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                        INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION

                         (Brussels, 14.VI.1983)

                      (As amended by the Protocol
            of Amendment to the International Convention on
         the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System
                            of 24 June 1986)


       The Contracting Parties to this Convention,  established under
   the auspices of the Customs Co-operation Council,
       Desiring to facilitate international trade,
       Desiring to facilitate the collection, comparison and analysis
   of statistics, in particular those on international trade,
       Desiring to  reduce  the  expense  incurred  by  redescribing,
   reclassifying  and  recoding  goods  as   they   move   from   one
   classification  system  to  another in the course of international
   trade and to facilitate the standardization of trade documentation
   and the transmission of data,
       Considering that changes in technology  and  the  patterns  of
   international   trade   require  extensive  modifications  to  the
   Convention on Nomenclature for  the  Classification  of  Goods  in
   Customs Tariffs, done at Brussels on 15 December 1950,
       Considering also  that  the  degree  of  detail  required  for
   Customs   and   statistical  purposes  by  Governments  and  trade
   interests  has  increased  far  beyond  that   provided   by   the
   Nomenclature annexed to the above-mentioned Convention,
       Considering the importance of accurate and comparable data for
   the purposes of international trade negotiations,
       Considering that the Harmonized System is intended to be  used
   for  the  purposes  of freight tariffs and transport statistics of
   the various modes of transport,
       Considering that  the  Harmonized  System  is  intended  to be
   incorporated into  commercial  commodity  description  and  coding
   systems to the greatest extent possible,
       Considering that the Harmonized System is intended to  promote
   as close a correlation as possible between import and export trade
   statistics and production statistics,
       Considering that  a  close  correlation  should  be maintained
   between the Harmonized System and the Standard International Trade
   Classification (SITC) of the United Nations,
       Considering the desirability  of  meeting  the  aforementioned
   needs through a combined tariff/statistical nomenclature, suitable
   for use by the  various  interests  concerned  with  international
       Considering the importance of  ensuring  that  the  Harmonized
   System is kept up-to-date in the light of changes in technology or
   in patterns of international trade,
       Having taken  into consideration the work accomplished in this
   sphere by the Harmonized System Committee set up  by  the  Customs
   Co-operation Council,
       Considering that  while   the   above-mentioned   Nomenclature
   Convention has proved an effective instrument in the attainment of
   some of these objectives,  the best way  to  achieve  the  desired
   results  in  this  respect  is  to  conclude  a  new international
       Have agreed as follows:

                               Article 1


       For the purpose of this Convention:
       (a) the "Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding  System",
   hereinafter  referred  to  as  the "Harmonized System",  means the
   Nomenclature comprising the headings  and  subheadings  and  their
   related numerical codes, the Section, Chapter and Subheading Notes
   and the General Rules for the  interpretation  of  the  Harmonized
   System, set out in the Annex to this Convention;
       (b) "Customs  tariff  nomenclature"  means  the   nomenclature
   established  under  the legislation of a Contracting Party for the
   purposes of levying duties of Customs on imported goods;
       (c) "statistical   nomenclatures"  means  goods  nomenclatures
   established by a Contracting Party for the collection of data  for
   import and export trade statistics;
       (d) "combined   tariff/statistical   nomenclature"   means   a
   nomenclature,   integrating   Customs   tariff   and   statistical
   nomenclatures,  legally required by a Contracting  Party  for  the
   declaration of goods at importation;
       (e) "the  Convention  establishing  the  Council"  means   the
   Convention  establishing  a Customs Co-operation Council,  done at
   Brussels on 15 December 1950;
       (f) "the  Council"  means  the  Customs  Co-operation  Council
   referred to in paragraph (e) above;
       (g) "the Secretary General" means the Secretary General of the
       (h) the term "ratification" means ratification,  acceptance or

                               Article 2

                               The Annex

       The Annex to this  Convention  shall  form  an  integral  part
   thereof,  and  any  reference  to  the  Convention shall include a
   reference to the Annex.

                               Article 3

                   Obligations of Contracting Parties

       1. Subject to the exceptions enumerated in Article 4:
       (a) Each  Contracting Party undertakes,  except as provided in
   subparagraph (c) of this paragraph,  that from the date  on  which
   this  Convention  enters into force in respect of it,  its Customs
   tariff and statistical nomenclatures shall be in  conformity  with
   the Harmonized System.  It thus undertakes that, in respect of its
   Customs tariff and statistical nomenclatures:
           (i) it  shall  use all the headings and subheadings of the
       Harmonized System without addition or  modification,  together
       with their related numerical codes;
           (ii) it  shall   apply   the   General   Rules   for   the
       interpretation  of  the Harmonized System and all the Section,
       Chapter and Subheading Notes,  and shall not modify the  scope
       of  the  Sections,  Chapters,  headings  or subheadings of the
       Harmonized System; and
           (iii) it  shall  follow  the  numerical  sequence  of  the
       Harmonized System;
       (b) Each  Contracting Party shall also make publicly available
   its import and export trade  statistics  in  conformity  with  the
   six-digit codes of the Harmonized System, or, on the initiative of
   the Contracting Party,  beyond that  level,  to  the  extent  that
   publication  is  not  precluded  for  exceptional  reasons such as
   commercial confidentiality or national security;
       (c) Nothing  in this Article shall require a Contracting Party
   to use the subheadings of the Harmonized  System  in  its  Customs
   tariff  nomenclature provided that it meets the obligations at (a)
   (i), (a) (ii) and (a) (iii) above in a combined tariff/statistical
       2. In complying with the undertakings at paragraph  1  (a)  of
   this  Article,  each  Contracting  Party  may  make  such  textual
   adaptations as may be necessary to give effect to  the  Harmonized
   System in its domestic law.
       3. Nothing in this Article shall prevent a  Contracting  Party
   from   establishing,   in   its   Customs  tariff  or  statistical
   nomenclatures,  subdivisions classifying goods beyond the level of
   the Harmonized System, provided that any such subdivision is added
   and coded at a level beyond that of the six-digit  numerical  code
   set out in the Annex to this Convention.

                               Article 4

              Partial application by developing countries

       1. Any  developing  country  Contracting  Party  may delay its
   application of some or all of the subheadings  of  the  Harmonized
   System  for such period as may be necessary,  having regard to its
   pattern of international trade or its administrative resources.
       2. A  developing  country  Contracting  Party  which elects to
   apply the Harmonized System partially under the provisions of this
   Article agrees to make its best efforts towards the application of
   the full six-digit Harmonized System within five years of the date
   on  which  this  Convention  enters into force in respect of it or
   within such further period as it  may  consider  necessary  having
   regard to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article.
       3. A developing country  Contracting  Party  which  elects  to
   apply the Harmonized System partially under the provisions of this
   Article shall apply all or none of the two-dash subheadings of any
   one one-dash subheading or all or none of the one-dash subheadings
   of any one heading.  In such cases  of  partial  application,  the
   sixth  digit  or  the  fifth  and sixth digits of that part of the
   Harmonized System code not applied shall be  replaced  by  "0"  or
   "00" respectively.
       4. A developing country which elects to apply  the  Harmonized
   System  partially  under  the  provisions of this Article shall on
   becoming a Contracting Party notify the Secretary General of those
   subheadings  which  it  will  not  apply  on  the  date  when this
   Convention enters into force in  respect  of  it  and  shall  also
   notify the Secretary General of those subheadings which it applies
       5. Any developing country which elects to apply the Harmonized
   System partially under the  provisions  of  this  Article  may  on
   becoming  a Contracting Party notify the Secretary General that it
   formally undertakes to apply the full six-digit Harmonized  System
   within  three  years  of the date when this Convention enters into
   force in respect of it.
       6. Any  developing  country  Contracting Party which partially
   applies the Harmonized System under the provisions of this Article
   shall be relieved from its obligations under Article 3 in relation
   to the subheadings not applied.

                               Article 5

             Technical assistance for developing countries

       Developed country  Contracting  Parties   shall   furnish   to
   developing  countries  that  so  request,  technical assistance on
   mutually agreed terms in  respect  of,  inter  alia,  training  of
   personnel,   transposing   their  existing  nomenclatures  to  the
   Harmonized  System  and  advice  on  keeping  their   systems   so
   transposed  up-to-date with amendments to the Harmonized System or
   on applying the provisions of this Convention.

                               Article 6

                      Harmonized System Committee

       1. There  shall  be  established  under  this   Convention   a
   Committee to be known as the Harmonized System Committee, composed
   of representatives from each of the Contracting Parties.
       2. It shall normally meet at least twice each year.
       3. Its meetings shall be convened  by  the  Secretary  General
   and,  unless  the  Contracting Parties otherwise decide,  shall be
   held at the Headquarters of the Council.
       4. In  the  Harmonized System Committee each Contracting Party
   shall have the right to one vote;  nevertheless,  for the purposes
   of this Convention and without prejudice to any future Convention,
   where  a Customs  or  Economic Union as well as one or more of its
   Member  States  are  Contracting  Parties such Contracting Parties
   shall  together exercise only one vote.  Similarly,  where all the
   Member  States of a Customs or Economic Union which is eligible to
   become  a Contracting Party under the provisions of Article 11 (b)
   become Contracting Parties,  they shall together exercise only one
       5. The   Harmonized  System  Committee  shall  elect  its  own
   Chairman and one or more Vice-Chairmen.
       6. It  shall  draw  up  its own Rules of Procedure by decision
   taken by not less than two-thirds of the votes  attributed  to its
   members.  The  Rules of Procedure so drawn up shall be approved by
   the Council.
       7. It   shall   invite   such   intergovernmental   or   other
   international organizations as  it  may  consider  appropriate  to
   participate as observers in its work.
       8. It shall  set  up  Sub-Committees  or  Working  Parties  as
   needed,  having  regard,  in  particular,  to  the  provisions  of
   paragraph  1  (a)  of  Article  7,  and  it  shall  determine  the
   membership,   voting  rights  and  Rules  of  Procedure  for  such
   Sub-Committees or Working Parties.

                               Article 7

                       Functions of the Committee

       1. The Harmonized  System  Committee,  having  regard  to  the
   provisions of Article 8, shall have the following functions:
       (a) to propose such amendments to this Convention  as  may  be
   considered desirable,  having regard,  in particular, to the needs
   of  users  and  to  changes  in  technology  or  in  patterns   of
   international trade;
       (b) to prepare Explanatory Notes,  Classification Opinions  or
   other  advice  as  guides  to the interpretation of the Harmonized
       (c) to  prepare  recommendations  to  secure uniformity in the
   interpretation and application of the Harmonized System;
       (d) to   collate  and  circulate  information  concerning  the
   application of the Harmonized System;
       (e) on   its   own   initiative  or  on  request,  to  furnish
   information  or   guidance   on   any   matters   concerning   the
   classification  of  goods  in the Harmonized System to Contracting
   Parties,  to Members of the Council and to such  intergovernmental
   or other international organizations as the Committee may consider
       (f) to   present  Reports  to  each  Session  of  the  Council
   concerning  its   activities,   including   proposed   amendments,
   Explanatory Notes, Classification Opinions and other advice;
       (g) to exercise such other powers and functions in relation to
   the  Harmonized  System  as the Council or the Contracting Parties
   may deem necessary.
       2. Administrative decisions of the Harmonized System Committee
   having budgetary implications shall be subject to approval by  the

                               Article 8

                          Role of the Council

       1. The  Council  shall examine proposals for amendment of this
   Convention,  prepared by  the  Harmonized  System  Committee,  and
   recommend  them  to the Contracting Parties under the procedure of
   Article 16 unless any Council Member which is a Contracting  Party
   to this Convention requests that the proposals or any part thereof
   be referred to the Committee for re-examination.
       2. The   Explanatory  Notes,  Classification  Opinions,  other
   advice  on  the  interpretation  of  the  Harmonized  System   and
   recommendations  to  secure  uniformity  in the interpretation and
   application of the Harmonized System, prepared during a session of
   the  Harmonized System Committee under the provisions of paragraph
   1 of Article 7,  shall be deemed to be approved by the Council if,
   not  later  than  the  end of the second month following the month
   during which that session was closed, no Contracting Party to this
   Convention  has  notified  the  Secretary General that it requests
   that such matter be referred to the Council.
       3. Where  a  matter  is  referred  to  the  Council  under the
   provisions of paragraph 2  of  this  Article,  the  Council  shall
   approve  such  Explanatory Notes,  Classification Opinions,  other
   advice or recommendations,  unless any Council Member which  is  a
   Contracting  Party  to  this  Convention  requests  that  they  be
   referred in whole or part to the Committee for re-examination.

                               Article 9

                         Rates of Customs duty

       The Contracting Parties do not assume by this  Convention  any
   obligation in relation to rates of Customs duty.

                               Article 10

                         Settlement of disputes

       1. Any  dispute  between  Contracting  Parties  concerning the
   interpretation or application of this Convention shall,  so far as
   possible, be settled by negotiation between them.
       2. Any dispute which is not so settled shall  be  referred  by
   the  Parties  to  the  dispute  to the Harmonized System Committee
   which   shall   thereupon   consider   the   dispute   and    make
   recommendations for its settlement.
       3. If the Harmonized System Committee is unable to settle  the
   dispute, it shall refer the matter to the Council which shall make
   recommendations  in  conformity  with  Article  III  (e)  of   the
   Convention establishing the Council.
       4. The Parties to the dispute may agree in advance  to  accept
   the recommendations of the Committee or the Council as binding.

                               Article 11

               Eligibility to become a Contracting Party

       The following  are  eligible  to become Contracting Parties to
   this Convention:
       (a) Member States of the Council;
       (b) Customs or Economic Unions to which  competence  has  been
   transferred  to  enter  into treaties in respect of some or all of
   the matters governed by this Convention; and
       (c) Any  other State to which an invitation to that effect has
   been addressed by the Secretary General at the  direction  of  the

                               Article 12

               Procedure for becoming a Contracting Party

       1. Any  eligible State or Customs or Economic Union may become
   a Contracting Party to this Convention:
       (a) by signing it without reservation of ratification;
       (b) by depositing an instrument of ratification  after  having
   signed the Convention subject to ratification; or
       (c) by acceding to it after the Convention has  ceased  to  be
   open for signature.
       2. This   Convention   shall   be  open  for  signature  until
   31 December 1986 at the Headquarters of the Council in Brussels by
   the  States  and Customs or Economic Unions referred to in Article
   11. Thereafter, it shall be open for their accession.
       3. The instruments  of  ratification  or  accession  shall  be
   deposited with the Secretary General.

                               Article 13

                            Entry into force

       1. This  Convention  shall  enter  into  force on the earliest
   first of January which falls at least three months after a minimum
   of  seventeen  States or Customs or Economic Unions referred to in
   Article  11  above  have  signed   it   without   reservation   of
   ratification  or  have deposited their instruments of ratification
   or accession, but not before 1 January 1988.
       2. For  any State or Customs or Economic Union signing without
   reservation  of  ratification,  ratifying  or  acceding  to   this
   Convention  after  the  minimum number specified in paragraph 1 of
   this Article is reached, this Convention shall enter into force on
   the  first  of  January which falls at least twelve months but not
   more than twenty-four months after it has  signed  the  Convention
   without   reservation   of   ratification  or  has  deposited  its
   instrument of ratification or accession,  unless it  specifies  an
   earlier  date.  However,  the  date  of entry into force under the
   provisions of this paragraph shall not be earlier than the date of
   entry into force provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article.

                               Article 14

                  Application by dependent territories

       1. Any State may,  at the time of becoming a Contracting Party
   to  this  Convention,  or  at  any  time  thereafter,  declare  by
   notification  given  to  the Secretary General that the Convention
   shall  extend  to  all  or  any  of  the  territories  for   whose
   international   relations   it   is   responsible,  named  in  its
   notification.  Such notification shall take effect on the first of
   January  which  falls  at  least  twelve  months but not more than
   twenty-four months after the date of the receipt  thereof  by  the
   Secretary  General,  unless  an  earlier  date is specified in the
   notification.  However,  this Convention shall not apply  to  such
   territories  before  it  has  entered  into  force  for  the State
       2. This  Convention  shall  cease  to  have effect for a named
   territory on the date when the  Contracting  Party  ceases  to  be
   responsible  for  the international relations of that territory or
   on such earlier date as may be notified to the  Secretary  General
   under the procedure of Article 15.

                               Article 15


       This Convention  is  of  unlimited duration.  Nevertheless any
   Contracting Party may denounce it and such denunciation shall take
   effect   one   year   after  the  receipt  of  the  instrument  of
   denunciation by the Secretary General,  unless  a  later  date  is
   specified therein.

                               Article 16

                          Amendment procedure

       1. The  Council may recommend amendments to this Convention to
   the Contracting Parties.
       2. Any  Contracting  Party may notify the Secretary General of
   an objection to  a  recommended  amendment  and  may  subsequently
   withdraw such objection within the period specified in paragraph 3
   of this Article.
       3. Any  recommended  amendment  shall be deemed to be accepted
   six months after the date of its  notification  by  the  Secretary
   General provided that there is no objection outstanding at the end
   of this period.
       4. Accepted   amendments   shall  enter  into  force  for  all
   Contracting Parties on one of the following dates:
       (a) where  the  recommended  amendment  is   notified   before
   1 April, the date shall be the first of January of the second year
   following the date of such notification, or
       (b) where  the  recommended  amendment is notified on or after
   1 April,  the date shall be the first of January of the third year
   following the date of such notification.
       5. The statistical nomenclatures of each Contracting Party and
   its Customs tariff nomenclature or, in the case provided for under
   paragraph  1  (c)  of  Article 3,  its combined tariff/statistical
   nomenclature,  shall be brought into conformity with  the  amended
   Harmonized  System  on  the  date specified in paragraph 4 of this
       6. Any  State  or  Customs  or  Economic Union signing without
   reservation  of  ratification,  ratifying  or  acceding  to   this
   Convention shall be deemed to have accepted any amendments thereto
   which,  at the date when it  becomes  a  Contracting  Party,  have
   entered  into  force or have been accepted under the provisions of
   paragraph 3 of this Article.

                               Article 17

                     Rights of Contracting Parties
                  in respect of the Harmonized System

       On any matter affecting the Harmonized System,  paragraph 4 of
   Article 6,  Article 8 and paragraph 2 of Article 16  shall  confer
   rights on a Contracting Party:
       (a) in respect of all parts of the Harmonized System which  it
   applies under the provisions of this Convention; or
       (b) until the date when this Convention enters into  force  in
   respect of it in accordance with the provisions of Article 13,  in
   respect of  all  parts  of  the  Harmonized  System  which  it  is
   obligated  to  apply  at  that  date  under the provisions of this
   Convention; or
       (c) in respect of all parts of the Harmonized System, provided
   that it has  formally  undertaken  to  apply  the  full  six-digit
   Harmonized  System within the period of three years referred to in
   paragraph 5 of Article 4 and until the expiration of that period.

                               Article 18


       No reservations to this Convention shall be permitted.

                               Article 19

                 Notifications by the Secretary General

       The Secretary General shall notify Contracting Parties,  other
   signatory  States,  Member  States  of  the  Council which are not
   Contracting Parties to this Convention,  and the Secretary General
   of the United Nations, of the following:
       (a) Notifications under Article 4;
       (b) Signatures, ratifications and accessions as referred to in
   Article 12;
       (c) The date on which the Convention shall enter into force in
   accordance with Article 13;
       (d) Notifications under Article 14;
       (e) Denunciations under Article 15;
       (f) Amendments to the Convention recommended under Article 16;
       (g) Objections  in  respect  of  recommended  amendments under
   Article 16, and, where appropriate, their withdrawal; and
       (h) Amendments  accepted  under  Article  16,  and the date of
   their entry into force.

                               Article 20

                  Registration with the United Nations

       This Convention shall be registered with  the  Secretariat  of
   the   United   Nations   in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of
   Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations at the request of
   the Secretary General of the Council.
       In witness thereof  the  undersigned,  being  duly  authorized
   thereto, have signed this Convention.

       Done at  Brussels  on the 14th day of June 1983 in the English
   and French languages,  both texts being equally  authentic,  in  a
   single  original  which  shall  be  deposited  with  the Secretary
   General of the Council who shall transmit certified copies thereof
   to  all  the  States and Customs or Economic Unions referred to in
   Article 11.

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