost shall  be
   borne by the competent institution of that Party;
       (b) where the pensioner is entitled to the said benefits under
   the legislation of two or more Contracting Parties, the cost shall
   be borne by the competent institution  of  the  Contracting  Party
   under whose legislation the pensioner completed the longest period
   of insurance or residence;  if by virtue of this rule two or  more
   institutions  would  be  liable for the cost of the benefits,  the
   cost shall be borne by the institution of the Contracting Party to
   whose legislation the pensioner was last subject.
       4. Where the members of the family of  a  person  receiving  a
   pension  under  the legislation of a Contracting Party or pensions
   under the legislation of  two  or  more  Contracting  Parties  are
   resident  in  the territory of a Contracting Party other than that
   in  which  the  pensioner  himself  resides,  they  shall  receive
   benefits  in  kind  as  if the pensioner were resident in the same
   territory, provided that he is entitled to such benefits under the
   legislation of a Contracting Party.  The benefits in kind shall be
   provided by the institution of  the  place  of  residence  of  the
   members  of  the  family  under  the provisions of the legislation
   which it applies,  as if they were entitled to such benefits under
   that legislation, but their cost shall be borne by the institution
   of the pensioner's place of residence.
       5. Members  of  the  family  to  whom  the preceding paragraph
   applies who transfer their  residence  to  the  territory  of  the
   Contracting Party in which the pensioner resides shall be entitled
   to benefits under the provisions of the legislation of that  Party
   even  if  they have already received benefits for the same case of
   sickness or maternity before transferring their residence.
       6. A  person  receiving  a  pension under the legislation of a
   Contracting Party,  or pensions under the legislation  of  two  or
   more  Contracting  Parties,  who  is  entitled to benefits in kind
   under the legislation of one of  these  Parties,  shall,  together
   with the members of his family, be entitled to such benefits:
       (a) during  temporary  residence  in   the   territory  of   a
   Contracting  Party  other  than  that  in which they are resident,
   where their condition requires the immediate provision of benefit;
       (b) where they have been authorised by the institution  of the
   place  of  residence to go to the territory of a Contracting Party
   other than that in which they are resident in order to receive the
   treatment required by their condition.
       7. In the cases referred to in the  preceding  paragraph,  the
   benefits in kind shall be provided by the institution of the place
   of temporary residence in accordance with the  provisions  of  the
   legislation  which  it  applies,  as if the persons concerned were
   entitled to such benefits under that  legislation,  but  the  cost
   shall  be  borne  by  the  institution of the pensioner's place of
       8. Where  the  legislation of a Contracting Party provides for
   contributions to be deducted from  the  pension  payable  for  the
   purpose of entitlement to benefits in kind, the institution of the
   Party which pays the pension shall  be  authorised  to  make  such
   deductions  if  the  cost  of  the benefits in kind is borne by an
   institution of that Party by virtue of this Article.
                               Article 25
       1. Where the legislation applied by  the  institution  of  the
   place of residence or temporary residence provides for two or more
   sickness and maternity insurance schemes,  the rules to be applied
   in  respect  of  the  provision of benefits in kind,  in the cases
   covered by Article 20,  paragraphs 1 and 2, Article 21, paragraphs
   1 and 3,  Article 23, and Article 24, paragraphs 2, 4 and 6, shall
   be those of the general scheme or, failing that, of the scheme for
   industrial workers.
       2. Where the legislation of  a  Contracting  Party  makes  the
   award  of  benefits dependent on the origin of the sickness,  that
   condition shall not apply to persons covered by  this  Convention,
   irrespective  of  the  territory of the Contracting Party in which
   they reside.
       3. Where  the  legislation  of  a  Contracting  Party  fixes a
   maximum period for the award of benefits,  the  institution  which
   applies that legislation may,  where appropriate,  take account of
   any period during which benefits have already been provided by the
   institution  of  another  Contracting  Party  for the same case of
   sickness or maternity.
                               Article 26
       1. The application of the provisions of Articles  20,  21,  23
   and 24 as between two or more Contracting Parties shall be subject
   to  the  conclusion  between  those  Parties   of   bilateral   or
   multilateral agreements which may also contain appropriate special
       2. The agreements referred to in the preceding paragraph shall
   specify in particular:
       (a) the  categories  of  persons  to  whom the  provisions  of
   Articles 20, 21, 23 and 24 shall apply;
       (b) the  period during  which benefits in kind may be provided
   by the institution of one Contracting Party,  the cost being borne
   by the institution of another Contracting Party;
       (c) the special conditions governing the supply  of prosthetic
   appliances, major aids and other major benefits in kind;
       (d) rules to prevent the overlapping of benefits  of  the same
       (e) arrangements for the refund of  benefits  provided  by the
   institution of one Contracting Party,  the cost being borne by the
   institution of another Contracting Party.
       3. Two  or more Contracting Parties may agree that there shall
   be no refunds between the institutions in their jurisdiction.
                               Chapter 2
                      Section 1. COMMON PROVISIONS
                               Article 27
       Where a person has been subject successively or  alternatively
   to  the  legislation of two or more Contracting Parties,  the said
   person  or  his  survivors  shall  be  entitled  to  benefits   in
   accordance  with  the  provisions  of  this chapter,  even if such
   persons would be entitled to claim benefits under the  legislation
   of  one or more Contracting Parties without these provisions being
                               Article 28
       1. Where the legislation of  a  Contracting  Party  makes  the
   acquisition,  maintenance  or  recovery of entitlement to benefits
   conditional upon the  completion  of  periods  of  insurance,  the
   institution which applies that legislation shall, to that end, for
   the purpose of adding periods together, take account of periods of
   insurance completed under the legislation of any other Contracting
   Party and,  where appropriate,  of periods of residence  completed
   after  the  age  of  sixteen under non-contributory schemes of any
   other Contracting Party,  as if they  were  periods  of  insurance
   completed under the legislation of the first Party.
       2. Where the legislation of  a  Contracting  Party  makes  the
   acquisition,  maintenance  or  recovery of entitlement to benefits
   conditional upon the  completion  of  periods  of  residence,  the
   institution which applies that legislation shall, to that end, for
   the purpose of adding periods together, take account of periods of
   insurance completed under the legislation of any other Contracting
   Party,  and,  where appropriate, of periods of residence completed
   after  the  age  of  sixteen under non-contributory schemes of any
   other Contracting Party,  as if they  were  periods  of  residence
   completed under the legislation of the first Party.
       3. Where,  under the legislation of  a  Contracting  Party,  a
   person  has  been  affiliated  at  the same time to a contributory
   scheme and to a non-contributory scheme for the same  contingency,
   the  institution  of  any  other Contracting Party concerned shall
   have regard, in applying paragraphs 1 or 2 of this article, to the
   longest  period  of  insurance or of residence completed under the
   legislation of the first Party.
       4. Where  the  legislation  of  a  Contracting Party makes the
   provision of certain benefits conditional upon the  completion  of
   periods  of insurance in an occupation covered by a special scheme
   or in a specified occupation or employment, only periods completed
   under  a  corresponding  scheme,  or,  failing  that,  in the same
   occupation or,  where appropriate,  in the same employment,  under
   the legislation of other Contracting Parties,  shall be taken into
   account for  the  award  of  such  benefits.  If,  notwithstanding
   periods  completed  in  this  way,  the  person concerned does not
   satisfy the conditions for entitlement to the said  benefits,  the
   periods  concerned  shall  be  taken into account for the award of
   benefits under the general scheme or,  failing  that,  the  scheme
   applicable   to   wage-earners   or   to  salaried  employees,  as
       5. Where  the  legislation of a Contracting Party,  which does
   not make entitlement to benefits or the amount thereof subject  to
   any  specific  period  of  insurance  or  employment but makes the
   provision of such benefits conditional on the person concerned or,
   in  the  case  of survivors' benefits,  the deceased,  having been
   subject to that legislation at the time at which  the  contingency
   arose,  that condition shall be considered fulfilled if the person
   concerned or the deceased, as the case may be, was subject at that
   time to the legislation of another Contracting Party.
       6. Where the legislation of a Contracting Party provides  that
   the period of payment of a pension may be taken into consideration
   for the acquisition,  maintenance or recovery  of  entitlement  to
   benefits,  the  competent  institution of that Party shall to that
   end take account of any period during which  a  pension  was  paid
   under the legislation of any other Contracting Party.
                               Article 29
       1. The   institution   of  each  Contracting  Party  to  whose
   legislation the person concerned has been subject shall determine,
   in accordance with the legislation which it applies,  whether such
   person satisfies the conditions for entitlement to benefits having
   regard, where appropriate, to the provisions of Article 28.
       2. If the person concerned  satisfies  those  conditions,  the
   said  institution  shall  calculate  the theoretical amount of the
   benefit he could claim if all the  periods  of  insurance  and  of
   residence  completed  under  the  legislation  of  the Contracting
   Parties  concerned,  and  taken  into  account   for   determining
   entitlement,  in accordance with the provisions of Article 28, had
   been  completed  exclusively  under  the  legislation  which  that
   institution applies.
       3. However,
       (a) in  the  case  of  benefits  the amount  of which does not
   depend  on  the length of periods completed,  that amount shall be
   taken  to  be  the theoretical amount referred to in the preceding
       (b) in  the  case  of  benefits  specified  in  Annex IV,  the
   theoretical amount  referred  to in the preceding paragraph may be
   calculated on the basis of the full benefit and up  to  an  amount
   not exceeding it:
           (i) in the case of invalidity or death,  in  proportion to
       the  ratio  of  the  total  periods of insurance and residence
       completed,  before  the  contingency  arose,  by  the   person
       concerned  or  the  deceased  under  the  legislation  of  all
       Contracting  Parties  concerned  and  taken  into  account  in
       accordance  with  the provisions of Article 28,  to two-thirds
       the number of years which elapsed between the  date  on  which
       the  person  concerned  or  the  deceased  reached  the age of
       sixteen and the date on which occurred the incapacity for work
       followed  by  invalidity  or  the  death,  as the case may be,
       disregarding any years subsequent to pensionable age;
           (ii) in the case of old age, in proportion to the ratio of
       the total periods of insurance and residence completed by  the
       person  concerned under the legislation of all the Contracting
       Parties concerned,  and taken into account in accordance  with
       the  provisions of Article 28,  to thirty years,  disregarding
       any years subsequent to pensionable age.
       4. The said institution shall then calculate the actual amount
   of the benefit payable by it to the person concerned on the  basis
   of  the  theoretical  amount  calculated  in  accordance  with the
   provisions of paragraph 2 or of paragraph 3 of  this  article,  as
   appropriate,  and  in  proportion  to  the ratio of the periods of
   insurance or residence  completed  before  the  contingency  arose
   under  the  legislation  which  it  applies,  to  the total of the
   periods of insurance or residence completed before the contingency
   arose  under  the  legislation  of  all  the  Contracting  Parties
       5. Where  the legislation of a Contracting Party provides that
   the amount of benefits  or  certain  parts  thereof  shall  be  in
   proportion to the periods of insurance or residence completed, the
   competent institution of that Party may calculate  those  benefits
   or  parts  thereof  directly,  solely  on the basis of the periods
   completed under the legislation which it applies,  notwithstanding
   the provisions of paragraphs 2 to 4 of this Article.
                               Article 30
       1. For  the  calculation of the theoretical amount referred to
   in Article 29, paragraph 2:
       (a) where the legislation of a Contracting Party provides that
   benefits shall be calculated on the basis of average earnings,  an
   average  contribution,  an average increase or on the basis of the
   ratio of the claimant's  gross  earnings  during  the  periods  of
   insurance  to  the  average  gross earnings of all insured persons
   other than apprentices,  such average figures or ratios  shall  be
   determined  by  the  competent institution of that Party solely on
   the basis of the periods completed under the  legislation  of  the
   said  Party  or  of  the  gross  earnings  received  by the person
   concerned during those periods only;
       (b) where the legislation of a Contracting Party provides that
   benefits shall be  calculated  on  the  basis  of  the  amount  of
   earnings,  contributions or increases, the earnings, contributions
   or increases to be taken into account by the competent institution
   of   that   Party  in  respect  of  periods  completed  under  the
   legislation of other Contracting Parties shall  be  determined  on
   the  basis  of  the  average earnings,  contributions or increases
   recorded for the periods completed under the  legislation  of  the
   first Party;
       (c) where the legislation of a Contracting Party provides that
   benefits  shall  be calculated on the basis of fixed earnings or a
   fixed amount,  the earnings or the amount to be taken into account
   by  the  competent institution of that Party in respect of periods
   completed under the legislation of other Contracting Parties shall
   be  equal  to  the  fixed  earnings or the fixed amount or,  where
   appropriate,  the  average  fixed   earnings   or   fixed   amount
   corresponding  to  the  periods completed under the legislation of
   the first Party;
       (d) where the legislation of a Contracting Party provides that
   benefits shall be calculated,  in respect of certain  periods,  on
   the  basis  of earnings and,  in respect of other periods,  on the
   basis  of  fixed  earnings  or  a  fixed  amount,  the   competent
   institution  of that Party shall take into account,  in respect of
   periods completed  under  the  legislation  of  other  Contracting
   Parties, the earnings or amounts determined in accordance with the
   provisions  of sub-paragraph (b)  or  sub-paragraph (c)  of   this
   paragraph,  as  appropriate;  where  in respect of all the periods
   completed under the legislation of the first Party,  the  benefits
   are  calculated  on the basis of fixed earnings or a fixed amount,
   the earnings to be taken into account by the competent institution
   of   that  Party,  in  respect  of  periods  completed  under  the
   legislation of other Contracting Parties,  shall be equal  to  the
   notional  earnings  corresponding  to  the  said fixed earnings or
   fixed amount.
       2. Where the legislation of a Contracting Party embodies rules
   providing for the revaluation of the factors  taken  into  account
   for  the calculation of benefits,  these rules shall apply,  where
   appropriate,  to the factors taken into account by  the  competent
   institution  of  that Party,  in accordance with the provisions of
   the preceding paragraph, in respect of periods completed under the
   legislation of other Contracting Parties.
       3. Where the legislation of a Contracting Party provides  that
   the  amount  of  benefits shall vary with the number of members of
   the family,  the competent institution of that  Party  shall  take
   account  also  of  the  members  of  the  family  resident  in the
   territory of another Contracting Party,  as if they were  resident
   in the territory of the first Party.
                               Article 31
       1. Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of Article 29,  where the
   total duration of the periods of insurance or residence  completed
   under the legislation of a Contracting Party is less than one year
   and where,  taking into account only those periods, no entitlement
   to benefits exists under that legislation,  the institution of the
   Party concerned shall not be bound to award benefits in respect of
   the said periods.
       2. The periods referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be
   taken  into  account  by  the  institution  of  each  of the other
   Contracting Parties concerned for the purpose of applying  Article
   29, except paragraph 4 thereof.
       3. However,  where  the  application  of  the  provisions   of
   paragraph 1 of this article would have the effect of relieving all
   the institutions concerned of the obligation  to  award  benefits,
   benefits shall be awarded exclusively under the legislation of the
   last Contracting Party  whose  conditions  are  fulfilled  by  the
   person  concerned,  regard  being had to the provisions of Article
   28,  as if all the periods referred  to  in  paragraph  1  of  the
   present  article  had been completed under the legislation of that
                               Article 32
       1. Notwithstanding the provisions of  Article  29,  where  the
   total of all periods of insurance or residence completed under the
   legislation of a Contracting Party is at least one year  but  less
   than five years,  the institution of that Party shall not be bound
   to award old-age benefits in respect of the said periods.
       2. The periods referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be
   taken into account, for the purpose of applying Article 29, by the
   institution  of  the Contracting Party under whose legislation the
   person concerned completed the  longest  period  of  insurance  or
   residence,  as if the periods in question had been completed under
   the legislation of that Party.  Where,  under this rule,  the said
   periods  would  have  to  be  taken  into account by more than one
   institution,  they  shall  be  taken  into  account  only  by  the
   institution  of  the  Contracting  Party  to whose legislation the
   person concerned was last subject.
       3. The  institution referred to in paragraph 1 of this article
   shall transfer to the institution mentioned  in  paragraph  2,  in
   final settlement,  a lump sum equal to ten times the annual amount
   of the part-benefit payable by the last-mentioned institution,  in
   accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Article  29,  in respect of
   periods completed under  the  legislation  applied  by  the  first
   institution.  The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties
   concerned may agree on different arrangements for  settling  their
   liabilities in respect of such periods.
       4. However,  where  the  application  of  the  provisions   of
   paragraph 1 of this article would have the effect of relieving all
   the institutions concerned of the obligation  to  award  benefits,
   benefits  shall  be  awarded  in accordance with the provisions of
   Article 29.
       5. Where the combined application of the provisions of Article
   31, paragraph 1, and of paragraph 1 of this article would have the
   effect   of  relieving  all  the  institutions  concerned  of  the
   obligation  to  award  benefits,  benefits  shall  be  awarded  in
   accordance with the provisions of Article 29, without prejudice to
   the provisions of Article 31, paragraphs 1 and 2.
       6. The   application   of  the  provisions  of  the  preceding
   paragraphs of this article as  between  two  or  more  Contracting
   Parties  shall  be  subject  to  the  conclusion  of  bilateral or
   multilateral agreements between those Parties and shall be limited
   to  cases  in  which  the  persons  concerned  have  been  subject
   exclusively to the legislation of those Parties.
                               Article 33
       1. If the person concerned does not,  at a given date, satisfy
   the  conditions required by the legislation of all the Contracting
   Parties concerned,  regard being had to the provisions of  Article
   28, but satisfies the conditions of the legislation of only one or
   more of them, the following provisions shall apply:
       (a) the amount  of the benefits payable shall be calculated in
   accordance with  the  provisions  of  paragraphs  2  to  4  or  of
   paragraph  5  of  Article  29,  as  appropriate,  by  each  of the
   competent institutions  applying  legislation  the  conditions  of
   which are fulfilled;
       (b) however,
           (i) if the person concerned satisfies the conditions of at
       least two legislations, without any need to include periods of
       insurance   or  residence  completed  under  legislations  the
       conditions of which are not fulfilled,  such periods shall not
       be  taken  into  account  for  the  purpose  of  applying  the
       provisions of Article 29, paragraphs 2 to 4;
           (ii) if the  person  concerned satisfies the conditions of
       one  legislation  only,  without  any  need  to   invoke   the
       provisions  of  Article 28,  the amount of the benefit payable
       shall  be  calculated  exclusively  in  accordance  with   the
       provisions  of  the  legislation  the  conditions of which are
       fulfilled,  taking account of  periods  completed  under  that
       legislation only.
       2. Benefits awarded under one  or  more  of  the  legislations
   concerned  in the case covered by the preceding paragraph shall be
   recalculated ex officio,  in accordance  with  the  provisions  of
   paragraphs 2 to 4 or of paragraph 5 of Article 29, as appropriate,
   as and when the conditions prescribed by the other legislation  or
   legislations  concerned  are  satisfied,  regard being had,  where
   appropriate, to the provisions of Article 28.
       3. Benefits  awarded  under  the  legislation  of  two or more
   Contracting Parties shall be recalculated,  in accordance with the
   provisions  of paragraph 1 of this article,  at the request of the
   beneficiary,  when the conditions prescribed by one or more of the
   legislations concerned cease to be fulfilled.
                               Article 34
       1. Where the amount of the benefits a person would be entitled
   to  claim  under  the  legislation   of   a   Contracting   Party,
   disregarding the provisions of Articles 28 to 33,  is greater than
   the total benefits payable in accordance  with  those  provisions,
   the  competent  institution  of  that Party shall pay a supplement
   equal to the difference between the two amounts,  and  shall  bear
   the whole cost thereof.
       2. Where the application of the provisions  of  the  preceding
   paragraph  would have the effect of entitling the person concerned
   to supplements from the institutions of two  or  more  Contracting
   Parties,  he shall receive only whichever is the largest,  and the
   cost shall be apportioned among the competent institutions of  the
   Contracting  Parties  concerned according to the ratio between the
   amount of the supplement which each of them would have to  pay  if
   it  alone  had  been  concerned  and  the  amount  of the combined
   supplement which all the said institutions would have had to pay.
       3. The  supplement  referred to in the preceding paragraphs of
   this article shall be regarded as  a  component  of  the  benefits
   provided  by the institution liable for payment.  Its amount shall
   be determined once and for all,  except where it may be  necessary
   to  apply  the provisions of paragraph 2 or paragraph 3 of Article
                               Article 35
       1. In the event of an aggravation of any invalidity for  which
   a  person  is  receiving  benefits  under  the  legislation of one
   Contracting Party only, the following provisions shall apply:
       (a) if  the  person  concerned,  since  he  began  to  receive
   benefits,  has not been subject to the legislation  of  any  other
   Contracting  Party,  the  competent institution of the first Party
   shall be bound to award  benefits,  taking  the  aggravation  into
   account,  in  accordance  with  the  provisions of the legislation
   which that institution applies;
       (b) if  the  person  concerned,  since  he  began  to  receive
   benefits, has been subject to the legislation of one or more other
   Contracting   Parties,  benefits  shall  be  awarded,  taking  the
   aggravation into account,  in accordance with  the  provisions  of
   Articles 28 to 34;
       (c)  in  the  case referred to in the preceding sub-paragraph,
   the  date  on  which  the  aggravation  was  established  shall be
   regarded as the date on which the contingency arose;
       (d) if  in the case referred  to  in sub-paragraph (b) of this
   paragraph the person concerned is not entitled  to  benefits  from
   the  institution  of  another  Contracting  Party,  the  competent
   institution of the first Party shall be bound to  award  benefits,
   taking  the  aggravation  into  account,  in  accordance  with the
   provisions of the legislation which that institution applies.
       2. In  the event of an aggravation of any invalidity for which
   a person is receiving benefits under the  legislation  of  two  or
   more  Contracting Parties,  benefits shall be awarded,  taking the
   aggravation into account,  in accordance with  the  provisions  of
   Articles 28  to  34.  The  provisions  of sub-paragraph (c) of the
   preceding paragraph shall apply, mutatis mutandis.
                               Article 36
       1. Where, after the suspension of benefits, payment thereof is
   to   be  resumed,  this  shall  be  done  by  the  institution  or
   institutions which were liable for payment of the benefits at  the
   time  of  the  suspension,  without prejudice to the provisions of
   Article 37.
       2. Where,  after  the  suppression  of benefits,  the state of
   health of the person concerned  justifies  the  award  of  further
   benefits,  such  benefits  shall be awarded in accordance with the
   provisions of Articles 28 to 34.
                               Article 37
       1. Invalidity benefits shall,  where appropriate, be converted
   into  old-age  benefits,  on  the  conditions  prescribed  by  the
   legislation or legislations under which they have been awarded and
   in accordance with the provisions of Articles 28 to 34.
       2. Where,  in the case referred to in Article 33,  a recipient
   of  invalidity  benefits  payable  under the legislation of one or
   more Contracting Parties becomes entitled to old-age benefits, any
   institution  liable  for  the payment of invalidity benefits shall
   continue to pay the recipient the benefits to which he is entitled
   under  the  legislation  which  it  applies until such time as the
   provisions of the preceding paragraph become applicable in respect
   of that institution.
                               Chapter 3
                               Article 38
       1. Workers   having   sustained   an  occupational  injury  or
   contracted an occupational disease who reside in the territory  of
   a  Contracting  Party  other  than  the  competent  State shall be
   entitled to receive in the territory of the Contracting  Party  in
   which they are resident:
       (a) benefits in kind, provided at the expense of the competent
   institution  by  the  institution  of  the  place  of residence in
   accordance with the provisions of the legislation which the latter
   institution applies, as if these workers were affiliated to it;
       (b) cash  benefits,  paid  by  the  competent  institution  in
   accordance  with  the  provisions  of  the  legislation  which  it
   applies, as if these workers were resident in the territory of the
   competent  State.  However,  by  agreement  between  the competent
   institution and the institution of the place  of  residence,  cash
   benefits  may  also  be  paid  through the latter institution,  on
   behalf of the competent institution.
       2. Benefits  may  also  be  paid  to  frontier  workers by the
   competent institution in the territory of the competent State,  in
   accordance  with  the provisions of the legislation of that State,
   as if they were resident in its territory.
       3. Workers  to whom this article applies,  other than frontier
   workers,  who are temporarily resident in  the  territory  of  the
   competent State,  shall be entitled to benefits in accordance with
   the provisions of the legislation of that State as  if  they  were
   resident  in  its  territory  even  if they were already receiving
   benefits before taking up their temporary residence.
       4. Workers  to  whom  this  article applies who transfer their
   residence to  the  territory  of  the  competent  State  shall  be
   entitled  to  benefits  in  accordance  with the provisions of the
   legislation of that State even  if  they  were  already  receiving
   benefits before transferring their residence.
                               Article 39
       An accident  on the way to or from work,  which happens in the
   territory of a Contracting Party other than the  competent  State,
   shall  be  regarded  as  having  happened  in the territory of the
   competent State.
                               Article 40
       1. Workers  having  sustained  an   occupational   injury   or
   contracted an occupational disease and:
       (a) who  are  temporarily  resident  in  the  territory  of  a
   Contracting Party other than the competent State, or
       (b) who,  having become entitled to  benefits  payable  by the
   competent  institution,  are  authorised  by  that  institution to
   return to the territory of a  Contracting  Party  other  than  the
   competent  State  where  they  are resident,  or to transfer their
   residence to the territory of a Contracting Party other  than  the
   competent State, or
       (c) who are authorised by the competent institution  to  go to
   the  territory  of  a  Contracting  Party other than the competent
   State  in  order  to  receive  the  treatment  required  by  their
       shall receive:
           (i) benefits in  kind,  provided  at  the expense  of  the
       competent  institution  by  the  institution  of  the place of
       residence  or  temporary  residence  in  accordance  with  the
       provisions   of   the   legislation   applied  by  the  latter
       institution,  as if these workers were affiliated to it, for a
       period not exceeding any period which may be prescribed by the
       legislation of the competent State;
           (ii) cash benefits,  paid  by the competent institution in
       accordance with the provisions of  the  legislation  which  it
       applies,  as  if  these  workers  were in the territory of the
       competent State.  However,  by agreement between the competent
       institution  and  the institution of the place of residence or
       temporary residence,  cash benefits may be  paid  through  the
       latter institution, on behalf of the competent institution.
       2. (a)  The authorisation referred  to in sub-paragraph (b) of
   the  preceding  paragraph  may  be  refused only if the move might
   prejudice  the  health  or  the course of medical treatment of the
       (b) the authorisation referred to in  sub-paragraph (c) of the
   preceding  paragraph  shall  not  be  refused  when  the requisite
   treatment cannot be given in  the  territory  of  the  Contracting
   Party in which the worker resides.
                               Article 41
       In the  cases  mentioned  in Article 38,  paragraph 1,  and in
   Article 40,  paragraph 1, the competent authorities of two or more
   Contracting  Parties may agree to make the provision of prosthetic
   appliances,  major  aids  and  other  major   benefits   in   kind
   conditional upon authorisation by the competent institution.
                               Article 42
       1. Where  the  legislation of the competent State provides for
   the payment of the cost of transporting the injured worker to  his
   place  of  residence or to hospital,  the cost of transport to the
   corresponding place in the territory of another Contracting  Party
   where  he is resident shall be borne by the competent institution,
   in accordance with the provisions  of  the  legislation  which  it
   applies,  provided  that  it has given prior authorisation for the
   said transport,  due account being taken of the reasons justifying
       2. Where the legislation of the competent State  provides  for
   the  payment  of  the  cost of transporting the body of a deceased
   worker to the place of  burial,  the  cost  of  transport  to  the
   corresponding  place in the territory of another Contracting Party
   where the deceased was resident shall be borne  by  the  competent
   institution,  in accordance with the provisions of the legislation
   which it applies.
       3. The   application   of  the  provisions  of  the  preceding
   paragraphs of this article as  between  two  or  more  Contracting
   Parties  shall  be  subject  to  the  conclusion  of  bilateral or
   multilateral agreements between  those  Parties.  Such  agreements
   shall   specify  the  categories  of  persons  to  whom  the  said
   provisions shall apply and the arrangements for  apportioning  the
   transport costs between the Contracting Parties concerned.
                               Article 43
       1. Where no insurance scheme covering occupational injuries or
   diseases exists in the territory of the  Contracting  Party  where
   the  worker  happens to be or where an insurance scheme exists but
   has no institution responsible for the provision  of  benefits  in
   kind,  such  benefits  shall be provided by the institution of the
   place  of  residence  or  temporary  residence   responsible   for
   providing benefits in kind in the event of sickness.
       2. Where the legislation of the competent State provides  that
   benefits  in  kind shall not be completely free unless use is made
   of the medical service organised by the employer,  the benefits in
   kind provided in the cases referred to in Article 38, paragraph 1,
   and in Article 40,  paragraph 1,  shall be  deemed  to  have  been
   provided by such medical service.
       3. Where the legislation of the competent  State  embodies  an
   employers' liability scheme,  the benefits in kind provided in the
   cases referred to in Article 38,  paragraph 1,  and in Article 40,
   paragraph 1,  shall be deemed to have been provided at the request
   of the competent institution.
       4. Where  the  legislation of one Contracting Party explicitly
   or implicitly provides  that  previous  occupational  injuries  or
   diseases  shall  be  taken  into  account in the assessment of the
   degree of incapacity,  the competent  institution  of  that  Party
   shall  also  take  into  account  for  this  purpose  occupational
   injuries or diseases previously recognised in accordance with  the
   legislation  of  any  other  Contracting  Party,  as  if  they had
   occurred under the legislation which that institution applies.
                               Article 44
       1. Where the legislation applied by  the  institution  of  the
   place  of  residence  or  temporary residence embodies two or more
   compensation schemes,  the rules to be applied in respect  of  the
   provision of benefits in kind, in the cases referred to in Article
   38, paragraph 1, and in Article 40, paragraph 1, shall be those of
   the general scheme or,  failing that, of the scheme for industrial
       2. Where  the  legislation  of  a  Contracting  Party  fixes a
   maximum period for the  provision  of  benefits,  the  institution
   which  applies  that  legislation  may,  where  appropriate,  take
   account of any period during  which  benefits  have  already  been
   provided  by  the institution of another Contracting Party for the
   same case of occupational injury or disease.
                               Article 45
       1. Where the legislation of a Contracting Party provides  that
   the  calculation  of  cash  benefits  shall  be  based  on average
   earnings,  the competent institution of that Party shall determine
   those  average  earnings  exclusively on the basis of the earnings
   recorded during the period completed under the said legislation.
       2. Where  the legislation of a Contracting Party provides that
   the calculation of cash benefits shall be based on fixed earnings,
   the  competent  institution  of  that  Party  shall  take  account
   exclusively of such fixed earnings or,  where appropriate,  of the
   average  fixed  earnings  corresponding  to  the periods completed
   under the said legislation.
       3. Where  the legislation of a Contracting Party provides that
   the amount of cash benefits shall vary with the number of  members
   of the family,  the competent institution of that Party shall take
   account also of members of the family resident in the territory of
   another  Contracting  Party,  as  if  they  were  resident  in the
   territory of the first Party.
                               Article 46
       1. If a worker having contracted an occupational  disease  has
   followed,  under  the  legislation  of  two  or  more  Contracting
   Parties,  an occupation  liable  to  cause  such  a  disease,  the
   benefits  to  which  he  or his survivors may be entitled shall be
   awarded exclusively under the legislation of the last of the  said
   Parties  the  conditions  of which they fulfil,  regard being had,
   where appropriate,  to the provisions of paragraphs 2,  3 and 4 of
   this article.
       2. Where  the  legislation  of  a  Contracting   Party   makes
   entitlement to benefits for occupational diseases conditional upon
   the disease in question being first diagnosed  in  its  territory,
   that  condition  shall  be  deemed  to have been fulfilled if this
   disease  was  first  diagnosed  in  the   territory   of   another
   Contracting Party.
       3. Where the legislation of a Contracting Party explicitly  or
   implicitly makes entitlement to benefits for occupational diseases
   conditional upon the disease in question being diagnosed within  a
   specified  period  after  the  termination  of the last occupation
   liable to have caused it, the competent institution of that Party,
   when ascertaining the time at which the occupation in question was
   followed,  shall take account  to  the  extent  necessary  of  any
   occupation  of the same kind followed under the legislation of any
   other Contracting Party,  as if it had  been  followed  under  the
   legislation of the first Party.
       4. Where the legislation of a Contracting Party explicitly  or
   implicitly makes entitlement to benefits for occupational diseases
   conditional upon an occupation liable  to  cause  the  disease  in
   question   having  been  followed  for  a  specified  period,  the
   competent institution of that Party shall  take  account,  to  the
   extent necessary,  for the purpose of adding periods together,  of
   periods during which  such  an  occupation  was  followed  in  the
   territory of any other Contracting Party.
       5. The application of the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4  of
   this  article  as between two or more Contracting Parties shall be
   subject to the conclusion of bilateral or multilateral  agreements
   between   those   Parties.   Such  agreements  shall  specify  the
   occupational  diseases  to  which  these   provisions   shall   be
   applicable  and  the arrangements for apportioning the cost of the
   benefits between the Contracting Parties concerned.
                               Article 47
       Where a worker having contracted an occupational  disease  has
   received or is receiving compensation paid by the institution of a
   Contracting Party,  and,  in the event of an  aggravation  of  his
   condition,   claims  benefits  from  the  institution  of  another
   Contracting Party, the following provisions shall apply:
       (a) where the worker has not followed,   under the legislation
   of the second Party, an occupation liable to cause or to aggravate
   the  disease  in question,  the competent institution of the first
   Party shall bear the cost of the benefits,  taking the aggravation
   into account, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation
   which that institution applies;
       (b) where  the worker  followed  such  an occupation under the
   legislation of the second Party,  the competent institution of the
   first  Party  shall  bear  the  cost of the benefits,  leaving the
   aggravation out of account,  in accordance with the provisions  of
   the legislation which it applies; the competent institution of the
   second Party shall award to the worker a supplementary benefit the
   amount  of  which  shall  be  equal  to the difference between the
   amount of the benefits due after the aggravation and the amount of
   the  benefits that would have been due before the aggravation,  in
   accordance with the  provisions  of  the  legislation  which  that
   institution   applies,   if  the  disease  in  question  had  been
   contracted under the legislation of that Party.
                               Article 48
       1. The competent institution shall be bound to refund the cost
   of  benefits  in  kind provided on its behalf by virtue of Article
   38, paragraph 1, and Article 40, paragraph 1.
       2. The  refund referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be
   determined and made under arrangements to be  agreed  between  the
   competent authorities of the Contracting Parties.
       3. Two or more Contracting Parties may agree that there  shall
   be no refunds between the institutions in their jurisdiction.
                               Chapter 4
                             DEATH (GRANTS)
                               Article 49
       1. Where  the  legislation  of  a  Contracting Party makes the
   acquisition,  maintenance or  recovery  of  entitlement  to  death
   grants  conditional  upon  the completion of periods of insurance,
   the institution which applies that legislation shall, to that end,
   for the purpose of adding periods together,  take account,  to the
   extent necessary,  of periods of  insurance  completed  under  the
   legislation of any other Contracting Party and, where appropriate,
   of periods of residence completed after the age of  sixteen  under
   non-contributory  schemes  of  any other Contracting Party,  as if
   they were periods of insurance completed under the legislation  of
   the first Party.
       2. Where the legislation of  a  Contracting  Party  makes  the
   acquisition,  maintenance  or  recovery  of  entitlement  to death
   grants conditional upon the completion of  periods  of  residence,
   the institution which applies that legislation shall, to that end,
   for the purpose of adding periods together,  take account,  to the
   extent  necessary,  of  periods  of  insurance completed under the
   legislation of any other Contracting Party and, where appropriate,
   of  periods  of residence completed after the age of sixteen under
   non-contributory schemes of any other  Contracting  Party,  as  if
   they  were periods of residence completed under the legislation of
   the first Party.
                               Article 50
       1. Where a person dies in the territory of a Contracting Party
   other than the competent State,  the death shall be deemed to have
   occurred in the territory of the competent State.
       2. The  competent  institution  shall provide death grants due
   under the legislation which it applies,  even if  the  beneficiary
   resides  in  the  territory  of a Contracting Party other than the
   competent State.
       3. The  provisions of the preceding paragraphs of this article
   shall apply also where death results from an  occupational  injury
   or disease.
                               Chapter 5
                               Article 51
       1. Where the legislation of  a  Contracting  Party  makes  the
   acquisition,  maintenance  or  recovery of entitlement to benefits
   conditional upon the  completion  of  periods  of  insurance,  the
   institution which applies that legislation shall, to that end, for
   the purpose of adding  periods  together,  take  account,  to  the
   extent   necessary,   of   periods  of  insurance,  employment  or
   occupational activity completed under the legislation of any other
   Contracting Party,  as if they were periods of insurance completed
   under the legislation of the first Party,  provided however  that,
   in  the  case  of  periods of employment or occupational activity,
   these periods would have been considered as periods  of  insurance
   if they had been completed under the last mentioned legislation.
       2. Where the legislation of  a  Contracting  Party  makes  the
   entitlement to benefits conditional upon the completion of periods
   of employment, occupational activity or residence, the institution
   which applies that legislation shall, to that end, for the purpose
   of adding periods together, take account, to the extent necessary,
   of  periods  of  insurance,  employment  or  occupational activity
   completed under the legislation of any other Contracting Party, as
   if  they  were  periods  of  employment,  occupational activity or
   residence completed under the legislation of the first Party.
       3. Where  the  legislation  of  a  Contracting Party makes the
   provision of certain benefits conditional upon the  completion  of
   periods of insurance in an occupation covered by a special scheme,
   only periods completed under a corresponding scheme,  or,  failing
   that,  in  the  same  occupation  under  the  legislation of other
   Contracting Parties, shall be taken into account for the provision
   of  such benefits.  If,  notwithstanding periods completed in this
   way,  the person concerned does not  satisfy  the  conditions  for
   entitlement  to the said benefits,  the periods concerned shall be
   taken into account for the provision of benefits under the general
       4. The  application  of  the  provisions  of   the   preceding
   paragraphs  of  this  article is subject to the condition that the
   person concerned was  last  subject  to  the  legislation  of  the
   Contracting Party under which the benefits are claimed,  except in
   the cases referred to in Article 53,  paragraph 1,  sub-paragraphs
   (a) (ii) and (b) (ii).
                               Article 52
       Unemployed workers  who satisfy the conditions for entitlement
   to benefits prescribed by the legislation of one Contracting Party
   in respect of the completion of periods of insurance,  employment,
   occupational  activity  or  residence,  regard  being  had,  where
   appropriate,  to  the  provisions of Article 51,  and who transfer
   their residence to the territory  of  another  Contracting  Party,
   shall  be deemed to satisfy also the conditions for entitlement to
   benefits prescribed by the legislation of the second Party in this
   respect,  provided that they lodge a claim with the institution of
   their new place of residence within thirty days of their  transfer
   of residence. The benefits shall be paid by the institution of the
   place of residence,  in accordance  with  the  provisions  of  the
   legislation  which that institution applies,  the cost being borne
   by the competent institution of the first Party.
                               Article 53
       1. Without prejudice to  the  provisions  of  Article  52,  an
   unemployed worker who, during his last employment, was resident in
   the territory of a Contracting  Party  other  than  the  competent
   State  shall  receive  benefits  in  accordance with the following
       (a)  (i)   a  frontier  worker,   whose  unemployment  in  the
       undertaking which employs him is partial or incidental,  shall
       receive  benefits  in  accordance  with  the provisions of the
       legislation of the competent State,  as if he were resident in
       the  territory  of  that  State,   regard  being  had,   where
       appropriate,  to  the provisions of Article 51;  such benefits
       shall be paid by the competent institution;
           (ii) a frontier  worker  who  is  wholly  unemployed shall
       receive  benefits  in  accordance  with  the provisions of the
       legislation of the Contracting Party in whose territory he  is
       resident, as if he had been subject to that legislation during
       his last employment,  regard being had,  where appropriate, to
       the  provisions of Article 51;  such benefits shall be paid by
       the institution of the place of residence;
       (b) (i)  a worker,  other than a frontier worker,  who becomes
       partially,  incidentally  or  wholly  unemployed  and  remains
       available to his employer or to the employment services in the
       territory of the competent State,  shall receive  benefits  in
       accordance  with  the  provisions  of  the  legislation of the
       competent State,  as if he were resident in the  territory  of
       that  State,  regard  being  had,  where  appropriate,  to the
       provisions of Article 51;  such benefits shall be paid by  the
       competent institution;
           (ii) a worker,  other than a frontier worker,  who becomes
       wholly   unemployed   and   makes  himself  available  to  the
       employment services in the territory of the Contracting  Party
       where  he  is  resident,  or returns to that territory,  shall
       receive benefits in accordance  with  the  provisions  of  the
       legislation  of that Party,  as if he had been subject to that
       legislation during his  last  employment,  regard  being  had,
       where  appropriate,  to  the  provisions  of Article 51;  such
       benefits shall be paid by the  institution  of  the  place  of
           (iii) however, if the worker referred to in  sub-paragraph
       (b) (ii)  of  this  paragraph  has become entitled to benefits
       from  the  competent  institution  of the Contracting Party to
       whose  legislation  he  was  last  subject,  he  shall receive
       benefits  in accordance with the provisions of Article 52,  as
       if  he  had  transferred his residence to the territory of the
       Contracting  Party  referred  to  in sub-paragraph (b) (ii) of
       this paragraph.
       2. As  long as an unemployed worker is entitled to benefits by
   virtue  of  sub-paragraphs  (a)  (i)  or  (b) (i) of the preceding
   paragraph,  he  shall  not  be  entitled  to  benefits  under  the
   legislation  of  the  Contracting  Party  in  whose  territory  he
                               Article 54
       Where, in the cases referred to in Article 52 and  in  Article
   53,  paragraph 1, sub-paragraph (b) (iii), the legislation applied
   by the institution  of the place of residence prescribes a maximum
   period for the award of benefits,  the said institution may, where
   appropriate, take account of any period during which benefits have
   already  been paid by the institution of another Contracting Party
   since entitlement to benefits was last established.
                               Article 55
       1. Where the legislation of a Contracting Party provides  that
   the  calculation  of  benefits  shall  be  based  on the amount of
   previous earnings,  the institution which applies that legislation
   shall  take  account  exclusively  of  the  earnings of the worker
   concerned  in  the  last  occupation  which  he  followed  in  the
   territory  of  the  said Party or,  if he was not last employed in
   that territory for at  least  four  weeks,  of  the  corresponding
   normal  wage  at  his  place of residence,  for work equivalent or
   similar to  his  last  occupation  in  the  territory  of  another
   Contracting Party.
       2. Where  the legislation of a Contracting Party provides that
   the amount of benefits shall vary with the number  of  members  of
   the  family,  the institution which applies that legislation shall
   take account also of the members of the  family  resident  in  the
   territory  of another Contracting Party,  as if they were resident
   in the territory of the first Party.
       3. Where  the  legislation  applied  by the institution of the
   place of residence provides that the time  during  which  benefits
   are  payable  shall depend on the length of the periods completed,
   the time during which benefits are  payable  shall  be  determined
   with due regard, where appropriate, to the provisions of paragraph
   1 or paragraph 2 of Article 51.
                               Article 56
       1. The application of the provisions of Articles 52 to  54  as
   between  two  or  more Contracting Parties shall be subject to the
   conclusion between those  Parties  of  bilateral  or  multilateral
   agreements    which   may   also   contain   appropriate   special
       2. The agreements referred to in the preceding paragraph shall
   specify in particular:
       (a) the categories  of  persons  to  whom  the  provisions  of
   Articles 52 to 54 shall apply;
       (b) the period during  which  institution  of  one Contracting
   Party,  the  cost  being  borne  by  the  institution  of  another
   Contracting Party;
       (c) arrangements for the refund of  benefits provided  by  the
   institution of one Contracting Party where the cost is to be borne
   by the institution of another Contracting Party.
       3. Two or more Contracting Parties may agree that there  shall
   be no refunds between the institutions in their jurisdiction.
                               Chapter 6
                            FAMILY BENEFITS
                               Article 57
       Where the   legislation  of  a  Contracting  Party  makes  the
   entitlement to benefits conditional upon the completion of periods
   of employment, occupational activity or residence, the institution
   which applies that legislation shall, to that end, for the purpose
   of adding periods together, take account, to the extent necessary,
   of periods  of  employment,  occupational  activity  or  residence
   completed under the legislation of any other Contracting Party, as
   if they were  periods  of  employment,  occupational  activity  or
   residence completed under the legislation of the first Party.
                               Article 58
       1. The application of the provisions of Section 1 or Section 2
   of  this  chapter as between two or more Contracting Parties shall
   be subject to the conclusion between those Parties of bilateral or
   multilateral agreements which may also contain appropriate special
       2. The agreements referred to in the preceding paragraph shall
   specify in particular:
       (a) the  categories  of persons  to  whom  the  provisions  of
   Articles 59 to 62 shall apply;
       (b) rules to prevent the overlapping of benefits  of  the same
       (c) where appropriate,  the  maintenance of rights acquired by
   virtue of social security conventions.
                      Section 1. FAMILY ALLOWANCES
                               Article 59
       1. For the purpose of the application of this article  and  of
   Article   60,   the  term  "children"  shall,  within  the  limits
   prescribed in the legislation of the Contracting Party  concerned,
       (a) legitimate children,  legitimised  children,  acknowledged
   illegitimate children, adopted children and orphaned grandchildren
   of the beneficiary;
       (b)  legitimate children,  legitimised children,  acknowledged
   illegitimate children, adopted children and orphaned grandchildren
   of the beneficiary's spouse,  on condition that they are living in
   the  beneficiary's  household  in  the  territory of a Contracting
       2. Persons  subject  to  the  legislation  of  one Contracting
   Party, having children who are resident or are being brought up in
   the  territory of another Contracting Party,  shall be entitled in
   respect of such children to the family allowances provided for  by
   the  legislation  of  the  first Party,  as if these children were
   permanently resident or were being brought up in the territory  of
   that Party.
       3. However,   in   the  case  referred  to  in  the  preceding
   paragraph,  the amount of the family allowances may be limited  to
   the amount of family allowances provided for by the legislation of
   the Contracting Party in whose territory the children are resident
   or are being brought up.
       4. For the purpose of applying the provisions of the preceding
   paragraph,  the comparison of the  amounts  of  family  allowances
   payable  under the two legislations concerned shall be made on the
   basis of the total number of children  of  the  same  beneficiary.
   Where  the legislation of the Contracting Party in whose territory
   the children are resident or are being  brought  up  provides  for
   different  family  allowances  rates  for  different categories of
   beneficiaries,  regard shall be had to the amounts that  would  be
   payable if the beneficiary were subject to that legislation.
       5. The provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article  shall
   not  be  applicable  to  an employed person covered by Article 15,
   paragraph 1,  sub-paragraph (a),  in respect  of such children  as
   accompany  him  to the territory of the Contracting Party where he
   is sent to work.
       6. Family allowances shall be  paid  in  accordance  with  the
   provisions  of  the  legislation of the Contracting Party to which
   the beneficiary is subject,  even if the physical or legal  person
   to  whom  the  allowances are payable resides or is temporarily in
   the territory of another Contracting Party.
                               Article 60
       1. Unemployed workers drawing  unemployment  benefits  at  the
   expense  of  the institution of one Contracting Party,  and having
   children who are resident or are being brought up in the territory
   of  another  Contracting Party,  shall be entitled,  in respect of
   such  children,  to  the  family  allowances   payable   in   that
   contingency  under the legislation of the first Party,  as if they
   were resident or were being brought up in the  territory  of  this
       2. In  the  case  referred to in the preceding paragraph,  the
   provisions of Article 59,  Paragraphs 1, 3, 4 and 6  shall  apply,
   mutatis mutandis.
                       Section 2. FAMILY BENEFITS
                               Article 61
       1. Persons who are subject to the legislation of a Contracting
   Party  shall  be  entitled,  in respect of members of their family
   resident in the territory of another  Contracting  Party,  to  the
   benefits provided under the legislation of the latter Party, as if
   these persons were  subject  to  that  Party's  legislation.  Such
   benefits  shall  be  paid  to  the  members  of  the family by the
   institution of their place of residence,  in accordance  with  the
   provisions of the legislation which that institution applies,  and
   the cost shall be borne by the competent institution.
       2. Notwithstanding  the provisions of the preceding paragraph,
   an employed person to whom Article 15,  paragraph 1, sub-paragraph
   (a),  refers shall be entitled,  in respect of such members of his
   family as accompany him to the territory of the Contracting  Party
   where  he  is  sent  to  work,  to the benefits provided under the
   legislation of the Contracting Party to which he remains  subject.
   Such  benefits  shall  be paid by the competent institution of the
   latter  Party.  However,  by  agreement  between   the   competent
   institution  and  the  institution of the place of residence,  the
   benefits may also be  paid  through  the  latter  institution,  on
   behalf of the competent institution.
                               Article 62
       Unemployed workers drawing unemployment benefits payable by an
   institution  of a Contracting Party shall be entitled,  in respect
   of members of their family resident in the  territory  of  another
   Contracting  Party,  to  the  family  benefits  payable  under the
   legislation  of  the  latter  Party  provided  that,   under   the
   legislation of the first Party, family benefits are payable in the
   event of unemployment.  The family benefits shall be paid  to  the
   members  of  the  family  by  the  institution  of  their place of
   residence,  in accordance with the provisions of  the  legislation
   which that institution applies, and the cost shall be borne by the
   competent institution of the first Party.
                               Article 63
       1. In those cases where the provisions  of  this  section  are
   applied between two or more Contracting Parties,  the bilateral or
   multilateral agreements referred to in Article  58,  paragraph  1,
   shall specify the arrangements for the refund of benefits provided
   by the institution of one Contracting Party where the cost  is  to
   be borne by the institution of another Contracting Party.
       2. Two or more Contracting Parties may agree that there  shall
   be no refunds between the institutions in their jurisdiction.
                               Article 64
       1. The  competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall
   communicate to each other:
       (a) all information regarding measures taken by  them  for the
   application of this Convention; and
       (b) all   information   regarding   changes   made   in  their
   legislation which may affect the application of this Convention.
       2. For   the   purpose   of   applying  this  Convention,  the
   authorities and institutions  of  the  Contracting  Parties  shall
   assist  one  another  as if it were a matter of applying their own
   legislation.  In principle the administrative assistance furnished
   by  the  said authorities and institutions to one another shall be
   free  of  charge.  However,  the  competent  authorities  of   the
   Contracting Parties may agree to reimburse certain expenses.
       3. The authorities and institutions of the Contracting Parties
   may,  for  the  purpose  of applying this Convention,  communicate
   directly with one another and with the  individuals  concerned  or
   their representatives.
       4. The  authorities,  institutions  and  jurisdictions  of one
   Contracting  Party  may  not  reject  claims  or  other  documents
   submitted  to  them by reason of the fact that they are written in
   an official language of another Contracting Party.
                               Article 65
       1. Any exemption from,  or reduction of,  taxes,  stamp  duty,
   legal dues or registration fees provided for in the legislation of
   one Contracting Party in connection with certificates or documents
   required  to  be  produced  for the purposes of the legislation of
   that Party shall be extended to similar certificates and documents
   required  to  be  produced  for the purposes of the legislation of
   another Contracting Party or of this Convention.
       2. All official instruments,  documents or certificates of any
   kind that are required to be produced for  the  purposes  of  this
   Convention  shall  be  exempt  from  authentication or any similar
                               Article 66
       1. Where  a  claimant  is  resident  in  the  territory  of  a
   Contracting Party other than the competent State,  he may  validly
   present  his  claim  to the institution of his place of residence,
   which shall refer it to the competent institution or  institutions
   mentioned in the claim.
       2. Any  claim,  declaration  or  appeal  that should have been
   submitted,  under the legislation of a Contracting Party, within a
   specified  time  to  an authority,  institution or jurisdiction of
   that Party shall be admissible if it is submitted within the  same
   period  to  an  authority,  institution or jurisdiction of another
   Contracting Party.  In such event,  the authority,  institution or
   jurisdiction  receiving  the  claim,  declaration  or appeal shall
   forward it without delay to the competent  authority,  institution
   or jurisdiction of the first Party, either directly or through the
   intermediary of  the  competent  authorities  of  the  Contracting
   Parties  concerned.  The  date on which any claim,  declaration or
   appeal was submitted to an authority,  institution or jurisdiction
   of  the second Contracting Party shall be deemed to be the date of
   its submission  to  the  authority,  institution  or  jurisdiction
   competent to deal with it.
                               Article 67
       1. Medical examinations prescribed by the legislation  of  one
   Contracting  Party  may  be  carried  out,  at  the request of the
   institution which applies this legislation,  in the  territory  of
   another  Contracting  Party,  by  the  institution of the place of
   temporary residence or residence.  In such event,  they  shall  be
   deemed  to  have  been  carried  out in the territory of the first
       2. The  application  of  the  provisions  of   the   preceding
   paragraph  as  between  two  or  more Contracting Parties shall be
   subject to the conclusion of bilateral or multilateral  agreements
   between those Parties.
                               Article 68
       1. Where,  under  this  Convention,  the  institution  of  one
   Contracting Party is liable to pay cash benefits to a  beneficiary
   who  is  in  the  territory  of  another  Contracting  Party,  its
   liability shall be expressed in the currency of the  first  Party.
   That  institution  may  validly  discharge  its  liability  in the
   currency of the second Party.
       2. Where,  under  this  Convention,  the  institution  of  one
   Contracting  Party  is  liable  to  pay sums in refund of benefits
   provided by the institution  of  another  Contracting  Party,  its
   liability  shall be expressed in the currency of the second Party.
   The first institution may validly discharge its liability in  that
   currency,  unless the Contracting Parties concerned have agreed on
   other arrangements.
       3. Transfers of funds which result  from  the  application  of
   this  Convention shall be effected in accordance with the relevant
   agreements in force between the Contracting Parties  concerned  at
   the  date of transfer.  Failing such agreements,  the arrangements
   for effecting such transfers shall  be  agreed  between  the  said
                               Article 69
       1. For the calculation of the amount of contributions  due  to
   the  institution  of a Contracting Party,  account shall be taken,
   where appropriate,  of any income received in the territory of any
   other Contracting Party.
       2. The recovery of contributions due to the institution of one
   Contracting  Party  may  be  effected  in the territory of another
   Contracting Party in accordance with the administrative procedures
   and  subject  to  the  guarantees and privileges applicable to the
   recovery of contributions due to a  corresponding  institution  of
   the latter Party.
       3. The  application of the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of
   this article as between two or more Contracting Parties  shall  be
   subject  to the conclusion of bilateral or multilateral agreements
   between those Parties.  Such agreements may also deal  with  legal
   procedure for recovery.
                               Article 70
       1. Where  a person is receiving benefits under the legislation
   of one Contracting  Party  in  respect  of  an  injury  caused  or
   sustained  in  the  territory  of  another Contracting Party,  the
   rights of the institution liable to pay benefits against the third
   party  liable  to  pay damages shall be regulated in the following
       (a) where   the  said   institution,   under  the  legislation
   applicable to it, is substituted for the beneficiary in any rights
   which he may have against the third party, such substitution shall
   be recognised by every other Contracting Party; and
       (b) where  the said institution has a direct right against the
   third party,  such  right  shall  be  recognised  by  every  other
   Contracting Party.
       2. The   application   of  the  provisions  of  the  preceding
   paragraph as between two or  more  Contracting  Parties  shall  be
   subject  to the conclusion of bilateral or multilateral agreements
   between those Parties.
       3. The  rules  governing  the  liability of employers or their
   agents in the case of occupational injuries or  accidents  on  the
   way to or from work which happen in the territory of a Contracting
   Party other than  the  competent  State  shall  be  determined  by
   agreement between the Contracting Parties concerned.
                               Article 71
       1. Any dispute arising between two or more Contracting Parties
   as to the interpretation or application of this  Convention  shall
   first of all be the subject of negotiations between the Parties to
   the dispute.
       2. If one of the Parties to the dispute considers  that  there
   is  a  question likely to affect all the Contracting Parties,  the
   Parties to the dispute jointly,  or failing  that,  one  of  them,
   shall  submit  it  to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of
   Europe,  which shall give an opinion on the  question  within  six
       3. If it has not proved possible to settle the dispute either,
   as the case may be,  within six months from the  request  for  the
   opening  of  negotiations  as  prescribed  by  paragraph 1 of this
   article,  or within three months from  the  communication  to  the
   Contracting  Parties  of  the  opinion  given  by the Committee of
   Ministers,  the  dispute  may  be  the  subject   of   arbitration
   proceedings before one arbitrator,  at the request of any Party to
   the dispute.  The requesting Party shall notify the  other  Party,
   through  the  Secretary  General of the Council of Europe,  of the
   subject matter of the request it intends to refer  to  arbitration
   and of the grounds on which the request is based.
       4. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties to the dispute,  the
   arbitrator shall be appointed by the  President  of  the  European
   Court  of Human Rights.  The arbitrator shall not be a national of
   one of the Parties to the dispute,  nor have his  usual  place  of
   residence  in  the territory of these Parties,  nor be employed by
   them, nor have dealt with the case in another capacity.
       5. If, in the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the
   President of the European Court of Human Rights is unable  to  act
   or  is  a  national  of  one  of  the Parties to the dispute,  the
   arbitrator shall be appointed by the Vice-President of  the  Court
   or by the most senior member of the Court who is not unable to act
   and is not a national of one of the Parties to the dispute.
       6. Failing  a  special  agreement  between  the Parties to the
   dispute,  or  failing  a  sufficiently  precise   agreement,   the
   arbitrator  shall give his decision on the basis of the provisions
   of this Convention,  taking due account of the general  principles
   of international law.
       7. The arbitrator's decision shall be binding and final.
                               Article 72
       1. Annex VII specifies,  for each Contracting Party concerned,
   the particular measures for the application of its legislation.
       2. Each  Contracting  Party  concerned  shall give notice,  in
   accordance with the provisions of Article 81,  paragraph 1, of any
   amendment  to  be made to Annex VII.  If such an amendment results
   from the adoption of new legislation, notice shall be given within
   three  months from the date of publication of that legislation or,
   in  the  case  of  legislation  published  before  the   date   of
   ratification of this Convention, on the date of ratification.
                               Article 73
       1. The Annexes  referred  to in Article 1,  sub-paragraph (b),
   Article 3,  paragraph  1,  Article  6,  paragraph  3,  Article  8,
   paragraph 4,  Article 9, paragraph 2, Article 11, paragraph 3, and
   Article 72,  paragraph 1,  and any subsequent amendments  made  to
   these annexes, shall be an integral part of this Convention.
       2. Any amendment to the Annexes referred to in  the  preceding
   paragraph  shall  be  considered  as adopted if,  within the three
   months following the notification  provided  for  in  Article  81,
   paragraph 2, sub-paragraph (d), of this Convention, no Contracting
   Party or signatory State has opposed it by notification  addressed
   to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
       3. In the event of  such  opposition  being  notified  to  the
   Secretary  General,  the  question  shall be settled in accordance
   with a procedure to be established by the Committee  of  Ministers
   of the Council of Europe.
                               Article 74
       1. This  Convention  shall  confer  no  rights  for any period
   before its entry into force in respect of the Contracting Party or
   Parties concerned.
       2. All   periods  of  insurance  and,  where  appropriate,  of
   employment, occupational activity or residence completed under the
   legislation  of  a Contracting Party before the date on which this
   Convention enters into force shall be taken into account  for  the
   purpose of determining rights arising from this Convention.
       3. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 of  this  article,
   rights  may  arise  under  this  Convention  even  in respect of a
   contingency which arose before its entry into force.
       4. Any  benefit  which has not been provided or which has been
   suspended on account of the nationality of the person concerned or
   of  his  residence in the territory of the Contracting Party other
   than that in which the institution liable to pay the  benefits  is
   situated  shall,  at  the  request  of  the  person concerned,  be
   provided or resumed with  effect  from  the  date  on  which  this
   Convention   enters  into  force,  unless  the  rights  previously
   extinguished have given rise to the payment of a lump sum.
       5. The  rights  of  persons  concerned who have been awarded a
   pension before the entry into force of this  Convention  shall  be
   revised  at  their request,  regard being had to the provisions of
   this Convention.  These rights may also be revised ex officio.  In
   no  circumstances  shall  such  a  revision  operate to lessen the
   former rights of the person concerned.
       6. Where  the  request  referred  to  in  paragraph  4  or  in
   paragraph 5 of this article is submitted within two years  of  the
   date on which this Convention enters in force,  the rights arising
   in accordance with the  provisions  of  the  Convention  shall  be
   acquired   as   from  that  date,  and  those  provisions  of  the
   legislation of any Contracting Party which  concern  the  loss  of
   rights  or  the extinction of rights by lapse of time shall not be
   raised against the person concerned.
       7. Where  the  request  referred  to  in  paragraph  4  or  in
   paragraph 5 of this article is submitted more than two years after
   the date on which this Convention enters into force,  such  rights
   as  have not lapsed or have not been extinguished by lapse of time
   shall be acquired only with reference to the  date  on  which  the
   request was submitted, unless there are more favourable provisions
   in the legislation of the Contracting Party concerned.
                               Article 75
       1. This Convention shall be open to signature  by  the  member
   States   of  the  Council  of  Europe.  It  shall  be  subject  to
   ratification  or  acceptance.  Instruments  of   ratification   or
   acceptance  shall  be  deposited with the Secretary General of the
   Council of Europe.
       2. This Convention shall enter into force on the first day  of
   the  third  month  following that in which the third instrument of
   ratification or acceptance is deposited.
       3. In  respect  of  a  signatory  State ratifying or accepting
   subsequently,  the Convention shall enter into force three  months
   after  the  date  of  deposit of its instrument of ratification or
                               Article 76
       From the  date  of  entry  into force of this Convention,  the
   provisions of the European Interim Agreement  on  Social  Security
   other  than  Schemes  for  Old  Age,  Invalidity and Survivors and
   Protocol  thereto,  and  European  Interim  Agreement  on   Social
   Security Schemes relating to Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors and
   Protocol thereto shall cease to be applicable in relations between
   Contracting Parties.
                               Article 77
       1. After   the  entry  into  force  of  this  Convention,  the
   Committee of Ministers of the Council of  Europe  may  invite  any
   State  not  a  member of the Council to accede to this Convention,
   provided that the resolution containing such  invitation  receives
   the  unanimous  agreement  of the member States of the Council who
   have ratified or accepted the Convention.
       2. Accession  shall  be  effected  by  the  deposit  with  the
   Secretary General of the Council of Europe  of  an  instrument  of
   accession  which  shall take effect three months after the date of
   its deposit.
                               Article 78
       1. This Convention shall remain in force indefinitely.
       2. Any Contracting Party may,  in so far as it  is  concerned,
   denounce this Convention after it has been in force for five years
   in respect of that Party,  by means of a notification addressed to
   the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
       3. Such denunciation shall take effect six  months  after  the
   date of receipt by the Secretary General of such notification.
                               Article 79
       1. In the event of denunciation of this Convention, all rights
   acquired under its provisions shall be maintained.
       2. Rights  in  process  of  acquisition  in respect of periods
   before the date on which the denunciation takes effect  shall  not
   lapse as a result of the denunciation;  their subsequent continued
   recognition shall be determined  by  agreement  or,  failing  such
   agreement,  by  the  legislation  which  the institution concerned
                               Article 80
       1. The  application  of this Convention shall be governed by a
   Supplementary Agreement which shall be open to  signature  by  the
   member States of the Council of Europe.
       2. The Contracting Parties or, in so far as the constitutional
   provisions  of these Parties permit,  their competent authorities,
   shall make all other arrangements necessary for the application of
   this Convention.
       3. Any  signatory  State  of this Convention which ratifies or
   accepts it must,  at the same time,  either ratify or  accept  the
   Supplementary  Agreement or sign it without reservation in respect
   of ratification or acceptance,  not later than the date of deposit
   of its instrument of ratification or acceptance of the Convention.
       4. Any State which accedes to this Convention must at the same
   time accede to the Supplementary Agreement.
       5. Any Contracting Party which denounces this Convention  must
   at the same time denounce the Supplementary Agreement.
                               Article 81
       1. The notifications or declarations referred to in Article 1,
   sub-paragraphs  (b)  and  (w),  Article 3, paragraph 2, Article 6,
   paragraph  5,  Article  7,  paragraph 2,  Article 8,  paragraph 5,
   Article 9,  paragraphs  3  and  4,  Article  11,  paragraph  4 and
   Article 72,  paragraph  2,  shall  be  addressed  to the Secretary
   General of the Council of Europe.
       2. The  Secretary  General  of  the  Council  of Europe shall,
   within one month, notify the Contracting Parties, signatory States
   and the Director General of the International Labour Office of:
       (a) any   signature   and  any  deposit  of  an  instrument of
   ratification, acceptance or accession;
       (b) any  date  of  entry  into  force  of  this  Convention in
   accordance with the provisions of Article 75 and Article 77;
       (c) any notification of denunciation received in  pursuance of
   the provisions of Article 78,  paragraph 2,  and the date on which
   denunciation takes effect;
       (d) any notification or declaration received  in  pursuance of
   the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article.
       In witness  whereof,  the  undersigned,  being duly authorised
   thereto, have signed this Convention.
       Done at Paris,  this 14th day of December 1972, in English and
   in  French,  both  texts being equally authoritative,  in a single
   copy,  which shall remain deposited in the archives of the Council
   of  Europe.  The Secretary General shall transmit certified copies
   to each of the signatory and acceding States.
                                                              Annex I
                                       (Article 1, sub-paragraph (b))
                       OF THE CONTRACTING PARTIES
       Territory:      - the territory of Austria.
       Nationals:      - persons of Austrian nationality.
       Territory:      - the territory of Belgium.
       nationals:      - persons of Belgian nationality.
       Territory:      - the territory of the Republic of Cyprus.
       nationals:      - citizens of the Republic of Cyprus.
       Territory:      - the territory of Denmark, with the
                         exception of the Faroe Islands and
       nationals:      - persons of Danish nationality.
       Territory:      - the territory of the European Departments
                         and of the overseas Departments
                         (Guadeloupe, Guiana, Martinique and Reunion)
                         of the French Republic.
       nationals:      - persons of French nationality.
       Federal Republic of Germany
       Territory:      - the territory in which the Basic Law for the
                         Federal Republic of Germany is in force.
       nationals:      - Germans within the meaning of the Basic Law
                         for the Federal Republic of Germany.
       Territory:      - the territory of Iceland.
       nationals:      - persons of Icelandic nationality.
       Territory:      - the territory subject to the jurisdiction
                         of the Government of Ireland.
       Nationals:      - persons of Irish nationality.
       Territory:      - the territory of Italy.
       Nationals:      - persons of Italian nationality.
       Territory:      - the territory of the Grand Duchy of
       Nationals:      - persons of Luxembourg nationality.
       Territory:      - the territory of Malta and its dependencies.
       Nationals:      - citizens of Malta.
       The Netherlands
       Territory:      - the territory of the Kingdom of the
                         Netherlands in Europe.
       Nationals:      - persons of Netherlands nationality.
       Territory:      - the territory of the Kingdom of Norway,
                         including Spitzbergen, Jan Mayen, and
                         the Norwegian Dependencies.
       Nationals:      - persons of Norwegian nationality.
       Territory:      - the territory of the Kingdom of Sweden.
       Nationals:      - persons of Swedish nationality.
       Territory:      - the territory of the Swiss Confederation.
       Nationals:      - persons possessing Swiss nationality.
       Territory:      - the territory of Turkey.
       Nationals:      - persons possessing Turkish nationality.
       United Kingdom
       Territory:      - the territory of the United Kingdom of
                         Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
                         including the Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey
                         and Alderney, but not the other territories
                         for whose international relations the
                         United Kingdom is responsible.
       Nationals:      - citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies.
                                                             Annex II
                                             (Article 3, paragraph 1)
                             IS APPLICABLE
       Where this Annex comprises a list  of  specific  laws,  it  is
   deemed  to  cover  also any legislative instrument which codifies,
   amends, supplements or brings into force such laws.
       Legislation concerning:
       (a) sickness insurance (sickness, maternity and death);
       (b) wage-earners' pension insurance;
       (c) salaried employees' pension insurance;
       (d) miners' pension insurance;
       (e) pension insurance for self-employed persons in commerce;
       (f) pension insurance for self-employed persons in agriculture
   and forestry;
       (g) notaries' insurance;
       (h) insurance against occupational injuries and diseases;
       (i) unemployment insurance;
       (j) family allowances.
       Legislation concerning:
       (a) sickness and invalidity  insurance  (sickness,  maternity,
   invalidity and death):
           (i) schemes for employed persons (wage  earners,  salaried
       employees, miners, personnel of the public service);
           (ii) schemes for seamen in the merchant marine;
           (iii) schemes    for   self-employed   persons   (sickness
       (b) retirement pensions and survivors' pensions:
           (i) schemes for employed persons (wage  earners,  salaried
       employees, miners, seamen in the merchant marine);
           (ii) scheme for self-employed persons;
       (c) compensation  for  damage  resulting   from   occupational
           (i) scheme for employed persons in general;
           (ii) scheme for seafarers;
       (d) compensation  for  damage  resulting   from   occupational
       (e) organisation of aid for involuntarily unemployed persons;
       (f) family   allowances   for   employed  persons  and  family
   allowances for employers and persons  other than employed persons,
   apart from birth grants provided for under this legislation.
       Legislation concerning:
       (a) social  insurance  (sickness,   unemployment,   maternity,
   widowhood,  orphanhood,  old age and death; cash benefits and free
   medical treatment for occupational injuries and diseases);
       (b) pneumoconiosis    compensation    (cash    benefits    for
   occupational injury or death caused by pneumoconiosis).
       Act No.  239 of 10  June  I960  concerning  National  Sickness
   Insurance (sickness and maternity).
       Act No. 218 of 4 June 1965 concerning Old Age Pensions.
       Act No. 219 of 4 June 1965 concerning Invalidity Pensions.
       Act No.  70 of 13 March 1959 (Chapter 1),  concerning Pensions
   and Assistance for Widows.
       Act No.  46 of 7  March  1964  concerning  the  Labour  Market
   Supplementary Pension.
       Act No.  259 of 18 August 1964 concerning Industrial  Injuries
       Act No.  40  of  22  February  1967  concerning   Unemployment
       Act No.  236 of 3 June 1967  (Chapters  l  and  3)  concerning
   family allowances and other family benefits.
       Legislation concerning:
       (a) the general organisation of social security and of  social
   security disputes;
       (b) the general provisions establishing the  social  insurance
   scheme   applicable   to   insured   persons  in  non-agricultural
   occupations (sickness, maternity, invalidity, old age deaths);
       (c) the  general  provisions establishing the social insurance
   scheme applicable to insured persons in  agricultural  occupations
   (sickness, maternity, invalidity, old age and death);
       (d) the prevention  of,  and  compensation  for,  occupational
   accidents and diseases;
       (e) family benefits, apart from maternity allowance;
       (f) allowances for elderly employed persons and allowances for
       (g) sickness, maternity and invalidity insurance for farmers;
       (h) sickness and maternity insurance for self-employed persons
   in non-agricultural occupations;
       (i) old age contributory and non-contributory  allowances  for
   persons other than employed persons;
       (j) the special allowance;
       (k) supplementary  allowances  from  the  "Fonds  national  de
       (l) income  guarantees  for  employed  persons  who lose their
   employment, (public assistance allowances);
       (m) special   schemes   applicable   to   the  activities  and
   undertakings listed below in so far as these schemes deal with the
   contingencies  covered  by the legislation referred to above which
   concerns  general  schemes  applicable  respectively  to  employed
   persons  in  non-agricultural occupations other than those covered
   by a special  scheme  and  to  employed  persons  in  agricultural
       - occupations entailing affiliation to the scheme for seamen;
       - mining or similar undertakings;
       - French National Railways;
       - railways   of   secondary   general   importance,  of  local
   importance and tramways;
       - the Autonomous Paris Transport Authority;
       - undertakings concerned with the  production,  transport  and
   distribution of electricity and gas;
       - the General Water Company;
       - the Bank of France, Credit foncier de France;
       - Opera, Opera comique, Comedie francaise;
       - notaries' offices and offices treated as such.
       Federal Republic of Germany
       Legislation concerning:
       (a) sickness insurance (sickness, maternity and death);
       (b) the protection or working mothers, in so far as it relates
   to benefits in cash and in kind provided by the sickness insurance
   institutions during pregnancy and after child birth;
       (c) pensions insurance for wage-earners and artisans;
       (d) pensions insurance for salaried employees;
       (e) pensions insurance for miners and,  in the Saar,  pensions
   insurance  in the iron and steel industry,  and the pension scheme
   for elderly farmers;
       (f) accident insurance;
       (g) unemployment insurance and unemployment assistance;
       (h) family allowances.
       Social Security Act No. 40 of 30 April 1963.
       Act No.  86 of 11 June 1938 relating to pensions-insurance for
       Act No.  65 of 2 September 1955 relating to pensions-insurance
   for nurses.
       Act No. 78 of 28 April 1962 relating to pensions-insurance for
   trawlermen and seamen of the merchant marine.
       Unemployment Insurance Act No. 29 of 7 April 1956.
       Legislation concerning:
       (a) disability  (sickness and invalidity),  maternity benefits
   and death grants;
       (b) old age, retirement, widows' and orphans' pensions;
       (c) unemployment benefit and assistance;
       (d) occupational injuries and diseases;
       (e) family allowances.
       Legislation concerning:
       (a) sickness insurance (sickness, maternity and death);
       (b) insurance against tuberculosis;
       (c) the  physical  and economic protection of working mothers,
   in so far as it relates to benefits provided by  social  insurance
       (d) invalidity, old age and survivors' insurance;
       (e) insurance against occupational injuries and diseases;
       (f) insurance for involuntarily unemployed persons;
       (g) family allowances;
       (h) special social insurance schemes established for  specific
   categories of workers, in so far as they concern the contingencies
   or benefits covered by the legislation referred to above.
       Legislation concerning:
       (a) sickness insurance (sickness, maternity and death):
       - scheme for  wage-earners,  scheme  for  salaried  employees,
   scheme for civil servants and persons treated as such,  scheme for
   independent occupations;
       (b) pensions insurance (invalidity, old age and death):
       - scheme  for  wage-earners,  scheme  for  salaried  employees
   (including   intellectual   self-employed   persons),  scheme  for
   artisans,  scheme  for  self-employed  persons  in  commerce   and
   industry and agricultural scheme;
       (c) supplementary  pensions  insurance  for  wage-earners   in
   mining  and  metal  working,  technicians  employed in underground
   mines, and professional drivers;
       (d) insurance against occupational injuries and diseases;
       (e) unemployment benefits;
       (f) family benefits co the exclusion of birth grants.
       The National  Insurance  Act,  1956  (sickness,  unemployment,
   invalidity,  old  age,  death,  and  occupational   injuries   and
       Legislation concerning:
       (a) sickness and maternity benefits;
       (b) benefits for incapacity for work (invalidity, occupational
   injuries and diseases);
       (c) old age benefits;
       (ii) survivors' benefits;
       (e) unemployment benefits;
       (f) family allowances.
       Act of 6 July 1957 on the  Co-ordination  and  Integration  of
   Pensions and Insurance Benefits.
       National Insurance  Act  of  17  June   1966   (sickness   and
   maternity,   unemployment,  occupational  injuries  and  diseases,
   invalidity, old age and death).
       Unemployment Act of 27 June 1947, Chapter V.
       Act of 3 December 1948  relating  to  Pensions  Insurance  for
       Act of 3 December 1951  relating  to  Pensions  Insurance  for
   Forestry Workers.
       Act of  26  June  1953  relating  to  Pensions  Insurance  for
       Act of  28  June  1957  relating  to  Pensions  Insurance  for
       Act of 22 June 1962 relating to the Pension Scheme for Nurses.
       Occupational Injuries   and   Diseases  Insurance  Act  of  12
   December 1958.
       Family Allowances Act of 24 October 1946.
       Act No.  381  of 25 May 1962 on National Insurance and Act No.
   382 of 25 May 1962 implementing the Act on National Insurance;
       Act No.  243  of 14 May 1954 on Insurance against Occupational
   Injuries and Diseases;
       Decree No.   629  of  14  December  1956  concerning  Approved
   Unemployment Funds;
       Act No.   529  of  26  July  1947  concerning  General  Family
       Federal legislation concerning:
       (a) sickness    insurance,    including    insurance   against
   tuberculosis, and maternity benefits;
       (b) invalidity insurance;
       (c) old age and survivors' insurance;
       (d) compulsory     insurance    against    occupational    and
   non-occupational accidents, and occupational diseases;
       (e) unemployment insurance;
       (f) family  allowances  for  agricultural  workers  and  small
       Legislation concerning:
       (a) social   insurance   for   employed   persons   (sickness,
   maternity,  invalidity,  old age, death, occupational injuries and
       (b) social  insurance of self-employed workers and the liberal
   professions (invalidity, old age and death).
       United Kingdom
       Legislation concerning:
       (a) the national health services;
       (b) national  insurance  (cash  benefits   for   unemployment,
   sickness, maternity, widowhood, orphanhood, retirement and death);
       (c) industrial injuries insurance (occupational  injuries  and
       (d) family allowances;
       (e) insular insurance (Jersey);
       (f) social insurance (Guernsey).
                                                            Annex III
                                             (Article 6, paragraph 3)
                      THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 5
                      I.   Multilateral Conventions
       1. The provisions in force of the Agreement of  27  July  1950
   and  of  the  revised  Agreement  of  13  February 1961  on social
   security for Rhine boatmen.
       2. The   provisions  of  the  Convention  on  social  security
   concluded on 15 September 1955 between Denmark,  Finland, Iceland,
   Norway and  Sweden,   as  modified  by  subsequent  Agreements and
   Protocols,  as well as the provisions of Supplementary  Agreements
   to that Convention.
       3. The provisions of the European Convention of 9 July 1956 on
   social security for international transport workers.
                       II. Bilateral Conventions
       General Remarks
       1. In so far as the provisions of supplementary agreements  or
   of  a  special convention on unemployment insurance,  mentioned in
   this Annex, refer to the provisions of a general convention, these
   references  shall  be  replaced by references to the corresponding
   provisions of this Convention,  unless the said provisions of  the
   general convention are themselves mentioned in this Annex.
       2. The   interpretation   and   denunciation  clauses  of  any
   convention on social security,  certain provisions  of  which  are
   mentioned in this Annex, shall remain applicable in respect of the
   said provisions.
       3. The  social  security  conventions  which  appear in square
   brackets [ ] are not in force at the dare of opening for signature
   of this Convention.
       Austria - Federal Republic of Germany
       Convention on  social  security  of  22  December  1966.
   Convention on unemployment insurance of 19 May 1951.
       Additional Protocol  of  23 November 1951 to the Convention on
   unemployment insurance of 19 May 1951.
       Second Convention  on  unemployment  insurance  of  31 October
       Austria - France
       Convention on social security of 28 May 1971.
       Austria - Italy
       Convention on social insurance of 30 December 1950.
       Austria - Switzerland
       Convention on social security of 15 November 1967.
       Austria - Turkey
       Convention on social security of 12 October 1966.
       Austria - United Kingdom
       Convention on social security  of  18 June 1971.
       Belgium - Switzerland
       Convention of 17 June 1952 on  Social Insurance  (at   present
   under   revision).  [Draft  Convention   on   social  security  of
   9 September 1971]
       Belgium - Turkey
       General Convention on social security of 4 July 1966.
       Belgium - United Kingdom
       Convention on social security of 20 May 1957.
       Cyprus - United Kingdom
       Agreement on social security of 6 October 1969.
       Denmark - France
       General Convention on social security of 30 June 1951.
       Denmark - Federal Republic of Germany
       Article 3,  paragraph  (4) and Article 10 of the Convention on
   social security of 14 August 1953.
       Point 15  of  the  Final  Protocol  of  14 August 1953  to the
   Convention on social security of 14 August 1953.
       Supplementary Agreement  of  14 August 1953  to the Convention
   on social security of 14 August 1953.
       Article 3,  paragraph (4),  2nd sentence, Article 5, paragraph
   (6),  Article 8, paragraph (3) and Article 10 of the Convention on
   unemployment insurance of 1 August 1959.
       Points 4,  5 and 6 of the Final Protocol of 1 August 1959   to
   the Convention on unemployment insurance of 1 August 1959.
       Denmark - Switzerland
       Convention on social insurance of 21 May 1954.
       Supplementary Convention to the Convention on social insurance
   of 21 May 1954, concluded on 15 November 1962.
       Denmark - United Kingdom
       Convention on social security of 27 August 1959.
       France - Norway
       General Convention on social security of 30 September 1954.
       France - Switzerland
       Convention of 9 July 1949 and Protocols thereto on old age and
   survivors' insurance.
       Agreement of  9  June  1933  on  reciprocal   assistance   for
   unemployed workers in both countries.
       France - Turkey
       [Convention on social security of 20 January 1972]
       France - United Kingdom
       General Convention  on  social  security (and special protocol
   respecting health services) of 10 July 1956.
       Exchange of  Notes  of  25  February  1965  (Payment of family
   allowances to persons going from Jersey to France or  from  France
   to Jersey for seasonal agricultural work).
       Exchange of Notes of  19  November  1965  (Payment  of  family
   allowances to persons going from Guernsey to France or from France
   to Guernsey for seasonal agricultural work).
       Exchange of  Notes  of 19 May 1959 extending the Convention of
   10 July 1956 to Jersey.
       Exchange of Notes of 19 November 1965 extending the Convention
   of 10 July 1956 to Guernsey Alderney, Herm and Jethou.
       Exchange of Notes of 27 - 30 July 1970 for the improved social
   insurance protection for British teachers working in France.
       Federal Republic of Germany - Norway
       Agreement of  26  September  1965 on the reciprocal payment of
   social benefits.
       Federal Republic of Germany - Switzerland
       Convention on social security of 25 February 1964.
       Supplementary Convention  to the Convention on social security
   of 24 October 1950, concluded on 24 December 1962
       Convention of  4  February  1928  between the German Reich and
   Switzerland on unemployment  insurance  for  workers  in  frontier
       Federal Republic of Germany - Turkey
       Convention on social security of 30 April 1964.
       Supplementary Convention   of   28   May  1969   amending  the
   Convention on social security of 30 April 1964.
       Federal Republic of Germany - United Kingdom
       Convention on social security of 20 April I960.
       Protocol of 20 April I960 on benefits in kind. 2
       Convention on unemployment insurance of 20 April 1960.
       Ireland - United Kingdom
       Agreement on social security of 29 March 1960.
       Agreement relating  to  insurance  and  workmen's compensation
   between the Minister for Social Welfare and the  Northern  Ireland
   Ministry of Labour and National Insurance of July 1964.
       Agreement on social security of 28 February 1966.
       Agreement on social security of 3 October 1968.
       Agreement on social security of 14 September 1971
       Italy - Switzerland
       Convention on social security of 14 December 1962.
       Supplementary Agreement to the Convention on  social  security
   of 14 December 1962, concluded on 18 December 1963.
       [Supplementary agreement co the Convention on social  security
   of 14 December 1962 concluded on 4 July 1969 ]
       Italy - United Kingdom
       Convention on social insurance of 28 November 1951.
       Luxembourg - Switzerland
       Convention on  social  security  of  3  June  1967,  excluding
   Articles 18 to 21.
       Luxembourg - United Kingdom
       Convention on social security of 13 October 1953.
       Malta - United Kingdom
       Agreement on social security of 26 October 1956.
       Agreement on social security of 21 March 1958.
       Netherlands - Switzerland
       Convention on social security of 27 May 1970.
       Netherlands - Turkey
       Section III  of  the  Convention on social security of 5 April
       Netherlands - United Kingdom
       Convention on social security of 11 August 1954.
       Protocol of 11 August 1954 on benefits in kind.
       Norway - United Kingdom
       Convention on social security of 25 July 1957.
       Sweden - Switzerland
       Convention of 17 December 1954 on social insurance.
       Sweden - United Kingdom
       Convention on social security of 9 June 1956.
       Switzerland - Turkey
       Convention on social security of 1 May 1969.
       Switzerland -  United Kingdom
       Convention on social security of 21 February 1968.
       Turkey - United Kingdom
       Convention on social insurance of 9 September 1959.
                                                             Annex IV
                                             (Article 8, paragraph 4)
       Article 8, paragraph 2, sub-paragraph (a):
       - the  maternity  benefits provided under Chapter  3  of   Act
   No. 236  of  3  June  1967  concerning family allowances and other
   family benefits.
       Article 8,  paragraph  2,  sub-paragraph  (b) and paragraph 3,
   sub-paragraph (a):
       - the benefits provided under Act  No.  219  of  4  June  1965
   concerning invalidity pensions.
       - the  benefits  provided  under  Act No.  70 of 13 March 1959
   concerning pensions and assistance for widows.
       Article 8,  paragraph  2,  sub-paragraph  (c) and paragraph 3,
   sub-paragraph (b);
       Old age:
       - the benefits provided under Act  No.  218  of  4  June  1965
   concerning old-age pensions.
       Federal Republic of Germany
       Article 8, paragraph 2, sub-paragraph (a):
       - the  benefits  provided  under  the  unemployment assistance
       Article 8, paragraph 2, sub-paragraph (a):
       - birth  grants  provided  under  Article  18  of  the  Social
   Security  Act  No.  40 of 30 April 1963.
       Article 8,  paragraph 2,  sub-paragraph (b) and  paragraph  3,
   sub-paragraph (a):
       - disability  benefits  provided  under  Chapter  II-B  of the
   Social Security Act No. 40 of 30 April 1963.
       - survivors' benefits  provided  under  Chapter  II-B  of  the
   Social Security Act No. 40 of 30 April 1963.
       Article 8,  paragraph 2,  sub-paragraph (c) and  paragraph  3,
   sub-paragraph (b):
       Old age:
       - old  age  benefits provided under Chapter II-B of the Social
   Security Act No.40 of 30 April 1963.
       Article 8, paragraph 2, sub-paragraph (a):
       - maternity allowances provided under Chapter 3,  Section  13,
   paragraph 3 of the Act of 17 June 1966 on sickness insurance;
       - lump sum grants,  assistance grants and education grants for
   unmarried  mothers provided under Chapter 12,  Sections 2 and 3 of
   the Act of 17 June 1966 on national insurance.
       - the different kinds of assistance provided under Chapter  4,
   Section 1,  subparagraphs (b),  (c), (d), and (e) of the Act of 17
   June 1966 on national insurance.
       Article 8, paragraph 2, sub-paragraph (a):
       - maternity allowances provided under Act No.  381 of  25  May
   1962 on National Insurance.
       Article 8,  paragraph 2,  sub-paragraph (b) and  paragraph  3,
   sub-paragraph (a):
       - national pensions provided under Act No.  381 of 25 May 1962
   on National Insurance and  under  Act  No.  382  of  25  May  1962
   implementing the Act on National Insurance.
       - national pensions provided under Act No.  381 of 25 May 1962
   on National Insurance and  under  Ace  No.  382  of  25  May  1962
   implementing the Act on National Insurance.
       Article 8,  paragraph 2,  sub-paragraph (c) and  paragraph  3,
   sub-paragraph (b):
       Old age:
       - national pensions provided under Act No.  381 of 25 May 1962
   on National Insurance and  under  Act  No.  382  of  25  May  1962
   implementing the Act on National Insurance.
                                                              Annex V
                                      (Article 9, paragraphs 2 and 3)
                       1 - Article 9, paragraph 2
       Austria - Turkey
       Convention on social security of 12 October 1966.
       Cyprus - United Kingdom
       Agreement on social security of 6 October 1969.
       Federal Republic of Germany - Turkey
       Convention on  social  security  of  30 April 1964,  excluding
   Article 4, paragraph 1 and Article 8.
       Federal Republic of Germany - United Kingdom
       Convention on social security  of  20  April  1960,  excluding
   Article 3, paragraph 1, and Article 7, paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.
       Protocol of 20 April I960 on benefits in kind.
       Convention of   20   April   1960  on  unemployment  insurance
   excluding Article 3 and Article 5, paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.
       Ireland - United Kingdom
       Agreement on social security of 29 March 1960.
       Agreement relating   to   social   insurance   and   workmen's
   compensation between  the  Minister  of  Social  Welfare  and  the
   Northern  Ireland  Ministry of Labour and National Insurance of 22
   July 1964.
       Agreement on social security of 28 February 1966.
       Agreement on social security of 3 October 1968.
       Convention on social security of 14 September 1971.
       Malta - United Kingdom
       Agreement on social security of 26 October 1956.
       Agreement on social security of 21 March 1958.
       Netherlands - Turkey
       Section III of the Convention on social security  of  5  April
       Netherlands - United Kingdom
       Convention on social security of 11 August 1954.
       Protocol of 11 August 1954 on benefits in kind.
                   II - Article 9, paragraph 3
                                                             Annex VI
                                            (Article 11, paragraph 3)
       Article II, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (b):
       - the provisions of Article 11,  paragraph 1,  do not apply to
   the compensatory supplements under pensions insurance.
       Article 11. paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (c):
       - chose  retirement  and  survivors'  pensions  under the wage
   earners' and salaried employees' schemes granted on the  basis  or
   legal  provisions in force before 1 January 1962,  for that pan of
   the pension which corresponds to the years before 1945 where these
   years are not effective periods of insurance.
       Article 11, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (b):
       - invalidity benefits provided under Section 15 of Act No. 219
   of 4 June 1965 concerning invalidity pensions.
       Article 11, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (d):
       - pension supplements provided under Section 11 of Act No. 219
   of 4 June 1965 concerning invalidity pensions,  Section 10 of  Act
   No. 218 of 4 June 1965 concerning old-age pensions, and Section 3,
   paragraph 4 of Act No. 70 of 13 March 1959 concerning pensions and
   assistance for widows as amended by Act No. 194 of 4 June 1964.
       Article 11, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (b):
       - the   special   allowance.   Article   11,   paragraph    3,
   sub-paragraph (c):
       - non-contributory old-age allowances for persons  other  than
   employed persons.
       Article 11, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (d):
       - supplementary   allowances   from  the  "Fonds  national  de
       Article 11, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (d):
       - supplements  to  old-age  and  disability  pensions provided
   under Article 21 of the Social Security Act No.  40  of  30  April
       Article 11, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (b):
       - non-contributory old-age pensions,  non-contributory widows'
   and orphans' pensions and allowances for deserted wives.
       Article 11, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (b):
       - the old-age,  invalidity and survivors' pensions of salaried
   employees for the part corresponding 10 the periods of  employment
   completed  before  the  entry into force of the pensions insurance
   scheme for salaried employees.
       Article 11, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (c):
       - transitional  increments  to benefits provided under Section
   5, paragraph 5; Section 7, paragraph 5; Section 8, paragraph 4 and
   Section 10,  paragraphs 4,  5, 6 and 11 of the Act of 17 June 1966
   on National Insurance.
       Article 11, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (d):
       - basic benefits  and  assistance  allowances  provided  under
   Section  8,  paragraph  2  of  the Act of 17 June 1966 on National
       - assistance  allowances  for survivors provided under Section
   10, paragraph 2 of the Act of 17 June 1966 on National Insurance.
       - assistance   allowances   and  transitional  allowances  for
   unmarried mothers provided under Section 12,  paragraph 3  of  the
   Act of 17 June 1966 on National Insurance.
       Article 11, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (a):
       - the benefits provided under the first paragraph of Section 3
   of Chapter 9 of Act No. 381 of 25 May 1962 on National Insurance.
       Article 11, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (c):
       - supplementary  pensions provided under Chapter 15 of Act No.
   381 of 25 May 1962 on National Insurance and Act No. 382 of 25 May
   1962 implementing the Act on National Insurance.
       - benefits provided under Section 16 of Act No.  382 of 25 May
   1962 implementing the Act on National Insurance.
       Article 11, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (d):
       - benefits  provided  under the second paragraph of Section 2,
   the second paragraph of Article 3,  and Section 5 of Chapter 9  of
   Act No. 381 of 25 May 1962 on National Insurance.
       Article 11, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (a):
       - allowances for helpless persons.
       Article 11, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (b):
       - special invalidity insurance pensions;
       - special old-age and survivors' insurance pensions.
       Article 11, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph (d):
       - ordinary  invalidity  pensions  granted  to  invalids  whose
   degree of invalidity is less than 50 per cent.
                                                            Annex VII
                                            (Article 72, paragraph 1)
              I. Application of the legislation of Austria
       A. Application  of  Austrian  Legislation  concerning Sickness
   Insurance,  Insurance against Occupational Injuries  and  Diseases
   and Pensions Insurance
       (1) The   provisions   of  Article  8,  paragraph  1  of  this
   Convention and  the  corresponding  provisions  of  the  bilateral
   conventions  mentioned in Annex III do not affect the provision of
   Austrian legislation concerning the acquired rights or  rights  in
   the  course of acquisition to benefits under pensions insurance or
   under insurance against  occupational  injuries  and  diseases  in
   respect   of  occupational  activities  followed  abroad,  or  the
   provisions concerning  the  caking  into  account  of  periods  of
   self-employment   completed   in   the  territory  of  the  former
   Austro-Hungarian Monarchy but outside the territory of the Federal
   Republic of Austria.
       (2) The  provisions  of  Article  8,  paragraph  1   of   this
   Convention   do   not  affect  the  provisions  of  the  bilateral
   conventions  between  Austria  and  other  States   which   govern
   Insurance liabilities.
       (3) By virtue of the provisions of Article 8,  paragraph 1  of
   this   Convention,   the   following  periods  are  considered  as
   equivalent periods for nationals  of  other  Contracting  Parties,
   without prejudice to the other requirements:
           (a) with  regard  to  the First World War,  periods of war
       service in the Austro-Hungarian army or in the army of a State
       which was an ally of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, as well as
       the  equivalent  periods   of   captivity   (internment)   and
       subsequent repatriation;
           (b) with regard to the Second World War,  periods  of  war
       service in the armed forces of the former German Reich and its
       allies, periods of military service or labour service, as well
       as the equivalent periods of first-aid service,  civil defence
       service,   or   captivity    (internment)    and    subsequent
       (4) To the  extent  that,  by  virtue  of  the  provisions  of
   Austrian legislation,  the receipt of social insurance benefits or
   other income,  the following of an occupational  activity  or  the
   establishment  of  a social insurance situation have legal effects
   on entitlement to benefits,  on the  award  of  benefits,  on  the
   subjection   to  compulsory  insurance  or  on  the  admission  to
   voluntary insurance,  then the benefits paid, the income received,
   the   activity  followed  or  the  situation  established  in  the
   territory or under the legislation of  another  Contracting  Party
   have the same legal effects.
       (5) For  the  purpose  of  the  acquisition,  maintenance   or
   recovery   of   entitlement   to  benefit,  corresponding  periods
   completed under the legislation of  any  Contracting  Party  shall
   also  be  considered  as  neutral  periods  within  the meaning of
   Austrian legislation.
       (6) The   provisions  of  Chapter  2  of  Title  III  of  this
   Convention are not applicable to benefits under pensions insurance
   for  self-employed  persons  in  commerce  or  under supplementary
   pensions insurance in agriculture  awarded  to  persons  who  were
   already  above  a given age at the time of the entry into force of
   the legislation applicable.
       (7) For  the  purpose of determining,  under Austrian pensions
   insurance,  the scheme under which entitlement to benefits  exists
   and  the  competent  institution  for  the  provision of benefits,
   periods of insurance completed  under  the  legislation  of  other
   Contracting  Parties are taken into consideration according to the
   nature of the occupational activity followed during those periods.
   Periods  of  insurance  during  which no occupational activity has
   been followed are taken into consideration according to the nature
   of  the  last  occupational activity followed before such periods;
   where  the  nature  of  the  occupational   activity   cannot   be
   established  or  where  during  the whole duration of insurance no
   occupational  activity  has  been  followed,  these   periods   of
   insurance  are  taken  into  consideration  as  if  they  had been
   completed under conditions according to which the Social Insurance
   Institute  for  Wage-Earners would be competent.  Periods,  during
   which there exists or  has  existed  a  right  by  virtue  of  the
   insurance of another Contracting Party on account of invalidity or
   old age,  are taken into consideration according to the nature  of
   the  last  occupational  activity  followed before the contingency
   arose.  In order to determine if entitlement  to  benefits  exists
   under  the Austrian miner's pensions insurance scheme,  periods of
   insurance completed under the  legislation  of  other  Contracting
   Parties  are  only  taken into consideration in so far as they are
   periods within the  meaning  of  the  provisions  of  Article  28,
   paragraph 4, of this Convention.
       (8) Periods of insurance which have  not  been  completed  but
   which, by virtue of Austrian legislation, have to be considered as
   periods of insurance,  are taken into consideration as if they had
   been completed under Austrian legislation.
       (9) Where,  in application of the provisions  of  Article  30,
   paragraph 1,  subparagraph (a),  of this Convention,  the basis of
   contribution for the purposes of assessment cannot  be  determined
   by virtue of the provisions of Austrian legislation in chose cases
   in which the reference dare is prior to 1 January 1962,  the basis
   of  contribution  will be determined by multiplying the usual wage
   earned on 31 December 1946 by a worker of the same  category  with
   the coefficient fixed by the Austrian legislation,  subject to the
   ceiling of the basis of contribution in force for the period under
       (10) In determining the theoretical amount by  virtue  of  the
   provisions  of Article 29,  paragraph 2,  of this Convention,  the
   periods  of  insurance  by  virtue  of  the  provisions   of   the
   legislation  of  other  Contracting  Parties  shall  be taken into
   consideration  without  regard  to  the  provisions  or   Austrian
   legislation concerning the caking into consideration of periods of
       (11) For  the  application  of  the  provisions of Article 29,
   paragraphs 2 and 4,  of this Convention,  the following rules  are
           (a) concurrent periods of insurance are co be  taken  into
       consideration within the limits of their duration;
           (b) the equalisation supplements under the  provisions  of
       Austrian   legislation   are   co   be  calculated  after  the
       determination of the amount of the benefits due.
       (12) Where,   in   calculating  the  amount  of  the  Austrian
   supplement, the maximum number of insurance months has to be taken
   into  consideration,  the  proportionate  amount  referred  to  in
   Article 29, paragraph 4, of this Convention shall be determined on
   the basis of all periods of insurance taken into consideration for
   the calculation of the theoretical amount without regard  to  chat
   maximum number.
       (13) The provisions of  Austrian  legislation  concerning  the
   suspension  of  pensions,  in  the  case  where the beneficiary is
   abroad,  shall be applied after the determination of  the  partial
   benefit,  whereas  those  concerning  other  situations  shall  be
   applied before the determination of the partial benefit.
       (14) Periods  of insurance completed under the legislations of
   other Contracting Parties are not taken into consideration as  far
   as  the  qualifying  conditions for the miners' long service bonus
   and the award of that bonus are concerned.
       (15) The helpless persons' allowances shall be calculated,  by
   virtue of the provisions of Austrian legislation,  on the basis of
   the  amount  of the Austrian benefit determined in the application
   of the provisions of Article 29,  paragraph 4, of this Convention,
   subject to the maximum amount proportionately reduced according to
   chose  provisions.  If  the helpless persons' allowance is a fixed
   amount,  this amount is proportionately  reduced according  to the
   provisions of paragraph 4 of the said Article 29. Where, by virtue
   of the provisions of Austrian legislation, entitlement to benefits
   exists without  making  use  of  the  provisions  of  Article  28,
   paragraph 1, of this Convention,  the maximum amount (or the fixed
   amount)shall not be reduced,  unless a helpless persons' allowance
   or  a similar benefit has been awarded by virtue of the provisions
   of the legislation of another Contracting Party.
       (16) The  special  pension  payments  provided  under Austrian
   pensions insurance are payable at the same  rate  as  the  benefit
   determined by virtue of the provisions of Article 29, paragraph 4,
   of  this  Convention;  the  provisions  of  Article  34  of   this
   Convention are applicable, mutatis mutandis.
       (17) The provisions  of  Article  28,  paragraph  1,  of  this
   Convention shall not apply under the legislation of Austria to any
   claim to premature old-age pension as defined in that  legislation
   in the case of unemployment or lengthy insurance.
       (b) Application    of    Austrian    Legislation    concerning
   Unemployment Insurance
       (1) The  provisions  of  Article  8,  paragraph  1,  of   this
   Convention  do  not  affect the provisions of Austrian legislation
   concerning emergency allowances.
       (2) The provisions of Article 51,  paragraphs 1 and 2, of this
   Convention concerning the  adding  together  of  periods  are  not
   applicable  for  the  acquisition  of  the  right  to unpaid leave
             II. Application of the legislation of Denmark
       With regard  to  unemployment  benefits,  the  Government   of
   Denmark undertakes to encourage the approved Unemployment Funds to
   apply the provisions of this Convention in so far as they  are  in
   force in respect of Denmark.
             III. Application of the legislation of France
       (1) The  principle  of  equality  of  treatment  set  forth in
   Article 8 of this Convention does not apply to Act No.  65-555  of
   10  July  1965 which provides for Frenchmen who follow or who have
   followed abroad a salaried or non-salaried  occupational  activity
   the  possibility  of  adhering  10 the voluntary old-age insurance
       (2) The  right  to  allowances  for  elderly employed persons,
   old-age  non-contributory  allowances  for  persons   other   than
   employed  persons  and  to  the  special allowance is granted,  in
   application of this Convention,  only for persons who  prove  that
   they have resided in France for at least ten years between the age
   of sixteen and the age of  entitlement  to  the  said  allowances,
   including five consecutive years immediately preceding the lodging
   of the claim.
       (3) The  provisions  of  this  Convention  do  not  affect the
   provisions of French legislation by virtue  of  which  periods  of
   occupational activity completed in French territory are taken into
   consideration for entitlement to allowances for  elderly  employed
   persons  and  to  old-age  non-contributory allowances for persons
   other than employed persons.
       (4) The  special  allowances  and  the  cumulative  allowances
   provided under the social security  scheme  for  miners  are  only
   provided for persons who work in French mines.
       (5) The principle  of  equality  of  treatment  set  forth  in
   Article  8  of  this  Convention does not apply to the legislation
   concerning income guarantees for employed persons who  lose  their
   employment.   Entitlement   to   benefits   provided   under  this
   legislation is subject to the condition that the person  concerned
   has  resided  in  France  for  at  lease  three months immediately
   preceding the lodging of the claim.
               IV. Application of the legislation of the
                      Federal Republic of Germany
       (1) (a)  In  so  far  as  compensation is not already provided
   under German legislation concerning compulsory accident insurance,
   the German institutions compensate, by virtue of the provisions of
   this Convention,  so long as  the  worker  who  has  sustained  an
   occupational  injury  or contracted an occupational disease or his
   survivors reside in the territory  of  a  Contracting  Party,  for
   accidents  which  happened or for occupational diseases which were
   contracted in Alsace-Lorraine  before  1  January  1919,  if  this
   liability   has   not  been  assumed  by  French  institutions  in
   accordance with the decision of  the  Council  of  the  League  of
   Nations dated 21 June 1921 (Reichsgesetzblatt p. 1289).
       (b) The provisions of Article 11 of  this  Convention  do  not
   affect  the  provisions  of  German legislation by virtue of which
   accidents which  happened  or  occupational  diseases  which  were
   contracted  outside  the  territory  of  the  Federal  Republic of
   Germany,  as well as periods completed outside this territory,  do
   not  give  rise  or  give  rise  only  under certain conditions to
   payment of benefits when  the  beneficiaries  reside  outside  the
   territory of the Federal Republic of Germany.
       (2) (a) In order to  determine  whether  the  periods  treated
   under    German    legislation    as   periods   of   interruption
   (Ausfallzeiten) or supplementary periods (Zurechnungszeiten) shall
   be  taken  into account as such periods,  compulsory contributions
   paid by virtue of the legislation of another Contracting Party and
   compulsory  insurance  under  the  pensions  insurance  of another
   Contracting Party  are  deemed  to  be  equivalent  co  compulsory
   contributions   paid  by  virtue  of  German  legislation  and  to
   compulsory  insurance  under   German   pensions   insurance.   In
   calculating  the number of calendar months of compulsory insurance
   before the contingency arose,  the concurrent periods,  which  are
   deemed  to  be  equivalent by virtue of the legislation of another
   Contracting Party,  are not taken into  consideration,  nor  those
   periods during which the person concerned has drawn a pension.
       (b) The preceding sub-paragraph is not applicable to the fixed
   period of interruption (pauschale Ausfallzeit).
       (c) The  taking  into  account  of  a   supplementary   period
   (Zurechnungszeit)  by  virtue  of  German  legislation  concerning
   pensions insurance for miners is subject to the condition that the
   last  contribution  paid  by virtue of German legislation has been
   paid to the pensions insurance for miners.
       (d) For the taking into account of German compensation periods
   (Ersatzzeiten), only German legislation is applicable.
       (3) (a)   Where  a  pension  on  account  of  an  occupational
   invalidity    (Berufsunfahigkeit)    or     general     invalidity
   (Erwerbsunfahigkeit)   or   old  age,  due  by  virtue  of  German
   legislation,  and a pension due by virtue of  the  legislation  of
   another  Contracting Party in respect of an occupational injury or
   disease overlap,  there will be taken into consideration as annual
   remuneration   the   remuneration   which   by  virtue  of  German
   legislation should be taken into consideration at the time of  the
   accident  for  a worker in a comparable situation having sustained
   an occupational injury;  for this purpose, the provisions in force
   at the place of residence of the person concerned in the territory
   of the Federal Republic of Germany,  or if he resides outside this
   territory,  the  provisions  in  force  at  the  place  where  the
   competent institution of German pensions  insurance  is  situated,
   are to be applied.  The remuneration of the worker concerned shall
   be determined or  recalculated  according  to  the  provisions  of
   German legislation.
       (b) The total  of  the  accident  insurance  pension  and  the
   theoretical amount within the meaning of Article 29,  paragraph 2,
   of  this  Convention,  but   excluding   supplementary   benefits,
   children's  supplements  and increments of complementary insurance
   (Hoherversicherung),  is compared with the  maximum  amount  taken
   into  consideration in application of the preceding sub-paragraph.
   The sum  whose  coral  exceeds  the  maximum  amount  in  question
   constitutes  the notional amount of the reduction.  This amount is
   divided  up  in  proportion  to  the  duration  of  insurance   in
   accordance with the provisions of Article 29, paragraph 4, of this
   Convention;  the part corresponding  to  the  duration  of  German
   insurance shall be deducted from the German portion.
       (4) With regard to the suppression  of  compensatory  benefits
   under the miners' scheme,  mining undertakings in the territory of
   another Contracting Parry are regarded  as  equivalent  to  German
   mining undertakings.
       (5) German pensions insurance institutions apply  Article  29,
   paragraph 5, of this Convention when:
       (a) legislation in force before 1 January 1957 concerning  the
   calculation of the pension is applicable;
       (b) a supplementary period (Zurechnungszeit) is  to  be  taken
   into consideration; or
       (c) a children's supplement is to be taken into consideration.
       (6) The   provisions  of  Chapter  2  of  Title  III  of  this
   Convention arc not applicable to the  pensions  insurance  in  the
   iron  and  steel  industry  (Saar)  nor  to the pension scheme for
   elderly farmers.
            V. Application of the legislation of Luxembourg
       (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 74, paragraph 3,
   of  this  Convention,  periods of insurance and equivalent periods
   completed before 1 January 1946 under  Luxembourg  legislation  on
   pensions insurance (invalidity,  old age and death) are taken into
   consideration for the application of that legislation only  in  so
   far  as  the  rights  in  the  course  of  acquisition  have  been
   maintained at the time of the entry into force of this  Convention
   or   recovered   subsequently   in  conformity  solely  with  that
   legislation or with bilateral social security conventions in force
   or  to  be concluded.  In the event of several of such conventions
   applying,  periods of insurance and equivalent periods  are  taken
   into consideration as from the earliest date.
       (2) For the purposes of  entitlement  to  the  basic  part  of
   Luxembourg   pensions,   periods   of  insurance  completed  under
   Luxembourg legislation  by  workers  not  resident  on  Luxembourg
   territory are considered as periods of residence.
       (3) Supplements  provided,  where  appropriate,  to   increase
   minimum pensions,  as well as supplements for children are paid in
   the same proportion as the basic pare for which the State and  the
   municipalities are responsible.
         VI. Application of the legislation of the Netherlands
       A. Application  of  Netherlands Legislation on General Old-age
       (1) For  the  application  of  Article  29 of this Convention,
   periods  prior to 1 January  1957  during  which  the  beneficiary
   resided  in  the  territory  of  the  Netherlands after the age of
   fifteen or during which, whilst being resident in the territory of
   another  Contracting  Party,  he  was  gainfully  employed  in the
   Netherlands  by  an  employer  in  that  country,   are   likewise
   considered  as  periods  of  insurance completed under Netherlands
   legislation on general old-age insurance.
       (2) Periods  are not to be taken into account by virtue of the
   preceding paragraph when they coincide  with  periods  taken  into
   consideration  for  the  calculation of old-age pensions due under
   the legislation of another Contracting Party.
       (3) Where  a  married woman's husband is entitled to a pension
   under  Netherlands  legislation  on  general  old-age   insurance,
   periods  prior  co  the date where the woman concerned reached the
   age of sixty-five and during which,  being married, she resided in
   the  course  of  that  marriage  in  the  territory of one or more
   Contracting Parties,  are likewise taken into consideration in  so
   far  as  these  periods  coincide  with  the  periods of insurance
   completed by her  husband  under  that  legislation  or  with  the
   periods  to  be  taken into consideration by virtue of paragraph 1
       (4) Periods are not to be taken into consideration in the case
   of a married woman by virtue of the preceding paragraph when  they
   coincide with periods taken into consideration for the calculation
   of the old-age pension due to her under the legislation of another
   Contracting  Parry  or  with  periods during which she received an
   old-age pension under such legislation.
       (5) Where  a  married  woman's  husband  has  been  subject to
   Netherlands legislation on old-age insurance or is deemed to  have
   completed  periods  of insurance within the meaning of paragraph 1
   above,  the  provisions  of  the  two  preceding  paragraphs   are
   applicable, mutatis mutandis.
       (6) Periods prior to  1  January  1957  are  only  taken  into
   consideration  for  the  calculation of the old-age pension if the
   person concerned has resided throughout six years in the territory
   of one or more Contracting Parties after the age of fifty-nine and
   if he resides in the territory of one of those Parties.
       B. Application of Netherlands Legislation on  General  Widows'
   and Orphans' Insurance
       (1) For  the  application  of  Article  29 of this Convention,
   periods prior to 1 October 1959 during  which  a  beneficiary  who
   does not fulfil the conditions for having such periods assimilated
   to  periods  of  insurance  resided  in  the  territory   of   the
   Netherlands after the age of fifteen or during which, whilst being
   resident in the territory of another  Contracting  Party,  he  was
   gainfully  employed  in  the  Netherlands  by  an employer in that
   country, are likewise considered as periods of insurance completed
   under the Netherlands legislation on general old-age insurance.
       (2) Periods are not to be taken into consideration  by  virtue
   of  the  preceding  paragraph  when  they coincide with periods of
   insurance completed under the legislation of  another  Contracting
   Party on survivors' benefits.
       C. Application of Netherlands Legislation on Insurance against
   Incapacity for Work
       (1) For the application of the provisions  of  Article  29  of
   this  Convention,  periods  of  gainful  occupation and equivalent
   periods completed in  the  Netherlands  before  1  July  1967  are
   likewise  considered  as  periods  of  insurance  completed  under
   Netherlands legislation on insurance against incapacity for work.
       (2) If the said periods have been completed in the Netherlands
   before 1 July 1967,  the earnings  on  which  the  calculation  of
   benefits  is  based will be determined on the basis of the amounts
   specified in the Act of 2 February  1967  containing  transitional
   regulation  of insurance against incapacity for work,  adjusted to
   changes in the wage index since 1 July 1967.
       (3) The provisions of Article 35,  paragraph 1, sub-paragraphs
   (a) and (d),  of this Convention are not  applied  by  Netherlands
   institutions  in  regard to benefits calculated on the basis of an
   invalidity of less than 45 per cent,  if the  aggravation  of  the
   pre-existing  invalidity  is  obviously  due to a cause other than
   that which has brought about the invalidity in  respect  of  which
   the benefits are drawn.
       D. Application   of   Netherlands   Legislation   on  Optional
   Continued Insurance
       The principle of equality of treatment set forth in Article  8
   of  this  Convention  does not apply to old age optional continued
   insurance so far as the payment of contributions at reduced  rates
   is concerned.
             VII. Application of the legislation of Norway
       The application  of the provisions of the second sub-paragraph
   of paragraph 4 of Article 1 of the National Insurance  Act  of  17
   June 1966 cannot be extended to non-nationals.
       The application of Norwegian legislation cannot be extended to
   non-nationals  in  Spitzbergen  unless  they  are  employed  by  a
   Norwegian employer.
             VIII. Application of the legislation of Sweden
       With regard to unemployment benefits, the Government of Sweden
   undertakes  to  encourage the approved Unemployment Funds to apply
   the provisions of this Convention in so far as they are  in  force
   in respect of Sweden.
           IX. Application of the legislation of Switzerland
       (1) The  principle  of  equality  of  treatment  set  forth in
   Article 8 of this Convention does not apply to:
       (a) optional  old-age  and  survivors'  insurance and optional
   invalidity insurance for Swiss nationals abroad;
       (b) old-age  and survivors' insurance and invalidity insurance
   of Swiss nationals working abroad for an employer in Switzerland;
       (c) relief benefits paid to Swiss invalids residing abroad;
       (d) special pensions under old-age  and  survivors'  insurance
   paid  to  Swiss  nationals  born  before  1  July 1883 or to their
       (2) Special  invalidity insurance pensions or old-age pensions
   payable  in  lieu  thereof  are  awarded  to  nationals   or   the
   Contracting  Parties  subject  to  the  condition  that  they have
   resided in Switzerland throughout five years immediately preceding
   the lodging of the claim.
       Special old-age and survivors' insurance pensions are  awarded
   to  nationals  of the Contracting Parties subject to the condition
   that  they  have  resided  in  Switzerland  throughout  ten  years
   immediately  preceding  the  lodging  of  the claim in the case or
   old-age  pensions,  or  subject to the condition that the deceased
   has  resided  in  Switzerland  throughout  five  years immediately
   preceding  the  lodging  of  the  claim  in the case of survivors'
   pensions or old-age pensions payable in lieu thereof.
       The period  of  residence  in  question  is   deemed   to   be
   uninterrupted,  when  absence from Swiss territory does not exceed
   three months in the  course  of  any  calendar  year.  Periods  of
   residence  in  Switzerland  during  which the person concerned has
   been  exempt  from  Swiss  invalidity,  old-age   and   survivors'
   insurance  are not taken into account for the required duration of
       (3) Where nationals of the Contracting Parties have acquired a
   right to benefits under Swiss invalidity,  old-age and  survivors'
   insurance,  the  provisions  of Article 29,  paragraph 5,  of this
   Convention will be applied for the calculation of  the  amount  of
   the pensions due under Swiss insurance.
       (4) With  regard  to  entitlement   to   ordinary   invalidity
   pensions,  nationals  of  the Contracting Parties are deemed to be
   insured within the meaning of Swiss legislation if, at the time of
   the  commencement  of  invalidity,  they  are  covered by pensions
   insurance of any Contracting Party or  if  they  are  entitled  to
   invalidity  benefits  under  the  legislation  of  any Contracting
       (5) (a)  Nationals  of  the  Contracting  Parties  may request
   rehabilitation  under  the  federal  legislation   on   invalidity
   insurance  as  long  as  they  keep their domicile in Switzerland,
   provided they have paid contributions to Swiss  insurance  for  at
   lease  a whole year immediately preceding the time when they shall
   benefit from such rehabilitation.
       (b) Wives and widows who do not follow a gainful activity,  as
   well as minors,  children of nationals of the Contracting Parties,
   may  request  rehabilitation  under  the  federal  legislation  on
   invalidity insurance as  long  as  they  keep  their  domicile  in
   Switzerland, provided they have resided there without interruption
   for at least one year immediately preceding  the  time  when  they
   shall benefit by such rehabilitation.
       (c) Minors,  children of nationals of the Contracting Parties,
   may  request  rehabilitation  under  the  federal  legislation  on
   invalidity insurance if they have their  domicile  in  Switzerland
   and  have  been invalids since birth there or if they have resided
   in Switzerland without interruption since their birth.

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