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(по состоянию на 20 октября 2006 года)

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                           EUROPEAN AGREEMENT
                      TO STUDENTS STUDYING ABROAD
                              (ETS N 69)
                          (Paris, 12.XII.1969)
       The member States of the Council of Europe, signatory hereto,
       Having regard  to the European Cultural Convention,  signed at
   Paris on 19 December 1954;
       Having regard  to the declaration of the European Ministers of
   Education in Resolution No.  4 adopted at  their  4th  Conference,
   held in London on 14 - 16 April 1964,  which, recognising the need
   to  encourage  exchanges   of   undergraduate   and   particularly
   post-graduate  students between European countries,  expressed the
   hope that steps would be taken to ensure that national  programmes
   of  financial  support  for  students become equally applicable to
   periods of study in other European countries;
       Considering that the practice of study in a country other than
   a student's home country is likely to contribute  to  a  student's
   cultural and academic enrichment;
       Considering that the fundamental cultural  community  existing
   among  the member States of the Council of Europe signatory to the
   European Cultural Convention  and  the  other  States  which  have
   acceded thereto,  makes such a practice possible;
       Considering that within the European cultural and  educational
   community, which they desire to establish on an even firmer basis,
   there should be,  to the greatest extent possible,  free  movement
   for persons pursuing university studies or research,
       Have agreed as follows:
                               Article 1
       For the purpose of this Agreement:
       a) The term "institutions of higher education" shall denote:
           i) universities;
           ii) other  institutions  of  higher  education  recognised
       for the purpose of this Agreement by the competent authorities
       of  the  Contracting  Party  in whose   territory   they   are
       b) The  term  "scholarship"  shall  denote all forms of direct
   financial  support  granted   to   students,   undergraduate   and
   post-graduate, provided by the State or other authority, including
   grants towards the payment of fees,  maintenance awards and  study
                               Article 2
       For the  purpose  of  this  Agreement,  a distinction shall be
   drawn  between  Contracting  Parties  according  to  whether   the
   authority  competent  in their territory to deal with the award of
   scholarships is:
       a) the State;
       b) other authorities;
       c) the State and / or other authorities, as the case may be.
                               Article 3
       A scholarship  that  has  been  awarded by a Contracting Party
   falling within  the  category  mentioned  in  sub-paragraph (a) of
   Article  2,  for the purpose of enabling a person being a national
   of such Contracting Party  to  undertake  a  course  of  study  or
   research at an institution of higher education in the territory of
   such Contracting Party,  shall continue to be paid if that  person
   is  admitted,  at  his  request  and  with  the  approval  of  the
   authorities supervising his studies or  research,  to  pursue  the
   said  course  of  study  or  research  in an institution of higher
   education in the territory of another Contracting Party.
                               Article 4
       Nothing in this  Agreement  shall  be  deemed  to  affect  the
   prevailing  rules  and  regulations  concerning  the  admission of
   students to institutions of higher education,  or the requirements
   of   authorities   awarding   scholarships   with  regard  to  the
   satisfactory pursuance or the duration of the course of  study  or
   research for which the award is made or for which it is renewed.
                               Article 5
       1. Contracting  Parties  falling within the category mentioned
   in sub-paragraph (b) of Article 2 shall transmit the text of  this
   Agreement  to the authorities competent in their territory to deal
   with matters pertaining to the award  of  scholarships  and  shall
   encourage  the favourable consideration and application by them of
   the principle set out in Article 3.
       2. Contracting  Parties  falling within the category mentioned
   in sub-paragraph (c) of Article 2 shall apply  the  provisions  of
   Article  3 where the State is the authority competent to deal with
   the award of scholarships,  and the provisions of paragraph  1  of
   this  Article  where  the  State is not the competent authority in
   this matter.
                               Article 6
       Any Contracting Party may,  by notification addressed  to  the
   Secretary  General of the Council of Europe,  declare that it will
   extend the application of this Agreement  to  persons  other  than
   those specified under Article 3.
                               Article 7
       1. This  Agreement  shall  be  open to signature by the member
   States of the Council of Europe,  who may  become  Parties  to  it
   either by:
       a) signature without reservation in respect of ratification or
   acceptance; or
       b) signature with reservation in respect  of  ratification  or
   acceptance, followed by ratification or acceptance.
       2. Instruments  of  ratification  or   acceptance   shall   be
   deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
                               Article 8
       1. This  Agreement  shall enter into force one month after the
   date on which five member States of the Council  of  Europe  shall
   have  become  Parties  to  the  Agreement,  in accordance with the
   provisions of Article 7.
       2. As regards any member State who shall subsequently sign the
   Agreement  without  reservation  in  respect  of  ratification  or
   acceptance  or who shall ratify or accept it,  the Agreement shall
   enter into force one month after the date  of  such  signature  or
   after  the  date  of  deposit of the instrument of ratification or
                               Article 9
       1. After the entry into force of this Agreement:
       a) any  non-member  State  of the Council of Europe which is a
   Contracting Party to the European Cultural Convention,  signed  at
   Paris on 19 December 1954, may accede to this Agreement;
       b) the Committee of Ministers of the  Council  of  Europe  may
   invite any other non-member State to accede to this Agreement.
       2. Such accession shall be effected  by  depositing  with  the
   Secretary  General  of  the  Council  of  Europe  an instrument of
   accession which shall take effect one month after the date of  its
                               Article 10
       1. Any  signatory  State,  at  the  time  of signature or when
   depositing its instrument of ratification or  acceptance,  or  any
   acceding State,  when depositing its instrument of accession,  may
   specify the territory or territories to which this Agreement shall
       2. Any signatory State,  when  depositing  its  instrument  of
   ratification  or acceptance or at any later date,  or any acceding
   State, when depositing its instrument of accession or at any later
   date,  by  declaration  addressed  to the Secretary General of the
   Council  of  Europe,  may  extend  this  Agreement  to  any  other
   territory  or  territories  specified  in  the declaration and for
   whose international relations it is responsible or on whose behalf
   it is authorised to give undertakings.
       3. Any  declaration  made  in  pursuance  of   the   preceding
   paragraph  may,  in  respect  of  any  territory mentioned in such
   declaration,  be withdrawn according to the procedure laid down in
   Article 11 of this Agreement.
                               Article 11
       1. This Agreement shall remain in force indefinitely.
       2. Any Contracting Party may,  in so far as it  is  concerned,
   denounce  this  Agreement  by means of a notification addressed to
   the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
       3. Such  denunciation  shall  take effect six months after the
   date of receipt by the Secretary General of such notification.
                               Article 12
       The Secretary General of the Council of  Europe  shall  notify
   the  member  States of the Council and any State which has acceded
   to this Agreement, of:
       a) any   signature   without   reservation   in   respect   of
   ratification or acceptance;
       b) any  signature  with reservation in respect of ratification
   or acceptance;
       c) the  deposit of any instrument of ratification,  acceptance
   or accession;
       d) any   date  of  entry  into  force  of  this  Agreement  in
   accordance with Article 8 thereof;
       e) any  declaration received in pursuance of the provisions of
   Article 6 and of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 10;
       f) any notification received in pursuance of the provisions of
   Article 11 and the date on which denunciation takes effect.
       In witness  whereof  the  undersigned,  being  duly authorised
   thereto, have signed this Agreement.
       Done at Paris,  this 12th day of December 1969, in English and
   French,  both texts being equally authoritative, in  a single copy
   which shall remain deposited in the archives  of  the  Council  of
   Europe.  The  Secretary  General  of  the  Council of Europe shall
   transmit certified copies to each of the  signatory  and  acceding

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