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(по состоянию на 20 октября 2006 года)

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                         БРЮССЕЛЬСКАЯ КОНВЕНЦИЯ

                        (27 сентября 1968 года)


                       ГЛАВА I. СФЕРА ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ

                                Статья 1

       Конвенция будет  применяться  в  отношении  любых  торговых  и
   гражданских споров независимо от того,  рассматривается спор судом
   или    трибуналом   (судом   специальной   юрисдикции).   Она   не
   распространяется,  в  частности,  на   налоговые,   таможенные   и
   административные споры.
       Конвенция не применяется:
       1. В    отношении    гражданского    состояния,    право-    и
   дееспособности,  а  также  законного  представительства физических
   лиц, имущественных прав, возникших из брачных отношений, завещаний
   и наследства.
       2. В  отношении  банкротства,  исков,  касающихся   ликвидации
   несостоятельных  компаний  или  других юридических лиц,  судейских
   договоренностей, мировых соглашений и других аналогичных споров.
       3. В отношении социального обеспечения.
       4. В отношении арбитража.

                          ГЛАВА II. ЮРИСДИКЦИЯ

                                Раздел 1

                            ОБЩИЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЯ

                                Статья 2

       Согласно положениям данной Конвенции лица,  домицилированные в
   Договаривающемся  государстве,  будут независимо от их гражданства
   отвечать в судах этого государства.
       В отношении   домицилированных  лиц,  не  имеющих  гражданства
   данного  государства,  будут   применяться   правила   юрисдикции,
   касающиеся граждан этого государства.

                                Статья 3

       Лица, домицилированные  в Договаривающемся государстве,  могут
   отвечать в  судах  другого  Договаривающегося  государства  только
   согласно правилам, установленным в разделах 2 - 6 этой главы.

                                Статья 4

       Если ответчик    не    имеет   домициля   в   Договаривающемся
   государстве,   юрисдикция    судов    каждого    Договаривающегося
   государства,   с   оговоркой   на   положения   статьи  16,  будет
   определяться законом этого государства.
       Против такого   ответчика   любое   лицо,  домицилированное  в
   Договаривающемся государстве,  независимо  от  гражданства,  может
   воспользоваться  в  этом  государстве  правилами подсудности,  и в
   частности теми,  которые определены во втором абзаце статьи  3,  в
   том же порядке, что и граждане этого государства.

                                Раздел 2

                         СПЕЦИАЛЬНАЯ ЮРИСДИКЦИЯ

                                Статья 5

       Лицо, домицилированное  в Договаривающемся государстве,  может
   быть ответчиком в другом Договаривающееся государстве:
       1. В  спорах,  вытекающих  из  договора,  -  в  судах по месту
   исполнения договора; в спорах, вытекающих из трудовых договоров, -
   в  судах,  где  работник по найму обычно выполняет свою работу,  в
   случае если определенного места исполнения работы  не  существует,
   то работодатель может быть также ответчиком в судах по месту,  где
   он ведет или вел деятельность,  в которую был вовлечен работник по
       2. В спорах об алиментах -  в  судах  по  месту  домициля  или
   обычного резидентства,  лица,  имеющего право на их получение или,
   если спор является сопутствующим  спору  о  гражданском  состоянии
   лица,   -   в   суде,   который   в   соответствии  с  собственным
   (национальным)   правом   обладает   юрисдикцией    принимать    к
   рассмотрению   такие   иски,   если   только   эта  юрисдикция  не
   основывается исключительно на гражданстве одной из сторон.
       3. В   спорах,   вытекающих   из  гражданских  правоотношений,
   деликтов или квазиделиктов, - в судах по месту нанесения ущерба.
       4. В  случае  предъявления  требований  о возмещении вреда или
   реституции,  которые  вытекают  из  уголовных  дел,  -   в   суде,
   рассматривающем  уголовные  дела,  если  суд  обладает юрисдикцией
   рассматривать гражданские иски.
       5. В   спорах   о   филиалах,   представительствах   и  других
   учреждениях - в судах по месту нахождения этих учреждений.
       6. В     спорах,     касающихся    учредителя    доверительной
   собственности,   доверительного   собственника   или   бенефициара
   доверительной собственности,  возникшей в силу закона, письменного
   документа     или     в     силу      устного      волеизъявления,
   засвидетельствованного   в   письменном   виде,  -  в  судах  того
   государства, в котором находится доверительная собственность.
       7. В  спорах  о компенсационных платежах за спасение груза или
   фрахта - в суде, властью которого этот груз или фрахт:
       a) были арестованы, чтобы обеспечить выплату, или
       b) могли  быть  арестованы,  но  была  выдана   гарантия   или
       данное положение применяется,  только если заявлено о том, что
   ответчик  имеет  право  на  груз или фрахт или имел такое право ко
   времени спасания.

                                Статья 6

       Лицо, домицилированное в Договаривающемся  государстве,  может
   выступать ответчиком также:
       1. Если он является одним из ответчиков -  в  судах  по  месту
   домициля любого из них.
       2. Как третья сторона в споре о  поручительстве  или  в  любом
   другом  споре,  где  он выступает в качестве третьей стороны,  - в
   суде,  рассматривающем  главный  иск,  если  только  иск  не   был
   предъявлен   исключительно  с  целью  изъятия  этого  лица  из-под
   юрисдикции суда, который был бы компетентным в отношении него.
       3. По  встречному  иску,  возникшему  из  того же договора или
   фактов,  на которых был основан первоначальный иск,  - в  суде,  в
   котором рассматривается первоначальный иск.
       4. В отношении споров,  возникших из договора,  если иск может
   быть   объединен  с  иском  против  того  же  ответчика  в  спорах
   касательно  вещных  прав  на  недвижимое  имущество,  -   в   суде
   Договаривающегося  государства,  в  котором  находится  недвижимое

                               Статья 6A

       Если в силу этой Конвенции суд  Договаривающегося  государства
   обладает  юрисдикцией по искам об ответственности за использование
   или эксплуатацию судна, этот суд или любой другой суд, назначенный
   с  этой  целью  внутренним  правом государства,  будет также иметь
   юрисдикцию в отношении ограничения ответственности.

                                Раздел 3


                                Статья 7

       По спорам о страховании  юрисдикция  будет  определяться  этим
   разделом без ущерба положениям статей 4 и 5 (5).

                                Статья 8

       Страховщик, домицилированный  в  Договаривающемся государстве,
   может быть ответчиком:
       1. В судах того государства, где он имеет домициль.
       2. В другом Договаривающемся государстве - в судах  по  месту,
   где страхователь имеет свой домициль.
       3. Если  он   является   состраховщиком   -   в   судах   того
   Договаривающегося   государства,  в  котором  был  предъявлен  иск
   главному страховщику.
       Страховщик, не    имеющий    домициль    в    Договаривающемся
   государстве,  но имеющий там свой  филиал,  представительство  или
   другое  учреждение,  подразумевается  домицилированным,  если речь
   идет  о  спорах,  возникших  из  юридических   действий   филиала,
   представительства или другого учреждения.

                                Статья 9

       В отношении   страхования   ответственности   или  страхования
   недвижимого  имущества   страховщик   может   дополнительно   быть
   ответчиком  в  судах  по месту,  где произошло событие,  повлекшее
   причинение вреда.  То же самое применяется в случае, если движимое
   и  недвижимое имущество застраховано одним страховым полисом и оба
   пострадали вследствие одного и того же страхового случая.

                               Статья 10

       В отношении  страхования  ответственности   страховщик   может
   также,  если право страны суда допускает это,  быть привлеченным к
   процессу,   который    пострадавшая    сторона    начала    против
       Положения статьей 7,  8 и 9 применяются к искам, предъявленным
   потерпевшей  стороной прямо к страховщику,  там,  где такой прямой
   иск разрешается.
       Если право,  допускающее  такие  прямые иски,  предусматривает
   привлечение к участию в гражданском процессе третьего лица  против
   страхователя   или   застрахованного,   то  тот  же  суд  обладает
   юрисдикцией в отношении них.

                               Статья 11

       Без ущерба положениям третьего  абзаца  статьи  10  страховщик
   может предъявить иск только в судах Договаривающегося государства,
   в котором ответчик имеет домициль, независимо от того, является он
   страхователем, застрахованной стороной или бенефициаром.
       Положения этого раздела не затрагивают права вносить встречный
   иск в суд, в котором в соответствии с этим разделом первоначальное
   требование находится на рассмотрении.

                               Статья 12

       Положения этого раздела могут быть изменены только специальным
   соглашением о юрисдикции:
       1) если оно было заключено после возникновения спора;
       2) если оно позволяет страхователю, застрахованной стороне или
   бенефициару приносить иски в иные суды, чем те, которые обозначены
   в этом разделе;
       3) если оно заключено между страхователем и страховщиком,  оба
   из  которых  ко  времени  заключения соглашения имели домициль или
   обычное место пребывания в одном Договаривающемся  государстве,  и
   предусматривает  обращение  в суд этого же государства,  даже если
   страховой случай должен произойти за границей,  при  условии,  что
   такое соглашение не противоречит праву этого государства;
       4) если оно заключено со страхователем,  не домицилированным в
   Договаривающемся   государстве,   за  исключением  случаев,  когда
   страхование  является  обязательным   или   касается   недвижимого
   имущества в Договаривающемся государстве;
       5) если оно касается договора страхования  и  охватывает  один
   или более рисков, указанных в статье 12A.

                               Статья 12A

       Рисками в отношении договора страхования, на которые ссылается
   пункт 5 статьи 12, являются:
       1. Любая потеря или убыток:
       a) связанные с опасностью коммерческого использования  морских
   кораблей,  любых сооружений, расположенных на расстоянии от берега
   или в открытом море, или самолетов;
       b) в    отношении   товаров,   находящихся   в   пути,   кроме
   пассажирского  багажа,  если  доставка  состоит  из  или  включает
   перевозку такими кораблями или самолетами.
       2. Любая   ответственность,    кроме    причинения    телесных
   повреждений пассажирам или утраты, порчи их багажа:
       a) возникшая в связи с использованием кораблей, сооружений или
   самолетов, упомянутых в пункте 1 "a", если право Договаривающегося
   государства, в котором такой самолет зарегистрирован, не запрещает
   соглашений  о  перемене подсудности относительно страхования таких
       b) за  утерю  или  ущерб  товарам  в  пути,  в  соответствии с
   пунктом 1 "b".
       3. Любой   финансовый   убыток,   связанный  с  использованием
   кораблей, сооружений или самолетов,  упомянутых в пункте 1 "a",  в
   частности убыток, связанный с фрахтом или чартером.
       4. Любой  риск,  связанный  с  каким-либо   из   указанных   в
   пунктах 1 - 3.

                                Раздел 4


                               Статья 13

       По спорам, касающимся договоров, заключенных лицом с целью, не
   связанной   с   торговлей   и   его   профессией,  ниже  именуемым
   "потребитель",  юрисдикция будет определяться  этим  разделом  без
   ущерба положениям статей 4 и 5 (5), если это:
       1. Договор о продаже товаров при оплате в рассрочку.
       2. Договор о предоставлении кредита,  возвращаемого по частям,
   или любая другая форма кредита, предназначенная для финансирования
   продажи товаров.
       3. Любой  другой  договор  о  поставке  товаров  и  договор  о
   предоставлении услуг и:
       a) в  государстве  домициля  потребителя  исполнению  договора
   предшествовало  специальное  предложение,  адресованное  ему,  или
   реклама, и
       b) потребитель    предпринял    определенные   шаги   в   этом
   государстве, необходимые для заключения договора.
       Если потребитель  вступает  в договор со стороной,  которая не
   имеет  домициля  в  Договаривающемся  государстве,  но  имеет  там
   филиал, представительство или другое учреждение, эта сторона будет
   подразумеваться домицилированной в отношении споров,  возникших из
   операций с филиалом, представительством или другим учреждением.
       Этот раздел не применяется к договорам о перевозках.

                               Статья 14

       Потребитель может  предъявить  иск  против  другой  стороны  в
   договоре  как  в стране,  где эта сторона имеет домициль,  так и в
   судах страны своего домициля.
       Другая сторона  в  договоре может предъявлять иски потребителю
   только в суды той страны, где потребитель имеет свой домициль.
       Эти положения  не  затрагивают право приносить встречный иск в
   суд, в котором рассматривается первоначальный иск в соответствии с
   этим разделом.

                               Статья 15

       Положения этого    раздела    могут   быть   изменены   только
       1) заключенным после возникновения спора;
       2) позволяющим потребителю приносить иски  в  суды  иные,  чем
   указанные в этом разделе;
       3) достигнутым  между  потребителем  и   другой   стороной   в
   договоре,  оба  из  которых  ко  времени исполнения договора имели
   домициль или место жительства в одной стране,  и предусматривающим
   обращение  в  суд  этого  же  государства  при условии,  что такое
   соглашение не противоречит праву этого государства.

                                Раздел 5


                               Статья 16

       Исключительную подсудность,  независимо  от  домициля,   имеют
   следующие суды:
       1. a) в исках,  объектом  которых  являются  вещные  права  на
   недвижимое имущество или владение недвижимым имуществом (на правах
   аренды,  найма),  - суды того  государства,  в  котором  находится
       b) в исках,  объектом  которых  является  владение  недвижимым
   имуществом  для  частного  пользования  -  сроком  не  более шести
   последовательных месяцев,  - суды государства,  в котором ответчик
   имеет  домициль,  также будут иметь юрисдикцию,  при условии,  что
   собственник недвижимости и арендатор являются физическими лицами и
   домицилированы в одном и том же государстве.
       2. В   исках,   объектом    которых    является    юридическая
   действительность образования,  ничтожность или ликвидация компаний
   или  других  юридических  лиц   или   объединений   физических   и
   юридических  лиц,  или  решения  их органов - суды государства,  в
   котором компания, юридическое лицо или объединение расположены.
       3. В   исках,   объектом   которых  является  действительность
   занесения в публичные регистры,  - суды той страны,  которая ведет
   эти регистры.
       4. В исках,  связанных с  регистрацией  или  действительностью
   патентов,   торговых   марок,  промышленных  моделей  или  другими
   сходными  правами,   которые   требуют   регистрации   или  выдачи
   патента, - суды страны, в которой была подана заявка о регистрации
   или патентовании, произошла  регистрация  или,  согласно  правилам
   международной конвенции, подразумевается, что произошла.
       5. В исках о принудительном взыскании по судебному  решению  -
   суды той страны,  в которой судебное решение было приведено в силу
   или должно быть приведено.

                                Раздел 6

                        СОГЛАШЕНИЕ О ПОДСУДНОСТИ

                               Статья 17

       Если стороны,  одна или несколько из которых домицилированы  в
   Договаривающемся государстве, договорились о том, что суды данного
   государства обладают юрисдикцией в  отношении  рассмотрения  любых
   споров,   которые   возникли   или  могут  возникнуть  в  связи  с
   какими-либо определенными правоотношениями, то такие суды обладают
   исключительной подсудностью.
       Соглашение об установлении подсудности должно быть заключено:
       a) в  письменном  виде  или  засвидетельствовано  в письменном
       b) в  форме,  которая  соответствует обычаям,  возникшим между
   сторонами, или
       c) в  международной торговле - в форме,  которая соответствует
   общепринятой практике в этой области деятельности,  о чем  стороны
   должны  были  знать  или знали,  и которая в такой торговле широко
   применяется и регулярно соблюдается.
       Если соглашение  было  достигнуто между сторонами,  ни одна из
   которых не домицилирована в Договаривающемся государстве,  -  суды
   другого  Договаривающегося  государства  не обладают юрисдикцией в
   отношении споров между  ними,  при  условии,  что  суд  или  суды,
   выбранные сторонами, не отклонили подсудность.
       Суд или суды Договаривающегося государства,  которым  подсудны
   споры  в  отношении  института доверительной собственности,  имеют
   исключительную  подсудность  в  отношении   любых   исков   против
   учредителя     доверительной     собственности,     доверительного
   собственника или бенефициара,  если отношения между этими  лицами,
   их  правами или обязанностями возникают из института доверительной
       Соглашения и     положения    об    институте    доверительной
   собственности, предоставляющие юрисдикцию, не имеют силы, если они
   противоречат  положениям  статей  12  или  15  или если суды,  чью
   юрисдикцию стороны намереваются изменить,  обладают исключительной
   подсудностью в силу статьи 16.
       Если соглашение о предоставлении  подсудности  было  заключено
   для выгоды только одной из сторон,  эта сторона сохраняет за собой
   право возбуждать  иски  в  любом  другом  суде,  который  обладает
   юрисдикцией в силу этой Конвенции.
       В спорах по трудовым договорам соглашение о  юрисдикции  имеет
   силу, только если оно было заключено после возникновения спора или
   если работник по найму требует рассмотрения дела в суде ином,  чем
   тот,  который  предусмотрен  для  домициля  ответчика или указан в
   статье 5 (1).

                               Статья 18

       Независимо от  юрисдикции,  возникшей  из   других   положений
   Конвенции,  суд  Договаривающегося  государства,  в который явился
   ответчик,  будет иметь  юрисдикцию.  Это  правило  не  применяется
   тогда,   когда   явка   была  зарегистрирована  исключительно  для
   оспаривания юрисдикции или когда другой  суд  имел  исключительную
   подсудность в силу статьи 16.

                                Раздел 7

                       СУДЕБНОГО РАЗБИРАТЕЛЬСТВА

                               Статья 19

       Если иск возбуждается в суде Договаривающегося  государства  и
   связан  со  спорами,  по  которым  суды  другого Договаривающегося
   государства обладают исключительной подсудностью в силу статьи 16,
   то  этот суд объявляет через свои действия о том,  что не обладает

                               Статья 20

       Если ответчик   домицилирован   в    одном    Договаривающемся
   государстве,    а    дело    рассматривается    в   суде   другого
   Договаривающегося государства,  и он  не  явился  в  суд,  то  суд
   объявляет  через  свои  действия,  что  у  него  нет юрисдикции по
   данному спору,  если только юрисдикция не возникает  из  положений
   данной Конвенции.
       Суд приостанавливает производство по делу до тех пор,  пока не
   будет   установлено,   что   ответчик  имел  возможность  получить
   документ,  возбуждающий дело,  или эквивалентный ему  документ,  и
   пока   не   истек  достаточный  срок  для  того,  чтобы  дать  ему
   возможность организовать защиту,  и пока все необходимые меры  для
   этого не будут предприняты.
       Положения предыдущего  абзаца   будут   заменены   положениями
   статьи 15  Гаагской  конвенции  от  15  ноября 1965 г.  касательно
   выполнения  за  границей  судебных  и  внесудебных  документов  по
   гражданским   и   торговым  спорам,  если  документ,  возбуждающий
   производство  или   упоминающий   о   возбуждении,   должен   быть
   переправлен   за   границу   в   соответствии  с  этой  Конвенцией

                                Раздел 8


                               Статья 21

       Если были предъявлены иски по  одному  и  тому  же  основанию,
   между теми же сторонами в суды разных государств,  то суд, который
   вторым принял дело к  производству,  откладывает  производство  по
   делу  до  тех  пор,  пока  не  будет  установлена юрисдикция суда,
   который первым принял иск к рассмотрению.
       Как только установлена юрисдикция суда, первым принявшего дело
   к производству,  любой другой  суд  отклоняет  свою  юрисдикцию  в
   пользу первого.

                               Статья 22

       Если иски,  находящиеся  во  взаимосвязи,  приносятся  в  суды
   разных государств,  любой суд,  кроме первого  принявшего  дело  к
   производству,  откладывает рассмотрение дела,  пока иски находятся
   на рассмотрении в первой инстанции.
       Другие суды  могут  по  просьбе  одной из сторон отказаться от
   своей  юрисдикции,   если   право   того   государства   разрешает
   объединение   исков   и   если   суд,   первым  принявший  дело  к
   производству, обладает юрисдикцией в отношении обоих исков.
       Для целей   данной   статьи  иски  могут  подразумеваться  как
   взаимосвязанные (родственные),  если они  действительно  настолько
   тесно  связаны,  что  рассмотрение  их  и  принятие решения по ним
   представляется  целесообразным,  чтобы  избежать  риска  вынесения
   противоречащих друг другу решений.

                               Статья 23

       Если несколько  судов  обладают  исключительной  подсудностью,
   дело рассматривает  суд,  первым принявший дело к производству,  а
   остальные отказываются в его пользу от своей юрисдикции.

                                Раздел 9


                               Статья 24

       Ходатайство может  быть  принесено  в  суды   Договаривающихся
   государств  в  целях принятия предварительных,  охранительных мер,
   если они допускаются  по  праву  того  государства,  даже  если  в
   соответствии с данной Конвенцией суды другого государства обладают
   юрисдикцией в отношении существа иска.


                               Статья 25

       Для целей  данной Конвенции термин "судебное решение" означает
   любое судебное решение,  вынесенное судом или  органом  правосудия
   Договаривающегося   государства,   независимо  от  того,  как  оно
   называется:  постановление, решение, судебный приказ об исполнении
   решения или определение о судебных издержках и расходах,  выданное
   служащим суда.

                                Раздел 1


                               Статья 26

       Судебное решение,   вынесенное   в   одном    Договаривающемся
   государстве,  не нуждается в какой-либо особой процедуре признания
   в другом Договаривающемся государстве.
       Если суть   спора  составляет  вопрос  о  признании  судебного
   решения,  любая заинтересованная сторона может  в  соответствии  с
   порядком,   предусмотренным   в  разделах  2  и  3  данной  главы,
   обратиться за решением о признании.
       Если исход   рассмотрения   дела   в   суде  Договаривающегося
   государства зависит от вынесения вопроса о признании,  то этот суд
   будет обладать юрисдикцией по вопросу о признании.

                               Статья 27

       Судебное решение не признается, если:
       1) такое  признание  противоречит  публичному   порядку   того
   государства, в котором оно должно вступить в силу;
       2) в случае неявки в суд ответчику не был  надлежащим  образом
   вручен  документ,  который  возбуждал дело,  или эквивалентный ему
   документ в разумный срок для  того,  чтобы  дать  ему  возможность
   организовать свою защиту;
       3) данное судебное  решение  противоречит  судебному  решению,
   вынесенному  в  споре  между  теми  же сторонами в государстве,  в
   котором это судебное решение должно вступить в силу;
       4) суд  того государства,  в котором выносится решение,  решил
   предварительный вопрос,  касающийся гражданского состояния, право-
   и дееспособности физических лиц,  прав собственности, возникших из
   брачных  отношений,  завещаний  или  наследования  так,  что   это
   противоречит правилам международного частного права государства, в
   котором это судебное решение должно вступить в силу,  при условии,
   что  такой  же  результат  не  был бы достигнут с применением норм
   международного частного права того государства,  в котором решение
   должно вступить в силу;
       5) судебное решение противоречит судебным  решениям,  принятым
   ранее в государстве,  не участвующем в данной Конвенции, по одному
   и тому же основанию иска и между  теми  же  сторонами,  даже  если
   данное  последнее  судебное  решение  отвечает  всем  требованиям,
   необходимым для признания в  государстве,  в  котором  оно  должно
   вступить в силу.

                               Статья 28

       Судебное решение не может быть признано, если оно противоречит
   положениям разделов 3,  4 или 5 главы II или случаю,  описанному в
   статье 59.
       При проверке основания юрисдикции,  относящейся к  предыдущему
   абзацу,  суд  или соответствующий орган власти в государстве,  где
   решение должно вступить в силу,  будет связан  установлением  того
   факта,  на  котором  суд  государства,  где  принималось  решение,
   основывал свою юрисдикцию.
       В соответствии  с  положениями первого абзаца юрисдикция суда,
   где выносилось решение,  не может быть  пересмотрена;  критерий  о
   публичном порядке, упоминаемый в пункте 1 статьи 27, не может быть
   применен к нормам, регулирующим юрисдикцию.

                               Статья 29

       Иностранные судебные  решения  ни  в  коем  случае  не  должны
   пересматриваться по существу.

                               Статья 30

       Суд Договаривающегося государства, в котором судебное решение,
   вынесенное в другом государстве,  должно вступить  в  силу,  может
   приостановить производство по делу,  если была подана апелляция на
   вынесенное решение.

                                Раздел 2

                       ПРИНУДИТЕЛЬНОЕ ИСПОЛНЕНИЕ

                               Статья 31

       Судебное решение,   вынесенное   в   одном    Договаривающемся
   государстве   и  которое  может  быть  принудительно  исполнено  в
   судебном  порядке  в  этом  же  государстве,  может   также   быть
   принудительно  исполнено  в  другом  Договаривающемся государстве,
   если  любая  из  заинтересованных  сторон   подала   заявление   о
   принудительном исполнении.

                               Статья 33

       Процедура подачи    заявления    определяется    правом   того
   государства, в котором принудительное исполнение судебного решения
   должно производиться.
       Заявитель должен указать  свой  адрес  в  пределах  территории
   юрисдикции  суда,  в который было подано заявление.  Однако,  если
   право государства не предусматривает предоставления такого адреса,
   заявитель назначает судебного представителя.
       Документы, предусмотренные в статьях 46 и  47,  прилагаются  к

                               Статья 34

       Суд, в  который было подано заявление,  должен принять решение
   без промедления;  должник на этой  стадии  производства  не  имеет
   права делать заявления.
       Заявление может   быть   отклонено   только   по   основаниям,
   предусмотренным в статьях 27 и 28.
       Иностранное судебное  решение  ни  в  коем  случае  не  должно
   пересматриваться по существу.

                               Статья 35

       Соответствующий чиновник суда без промедления доводит решение,
   вынесенное по заявлению,  до сведения заявителя в  соответствии  с
   процедурой,  предусмотренной  правом  того государства,  в котором
   производится принудительное исполнение решения.

                               Статья 36

       Если принудительное   исполнение   судебного   решения    было
   санкционировано,  должник  может  подать  апелляцию  на  решение в
   течение одного месяца со дня вручения ему решения.
       Если должник  домицилирован  в  ином  государстве,  чем то,  в
   котором было санкционировано  принудительное  исполнение  решения,
   срок для подачи апелляции составляет два месяца,  который начинает
   течь  с  даты  вручения  документа,  независимо  от  того,  вручен
   документ  ему  лично  или  по  месту  его  постоянного проживания.
   Продление срока не допускается под предлогом большого расстояния.

                               Статья 38

       Суд, в который приносится апелляционная жалоба в  соответствии
   со статьей 37 (1),  может по заявлению  подателя  жалобы  отложить
   производство по делу,  если была принесена апелляционная жалоба на
   первоначальное судебное решение того государства,  в  котором  оно
   принималось,  или если время для подачи такой апелляционной жалобы
   еще не истекло;  в последнем случае суд может определить  срок,  в
   течение   которого   такая   апелляционная   жалоба   должна  быть
       Суд может  обусловить  принудительное   исполнение   судебного
   решения требованиями безопасности, которые он сочтет нужными.

                               Статья 39

       В течение   срока,   определенного  для  апелляционной  жалобы
   согласно статье 36, и до тех пор, пока не будет принято решение по
   такой   апелляционной  жалобе,  никакие  меры  по  принудительному
   исполнению судебного решения не  могут  быть  приняты,  кроме  мер
   охранительного характера в отношении имущества должника.
       Решение, санкционирующее      принудительное       исполнение,
   предоставляет  полномочия  по  распоряжению  такими охранительными

                               Статья 42

       Если иностранное судебное решение было вынесено по  нескольким
   требованиям и принудительное исполнение судебного решения не может
   быть   санкционировано   в   отношении   всех   требований,    суд
   санкционирует   принудительное   исполнение   по   одному  или  по
   нескольким из них.
       Заявитель может  просить частичного принудительного исполнения
   судебного решения.

                               Статья 43

       Иностранное судебное решение,  предписывающее выплату  штрафа,
   исполняется  в  государстве,  в  котором принудительное исполнение
   судебного решения должно вступить в силу,  только  в  том  случае,
   если сумма штрафа была окончательно определена судами государства,
   в котором было вынесено решение.

                               Статья 44

       Если заявитель  пользовался  полной  или  частичной   правовой
   помощью или освобождением от издержек и расходов в государстве,  в
   котором было вынесено судебное решение,  то он будет иметь право в
   производстве, предусмотренном в  статьях  32  -  35,  пользоваться
   наиболее   благоприятной   правовой   помощью   и   самым  широким
   освобождением от издержек и расходов,  предусмотренными правом той
   страны, в которую он обращается.

                               Статья 45

       Никакого поручительства,  залога, гарантии нельзя требовать со
   стороны,  которая  подала  заявление  о  принудительном исполнении
   судебного   решения,   принятого   в    другом    Договаривающемся
   государстве,  на основании того, что это лицо является иностранным
   гражданином или не имеет домициля, места жительства в государстве,
   в котором должно исполняться судебное решение.

                                Раздел 3

                            ОБЩИЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЯ

                               Статья 46

       Сторона, обращающаяся  за  признанием или подавшая заявление о
   принудительном исполнении решения, должна представить:
       1) копию   судебного   решения,   которая  удовлетворяет  всем
   требованиям для установления подлинности;
       2) в  случае судебного решения,  принятого при неявке одной из
   сторон,  -  подлинник  и  заверенную  копию   документа,   который
   удостоверяет,  что  не  явившейся  стороне  был  вручен  документ,
   возбуждающий дело, или эквивалентный ему документ.

                               Статья 47

       Сторона, подавшая  заявление   о   принудительном   исполнении
   решения, должна также представить:
       1) документы,  удостоверяющие в  соответствии  с  правом  того
   государства,  где  было  вынесено решение,  что решение может быть
   принудительно исполнено в судебном порядке и что оно было вручено;
       2) если  требуется - документ,  удостоверяющий,  что заявитель
   получал правовую помощь в государстве,  в  котором  было  вынесено

                               Статья 48

       Если документы,  упомянутые  в пункте 2 статьи 46 и в пункте 2
   статьи 47,  не были представлены, суд может определить срок для их
   представления или представления эквивалентных им документов,  или,
   если суд располагает достаточной информацией по  делу,  освободить
   от их представления.
       По требованию суда должен быть представлен перевод документов;
   перевод  должен  быть  заверен  лицом,  уполномоченным для этого в
   одном из Договаривающихся государств.

                               Статья 49

       Никакой легализации или любой другой формальности не требуется
   в  отношении документов,  упомянутых в статьях 46 и 47 и во втором
   абзаце статьи 48,  а также  в  отношении  документа,  назначающего
   судебного представителя.


                               Статья 50

       Официальный документ,   который   признается   подлинным  и  в
   отношении которого возможно принудительное исполнение в  одном  из
   государств,  будет  признаваться таковым в другом Договаривающемся
   государстве по заявлению,  поданному в соответствии с  положениями
   статьи 31. В заявлении может быть отказано, только если исполнение
   документа  противоречит  публичному  порядку   того   государства,
   которому оно адресовано.
       Документы должны удовлетворять  требованиям,  необходимым  для
   установления  подлинности  в государстве,  в котором этот документ
       Положения раздела 3 главы 3 применяются соответственно.

                               Статья 51

       Мировые соглашения,  которые  были  заключены  перед  судьей в
   процессе производства и которые могут быть принудительно исполнены
   в   государстве   происхождения,   принудительно   исполняются   в
   соответствии с теми же требованиями, что и официальные документы.

                        ГЛАВА V. ОБЩИЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЯ

                               Статья 52

       Для того  чтобы  определить,  имеет  ли  сторона  домициль   в
   Договаривающемся  государстве,  суды  которого рассматривают спор,
   суд применяет национальное право.
       Если же сторона не имеет домициля в государстве,  суд которого
   рассматривает дело,  то суд для того,  чтобы определить,  имеет ли
   сторона домициль в другом Договаривающемся государстве,  применяет
   право того государства.

                               Статья 53

       Для целей данной Конвенции место нахождения компании,  другого
   юридического  лица  или объединения физических или юридических лиц
   рассматривается как домициль.  Однако,  для того чтобы  определить
   это  место  нахождения,  суд должен применять нормы международного
   частного права.
       Для того   чтобы   определить,   находится   ли  доверительная
   собственность в государстве,  чьи  суды  рассматривают  спор,  суд
   применяет нормы международного частного права.

                          ЛУГАНСКАЯ КОНВЕНЦИЯ
                         И КОММЕРЧЕСКИХ СПОРОВ

                        (16 сентября 1988 года)


       Изменения и дополнения к Брюссельской конвенции:

   статья 3      в Ирландии статья 77 ГПК
   (дополнение)  в Норвегии раздел 32 ГЛК
                 в Австрии статья 99 закона о судебной юрисдикции
                 в Швейцарии статья 4 кодекса о МЧП
                 в Финляндии глава 11, предложения 2,3,4 ГПК
                 в Швеции первое предложение главы 10.3 кодекса о
                 судебной процедуре

   статья 5      Лицо,    домицилированное     в     Договаривающемся
   (изменение)   государстве,  может   быть   ответчиком   в   другом
                 Договаривающемся государстве.
                 1. В спорах, вытекающих из договора, -  в  судах  по
                 месту выполнения договора;  в спорах,  вытекающих из
                 индивидуального трудового договора, - по месту,  где
                 работник по найму обычно выполняет свою работу,  или
                 если работник не имеет постоянного места работы - то
                 по месту бизнеса, посредством которого он был нанят.

   статья 16     1 "b" Однако в исках, которые имеют  своим  объектом
   (изменение)   аренды или найм  недвижимого  имущества для частного
                 пользования сроком  не  более шести последовательных
                 месяцев, -  суды  Договаривающегося  государства,  в
                 котором ответчик  имеет  домициль, также будут иметь
                 юрисдикцию при условии, что  арендатор  недвижимости
                 является физическим лицом  и  ни  одна  из сторон не
                 имеет домициля  в Договаривающемся государстве,  где
                 находится собственность.

   статья 17,    В  спорах  по   трудовым   договорам   соглашение  о
   последний     юрисдикции будет  только  тогда иметь силу, если оно
   абзац         было заключено после возникновения спора.

   статья 28,    В  признании  судебного  решения может быть отказано
   второй абзац  в любом из  случаев,  оговоренных  в  статьях 54 (3)
   (дополнение)  или 57 (4).


                          (Lugano, 16.IX.1988)


       The High Contracting Parties to this Convention,
       Anxious to   strengthen   in   their   territories  the  legal
   protection of persons therein established,
       Considering that it is necessary for this purpose to determine
   the international jurisdiction  of  their  courts,  to  facilitate
   recognition and to introduce an expeditious procedure for securing
   the enforcement of  judgments,  authentic  instruments  and  court
       Aware of the links between them, which have been sanctioned in
   the  economic field by the free trade agreements concluded between
   the European Economic Community and  the  States  members  of  the
   European Free Trade Association,
       Taking into account the Brussels Convention  of  27  September
   1968 on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and
   commercial matters,  as amended by the Accession Conventions under
   the successive enlargements of the European Communities,
       Persuaded that  the  extension  of  the  principles  of   that
   Convention   to   the  States  parties  to  this  instrument  will
   strengthen legal and economic cooperation in Europe,
       Desiring to ensure as uniform an interpretation as possible of
   this instrument,
       Have in this spirit decided to conclude this Convention and
       Have agreed as follows:

                             TITLE I. SCOPE

                               Article 1

       This Convention shall apply in civil  and  commercial  matters
   whatever the nature of the court or tribunal. It shall not extend,
   in particular, to revenue, customs or administrative matters.
       The Convention shall not apply to:
       1. the status or legal capacity of natural persons,  rights in
   property  arising  out  of  a matrimonial relationship,  wills and
       2. bankruptcy,  proceedings  relating  to  the  winding-up  of
   insolvent companies or other legal persons, judicial arrangements,
   compositons and analogous proceedings;
       3. social security;
       4. arbitration.

                         TITLE II. JURISDICTION

                               Section 1

                           GENERAL PROVISIONS

                               Article 2

       Subject to   the   provisions   of  this  Convention,  persons
   domiciled  in  a   Contracting   State   shall,   whatever   their
   nationality, be sued in the courts of that State.
       Persons who are not nationals of the State in which  they  are
   domiciled   shall   be  governed  by  the  rules  of  jurisdiction
   applicable to nationals of that State.

                               Article 3

       Persons domiciled in a Contracting State may be  sued  in  the
   courts  of  another  Contracting State only by virtue of the rules
   set out in Sections 2 to 6 of this Title.
       In particular the following provisions shall not be applicable
   as against them:
       - in  Belgium:  Article  15  of  the  civil code (Code civil -
   Burgerlijk Wetboek) and Article 638 of  the  judicial  code  (Code
   judiciaire - Gerechtelijk Wetboek),
       - in Denmark:  Article 246 (2) and (3) of  the  law  on  civil
   procedure (Lov om rettens pleje),
       - in the Federal Republic of Germany:  Article 23 of the  code
   of civil procedure (...<*>),
       - in Greece:  Article  40  of  the  code  of  civil  procedure
       - in France:  Articles 14 and  15  of  the  civil  code  (Code
       - in Ireland:  the  rules  which  enable  jurisdiction  to  be
   founded  on  the  document instituting the proceedings having been
   served on the defendant during his temporary presence in Ireland,
       - in   Iceland:  Article  77  of  the  Civil  Proceedings  Act
       - in Italy: Articles 2 and 4, Nos 1 and 2 of the code of civil
   procedure (Codice di procedura civile),
       - in  Luxembourg:  Articles  14 and 15 of the civil code (Code
       - in the Netherlands:  Articles 126 (3) and 127 of the code of
   civil procedure (Wetboek van Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering),
       - in   Norway:   Section  32  of  the  Civil  Proceedings  Act
       - in  Austria:  Article  99  of  the Law on Court Jurisdiction
       - in Portugal:  Articles 65 (1) (c), 65 (2) and 65A (c) of the
   code of civil procedure (...<*>) and Article 11  of  the  code  of
   labour procedure (...<*>),
       - in Switzerland:  ...<*> within the meaning of Article  4  of
   the ...<*>,
       - in  Finland:  the  second,  third  and  fourth  sentences of
   Section 1  of  Chapter  10  of  the  Code  of  Judicial  Procedure
       - in Sweden:  the first sentence of Section 3 of Chapter 10 of
   the Code of Judicial Procedure (...<*>),
       - in  the United Kingdom:  the rules which enable jurisdiction
   to be founded on:
       (a) the  document  instituting  the  proceedings  having  been
   served on the defendant  during  his  temporary  presence  in  the
   United Kingdom; or
       (b) the  presence  within  the  United  Kingdom  of   property
   belonging to the defendant; or
       (c) the seizure by the plaintiff of property situated  in  the
   United Kingdom.
       <*> Национальное название не приводится.

                               Article 4

       If the defendant is not domiciled in a Contracting State,  the
   jurisdiction of  the  courts  of  each  Contracting  State  shall,
   subject to the provisions of Article 16,  be determined by the law
   of that State.
       As against  such  a  defendant,  any  person  domiciled  in  a
   Contracting State may,  whatever his nationality, avail himself in
   that  State  of  the rules of jurisdiction there in force,  and in
   particular those specified in the second paragraph of  Article  3,
   in the same way as the nationals of that State.

                               Section 2

                          SPECIAL JURISDICTION

                               Article 5

       A person domiciled in a  Contracting  State  may,  in  another
   Contracting State, be sued:
       1. in matters relating to a contract,  in the courts  for  the
   place  of  performance  of the obligation in question;  in matters
   relating to individual contracts of employment, this place is that
   where  the  employee  habitually  carries out his work,  or if the
   employee does not  habitually  carry  out  his  work  in  any  one
   country,  this  place shall be the place of business through which
   he was engaged;
       2. in  matters relating to maintenance,  in the courts for the
   place where the maintenance creditor is  domiciled  or  habitually
   resident or,  if the matter is ancillary to proceedings concerning
   the status of a person,  in the court which,  according to its own
   law,  has juridiction to entertain those proceedings,  unless that
   jurisdiction is based solely on the  nationality  of  one  of  the
       3. in matters relating to tort, delict or quasi-delict, in the
   courts for the place where the harmful event occurred;
       4. as regards a civil claim for damages or  restitution  which
   is  based  on  an act giving rise to criminal proceedings,  in the
   court seised of those proceedings,  to the extent that that  court
   has jurisdiction under its own law to entertain civil proceedings;
       5. as regards a dispute arising out of  the  operations  of  a
   branch, agency or other establishment, in the courts for the place
   in which the branch, agency or other establishment is situated;
       6. in  his  capacity  as settlor,  trustee or beneficiary of a
   trust created by the operation of  a  statute,  or  by  a  written
   instrument,  or  created  orally and evidenced in writing,  in the
   courts of the Contracting State in which the trust is domiciled;
       7. as regards a dispute concerning the payment of remuneration
   claimed in respect of the salvage of a cargo or  freight,  in  the
   court  under  the  authority  of  which  the  cargo  or freight in
       (a) has been arrested to secure such payment,
       (b) could have been so arrested,  but bail or  other  security
   has been given;
       provided that this provision shall apply only if it is claimed
   that  the defendant has an interest in the cargo or freight or had
   such an interest at the time of salvage.

                               Article 6

       A person domiciled in a Contracting State may also be sued:
       1. where he is one of a number of defendants,  in  the  courts
   for the place where any one of them is domiciled;
       2. as a third party in an action on a warranty or guarantee or
   in  any other third party proceedings,  in the court seised of the
   original proceedings, unless these were instituted solely with the
   object  of  removing  him from the jurisdiction of the court which
   would be competent in his case;
       3. on  a  counterclaim arising from the same contract or facts
   on which the original claim was based,  in the court in which  the
   original claim is pending;
       4. in matters relating to a contract,  if the  action  may  be
   combined  with  an  action  against  the same defendant in matters
   relating to rights in rem in immovable property,  in the court  of
   the Contracting State in which the property is situated.

                               Article 6A

       Where by virtue of this Convention a court  of  a  Contracting
   State  has  jurisdiction  in actions relating to liability arising
   from the use or operation of a ship,  that  court,  or  any  other
   court  substitued  for  this  purpose  by the internal law of that
   State,  shall also have jurisdiction over claims for limitation of
   such liability.

                               Section 3


                               Article 7

       In matters  relating  to  insurance,  jurisdiction  shall   be
   determined by this Section, without prejudice to the provisions of
   Articles 4 and 5 (5).

                               Article 8

       An insurer domiciled in a Contracting State may be sued:

       1. in the courts of the State where he is domiciled, or
       2. in  another Contracting State,  in the courts for the place
   where the policy-holder is domiciled, or
       3. if he is a co-insurer, in the courts of a Contracting State
   in which proceedings are brought against the leading insurer.
       An insurer who is not domiciled in a Contracting State but has
   a branch,  agency or other establishment in one of the Contracting
   States  shall,  in  disputes  arising out of the operations of the
   branch, agency or establishment, be deemed to be domiciled in that

                               Article 9

       In respect  of  liability  insurance or insurance of immovable
   property,  the insurer may in addition be sued in the  courts  for
   the  place  where the harmful event occurred.  The same applies if
   movable and immovable property are covered by the  same  insurance
   policy and both are adversely affected by the same contingency.

                               Article 10

       In respect  of liability insurance,  the insurer may also,  if
   the law of the court permits it,  be joined in  proceedings  which
   the injured party has brought against the insured.
       The provisions of Articles 7,  8 and 9 shall apply to  actions
   brought  by the injured party directly against the insurer,  where
   such direct actions are permitted.
       If the  law  governing  such  direct actions provides that the
   policy-holder or the insured may be  joined  as  a  party  to  the
   action, the same court shall have jurisdiction over them.

                               Article 11

       Without prejudice  to the provisions of the third paragraph of
   Article 10, an insurer may bring proceedings only in the courts of
   the  Contracting  State  in  which  the  defendant  is  domiciled,
   irrespective of whether he is the policy-holder,  the insured or a
       The provisions of this Section shall not affect the  right  to
   bring  a  counterclaim  in the court in which,  in accordance with
   this Section, the original claim is pending.

                               Article 12

       The provisions of this Section may be departed from only by an
   agreement on jurisdiction:
       1. which is entered into after the dispute has arisen, or
       2. which   allows   the   policy-holder,   the  insured  or  a
   beneficiary to  bring  proceedings  in  courts  other  than  those
   indicated in this Section, or
       3. which is concluded between a policy-holder and an  insurer,
   both  of  whom  are  at  the  time  of  conclusion of the contract
   domiciled or habitually resident in the  same  Contracting  State,
   and  which has the effect of conferring jurisdiction on the courts
   of that State even if the harmful  event  were  to  occur  abroad,
   provided  that such an agreement is not contrary to the law of the
   State, or
       4. which   is  concluded  with  a  policy-holder  who  is  not
   domiciled in  a  Contracting  State,  except  in  so  far  as  the
   insurance  is  compulsory  or  relates  to immovable property in a
   Contracting State, or
       5. which relates to a contract of insurance in so  far  as  it
   covers one or more of the risks set out in Article 12A.

                              Article 12A

       The following are the risks referred to in Article 12 (5):
       1. any loss of or damage to:
       (a) sea-going ships,  installations situated off shore  or  on
   the  high seas,  or aircraft,  arising from perils which relate to
   their use for commercial purposes,
       (b) goods  in transit other than passengers' baggage where the
   transit  consists  of  or  includes  carriage  by  such  ships  or
       2. any liability,  other than for bodily injury to  passengers
   or loss of or damage to their baggage,
       (a) arising  out  of  the   use   or   operation   of   ships,
   installations  or  aircraft  as referred to in (1) (a) above in so
   far as the law of the Contracting State in which such aircraft are
   registered  does not prohibit agreements on jurisdiction regarding
   insurance of such risks,
       (b) for loss or damage caused by goods in transit as described
   in (1) (b) above;
       3. any  financial  loss connected with the use or operation of
   ships,  installations or aircraft as referred to in (1) (a) above,
   in particular loss of freight or charter-hire;
       4. any risk or interest connected with any of  those  referred
   to in (1) to (3) above.

                               Section 4


                               Article 13

       In proceedings concerning a contract concluded by a person for
   a  purpose  which  can  be  regarded as being outside his trade or
   profession,  hereinafter called "the consumer", jurisdiction shall
   be determined by this Section, without prejudice to the provisions
   of Articles 4 and 5 (5), if it is:
       1. a  contract  for  the  sale  of  goods on instalment credit
   terms, or
       2. a contract for a loan repayable by instalments,  or for any
   other form of credit, made to finance the sale of goods, or
       3. any  other  contract  for the supply of goods or a contract
   for the supply of services, and
       (a) in  the State of the consumer's domicile the conclusion of
   the contract was preceded by a specific  invitation  addressed  to
   him or by advertising, and
       (b) the consumer took in that State the  steps  necessary  for
   the conclusion of the contract.
       Where a consumer enters into a contract with a  party  who  is
   not  domiciled in a Contracting State but has a branch,  agency or
   other establishment in one of the Contracting States,  that  party
   shall,  in  disputes  arising out of the operations of the branch,
   agency or establishment, be deemed to be domiciled in that State.
       This Section shall not apply to contracts of transport.

                               Article 14

       A consumer  may bring proceedings against the other party to a
   contract either in the courts of the Contracting  State  in  which
   that  party is domiciled or in the courts of the Contracting State
   in which he is himself domiciled.
       Proceedings may  be  brought  against  a consumer by the other
   party to the contract only in the courts of the Contracting  State
   in which the consumer is domiciled.
       These provisions  shall  not  affect  the  right  to  bring  a
   counterclaim  in  the  court  in  which,  in  accordance with this
   Section, the original claim is pending.

                               Article 15

       The provisions of this Section may be departed from only by an
       1. which is entered into after the dispute has arisen, or
       2. which  allows  the  consumer to bring proceedings in courts
   other than those indicated in this Section, or
       3. which  is  entered into by the consumer and the other party
   to the contract, both of whom are at the time of conclusion of the
   contract  domiciled or habitually resident in the same Contracting
   State, and which confers jurisdiction on the courts of that State,
   provided that such an agreement is not contrary to the law of that

                               Section 5

                         EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION

                               Article 16

       The following  courts  shall  have   exclusive   jurisdiction,
   regardless of domicile:
       1. (a) in proceedings which have as their object rights in rem
   in  immovable  property  or  tenancies of immovable property,  the
   courts of the Contracting State in which the property is situated;
       (b) however,  in  proceedings  which  have  as  their   object
   tenancies  of  immovable  property concluded for temporary private
   use for a maximum period of six consecutive months,  the courts of
   the  Contracting  State  in which the defendant is domiciled shall
   also have jurisdiction,  provided that the  tenant  is  a  natural
   person  and neither party is domiciled in the Contracting State in
   which the property is situated;
       2. in proceedings which have as their object the  validity  of
   the  constitution,  the nullity or the dissolution of companies or
   other legal persons or associations of natural or  legal  persons,
   or  the  decisions of their organs,  the courts of the Contracting
   State in which the company,  legal person or association  has  its
       3. in proceedings which have as their object the  validity  of
   entries  in public registers,  the courts of the Contracting State
   in which the register is kept;
       4. in  proceedings concerned with the registration or validity
   of patents, trade marks, designs, or other similar rights required
   to be deposited or registered, the courts of the Contracting State
   in which the deposit or registration has  been  applied  for,  has
   taken place  or  is under the terms of an international convention
   deemed to have taken place;
       5. in proceedings concerned with the enforcement of judgments,
   the courts of the Contracting State in which the judgment has been
   or is to be enforced.

                               Section 6


                               Article 17

       1. If  the  parties,  one  or  more  of whom is domiciled in a
   Contracting State,  have agreed that a court or the  courts  of  a
   Contracting  State are to have jurisdiction to settle any disputes
   which have  arisen  or  which  may  arise  in  connection  with  a
   particular  legal  relationship,  that court or those courts shall
   have  exclusive  jurisdiction.  Such   an   agreement   conferring
   jurisdiction shall be either:
       (a) in writing or evidenced in writing, or
       (b) in  a  form which accords with practices which the parties
   have established between themselves, or
       (c) in  international  trade  or  commerce,  in  a  form which
   accords with a usage of which the parties are  or  ought  to  have
   been aware and which in such trade or commerce is widely known to,
   and regularly observed  by,  parties  to  contracts  of  the  type
   involved in the particular trade or commerce concerned.
       Where such an agreement is concluded by parties,  none of whom
   is   domiciled  in  a  Contracting  State,  the  courts  of  other
   Contracting States shall have no jurisdiction over their  disputes
   unless the court or courts chosen have declined jurisdiction.
       2. The court or courts of a Contracting State on which a trust
   instrument   has   conferred  jurisdiction  shall  have  exclusive
   jurisdiction in any proceedings brought against a settlor, trustee
   or beneficiary, if relations between these persons or their rights
   or obligations under the trust are involved.
       3. Agreements  or  provisions of a trust instrument conferring
   jurisdiction shall have no legal force if they are contrary to the
   provisions   of   Article  12  or  15,  or  if  the  courts  whose
   jurisdiction they purport to exclude have  exclusive  jurisdiction
   by virtue of Article 16.
       4. If an agreement conferring jurisdiction was  concluded  for
   the  benefit  of only one of the parties,  that party shall retain
   the right to bring  proceedings  in  any  other  court  which  has
   jurisdiction by virtue of this Convention.
       5. In matters relating to individual contracts  of  employment
   an  agreement  conferring jurisdiction shall have legal force only
   if it is entered into after the dispute has arisen.

                               Article 18

       Apart from  jurisdiction derived from other provisions of this
   Convention, a court of a Contracting State before whom a defendant
   enters an appearance shall have jurisdiction.  This rule shall not
   apply  where  appearance  was  entered  solely  to   contest   the
   jurisdiction, or where another court has exclusive jurisdiction by
   virtue of Article 16.

                               Section 7


                               Article 19

       Where a court of a Contracting State  is  seised  of  a  claim
   which is principally concerned with a matter over which the courts
   of another Contracting State have exclusive jurisdiction by virtue
   of  Article 16,  it shall declare of its own motion that it has no

                               Article 20

       Where a defendant domiciled in one Contracting State  is  sued
   in  a  court  of  another  Contracting State and does not enter an
   appearance,  the court shall declare of its own motion that it has
   no  jurisdiction  unless  its  jurisdiction  is  derived  from the
   provisions of this Convention.
       The court  shall  stay  the  proceedings  so long as it is not
   shown that the defendant has been able  to  receive  the  document
   instituting   the   proceedings   or  an  equivalent  document  in
   sufficient time to enable him to arrange for his defence,  or that
   all necessary steps have been taken to this end.
       The provisions of the foregoing paragraph shall be replaced by
   those of Article 15 of the Hague Convention of 15 November 1965 on
   the service abroad of  judicial  and  extrajudicial  documents  in
   civil  or  commercial  matters,  if  the  document instituting the
   proceedings or notice thereof had  to  be  transmitted  abroad  in
   accordance with that Convention.

                               Section 8

                     LIS PENDENS - RELATED ACTIONS

                               Article 21

       Where proceedings involving  the  same  cause  of  action  and
   between  the  same  parties are brought in the courts of different
   Contracting States,  any court other than the court  first  seised
   shall  of  its  own motion stay its proceedings until such time as
   the jurisdiction of the court first seised is established.
       Where the   jurisdiction   of   the   court  first  seised  is
   established,  any court other than the court  first  seised  shall
   decline jurisdiction in favour of that court.

                               Article 22

       Where related actions are brought in the courts  of  different
   Contracting  States,  any  court other than the court first seised
   may,  while the actions are pending at first  instance,  stay  its
       A court  other  than  the court first seised may also,  on the
   application of one of the parties, decline jurisdiction if the law
   of that court permits the consolidation of related actions and the
   court first seised has jurisdiction over both actions.
       For the  purposes  of  this Article,  actions are deemed to be
   related where they are so closely connected that it  is  expedient
   to  hear  and  determine  them  together  to  avoid  the  risk  of
   irreconcilable judgments resulting from separate proceedings.

                               Article 23

       Where actions  come  within  the  exclusive  jurisdiction   of
   several courts,  any court other than the court first seised shall
   decline jurisdiction in favour of that court.

                               Section 9


                               Article 24

       Application may be made to the courts of a  Contracting  State
   for  such  provisional,  including protective,  measures as may be
   available under the  law  of  that  State,  even  if,  under  this
   Convention,   the   courts   of  another  Contracting  State  have
   jurisdiction as to the substance of the matter.


                               Article 25

       For the purposes of  this  Convention,  "judgment"  means  any
   judgment  given  by  a  court  or tribunal of a Contracting State,
   whatever the judgment may be called,  including a  decree,  order,
   decision  or  writ  of execution,  as well as the determination of
   costs or expenses by an officer of the court.

                               Section 1


                               Article 26

       A judgment given in a Contracting State shall be recognised in
   the  other  Contracting States without any special procedure being
       Any interested  party who raises the recognition of a judgment
   as the principal issue in a dispute may,  in accordance  with  the
   procedures  provided  for in Section 2 and 3 of this Title,  apply
   for a decision that the judgment be recognised.
       If the  outcome  of  proceedings  in  a court of a Contracting
   State depends on the determination of an  incidental  question  of
   recognition that court shall have jurisdiction over that question.

                               Article 27

       A judgment shall not be recognised:
       1. if such recognition is contrary to  public  policy  in  the
   State in which recognition is sought;
       2. where it  was  given  in  default  of  appearance,  if  the
   defendant  was  not duly served with the document which instituted
   the proceedings or with an equivalent document in sufficient  time
   to enable him to arrange for his defence;
       3. if the judgment is irreconcilable with a judgment given  in
   a  dispute  between  the  same  parties  in  the  State  in  which
   recognition is sought;
       4. if the court of the State of origin,  in order to arrive at
   its judgment,  has decided a preliminary question  concerning  the
   status  or  legal capacity of natural persons,  rights in property
   arising out of a matrimonial relationship,  wills or succession in
   a  way that conflicts with a rule of the private international law
   of the State in which the recognition is sought,  unless the  same
   result  would have been reached by the application of the rules of
   private international law of that State;
       5. if  the judgment is irreconcilable with an earlier judgment
   given in a non-contracting  State  involving  the  same  cause  of
   action  and  between  the same parties,  provided that this latter
   judgment fulfils the conditions necessary for its  recognition  in
   the State addressed.

                               Article 28

       Moreover, a  judgment  shall not be recognised if it conflicts
   with the provisions of Sections 3, 4 or 5 of Title II or in a case
   provided for in Article 59.
       A judgment may furthermore be refused recognition in any  case
   provided for in Article 54B (3) or 57 (4).
       In its examination of the grounds of jurisdiction referred  to
   in  the  foregoing  paragraphs,  the court or authority applied to
   shall be bound by the findings of fact on which the court  of  the
   State of origin based its jurisdiction.
       Subject to the provisions of the first and second  paragraphs,
   the  jurisdiction  of  the court of the State of origin may not be
   reviewed;  the test of public policy referred to in Article 27 (1)
   may not be applied to the rules relating to jurisdiction.

                               Article 29

       Under no  circumstances  may a foreign judgment be reviewed as
   to its substance.

                               Article 30

       A court of a Contracting State in which recognition is  sought
   of  a  judgment  given  in  another Contracting State may stay the
   proceedings if an ordinary appeal against the  judgment  has  been
       A court of a Contracting State in which recognition is  sought
   of  a judgment given in Ireland or the United Kingdom may stay the
   proceedings if enforcement is suspended in the State of origin  by
   reason of an appeal.

                               Section 2


                               Article 31

       A judgment given in a Contracting  State  and  enforceable  in
   that State shall be enforced in another Contracting State when, on
   the application of any interested  party,  it  has  been  declared
   enforceable there.
       However, in  the  United  Kingdom,  such  a  judgment shall be
   enforced in England and Wales, in Scotland, or in Northern Ireland
   when,  on  the  application  of any interested party,  it has been
   registered for enforcement in that part of the United Kingdom.

                               Article 32

       1. The application shall be submitted:
       - in  Belgium,  to  the  ...<*>,
       - in Denmark, to the byret,
       - in  the Federal Republic of Germany,  to the presiding judge
   of a chamber of the Landgericht,
       - in Greece, to the ...<*>,
       - in Spain, to the Juzgado de Primera Instancia,
       - in France,  to the presiding judge of the tribunal de grande
       - in Ireland, to the High Court,
       - in Iceland, to the ...<*>,
       - in Italy, to the corte d'appello,
       - in Luxembourg,  to  the  presiding  judge  of  the  tribunal
       - in  the  Netherlands,  to  the  presiding   judge   of   the
       - in Norway, to the herredsrett or byrett as namsrett,
       - in Austria, to the Landesgericht or the Kreisgericht,
       - in Portugal, to the ...<*>,
       - in Switzerland:
       (a) in  respect  of judgments ordering the payment of a sum of
   money,  to the ...<*>,  within  the  framework  of  the  procedure
   governed by Articles 80 and 81 of the ...<*>,
       (b) in  respect of judgments ordering a performance other than
   the payment of a sum of money,  to the ...<*>,
       - in Finland, to the ...<*>,
       - in Sweden, to the ...<*>,
       - in the United Kingdom:
       (a) in England and Wales,  to the High Court of Justice, or in
   the  case  of  a maintenance judgment to the Magistrates' Court on
   transmission by the Secretary of State,
       (b) in Scotland,  to the Court of Session, or in the case of a
   maintenance judgment to the Sheriff Court on transmission  by  the
   Secretary of State,
       (c) in Northern Ireland,  to the High Court of Justice,  or in
   the  case  of  a maintenance judgment to the Magistrates' Court on
   transmission by the Secretary of State.
       <*> Национальное название не приводится.

       2. The  jurisdiction  of  local  courts shall be determined by
   reference to the place of  domicile  of  the  party  against  whom
   enforcement  is  sought.  If  he  is not domiciled in the State in
   which enforcement is sought,  it shall be determined by  reference
   to the place of enforcement.

                               Article 33

       The procedure  for making the application shall be governed by
   the law of the State in which enforcement is sought.
       The applicant must give an  address  for  service  of  process
   within the area of jurisdiction of the court applied to.  However,
   if the law of the State in which enforcement is  sought  does  not
   provide for the furnishing of such an address, the applicant shall
   appoint a representative ad litem.
       The documents referred to in  Articles  46  and  47  shall  be
   attached to the application.

                               Article 34

       The court  applied  to  shall give its decision without delay;
   the party against whom enforcement is sought  shall  not  at  this
   stage  of  the  proceedings be entitled to make any submissions on
   the application.
       The application may be refused only for  one  of  the  reasons
   specified in Articles 27 and 28.
       Under no circumstances may the foreign judgment be reviewed as
   to is substance.

                               Article 35

       The appropriate officer of the court shall without delay bring
   the decision given  on  the  application  to  the  notice  of  the
   applicant in accordance with the procedure laid down by the law of
   the State in which enforcement is sought.

                               Article 36

       If enforcement  is  authorised,   the   party   against   whom
   enforcement  is  sought may appeal against the decision within one
   month of service thereof.
       If that  party  is domiciled in a Contracting State other than
   that in which the decision authorising enforcement was given,  the
   time for appealing shall be two months and shall run from the date
   of service,  either on him in  person  or  at  his  residence.  No
   extension of time may be granted on account of distance.

                               Article 37

       1. An  appeal  against  the  decision  authorising enforcement
   shall be lodged in accordance with the rules  governing  procedure
   in contentious matters:
       - in Belgium, with the ...<*>,
       - in Denmark, with the landsret,
       - in   the   Federal   Republic   of   Germany,    with    the
       - in Greece, with the ...<*>,
       - in Spain, with the Audiencia Provincial,
       - in France, with the cour d'appel,
       - in Ireland, with the High Court,
       - in Iceland, with the ...<*>,
       - in Italy, with the corte d'appello,
       - in  Luxembourg,  with  the  Court ...<*> as a court of civil
       - in the Netherlands, with the arrondissementsrechtbank,
       - in Norway, with the lagmannsrett,
       - in Austria, with the Landesgericht or the Kreisgericht,
       - in Portugal, with the ...<*>,
       - in Switzerland,  with the tribunal cantonal / Kantonsgericht
   / tribunale cantonale,
       - in Finland, with the ...<*>,
       - in Sweden, with the ...<*>,
       - in the United Kingdom:
       (a) in England and Wales,  with the High Court of Justice,  or
   in the case of a maintenance judgment with the Magistrates' Court,
       (b) in Scotland,  with the Court of Session, or in the case of
   a maintenance judgment with the Sheriff Court,
       (c) in Northern Ireland, with the High Court of Justice, or in
   the case of a maintenance judgment with the Magistrates' Court.
       <*> Национальное название не приводится.

   2. The judgment given on the appeal may be contested only:
       - in Belgium,  Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Luxembourg and in
   the Netherlands, by an appeal in cassation,
       - in  Denmark,  by an appeal to the ...<*>,  with the leave of
   the Minister of Justice,
       - in the Federal Republic of Germany, by a Rechtsbeschwerde,
       - in Ireland,  by an appeal on a point of law to  the  Supreme
       - in Iceland, by an appeal to the ...<*>,
       - in Norway, by an appeal (...<*>) to the ...<*>,
       - in Austria,  in the case of an appeal,  by a Revisionsrekurs
   and, in the case of opposition proceedings, by a Berufung with the
   possibility of a Revision,
       - in Portugal, by an appeal on a point of law,
       - in Switzerland, by a ...<*>,
       - in Finland, by an appeal to the ...<*>,
       - in Sweden, by an appeal to the ...<*>
       - in the United Kingdom, by a single further appeal on a point
   of law.
       <*> Национальное название не приводится.

                               Article 38

       The court  with  which the appeal under the first paragraph of
   Article 37 is lodged may,  on the application  of  the  appellant,
   stay the proceedings if an ordinary appeal has been lodged against
   the judgment in the State of origin or if the  time  for  such  an
   appeal  has  not  yet expired;  in the latter case,  the court may
   specify the time within which such an appeal is to be lodged.
       Where the judgment was given in Ireland or the United Kingdom,
   any form of appeal available in  the  State  of  origin  shall  be
   treated  as  an  ordinary  appeal  for  the  purposes of the first
       The court   may  also  make  enforcement  conditional  on  the
   provision of such security as it shall determine.

                               Article 39

       During the time specified for an appeal pursuant to Article 36
   and until any such appeal has  been  determined,  no  measures  of
   enforcement  may  be  taken  other  than protective measures taken
   against the property of the  party  against  whom  enforcement  is
       The decision authorising enforcement shall carry with  it  the
   power to proceed to any such protective measures.

                               Article 40

       1. If   the   application  for  enforcement  is  refused,  the
   applicant may appeal:
       - in Belgium, to the cour d'appel or hof van beroep,
       - in Denmark, to the landsret,
       - in    the    Federal    Republic    of   Germany,   to   the
       - in Greece, to the ...<*>,
       - in Spain, to the Audiencia Provincial,
       - in France, to the cour d'appel,
       - in Ireland, to the High Court,
       - in Iceland, to the ...<*>,
       - in Italy, to the corte d'appello,
       - in Luxembourg,  to the ...<*> sitting as a  court  of  civil
       - in the Netherlands, to the gerechtshof,
       - in Norway, to the lagmannsrett,
       - in Austria, to the Landesgericht or the Kreisgericht,
       - in Portugal, to the ...<*>,
       - in Switzerland,  to the tribunal cantonal / Kantonsgericht /
   tribunale cantonale,
       - in Finland, to the ...<*>,
       - in Sweden, to the ...<*>,
       - in the United Kingdom:
       (a) in England and Wales,  to the High Court of Justice, or in
   the case of a maintenance judgment to the Magistrates' Court,
       (b) in Scotland,  to the Court of Session, or in the case of a
   maintenance judgment to the Sheriff Court,
       (c) in Northern Ireland,  to the High Court of Justice,  or in
   the case of a maintenance judgment to the Magistrates' Court.
       <*> Национальное название не приводится.

       2. The  party  against  whom  enforcement  is  sought shall be
   summoned to appear before the appellate  court.  If  he  fails  to
   appear,  the  provisions  of  the  second  and third paragraphs of
   Article 20 shall apply even where he is not domiciled  in  any  of
   the Contracting States.

                               Article 41

       A judgment  given  on an appeal provided for in Article 40 may
   be contested only:
       - in Belgium,  Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Luxembourg and in
   the Netherlands, by an appeal in cassation,
       - in  Denmark,  by an appeal to the ...<*>,  with the leave of
   the Minister of Justice,
       - in the Federal Republic of Germany, by a Rechtsbeschwerde,
       - in Ireland,  by an appeal on a point of law to  the  Supreme
       - in Iceland, by an appeal to the ...<*>,
       - in Norway, by an appeal (...<*>) to the ...<*>,
       - in Austria, by a Revisionsrekurs,
       - in Portugal, by an appeal on a point of law,
       - in Switzerland, by a recours ...<*>,
       - in Finland, by an appeal to the ...<*>,
       - in Sweden, by an appeal to the ...<*>,
       - in the United Kingdom, by a single further appeal on a point
   of law.
       <*> Национальное название не приводится.

                               Article 42

       Where a  foreign judgment has been given in respect of several
   matters and enforcement cannot be authorised for all of them,  the
   court shall authorise enforcement for one or more of them.
       An applicant may request partial enforcement of a judgment.

                               Article 43

       A foreign judgment which orders a periodic payment by way of a
   penalty  shall be enforceable in the State in which enforcement is
   sought only  if  the  amount  of  the  payment  has  been  finally
   determined by the courts of the State of origin.

                               Article 44

       An applicant who,  in the State of origin,  has benefited from
   complete or partial legal aid or exemption from costs or expenses,
   shall  be entitled,  in the procedures provided for in Articles 32
   to 35,  to benefit from the most favourable legal aids or the most
   extensive exemption from costs or expenses provided for by the law
   of the State addressed.
       However, an  applicant  who  requests  the  enforcement  of  a
   decision given by an administrative authority  in  Denmark  or  in
   Iceland  in  respect  of  a  maintenance  order may,  in the State
   addressed,  claim the benefits referred to in the first  paragraph
   if he presents a statement from, respectively, the Danish Ministry
   of Justice or the Icelandic Ministry of Justice to the effect that
   he  fulfils  the economic requirements to qualify for the grant of
   complete or partial legal aid or exemption from costs or expenses.

                               Article 45

       No security,  bond or deposit,  however  described,  shall  be
   required  of  a  party  who  in  one Contracting State applies for
   enforcement of a judgment given in another  Contracting  State  on
   the  ground  that  he  is  a  foreign  national  or that he is not
   domiciled or resident in the State in which enforcement is sought.

                               Section 3

                           COMMON PROVISIONS

                               Article 46

       A party seeking recognition or applying for enforcement  of  a
   judgment shall produce:
       1. a copy of  the  judgment  which  satisfies  the  conditions
   necessary to establish its authenticity;
       2. in the case of a judgment given in default, the original or
   a  certified  true copy of the document which establishes that the
   party in default was served  with  the  document  instituting  the
   proceedings or with an equivalent document.

                               Article 47

       A party applying for enforcement shall also produce:
       1. documents which establish that, according to the law of the
   State of origin, the judgment is enforceable and has been served;
       2. where appropriate, a document showing that the applicant is
   in receipt of legal aid in the State of origin.

                               Article 48

       If the  documents  specified  in Article 46 (2) and Article 47
   (2) are not produced,  the court may  specify  a  time  for  their
   production,  accept equivalent documents or,  if it considers that
   it has sufficient  information  before  it,  dispense  with  their
       If the court so requires, a translation of the documents shall
   be  produced;  the  translation  shall  be  certified  by a person
   qualified to do so in one of the Contracting States.

                               Article 49

       No legalisation or other similar formality shall  be  required
   in  respect  of  the documents referred to in Articles 46 or 47 or
   the second paragraph of Article 48,  or in respect of  a  document
   appointing a representative ad litem.


                               Article 50

       A document  which  has been formally drawn up or registered as
   an authentic instrument and  is  enforceable  in  one  Contracting
   State shall, in another Contracting State, be declared enforceable
   there,  on application made  in  accordance  with  the  procedures
   provided for in Article  31 et seq. The application may be refused
   only if enforcement of the instrument is contrary to public policy
   in the State addressed.
       The instrument produced must satisfy the conditions  necessary
   to establish its authenticity in the State of origin.
       The provisions of Section  3  of  Title  III  shall  apply  as

                               Article 51

       A settlement which has been approved by a court in the  course
   of  proceedings  and  is  enforceable in the State in which it was
   concluded shall be enforceable in the State  addressed  under  the
   same conditions as authentic instruments.

                      TITLE V. GENERAL PROVISIONS

                               Article 52

       In order  to  determine  whether  a  party is domiciled in the
   Contracting State whose courts are seised of a matter,  the  Court
   shall apply its internal law.
       If a  party  is  not  domiciled  in the State whose courts are
   seised of the matter,  then,  in order to  determine  whether  the
   party  is domiciled in another Contracting State,  the court shall
   apply the law of that State.

                               Article 53

       For the purposes of this Convention,  the seat of a company or
   other  legal  person  or  association  of natural or legal persons
   shall be treated as its domicile.  However,  in order to determine
   that   seat,   the   court   shall  apply  its  rules  of  private
   international law.
       In order  to  determine  whether  a  trust is domiciled in the
   Contracting State whose courts are seised of the matter, the court
   shall apply its rules of private international law.


                               Article 54

       The provisions  of  this  Convention shall apply only to legal
   proceedings instituted and  to  documents  formally  drawn  up  or
   registered  as authentic instruments after its entry into force in
   the State of origin and,  where recognition or  enforcement  of  a
   judgment   or   authentic  instrument  is  sought,  in  the  State
       However, judgments given after the date of entry into force of
   this  Convention  between  the  State  of  origin  and  the  State
   addressed  in  proceedings  instituted  before  that date shall be
   recognised and enforced in accordance with the provisions of Title
   III  if  jurisdiction  was  founded upon rules which accorded with
   those provided for either in Title II of this Convention or  in  a
   convention  concluded  between  the  State of origin and the State
   addressed which was in force when the proceedings were instituted.
       If the  parties  to a dispute concerning a contract had agreed
   in writing before the entry into force of this Convention that the
   contract  was to be governed by the law of Ireland or of a part of
   the United Kingdom,  the courts of Ireland or of that part of  the
   United  Kingdom shall retain the right to exercise jurisdiction in
   the dispute.

                              Article 54A

       For a period of three years from the entry into force of  this
   Convention for Denmark,  Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Norway, Finland
   and Sweden,  respectively,  jurisdiction in maritime matters shall
   be  determined  in  these  States  not only in accordance with the
   provisions of Title II, but also in accordance with the provisions
   of paragraphs 1 to 7 following. However, upon the entry into force
   of  the  International  Convention  relating  to  the  arrest   of
   sea-going  ships,  signed  at Brussels on 10 May 1952,  for one of
   these States, these provisions shall cease to have effect for that
       1. A person who is domiciled in a  Contracting  State  may  be
   sued in the courts of one of the States mentioned above in respect
   of a maritime claim if the ship to which the claim relates or  any
   other  ship  owned  by  him  has been arrested by judicial process
   within the territory of the latter State to secure the  claim,  or
   could  have  been so arrested there but bail or other security has
   been given, and either:
       (a) the claimant is domiciled in the latter State, or
       (b) the claim arose in the latter State, or
       (c) the  claim concerns the voyage during which the arrest was
   made or could have been made, or
       (d) the  claim  arises  out  of  a  collision or out of damage
   caused by a ship to another ship or to goods or persons  on  board
   either  ship,  either  by  the  execution  or  non-execution  of a
   manoeuvre or by the non-observance of regulations, or
       (e) the claim is for salvage, or
       (f) the claim is in respect of a mortgage or hypothecation  of
   the ship arrested.
       2. A claimant may arrest either the particular ship  to  which
   the  maritime  claim relates,  or any other ship which is owned by
   the person who was, at the time when the maritime claim arose, the
   owner of the particular ship. However, only the particular ship to
   which the maritime claim relates my be arrested in respect of  the
   maritime claims set out in (5) (o), (p) or (q) of this Article.
       3. Ships shall be deemed to be in the same ownership when  all
   the shares therein are owned by the same person or persons.
       4. When in the case of a charter  by  demise  of  a  ship  the
   charterer  alone is liable in respect of a maritime claim relating
   to that ship,  the claimant may arrest that ship or any other ship
   owned  by the charterer,  but no other ship owned by the owner may
   be arrested in respect of such claim.  The same shall apply to any
   case in which a person other than the owner of a ship is liable in
   respect of a maritime claim relating to that ship.
       5. The  expression  "maritime claim" means a claim arising out
   of one or more of the following:
       (a) damage   caused   by  any  ship  either  in  collision  or
       (b) loss  of  life  or  personal  injury caused by any ship or
   occurring in connection with the operation on any ship;
       (c) salvage;
       (d) agreement relating to the use or hire of any ship  whether
   by charterparty or other wise;
       (e) agreement relating to the carriage of goods  in  any  ship
   whether by charterparty or otherwise;
       (f) loss of or damage to goods including  baggage  carried  in
   any ship;
       (g) general average;
       (h) bottomry;
       (i) towage;
       (j) pilotage;
       (k) goods or materials wherever supplied to  a  ship  for  her
   operation or maintenance;
       (l) construction,  repair or equipment of  any  ship  or  dock
   charges and dues;
       (m) wages of masters, officers or crew;
       (n) master's  disbursements,  including  disbursements made by
   shippers, charterers or agents on behalf of a ship or her owner;
       (o) dispute as to the title to or ownership of any ship;
       (p) disputes  between  co-owners  of  any  ship  as   to   the
   ownership, possession, employment or earnings of that ship;
       (q) the mortgage or hypothecation of any ship.
       6. In  Denmark,  the  expression  "arrest"  shall be deemed as
   regards the maritime claims referred to in (5) (o) and (p) of this
   Article,  to include a "forbud",  where that is the only procedure
   allowed in respect of such a claim under Articles 646  to  653  of
   the law on civil procedure (lov om rettens pleje).
       7. In Iceland,  the expression "arrest" shall  be  deemed,  as
   regards the maritime claims referred to in (5) (o) and (p) of this
   Article,  to include a (...<*>),  where that is the only procedure
   allowed in respect of such a claim under Chapter III of the law on
   arrest and injunction (...<*>).
       <*> Национальное название не приводится.

                        AND TO OTHER CONVENTIONS

                              Article 54B

       1. This  Convention shall not prejudice the application by the
   Member States of the European Communities  of  the  Convention  on
   Jurisdiction  and  the  Enforcement  of  Judgments  in  Civil  and
   Commercial Matters, signed at Brussels on 27 September 1968 and of
   the  Protocol on interpretation of that Convention by the Court of
   Justice,  signed at Luxembourg on 3 June 1971,  as amended by  the
   Conventions  of  Accession  to  the  said  Convention and the said
   Protocol by the States acceding to the European  Communities,  all
   of  these  Conventions and the Protocol being hereinafter referred
   to as the "Brussels Convention".
       2. However, this Convention shall in any event be applied:
       (a) in  matters  of  jurisdiction,  where  the  defendant   is
   domiciled  in  the territory of a Contracting State which is not a
   member of the European Communities, or where Articles 16 or 17  of
   this  Convention  confer  a  jurisdiction  on the courts of such a
   Contracting State;
       (b) in  relation  to  a  lis  pendens or to related actions as
   provided  for  in  Articles  21  and  22,  when  proceedings   are
   instituted  in  a  Contracting  State which is not a member of the
   European Communities and in a Contracting State which is a  member
   of the European Communities;
       (c) in matters of recognition and  enforcement,  where  either
   the  State of origin or the State addressed is not a member of the
   European Communities.
       3. In  addition  to  the  grounds  provided  for  in Title III
   recognition or  enforcement  may  be  refused  if  the  ground  of
   jurisdiction  on  which  the  judgment has been based differs from
   that resulting from this Convention and recognition or enforcement
   is  sought against a party who is domiciled in a Contracting State
   which is not a member of  the  European  Communities,  unless  the
   judgment  may  other wise be recognised or enforced under any rule
   of law in the State addressed.

                               Article 55

       Subject to the provisions to the Second paragraph  of  Article
   54 and of Article 56,  this Convention shall, for the States which
   are parties to it,  supersede the following conventions  concluded
   between two or more of them:
       - the Convention between the Swiss Confederation and France on
   jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments in civil matters, signed
   at Paris on 15 June 1869,
       - the  Treaty between the Swiss Confederation and Spain on the
   mutual enforcement of judgments in civil  or  commercial  matters,
   signed at Madrid on 19 November 1896,
       - the Convention  between  the  Swiss  Confederation  and  the
   German  Reich  on the recognition and enforcement of judgments and
   arbitration awards, signed at Berne on 2 November 1929,
       - the Convention between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and
   Sweden on the recognition and enforcement of judgments,  signed at
   Copenhagen on 16 March 1932,
       - the Convention between the Swiss Confederation and Italy  on
   the  recognition  and enforcement of judgments,  signed at Rome on
   3 January 1933,
       - the Convention between Sweden and the Swiss Confederation on
   the recognition and enforcement of judgments and  arbitral  awards
   signed at Stockholm on 15 January 1936,
       - the Convention between the Kingdom of Belgium and Austria on
   the  reciprocal  recognition  and  enforcement  of  judgments  and
   authentic instruments relating to maintenance obligations,  signed
   at Vienna on 25 October 1957,
       - the Convention between the Swiss Confederation  and  Belgium
   on  the  recognition  and enforcement of judgments and arbitration
   awards, signed at Berne on 29 April 1959,
       - the  Convention  between the Federal Republic of Germany and
   Austria  on  the  reciprocal  recognition   and   enforcement   of
   judgments,  settlements  and  authentic  instruments  in civil and
   commercial matters, signed at Vienna on 6 June 1959,
       - the Convention between the Kingdom of Belgium and Austria on
   the reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgments,  arbitral
   awards  and authentic instruments in civil and commercial matters,
   signed at Vienna on 16 June 1959,
       - the  Convention  between Austria and the Swiss Confederation
   on the recognition and enforcement of judgments,  signed at  Berne
   on 16 December 1960,
       - the  Convention  between  Norway  and  the  United   Kingdom
   providing  for  the  reciprocal  recognition  and  enforcement  of
   judgments in civil matters, signed at London on 12 June 1961,
       - the  Convention  between  the  United  Kingdom  and  Austria
   providing  for  the  reciprocal  recognition  and  enforcement  of
   judgments  in  civil  and commercial matters,  signed at Vienna on
   14 July 1961,  with amending Protocol signed at London on 6  March
       - the Convention between the Kingdom of  the  Netherlands  and
   Austria on the reciprocal recognition and enforcement of judgments
   and authentic instruments in civil and commercial matters,  signed
   at The Hague on 6 February 1963,
       - the Convention between France and Austria on the recognition
   and  enforcement  of  judgments and authentic instruments in civil
   and commercial matters, signed at Vienna on 15 July 1966,
       - the   Convention  between  Luxembourg  and  Austria  on  the
   recognition  and   enforcement   of   judgements   and   authentic
   instruments in civil and commercial matters,  signed at Luxembourg
   on 29 July 1971,
       - the  Convention between Italy and Austria on the recognition
   and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial  matters,  of
   judicial settlements and of authentic instruments,  signed at Rome
   on 16 November 1971,
       - the  Convention  between  Norway and the Federal Republic of
   Germany on  the  recognition  and  enforcement  of  judgments  and
   enforceable documents,  in civil and commercial matters, signed at
   Oslo on 17 June 1977,
       - the Convention between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and
   Sweden on the recognition and enforcement of  judgments  in  civil
   matters, signed at Copenhagen on 11 October 1977,
       - the Convention between Austria and Sweden on the recognition
   and enforcement of judgments in civil matters, signed at Stockholm
   on 16 September 1982,
       - the  Convention between Austria and Spain on the recognition
   and  enforcement  of  judgments,   settlements   and   enforceable
   authentic  instruments in civil and commercial matters,  signed at
   Vienna on 17 February 1984,
       - the Convention between Norway and Austria on the recognition
   and enforcement of judgments in civil matters, signed at Vienna on
   21 May 1984, and
       - the  Convention  between  Finland   and   Austria   on   the
   recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil matters,  signed
   at Vienna on 17 November 1986.

                               Article 56

       The Treaty and the conventions referred to in Article 55 shall
   continue  to  have  effect  in  relation  to matters to which this
   Convention does not apply.
       They shall  continue  to  have  effect in respect of judgments
   given and documents formally drawn up or registered  as  authentic
   instruments before the entry into force of this Convention.

                               Article 57

       1. This  Convention  shall not affect any conventions to which
   the Contracting States  are  or  will  be  parties  and  which  in
   relation   to  particular  matters,  govern  jurisdiction  or  the
   recognition or enforcement of judgments.
       2. This  Convention shall not prevent a court of a Contracting
   State which is party to a convention  referred  to  in  the  first
   paragraph  from  assuming  jurisdiction  in  accordance  with that
   convention, even where the defendant is domiciled in a Contracting
   State  which is not a party to that convention.  The court hearing
   the  action  shall,  in  any  event,  apply  Article  20  of  this
       3. Judgments given in a Contracting State by a  court  in  the
   exercise  of jurisdiction provided for in a convention referred to
   in the first paragraph shall be recognized  and  enforced  in  the
   other  Contracting  States  in  accordance  with Title III of this
       4. In  addition  to  the  grounds  provided  for in Title III,
   recognition or enforcement may be refused if the  State  addressed
   is  not  a  contracting  party  to a convention referred to in the
   first  paragraph  and  the  person  against  whom  recognition  or
   enforcement  is  sought  is  domiciled  in that State,  unless the
   judgment may otherwise be recognised or enforced under any rule of
   law in the State addressed.
       5. Where a convention referred to in the  first  paragraph  to
   which both the State of origin and the State addressed are parties
   lays  down  conditions  for  the  recognition  or  enforcement  of
   judgments,  those  conditions  shall  apply.  In  any  event,  the
   provisions of this Convention which  concern  the  procedures  for
   recognition and enforcement of judgments may be applied.

                               Article 58


                               Article 59

       This Convention  shall  not  prevent  a Contracting State from
   assuming,  in a convention on the recognition and  enforcement  of
   judgments,  an  obligation  towards a third State not to recognise
   judgments given in other  Contracting  States  against  defendants
   domiciled  or  habitually  resident  in the third State where,  in
   cases provided for in  Article  4,  the  judgment  could  only  be
   founded  on  a  ground  of  jurisdiction  specified  in the second
   paragraph of Article 3.
       However, a  Contracting  State  may  not  assume an obligation
   towards a third State not to recognise a judgment given in another
   Contracting  State  by  a  court  basing  its  jurisdiction on the
   presence within that State of property belonging to the defendant,
   or the seizure by the plaintiff of property situated there:
       1. if the action is brought to assert or  declare  proprietary
   or  possessory rights in that property,  seeks to obtain authority
   to dispose of it,  or arises from another issue relating  to  such
   property, or
       2. if the property constitutes the security for a  debt  which
   is the subject-matter of the action.

                      TITLE VIII. FINAL PROVISIONS

                               Article 60

       The following may be parties to this Convention:
       (a) States  which,  at  the  time  of  the  opening  of   this
   Convention for signature,  are members of the European Communities
   or of the European Free Trade Association;
       (b) States  which,  after  the  opening of this Convention for
   signature,  become members of the European Communities or  of  the
   European Free Trade Association;
       (c) States invited to accede in accordance with Article 62 (1)

                               Article 61

       1. This Convention shall be opened for signature by the States
   members of the European Communities or of the European Free  Trade
       2. The Convention shall be submitted for ratification  by  the
   signatory   States.  The  instruments  of  ratification  shall  be
   deposited with the Swiss Federal Council.
       3. The  Convention  shall enter into force on the first day of
   the third month following the date on which two States,  of  which
   one is a member of the European Communities and the other a member
   of the European Free Trade Association,  deposit their instruments
   of ratification.
       4. The Convention shall take effect in relation to  any  other
   signatory  State on the first day of the third month following the
   deposit of its instrument of ratification.

                               Article 62

       1. After entering into force this Convention shall be open  to
   accession by:
       (a) the States referred to in Article 60 (b),
       (b) other  States  which  have  been  invited to accede upon a
   request made by one of the Contracting States  to  the  depositary
   State.  The  depositary  State shall invite the State concerned to
   accede only if,  after having communicated  the  contents  of  the
   communications  that this State intends to make in accordance with
   Article 63,  it  has  obtained  the  unanimous  agreement  of  the
   signatory States and the Contracting States referred to in Article
   60 (a) and (b).
       2. If  an  acceding  State  wishes  to furnish details for the
   purposes of Protocol N 1,  negotiations shall be entered  into  to
   that end.  A negotiating conference shall be convened by the Swiss
   Federal Council.
       3. In respect of an acceding State,  the Convention shall take
   effect on the first day of the third month following  the  deposit
   of its instrument of accession.
       4. However,  in respect of an acceding State  referred  to  in
   paragraph  1 (a) or (b),  the Convention shall take effect only in
   relations between the acceding State and  the  Contracting  States
   which  have  not  made  any objections to the accession before the
   first day  of  the  third  month  following  the  deposit  of  the
   instrument of accession.

                               Article 63

       Each acceding  State shall,  when depositing its instrument of
   accession,  communicate   the   information   required   for   the
   application  of  Articles  3,  32,  37,  40,  41  and  55  of this
   Convention and furnish,  if need be, the details prescribed during
   the negotiations for the purposes of Protocol N 1.

                               Article 64

       1. This  Convention is concluded for an initial period of five
   years from the date of its entry into  force  in  accordance  with
   Article  61  (3),  even  in  the case of States which ratify it or
   accede to it after that date.
       2. At the end of the initial five-year period,  the Convention
   shall be automatically renewed from year to year.
       3. Upon  the  expiry  of  the  initial  five-year period,  any
   Contracting State may,  at any time,  denounce the  Convention  by
   sending a notification to the Swiss Federal Council.
       4. The denunciation shall  take  effect  at  the  end  of  the
   calendar  year following the expiry of a period of six months from
   the  date  of  receipt  by  the  Swiss  Federal  Council  of   the
   notification of denunciation.

                               Article 65

       The following are annexed to this Convention:
       - a Protocol  N  1,  on  certain  questions  of  jurisdiction,
   procedure and enforcement,
       - a Protocol  N  2,  on  the  uniform  interpretation  of  the
       - a Protocol N 3, on the application of Article 57.
       These Protocols shall form an integral part of the Convention.

                               Article 66

       Any Contracting   State  may  request  the  revision  of  this
   Convention.  To that end,  the Swiss Federal Council  shall  issue
   invitations to a revision conference within a period of six months
   from the date of the request for revision.

                               Article 67

       The Swiss Federal Council shall notify the States  represented
   at  the  Diplomatic  Conference  of Lugano and the States who have
   later acceded to the Convention of:
       (a) the   deposit   of  each  instrument  of  ratification  or
       (b) the  dates  of  entry  into  force  of  this Convention in
   respect of the Contracting States,
       (c) any denunciation received pursuant to Article 64,
       (d) any  declaration  received  pursuant  to  Article  Ia   of
   Protocol N 1,
       (e) any  declaration  received  pursuant  to  Article  Ib   of
   Protocol N 1,
       (f) any  declaration  received  pursuant  to  Article  IV   of
   Protocol N 1,
       (g) any   communication   made   pursuant  to  Article  VI  of
   Protocol 1.

                               Article 68

       This Convention,  drawn up in a single original in the Danish,
   Dutch,  English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Icelandic, Irish,
   Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish languages, all
   fourteen texts being equally authentic,  shall be deposited in the
   archives of the Swiss Federal Council.  The Swiss Federal  Council
   shall  transmit  a  certified copy to the Government of each State
   represented at the Diplomatic Conference  of  Lugano  and  to  the
   Government of each acceding State.

                              PROTOCOL N 1
                            AND ENFORCEMENT

       The High Contracting Parties have agreed  upon  the  following
   provisions, which shall be annexed to the Convention:

                               Article I

       Any person  domiciled  in Luxembourg who is sued in a court of
   another Contracting State pursuant to Article 5 (1) may refuse  to
   submit  to  the jurisdiction of that court.  If the defendant does
   not enter an appearance the court shall declare of its own  motion
   that it has no jurisdiction.
       An agreement conferring jurisdiction,  within the  meaning  of
   Article  17,  shall be valid with respect to a person domiciled in
   Luxembourg only if that person has expressly and  specifically  so

                               Article Ia

       1. Switzerland reserves the right to declare,  at the time  of
   depositing  its instrument of ratification,  that a judgment given
   in another Contracting  State  shall  be  neither  recognised  nor
   enforced in Switzerland if the following conditions are met:
       (a) the jurisdiction of the court which has given the judgment
   is based only on Article 5 (1) of this Convention, and
       (b) the defendant was domiciled in Switzerland at the time  of
   the  introduction  of  the  proceedings;  for the purposes of this
   Article,  a company or other legal  person  is  considered  to  be
   domiciled  in  Switzerland  if  it has its registered seat and the
   effective centre of activities in Switzerland, and
       (c) the  defendant  raises  an objection to the recognition or
   enforcement of the judgment in Switzerland,  provided that he  has
   not  waived  the  benefit  of  the declaration foreseen under this
       2. This  reservation shall not apply to the extent that at the
   time recognition or enforcement is sought a  derogation  has  been
   granted  from  Article  59 of the Swiss Federal Constitution.  The
   Swiss  Government  shall  communicate  such  derogations  to   the
   signatory States and the acceding States.
       3. This reservation shall cease to have effect on 31  December
   1999. It may be withdrawn at any time.

                               Article Ib

       Any Contracting State may,  by declaration made at the time of
   signing or of deposit of its  instrument  of  ratification  or  of
   accession,  reserve  the right,  notwithstanding the provisions of
   Article 28,  not to recognise and enforce judgments given  in  the
   other  Contracting  States if the jurisdiction of the court of the
   State of  origin  is  based,  pursuant  to  Article  16  (1)  (b),
   exclusively  on  the  domicile  of  the  defendant in the State of
   origin, and the property is situated in the territory of the State
   which entered the reservation.

                               Article II

       Without prejudice   to   any  more  favourable  provisions  of
   national laws,  persons domiciled in a Contracting State  who  are
   being  prosecuted  in  the  criminal courts of another Contracting
   State of which they are not nationals for an offence which was not
   intentionally committed may be defended by persons qualified to do
   so, even if they do not appear in person.
       However, the  court  seised of the matter may order appearance
   in person;  in the case of failure to appear,  a judgment given in
   the  civil  action  without  the  person  concerned having had the
   opportunity to arrange for his defence need not be  recognised  or
   enforced in the other Contracting States.

                              Article III

       In proceedings  for the issue of an order for enforcement,  no
   charge,  duty or fee calculated by reference to the value  of  the
   matter in issue may be levied in the State in which enforcement is

                               Article IV

       Judicial and  extrajudicial  documents   drawn   up   in   one
   Contracting  State  which  have to be served on persons in another
   Contracting State shall be  transmitted  in  accordance  with  the
   procedures  laid  down in the conventions and agreements concluded
   between the Contracting States.
       Unless the  State in which service is to take place objects by
   declaration to the Swiss Federal Council,  such documents may also
   be  sent  by the appropriate public officers of the State in which
   the document has been drawn up directly to the appropriate  public
   officers  of  the State in which the addressee is to be found.  In
   this case the officer of the State of origin shall send a copy  of
   the  document  to  the  officer  of  the  State  applied to who is
   competent to forward it to the addressee.  The document  shall  be
   forwarded  in the manner specified by the law of the State applied
   to.  The forwarding  shall  be  recorded  by  a  certificate  sent
   directly to the officer of the State of origin.

                               Article V

       The jurisdiction specified in Articles 6 (2) and 10 in actions
   on a warranty or guarantee or in any other third party proceedings
   may  not  be  resorted  to in the Federal Republic of Germany,  in
   Spain,  in Austria and in Switzerland.  Any  person  domiciled  in
   another  Contracting  State  may  be sued in the courts:
       - of the Federal Republic of Germany, pursuant to Articles 68,
   72, 73 and 74 of the code of civil procedure (Zivilprozessordnung)
   concerning third-party notices;
       - of Spain, pursuant to Article 1482 of the civil code;
       - of Austria,  pursuant to Article 21 of  the  code  of  civil
   procedure (Zivilprozessordnung) concerning third-party notices;
       - of  Switzerland,  pursuant  to  the  appropriate  provisions
   concerning  third-party  notices  of  the  cantonal codes of civil
       Judgments given  in  the other Contracting States by virtue of
   Article 6 (2) or Article 10 shall be recognized  and  enforced  in
   the  Federal  Republic  of  Germany,  in Spain,  in Austria and in
   Switzerland in  accordance  with  Title  III.  Any  effects  which
   judgments  given  in  these  States  may  have on third parties by
   application of the provisions in  the  preceding  paragraph  shall
   also be recognized in the other Contracting States.

                               Article Va

       In matters relating to  maintenance,  the  expression  "court"
   includes   the  Danish,  Icelandic  and  Norwegian  administrative
       In civil  and  commercial  matters,  the  expression   "court"
   includes the ...<*>.
       <*> Национальное название не приводится.

                               Article Vb

       In proceedings  involving  a  dispute between the master and a
   member of the crew of a sea-going ship registered in  Denmark,  in
   Greece,  in  Ireland,  in  Iceland,  in Norway,  in Portugal or in
   Sweden concerning remuneration or other conditions of  service,  a
   court   in   a  Contracting  State  shall  establish  whether  the
   diplomatic or consular officer responsible for the ship  has  been
   notified of the dispute.  It shall stay the proceedings so long as
   he has not been notified.  It shall  of  its  own  motion  decline
   jurisdiction  if  the  officer,  having  been  duly notified,  has
   exercised the powers accorded to him in the matter by  a  consular
   convention, or in the absence of such a convention has, within the
   time allowed,  raised  any  objection  to  the  exercise  of  such

                               Article Vc


                               Article Vd

       Without prejudice  to  the jurisdiction of the European Patent
   Office under the Convention on  the  grant  of  European  patents,
   signed at Munich on 5 October 1973, the courts of each Contracting
   State shall have exclusive jurisdiction,  regardless of  domicile,
   in  proceedings concerned with the registration or validity of any
   European patent granted for that State which is  not  a  Community
   patent  by virtue of the provision of Article 86 of the Convention
   for  the  European  patent  for  the  common  market,  signed   at
   Luxembourg on 15 December 1975.

                               Article VI

       The Contracting  States shall communicate to the Swiss Federal
   Council the text of any  provisions  of  their  laws  which  amend
   either  those provisions of their laws mentioned in the Convention
   or the lists of courts specified in Section 2 of Title III.

                              PROTOCOL N 2


       The High Contracting Parties,
       Having regard to Article 65 of this Convention,
       Considering the substantial link between this  Convention  and
   the Brussels Convention,
       Considering that  the  Court  of  Justice  of   the   European
   Communities  by  virtue  of  the  Protocol  of  3  June  1971  has
   jurisdiction  to  give  rulings  on  the  interpretation  of   the
   provisions of the Brussels Convention,
       Being aware of the rulings delivered by the Court  of  Justice
   of  the European Communities on the interpretation of the Brussels
   Convention up to the time of signature of this Convention,
       Considering that  the negotiations which led to the conclusion
   of the Convention were based on the  Brussels  Convention  in  the
   light of these rulings,
       Desiring to prevent,  in full deference to the independence of
   the courts,  divergent interpretations and to arrive at as uniform
   an interpretation as possible of the provisions of the Convention,
   and of these provisions and those of the Brussels Convention which
   are substantially reproduced in this Convention,
       Have agreed as follows:

                               Article 1

       The courts of each Contracting State shall,  when applying and
   interpreting the provisions of the Convention,  pay due account to
   the  principles  laid  down  by any relevant decision delivered by
   courts of the other Contracting States  concerning  provisions  of
   this Convention.

                               Article 2

       1. The  Contracting  Parties  agree  to  set  up  a  system of
   exchange of information concerning judgments delivered pursuant to
   this  Convention  as well as relevant judgments under the Brussels
   Convention. This system shall comprise:
       - transmission  to a central body by the competent authorities
   of judgments delivered by courts of last instance and the Court of
   Justice  of  the  European  Communities  as  well  as judgments of
   particular importance  which  have  become  final  and  have  been
   delivered pursuant to this Convention or the Brussels Convention;
       - classification  of  these  judgments  by  the  central  body
   including,  as far as necessary, the drawing up and publication of
   translations and abstracts,
       - communication  by the central body of the relevant documents
   to the competent  national  authorities  of  all  signatories  and
   acceding  States  to  the  Convention and to the Commission of the
   European Communities.
       2. The  central  body is the Registrar of the Court of Justice
   of the European Communities.

                               Article 3

       1. A Standing Committee shall be set up for  the  purposes  of
   this Protocol.
       2. The  Committee  shall  be   composed   of   representatives
   appointed by each signatory and acceding State.
       3. The European Communities (Commission,  Court of Justice and
   General  Secretariat  of  the Council) and the European Free Trade
   Association may attend the meetings as observers.

                               Article 4

       1. At the request of a Contracting Party,  the  depositary  of
   the  Convention  shall  convene  meetings of the Committee for the
   purpose of exchanging views on the functioning of  the  Convention
   and in particular on
       - the development of the case-law as  communicated  under  the
   first paragraph first indent of Article 2,
       - the application of Article 57 of the Convention.
       2. The  Committee,  in the light of these exchanges,  may also
   examine the appropriateness of starting  on  particular  topics  a
   revision of the Convention and make recommendations.

                              PROTOCOL N 3
                    ON THE APPLICATION OF ARTICLE 57

       The High Contracting Parties have agreed as follows:
       1. For  the purposes of the Convention,  provisions which,  in
   relation  to  particular  matters,  govern  jurisdiction  or   the
   recognition or enforcement of judgments and which are  or  will be
   contained in acts of the Institutions of the European  Communities
   shall be treated in the same way as the conventions referred to in
   Article 57.
       2. If one Contracting State is of the opinion that a provision
   contained  in  an  act  of  the  Institutions  of   the   European
   Communities  is incompatible with the Convention,  the Contracting
   States shall promptly consider amending the Convention pursuant to
   Article  66,  without  prejudice  to  the procedure established by
   Protocol N 2.

                    OF ARTICLE 57 OF THE CONVENTION

       Upon signature of  the  Convention  on  jurisdiction  and  the
   enforcement  of  judgments in civil and commercial matters done at
   Lugano on 16 September 1988,
       The representatives of the governments of the member states of
   the  European  Communities,
       Taking into  account  the  undertakings entered into vis-a-vis
   the member states of the European Free Trade Association,
       Anxious not to prejudice the unity of the legal system set  up
   by  the  Convention,
       Declare that they will take all measures  in  their  power  to
   ensure, when Community acts referred to in paragraph 1 of Protocol
   N 3 on the application of Article 57 are being drawn  up,  respect
   for  the  rules of jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement of
   judgments established by the Convention.


       Upon signature of  the  Convention  on  jurisdiction  and  the
   enforcement  of  judgments in civil and commercial matters done at
   Lugano on 16 September 1988,
       The representatives of the governments of the member states of
   the European Communities
       Declare that  they  consider  as appropriate that the Court of
   Justice  of  the  European  Communities,  when  interpreting   the
   Brussels  Convention,  pay due account to the rulings contained in
   the case law of the Lugano Convention.

                         FREE TRADE ASSOCIATION

       Upon signature of  the  Convention  on  jurisdiction  and  the
   enforcement  of  judgments in civil and commercial matters done at
   Lugano on 16 September 1988,
       The representatives of the governments of the member states of
   the  European Free Trade Association
       Declare that they consider as appropriate that  their  courts,
   when  interpreting  the Lugano Convention,  pay due account to the
   rulings contained in the case law of the Court of Justice  of  the
   European  Communities  and  of  courts of the Member States of the
   European Communities in respect  of  provisions  of  the  Brussels
   Convention  which  are  substantially  reproduced  in  the  Lugano


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