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(по состоянию на 20 октября 2006 года)

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                                               [неофициальный перевод]
                           СУДЕБНОЕ РЕШЕНИЕ
                   (Страсбург, 24 февраля 1994 года)
                           A. Основные факты
       В  1979  г. заявитель начал заниматься юридической практикой  в
   Барселоне;  он  регулярно помещал в ряде местных газет  объявления,
   рекламируя   свою   практику,  и  направлял  письма   в   различные
   коммерческие  организации, предлагая свои  услуги.  Совет  коллегии
   адвокатов  Барселоны  привлек его к дисциплинарной  ответственности
   по нескольким обвинениям, разбирательство по которым закончилось  в
   1981 г., и ему было вынесено несколько замечаний и предупреждений.
       С октября 1982 г. в информационном бюллетене Ассоциации жителей
   и   владельцев   недвижимости   в  Валлдореитх   (Барселона)   было
   опубликовано  объявление  заявителя, где он  коротко  сообщал  свое
   имя,  после  чего  шло слово "адвокат", адрес  и  телефонный  номер
   конторы.  5  апреля  1983 г. Совет коллегии  адвокатов  вынес  г-ну
   Касадо  Кока серьезное предупреждение, которое было подтверждено  3
   июня Национальным советом коллегии адвокатов.
       Заявитель  обратился  в административный  суд,  утверждая,  что
   имело   место  нарушение  статьи  20  Конституции  страны  (свобода
   слова).  11  мая  1987  г.  Административный  суд  Барселоны  вынес
   Решение  не  в  его  пользу, а 23 сентября 1988  г.  Верховный  суд
   отклонил его жалобу по вопросам права.
       Он  направил  жалобу в процедуре ампаро в Конституционный  Суд,
   который  17  апреля 1989 г. объявил, что статья 20  Конституции  не
   распространяется на рекламные объявления.
           B. Разбирательство в Комиссии по правам человека
       В  жалобе,  поданной  в  Комиссию 25  мая  1989  г.,  заявитель
   утверждал,  что нарушено право на свободу слова в свете  статьи  10
   Конвенции.  Жалоба  была объявлена частично  приемлемой  2  декабря
   1991 г.
       Попытавшись  безуспешно добиться мирового соглашения,  Комиссия
   приняла  1  декабря  1992  доклад, в  котором  установила  факты  и
   выразила  мнение,  что имело место нарушение  статьи  10  Конвенции
   (девятью   голосами   против  девяти,  голос  председательствующего
   оказался решающим).
                             ВОПРОСЫ ПРАВА
                   Утверждение о нарушении статьи 10
       32.  Г-н  Касадо Кока жаловался на наложенные на него 6  апреля
   1983   г.   Советом  коллегии  адвокатов  Барселоны  дисциплинарные
   взыскания  за  публикацию объявления о своей практике в  нескольких
   номерах  местного  бюллетеня новостей. Он  ссылался  на  статью  10
   Конвенции, которая предусматривает:
       "1. Каждый человек имеет право на свободу выражать свое мнение.
   Это  право включает свободу придерживаться своего мнения и  свободу
   получать   и  распространять  информацию  и  идеи  без  какого-либо
   вмешательства  со стороны государственных органов и  независимо  от
   государственных   границ.   Настоящая   статья   не    препятствует
   государствам    осуществлять    лицензирование    радиовещательных,
   телевизионных или кинематографических предприятий.
       2.   Осуществление  этих  свобод,  налагающее   обязанности   и
   ответственность, может быть сопряжено с формальностями,  условиями,
   ограничениями или санкциями, которые установлены законом и  которые
   необходимы  в  демократическом обществе в интересах государственной
   безопасности,   территориальной   целостности   или   общественного
   спокойствия,  в  целях предотвращения беспорядков  и  преступлений,
   для  охраны  здоровья и нравственности, защиты репутации  или  прав
   других   лиц,  предотвращения  разглашения  информации,  полученной
   конфиденциально,  или  обеспечения авторитета  и  беспристрастности
                  A. Применимость статьи 10 Конвенции
       33.   Правительство  оспаривало  применимость  статьи  10.  Оно
   утверждало,  что  объявления заявителя не несли никакой  информации
   коммерческого характера, а были чисто рекламными. Он оплатил  их  с
   единственной  целью получить больше клиентов. Реклама  как  таковая
   не  входит  в  сферу  действия свободы  слова;  реклама  служит  не
   общественному  интересу, а частным интересам заинтересованных  лиц.
   Применять   гарантии  статьи  10  к  рекламе  было  бы  равносильно
   изменению сферы действия указанной статьи.
       34.   Согласно  заявителю,  информация,  содержавшаяся  в   его
   объявлениях,  в  действительности была  предназначена  для  широкой
   публики;  она  обеспечила увеличение притока  клиентов,  а  значит,
   публика  посчитала ее необходимой и полезной. Более  того,  реклама
   является  общим понятием, включающим несколько видов  информации  в
   зависимости  от  политического  или  коммерческого  содержания  или
   передаваемых  с ее помощью идей. Кроме того, защита  прав  человека
   не  обязательно  должна  служить  публичному  интересу;  она  может
   служить и частным интересам.
       35.  Суд  прежде  всего  отмечает, что  статья  10  гарантирует
   свободу  слова  "всем". В ней не проводится различия в  зависимости
   от  преследуемой ею цели - будет ли это извлечение прибыли или  нет
   (см.   mutatis  mutandis  Решение  по  делу  "Аутроник  АГ"  против
   Швейцарии  от 22 мая 1990 г. Серия A, т. 178, с. 23, п.  47),  иной
   подход мог бы привести к нарушению статьи 14.
       В своем Решении по делу Бартольд против Федеративной Республики
   Германии от 25 марта 1983 г. (Серия A, т. 90, с. 20 - 21,  п.  42).
   Суд  оставил открытым вопрос, подпадает ли коммерческая реклама как
   таковая   в   сферу  действия  гарантий  статьи   10,   но   своими
   последующими  решениями  выработал устоявшуюся  судебную  практику,
   согласно  которой  статья 10 применима не  только  к  определенному
   типу  информации  и  идей,  особенно политического  характера  (см.
   Решение  по  делу "Маркт интерн Верлаг ГмбХ" и Клаус Бирман  против
   Федеративной Республики Германии от 20 ноября 1989 г. Серия  A,  т.
   165,  с. 17, п. 26), но также к художественному самовыражению  (см.
   Решение по делу Мюллер и другие против Швейцарии от 24 мая 1988  г.
   Серия  A,  т.  133,  с.  19,  п.  27), к  информации  коммерческого
   характера (см. вышеупомянутое Решение по делу "Маркт интерн  Верлаг
   ГмбХ"  и  Клауса Бирмана) и даже, как справедливо указала Комиссия,
   -  к  легкой  музыке и коммерческим объявлениям,  транслируемым  по
   кабелю  (см.  Решение по делу "Гроппера радио АГ" и  другие  против
   Швейцарии от 28 марта 1990 г. Серия A, т. 173, с. 22, п. 54 - 55).
       36.  В  данном  деле  спорные объявления  содержали  лишь  имя,
   профессию, адрес и телефонный номер заявителя. Они, очевидно,  были
   опубликованы  с  целью рекламы, но вместе с тем они  давали  лицам,
   нуждающимся   в  правовой  помощи,  полезную  для  них  информацию,
   которая, по всей видимости, облегчала им доступ к правосудию.
       37. Поэтому статья 10 подлежит применению.
                  B. Соблюдение требований статьи 10
          1. Имело ли место вмешательство "публичных властей"
       38.  Согласно Правительству, если вмешательство и имело  место,
   то  оно  исходило не от "государственных органов"  в  смысле  п.  1
   статьи  10.  Письменные  предупреждения Совета  коллегии  адвокатов
   Барселоны  (см.  п.  10 выше) можно считать внутренними  санкциями,
   наложенными   на   г-на   Касадо  Кока  его  коллегами.   Испанское
   государство    лишь   утвердило   Королевским    декретом    Устав,
   выработанный самими членами коллегии, статья 31 которого  запрещает
   профессиональную рекламу (см. п. 22 выше).
       39.  Суд,  так  же как заявитель и Комиссия, отмечает,  однако,
   что,   согласно   статье  1  Закона  1974  г.  о   профессиональных
   объединениях,  они являются корпорациями публичного права  (см.  п.
   20  выше).  Применительно к коллегиям адвокатов данная  особенность
   правового  статуса  усиливается  их  целью  служения  общественному
   интересу  путем оказания свободной и надлежащей правовой  помощи  в
   сочетании    с    государственным   контролем   за   осуществлением
   юридической  практики  и  соблюдением норм  профессиональной  этики
   (см.  в  отношении  коллегий адвокатов  Решение  по  делу  Ван  дер
   Мюсселе против Бельгии от 23 ноября 1983 г. Серия A, т. 70, с.  15,
   п.  29  in  fine, и Решение по делу X против Бельгии от  30  ноября
   1987  г.  Серия  A, т. 127-B, с. 27 - 28, п. 24  -  29;  см.  также
   mutatis  mutandis  в  отношении медицинских ассоциаций  Решение  по
   делу  Ле Конта, Ван Левена и Де Мейера от 23 июня 1981 г. Серия  A,
   т.  43,  с.  26 - 27, п. 64). Оспариваемое Решение было  принято  в
   соответствии  с  нормами, применяемыми к членам коллегии  адвокатов
   Барселоны, и оно могло быть обжаловано в компетентные суды (см.  п.
   22  выше).  Эти суды, равно как и Конституционный Суд,  -  все  они
   государственные  учреждения - подтвердили  правильность  применения
   санкции  (см.  п.  12, 13 и 15 выше). Раз это так,  то  налицо  все
   разумные    основания   полагать,   что   произошло   вмешательство
   "публичных  властей"  в  осуществление г-ном  Касадо  Кока  свободы
   распространять информацию.
                 2. Было ли вмешательство оправданным
       40.  Такое вмешательство не противоречит статье 10, если только
   оно   "предусмотрено  законом",  преследует  правомерную   цель   в
   соответствии  со  статьей 10 п. 2 и "необходимо  в  демократическом
   обществе" для достижения названной цели (см., в частности,  Решение
   по  делу  Торгеир  Торгеирсон против Исландии от 25  июня  1992  г.
   Серия A, т. 239, с. 25, п. 56).
       а) "Предусмотрено законом"
       41.  Заявитель  утверждал, что обжалуемая им  санкция  утратила
   свою  законодательную  основу. Закон 1974  г.  лишился  юридической
   силы   после   вступления  в  действие  Конституции  1978   г.,   в
   соответствии  с которой все противоречащие ей ранее принятые  нормы
   отменяются  (см.  п.  19  выше). Так как Устав  Коллегии  адвокатов
   Испании  был  принят  во  исполнение  указанного  Закона,  то   его
   постигла та же участь.
       42.  Правительство и Комиссия настаивали на том, что применение
   дисциплинарных   мер  основывалось  на  запрете   членам   коллегии
   адвокатов заниматься рекламой своей деятельности в соответствии  со
   статьей  31  Устава  Коллегии адвокатов Испании,  Уставом  Коллегии
   адвокатов  Барселоны и решениями ее совета (см.  п.  22,  24  и  25
       43.   Толкование   и  применение  внутреннего  законодательства
   возлагаются  прежде  всего на национальные государственные  органы,
   особенно  суды  (см.  inter  alia вышеупомянутое  Решение  по  делу
   Торгеир  Торгеирсон против Исландии. Серия A, т.  239,  с.  25,  п.
   58).  Жалоба  заявителя в Верховный суд была основана на  том,  что
   был  нарушен  принцип, согласно которому установить,  что  является
   правонарушением,  и  предусмотреть санкцию  за  него  может  только
   законодательный  акт. Верховный суд, отклонив жалобу,  сослался  на
   практику  Конституционного Суда (см. п. 13 и 18 выше). Суд  считает
   такой подход разумным, так же как и данное Конституционным Судом  в
   Решении от 17 апреля 1989 толкование статьи 20 Конституции (см.  п.
   15  и  16  выше).  Короче говоря, вмешательство было "предусмотрено
       b) Правомерная цель
       44.  Правительство  и Комиссия полагают, что  в  целом  главной
   целью   запрета   членам  коллегии  адвокатов  рекламировать   свою
   профессиональную деятельность является "защита прав других лиц",  в
   частности   прав   общественности   и   других   членов   коллегии.
   Правительство   также   указало,  что  реклама   всегда   считалась
   несовместимой  с  достоинством профессии, уважением  к  коллегам  и
   интересами широкой публики.
       45.  С точки зрения заявителя, мнение Комиссии применимо только
   к  случаям,  когда реклама носит сопоставительный характер  или  не
   соответствует  действительности,  но  не  тогда,  когда  объявление
   просто   дает  информацию  об  адвокатской  практике.  Оспариваемый
   запрет  создает  неравенство между теми членами  коллегии,  которые
   практикуют   самостоятельно,  и  теми,  кто   практикует,   являясь
   одновременно    гражданскими   служащими    или    университетскими
   преподавателями.  Для первых реклама служит единственным  возможным
   средством  сообщить  о  себе  потенциальным  клиентам,  тогда   как
   положение последних предоставляет им большие возможности заявить  о
   себе.  Кроме  того,  этот  запрет не  распространяется  на  крупные
   юридические  консалтинговые  фирмы,  действующие  на  международном
   уровне,   или  на  страховые  компании,  которые  также  предлагают
   юридическую  помощь. Таким образом, запрет в отношении практикующих
   независимых   юристов  выступает  инструментом   охраны   интересов
   некоторых привилегированных членов профессии.
       46.  У  Суда нет оснований сомневаться, что обжалуемые  правила
   коллегии адвокатов были предназначены для защиты интересов  широкой
   публики,  обеспечивая одновременно уважение к членам  профессии.  В
   этой   связи   следует  принимать  во  внимание   особый   характер
   адвокатской  профессии; в своем качестве слуг  правосудия  адвокаты
   пользуются  исключительным правом участия в суде и  иммунитетом  от
   судебного  преследования  за  свои  выступления  в  зале  суда;  их
   поведение  должно  быть  поэтому  скромным,  честным  и  достойным.
   Ограничения  на  рекламу традиционно оправдывались ссылкой  на  эти
   особые  черты.  В  случае  с  рассматриваемым  решением  ничто   не
   указывает  на  то,  что намерение Совета коллегии  адвокатов  в  то
   время  не  соответствовало признанной цели законодательства.  Более
   того,  факты,  на  которые  ссылается г-н  Касадо  Кока,  относятся
   прежде всего к способу применения законодательства, о котором  идет
   речь,  а следовательно, относятся к оценке необходимости применения
   указанной дисциплинарной меры.
       c) "Необходимо в демократическом обществе"
       47.  Заявитель  утверждал,  что обжалуемое  взыскание  не  было
   "необходимо  в  демократическом обществе",  т.к.  оно  представляло
   собой   несоразмерное  вмешательство  в  его  право  распространять
   коммерческую   информацию,  право,  которое  гарантировано   членам
   коллегии  адвокатов, так же как и другим гражданам, в  соответствии
   со статьей 10.
       48.  Правительство  полагало,  что  оспариваемые  нормы  Устава
   Коллегии  адвокатов  Испании  отражают концепцию  профессионального
   статуса   слуг  правосудия,  которой  придерживаются   сами   члены
   коллегии  адвокатов.  В 1982 г. практика всех европейских  коллегий
   адвокатов   была  аналогичной,  хотя  впоследствии  было   отмечено
   некоторое  ослабление  жесткости  этих  правил.  В  любом   случае,
   наложенное   на   г-на   Касадо   Кока   взыскание   носило   почти
   символический   характер.   Фактически   оно   порицало   повторное
   использование  рекламы  г-ном  Касадо  Кока,  который  уже  получал
   предупреждения  и  замечания  в связи с  объявлениями,  которые  он
   размещал  в  некоторых газетах в рубрике "различная  реклама"  и  в
   разосланных им ряду компаний письмах (см. п. 7 и 8 выше). С  учетом
   этого, а также принимая во внимание, что речь идет о свободе  слова
   применительно   к   коммерции,   Правительство   настаивало,    что
   национальные  власти  должны обладать  в  этой  связи  значительной
   свободой усмотрения.
       49.  С  точки зрения Комиссии, запрет членам коллегии адвокатов
   использовать практически любую рекламу представляется чрезмерным  и
   плохо   совместимым   со  свободой  распространять   информацию   и
   сопутствующим   правом   ее  получать.   В   объявлении   заявителя
   помещались  сведения  совершенно нейтрального характера  (его  имя,
   род  занятий,  адрес конторы и номер телефона), и они не  содержали
   информации,  которая  бы  не соответствовала  действительности  или
   была  бы  оскорбительной для его коллег адвокатов. Поэтому  он  был
   вправе  распространять  такую информацию  точно  так  же,  как  его
   потенциальные клиенты имели право ее получать.
       50.  Согласно  практике,  выработанной  Судом,  государства   -
   участники  Конвенции  пользуются определенной  свободой  усмотрения
   при  оценке необходимости того или иного вида вмешательства, но это
   усмотрение  подлежит контролю со стороны институтов  Совета  Европы
   как  в  отношении  соответствующих  норм,  так  и  решений  по   их
   применению  (см.  inter alia Решение по делу "Маркт  интерн  Верлаг
   ГмбХ"  и  Клауса Бирмана. Серия A, т. 165, с. 20, п. 33).  Подобная
   свобода  усмотрения особенно существенна в сложной  и  переменчивой
   области  недобросовестной конкуренции (там  же).  Это  же  верно  и
   применительно  к рекламе. Таким образом, в нынешнем  случае  задача
   Суда  ограничивается  тем, чтобы установить, насколько  в  принципе
   оправданными  были  меры,  принятые на национальном  уровне,  и  их
   соразмерность  (см.  inter  alia там  же,  а  также  вышеупомянутое
   Решение по делу Бартольда. Серия A, т. 90, с. 25, п. 55).
       51.  Реклама  является одним из способов сообщить  о  свойствах
   предлагаемых товаров и услуг. Тем не менее в некоторых случаях  она
   может  быть подвергнута ограничениям, в особенности для того, чтобы
   предотвратить    недобросовестную   конкуренцию    или    появление
   недостоверной  либо вводящей в заблуждение рекламы. В  определенных
   условиях публикация даже объективной, правдивой рекламы может  быть
   ограничена для того, чтобы обеспечить уважение прав других лиц  или
   в  связи с особыми обстоятельствами определенных видов деятельности
   и  профессиональных  занятий.  Однако  любые  подобные  ограничения
   должны  тщательно анализироваться Судом, который призван  взглянуть
   на  оспариваемое взыскание в свете всего дела в целом (см.  mutatis
   mutandis  указанное Решение по делу "Маркт интерн  Верлаг  ГмбХ"  и
   Клауса Бирмана. Серия A, т. 165, с. 20, п. 34).
       52.  Г-н  Касадо  Кока  получил 6  апреля  1983  г.  письменное
   предупреждение от Совета коллегии адвокатов Барселоны за  нарушение
   им  запрета на помещение профессиональной рекламы (см. п. 10  и  22
   выше).   Подтверждая  правильность  применения   взыскания,   Совет
   национальной  коллегии  адвокатов  установил,  что  объявления,   о
   которых  идет  речь,  с  учетом их характера  выходят  за  пределы,
   установленные   соответствующими   правилами   Коллегии   адвокатов
   Барселоны;  административный суд Барселоны привел те  же  доводы  в
   обоснование  своего Решения (см. п. 11, 12, 24 и 25 выше)  отметив,
   что   эти  правила  допускали  использование  рекламы  в  некоторых
   случаях  -  а  именно, когда адвокатская практика только  создается
   или  когда  поменялся членский состав, адрес или телефон  -  и  при
   определенных  условиях (см. п. 25 выше). Таким образом,  запрет  не
   был абсолютным.
       53. Заявитель и Комиссия утверждали, что некоторые коммерческие
   предприятия,   такие,  как  страховые  компании,  не   подвергаются
   ограничениям в отношении рекламы своих юридических услуг.
       54.  По  мнению  Суда, страховые компании нельзя  сравнивать  с
   членами    коллегии   адвокатов,   занимающимися    самостоятельной
   практикой,  чей  особый  статус  отводит  им  центральное  место  в
   системе   отправления  правосудия  в  качестве  посредников   между
   публикой  и  судами.  Это  объясняет  ограничения,  налагаемые   на
   поведение   членов  коллегии  адвокатов,  а  также  полномочия   по
   контролю  и  надзору  за  их  соблюдением,  возложенные  на  советы
   коллегий адвокатов.
       Тем  не менее правила, которыми должны руководствоваться  члены
   профессиональной   корпорации,  в  частности  в  области   рекламы,
   различны  в разных странах в зависимости от их культурных традиций.
   Более  того,  в  большинстве  государств  -  участников  Конвенции,
   включая  Испанию,  на  протяжении некоторого  времени  существовала
   тенденция   к   ослаблению   строгости   этих   правил   вследствие
   происходивших  перемен  и,  в частности, возрастания  роли  средств
   массовой  информации. Правительство цитировало примеры  из  Кодекса
   деонтологии   адвокатов  Европейского  Сообщества  (Страсбург,   28
   октября  1988 г.) и Резолюции Конференции коллегий адвокатов  стран
   Европы  (Краков,  24  мая  1991  г.); поддерживая  принцип  запрета
   рекламы,  эти  документы  вместе с тем  разрешали  членам  коллегии
   адвокатов  выступать  в средствах массовой информации,  заявлять  о
   себе  и  участвовать  в обсуждении вопросов общественной  жизни.  В
   соответствии  с  этими  руководящими  указаниями,  Совет   коллегий
   адвокатов   Каталонии  издал  (4  июля  1991  г.)   новые   правила
   относительно   рекламы,  разрешающие  распространение   писем   или
   статей,  в  том  числе  и  в  прессе  (см.  п.  28  выше).  Недавно
   Правительство  начало  изучение  проекта  нового  Устава   Коллегии
   адвокатов  Испании (см. п. 23 выше), который предполагает несколько
   большую свободу в данной сфере.
       55.  Широкий  спектр  правил  поведения  и  различия  в  темпах
   перемен,  происходящих  в  государствах  -  членах  Совета  Европы,
   указывает  на  сложность  проблемы.  Благодаря  прямым  непрерывным
   контактам со своими членами руководство коллегии адвокатов  и  суды
   страны  находятся в лучшем положении, чем международный суд,  чтобы
   определить,  как  в  данный период времени найти  равновесие  между
   различными    интересами,   а   именно   требованиями   надлежащего
   отправления  правосудия,  достоинством  профессии,  правом  каждого
   получать   информацию   об   оказываемой   юридической   помощи   и
   предоставлением     членам    коллегии    адвокатов     возможности
   рекламировать свою адвокатскую практику.
       56.  В  свете  вышесказанного  Суд  пришел  к  выводу,  что   в
   рассматриваемый  период  времени  -  1982  -  1983  гг.  -  реакция
   соответствующих   властей   не   может   считаться    несоразмерной
   преследуемой цели.
       57. Отсюда следует, что нарушения статьи 10 не установлено.
                        ПО ЭТИМ ОСНОВАНИЯМ СУД
       1. Постановил единогласно, что статья 10 подлежит применению  в
   настоящем деле;
       2.  Постановил  семью голосами против двух,  что  ее  нарушение
   места не имело.
       Совершено  на  английском и французском языках  и  оглашено  во
   Дворце прав человека в Страсбурге 24 февраля 1994 г.
                                                         Рольф РИССДАЛ
                                                     Марк-Андре ЭЙССЕН
       В  соответствии со статьей 51 п. 2 Конвенции и статьей 53 п.  2
   Регламента Суда к настоящему Решению прилагается совместное  особое
   мнение судей.
       Мы  согласны  с  большинством  Палаты  в  том,  что  статья  10
   применима к данному случаю, что имело место вмешательство,  которое
   было предусмотрено законом и преследовало правомерную цель.
       Однако, что касается необходимости вмешательства, мы согласны с
   тем,   что   было   сказано  в  п.  54  -  65   доклада   Комиссии.
   Соответственно,  мы  полагаем, что нарушение  статьи  10  Конвенции
   имело место.
                     CASE OF CASADO COCA v. SPAIN
                       (Strasbourg, 24.II.1994)
       In the case of Casado Coca v. Spain <*>,
       <*> Note by the Registrar: The case is numbered 8/1993/403/481.
   The  first  number  is the case's position on  the  list  of  cases
   referred  to  the Court in the relevant year (second  number).  The
   last  two numbers indicate the case's position on the list of cases
   referred  to  the Court since its creation and on the list  of  the
   corresponding originating applications to the Commission.
       The European Court of Human Rights, sitting, in accordance with
   Article 43 (art. 43) of the Convention for the Protection of  Human
   Rights   and  Fundamental  Freedoms  ("the  Convention")  and   the
   relevant  provisions of the Rules of Court, as a  Chamber  composed
   of the following judges:
       Mr R. Ryssdal, President,
       Mr {Thor Vilhjalmsson} <*>,
       Mr A. Spielmann,
       Mr N. Valticos,
       Mrs E. Palm,
       Mr I. Foighel,
       Mr J.M. Morenilla,
       Sir John Freeland,
       Mr F. Bigi,
       and  also  of  Mr M.-A. Eissen, Registrar, and Mr  H.  Petzold,
   Deputy Registrar,
       <*> Здесь и далее по тексту слова на национальном языке набраны
   латинским шрифтом и выделены фигурными скобками.
       Having deliberated in private on 29 October 1993 and 26 January
       Delivers the following judgment, which was adopted on the last-
   mentioned date:
       1.  The  case  was  referred  to  the  Court  by  the  European
   Commission of Human Rights ("the Commission") on 19 February  1993,
   within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 para.  1  and
   Article  47  (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention. It  originated
   in  an  application  (no. 15450/89) against the  Kingdom  of  Spain
   lodged  with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by a Spanish
   national, Mr Pablo Casado Coca, on 25 May 1989.
       The  Commission's request referred to Articles 44 and 48  (art.
   44,  art.  48) and to the declaration whereby Spain recognised  the
   compulsory  jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art.  46).  The
   object  of  the request was to obtain a decision as to whether  the
   facts  of  the case disclosed a breach by the respondent  State  of
   its obligations under Article 10 (art. 10).
       2.  In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule  33
   para.  3  (d) of the Rules of Court, the applicant stated  that  he
   wished  to  take  part in the proceedings and to  present  his  own
   case.  On  30  April  1993 the President of the Court  granted  his
   request and also gave him leave to use the Spanish language  during
   the proceedings (Rules 27 para. 3 and 30).
       3.  The  Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr  J.M.
   Morenilla, the elected judge of Spanish nationality (Article 43  of
   the  Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the
   Court  (Rule 21 para. 3 (b)). On 27 February 1993, in the  presence
   of  the  Registrar,  Mr  R. Bernhardt, the  Vice-President  of  the
   Court, drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely  Mr
   {Thor  Vilhjalmsson}, Mr A. Spielmann, Mr N. Valticos, Mrs E. Palm,
   Mr  I.  Foighel,  Sir John Freeland and Mr F. Bigi (Article  43  in
   fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43).
       4.  As  President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 5), Mr Ryssdal,
   acting  through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of  the  Spanish
   Government  ("the Government"), the applicant and the  Delegate  of
   the  Commission  on the organisation of the proceedings  (Rules  37
   para.  1  and 38). Pursuant to the orders made in consequence,  the
   Registrar  received the applicant's memorial on 29 April  1993  and
   the  Government's memorial on 13 July. On 7 September the Secretary
   to  the  Commission informed the Registrar that the Delegate  would
   submit his observations at the hearing.
       On  24  August  and  15 September 1993 the Commission  produced
   various  documents which the Registrar had sought  on  instructions
   from  the President, acting at the Government's request. In October
   the Government and the applicant likewise filed several documents.
       5.  In  accordance with the decision of the President, who  had
   also  given  the Agent of the Government leave to use  the  Spanish
   language  at the hearing (Rule 27 para. 2), the hearing took  place
   in  public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 26  October
   1993. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand.
       There appeared before the Court:
       (a) for the Government
       Mr  J. Borrego Borrego, Head of the Human Rights Legal Service,
   Ministry of Justice, Agent;
       (b) for the Commission
       Mr {L.F. Martinez}, Delegate;
       (c) the applicant, Mr P. Casado Coca, abogado.
       The  Court  heard  addresses by them and also  replies  to  its
   questions. The Agent of the Government produced certain documents.
                            AS TO THE FACTS
                   I. The circumstances of the case
       6.   Mr  Pablo  Casado  Coca,  a  Spanish  national,  lives  at
   Valldoreitx,  near Barcelona, and practises as a  lawyer  (abogado)
   in Barcelona.
       7.  After setting up his practice in 1979, he regularly  placed
   notices advertising it in the "miscellaneous advertisements"  pages
   of   several  Barcelona  newspapers  and  the  Revista  alemana  de
   {Espana}  ("German  Journal of Spain"). He also  wrote  to  various
   companies offering his services.
       8.  The  Barcelona  Bar Council (Junta de Govern  del  Col.legi
   d'Advocats)  brought  disciplinary  proceedings  against  him  four
   times  on  this  account, and in 1981 and 1982  these  led  to  the
   imposition  of  penalties, namely two reprimands and two  warnings.
   The  applicant lodged internal appeals against these penalties  but
   did not apply to the competent courts.
                    A. The Bar Council proceedings
       9.  From October 1982 notices giving details of the applicant's
   legal  practice were published in the newsletter of the Valldoreitx
   Residents'   and  Property  Owners'  Association.  They   took   up
   approximately  one-third of a page and gave the  applicant's  name,
   with  the  title  "lawyer" (letrado), and his  office  address  and
   telephone number.
       10.  The  Barcelona  Bar Council brought  further  disciplinary
   proceedings  against  Mr Casado Coca on this account.  On  6  April
   1983  he again received a written warning for disregarding the  ban
   on  professional  advertising  (Article  31  of  Royal  Decree  no.
   2090/82 of 24 July 1982, laying down the Statute of the Bar  -  see
   paragraph 22 below).
       11.  On  3  June  1983,  following an internal  appeal  by  the
   applicant,  the  National  Bar  Council  (Consejo  general  de   la
   {Abogacia}) upheld the penalty imposed. Referring to Article 31  of
   the  Statute of the Bar as amplified in the relevant rules  of  the
   Barcelona  Bar  Council (see paragraphs 22, 24 and  27  below),  it
   held  that, given their nature, the notices in question went beyond
   the  defined  limits. It also pointed out that  the  applicant  had
   recently  incurred  other  disciplinary  penalties  for  the   same
   reason,  and  these had to be taken into consideration when  ruling
   on the appeal.
                B. Proceedings in the competent courts
       12.  Mr  Casado  Coca  then applied to the Barcelona  Audiencia
   Territorial.  He  argued  in particular that  the  purpose  of  his
   notice  was  to  inform the public and that the  warning  infringed
   Article  20  of  the Constitution, which guaranteed  the  right  to
   freedom  of  expression. He also alleged that  the  principle  that
   only  a  statute could define offences and lay down  penalties  had
   been   contravened   because   the  provisions   which   prohibited
   advertising  by  members  of  the  Bar  and  attached  disciplinary
   penalties were regulatory in nature.
       The  court  dismissed his application on 11 May  1987,  holding
   that  the notice in question was a vehicle for advertising and  not
   simply  an announcement of information. It appeared beside  similar
   announcements  by  a driving school and an old  people's  home  and
   went  beyond the limits laid down in the Bar's rules, which allowed
   notices  only to announce the setting up of a practice or a  change
   of address; this was not the applicant's case.
       13.  On 23 September 1988 the Supreme Court dismissed an appeal
   on  points of law by Mr Casado Coca and at the same time refused to
   refer   the  case  to  the  Constitutional  Court  on  grounds   of
       It  rejected  the  ground of appeal based on disregard  of  the
   principle  that only a statute could define offences and  lay  down
   penalties.  It  did  so  by  reference  to  the  case-law  of   the
   Constitutional  Court,  according  to  which  Article  36  of   the
   Constitution  (see  paragraph 18 below) makes  it  permissible  for
   statute  law  to  provide  that  the rules  governing  professional
   associations and the practice of the professions may be  laid  down
   by  means  of regulations. It held that Article 20 did not  protect
   advertising as a fundamental right, because advertising was  not  a
   matter  of expressing thoughts, ideas or opinions but of announcing
   the existence of a profit-making business activity.
       Moreover, the ban on professional advertising by members of the
   Bar  had legitimate aims, namely to uphold free competition and  to
   protect  clients' interests. In such a case the right  in  question
   could be subject to restrictions.
              C. Proceedings in the Constitutional Court
       14.  The  applicant then lodged an appeal (recurso  de  amparo)
   with  the  Constitutional Court. He again maintained  that  it  was
   contrary  to the principle of statutory definition of offences  and
   prescription  of  penalties enshrined in the  Constitution  to  lay
   down  administrative penalties by means of a decree, and that since
   the  notice set out genuine information, i.e. his name, address and
   telephone  number, the penalty imposed contravened  Article  20  of
   the Constitution.
       15.  On  17  April 1989 the Constitutional Court  declared  the
   appeal inadmissible.
       It  held  that  the penalty complained of did not infringe  the
   fundamental right to communicate genuine information.  The  aim  of
   the   advertising  was  connected  with  the  "carrying  on  of   a
   commercial,   industrial,  craft  or  professional  activity";   it
   consisted  in  "directly or indirectly promoting the conclusion  of
   contracts  relating  to  movable or immovable  property,  services,
   rights  or  obligations", whereas the purpose  of  the  fundamental
   right  defined in Article 20 para. 1 (d) was to enable citizens  to
   "form  their  beliefs by weighing different or  even  diametrically
   opposed  opinions and thus taking part in the discussion of  public
   affairs".  The  ban on advertising professional  services  did  not
   infringe the fundamental right in question.
                       II. Relevant domestic law
                         A. General provisions
                       1. The 1978 Constitution
       16.  Article  20 of the Constitution guarantees  the  right  to
   freedom of expression:
       "1. The following rights shall be recognised and protected:
       (a) the right freely to express and disseminate thoughts, ideas
   and opinions by word of mouth, in writing or by any other means  of
       (d)  the  right to receive and communicate true information  by
   any  means  of  dissemination. The right to invoke  the  conscience
   clause  and that of professional confidentiality shall be  governed
   by statute.
       2.  The  exercise of these rights may not be restricted by  any
   prior censorship.
       4.  These  freedoms shall be limited by respect for the  rights
   secured  in  this Part, by the provisions of the implementing  Acts
   and  in particular by the right to honour and to a private life and
   the  right  to control use of one's likeness and to the  protection
   of youth and children."
       17.  Article 25 enshrines the principle that only a statute can
   define offences and lay down penalties:
       "1. No one may be convicted or punished for any act or omission
   which  at  the time it was committed did not constitute, under  the
   legislation  in  force  at that time, a criminal  offence,  whether
   serious or petty, or an administrative offence.
       18. Article 36 deals with professional associations:
       "The  special  features  of the legal  status  of  professional
   associations   and   the  practice  of  professions   requiring   a
   university  degree  shall  be laid down by  statute.  The  internal
   structure and functioning of associations must be democratic."
       According  to  the case-law of the Constitutional  Court,  this
   Article  does  not  preclude  a  statutory  provision  that   rules
   governing  professional  associations  and  the  practice  of   the
   professions  are  to  be  laid  down in administrative  regulations
   (judgments of 20 February and 24 September 1984).
       19.  The  Constitution  states  that  any  previous  provisions
   contrary to it are repealed.
            2. Law no. 2/1974 on professional associations
       20. Law no. 2/1974, which was published in the Spanish Official
   Gazette   of   15  February  1974,  governs  the  functioning   and
   organisation of professional associations. Section 1 provides:
       "Professional   associations   are   public-law   corporations,
   protected  by  law  and  recognised by the  State,  enjoying  legal
   personality  and  having full capacity to act in pursuit  of  their
       21.   Section   5  (i)  makes  the  professional   associations
   responsible  for regulating their members' professional activities,
   for  ensuring that professional ethics and dignity are  upheld  and
   that  the  rights  of  private individuals are respected,  and  for
   exercising   disciplinary  powers  in  professional  and   internal
   matters.  To  these  ends,  the relevant  national  councils  adopt
   statutes, which are approved by the Government. These statutes  lay
   down  the  rights and duties of the members of each profession  and
   the disciplinary rules applicable to them.
                 B. Special provisions governing Bars
       1. The Statute of the Spanish Bar
       (a) Regime applicable at the material time
       22. Royal Decree 2090/82 laying down the Statute of the Spanish
   Bar  (Estatuto general de la {Abogacia Espanola}) was published  in
   the Spanish Official Gazette on 2 September 1982.
       Article 31
       "Members of the Bar are not allowed to
       (a)  announce  or  circulate information about  their  services
   directly or through advertising media,... or express opinions  free
   of  charge in professional journals or other publications or  media
   without permission from the Bar Council;
       Articles  107  -  112  govern the disciplinary  powers  of  Bar
   councils.  An  appeal against penalties lies to  the  National  Bar
   Council  (Article  96 para. 1) and subsequently  to  the  competent
   courts (Article 99).
       (b) Proposed new regime
       23.  At  sessions held on 5 - 6 March, 21 - 22 May and 25  June
   1993  the Assembly of the Chairmen of the Spanish Bars adopted  the
   draft  of a new national Statute, which has been submitted  to  the
   Government for approval. Article 31 of the draft Statute provides:
       "1.  Members  of  the  Bar  may advertise  their  services  and
   practices  in  accordance  with  the  legislation  in  force,  this
   Statute and other rules and decisions of the Bar.
       2.  Direct or indirect advertising of individual members of the
   Bar  and  their services and participation by the former  in  legal
   advice  programmes  in  the  media  shall  be  subject  to  certain
   conditions. Members of the Bar must
       (a)  comply with the special provisions applicable to  practice
   at the Bar as well as with the current legislation on advertising;
       (b)  show  regard  for  truth,  rigour  and  exactness  without
   detracting from other members' advertisements by imitating them  or
   inviting confusion with them, without lapsing into self-praise  and
   comparisons  with  or denigration of their colleagues  and  without
   citing  their  own professional successes, their clientele  or  the
   financial terms on which they provide services; and
       (c)  request the relevant Bar council's prior authorisation for
   the  proposed advertisement, specifying its content and the way  in
   which it will be published.
       The  Bar  council may grant authorisation, make it  subject  to
   certain  amendments or refuse it. In all cases,  it  shall  give  a
   reasoned  decision  that can be challenged in accordance  with  the
   procedure  laid  down in Articles 130 et seq. of this  Statute  and
   shall  be communicated to the member of the Bar making the  request
   within  not  more than thirty days of that request,  failing  which
   the council shall be deemed to have given its tacit consent.
       3.  Notwithstanding the above, members of the Bar may,  without
   seeking prior authorisation,
       (a)  use  a  letterhead  stating  their  name,  profession  and
   university  degrees,  or  those of their partners,  and  the  name,
   telephone  number and other particulars of their chambers,  in  the
   form customarily used by members of the Bar;
       (b)  affix  to the outside of the building in which  they  have
   their  chambers or their private residence and to the door of their
   chambers  or nearby, a sign or plate announcing their practice,  of
   the size and kind usual in the area of the Bar;
       (c)  have  their  status as a member of  the  Bar  included  in
   telephone, fax, telex and other directories;
       (d)  announce by letter or in the press any changes of address,
   telephone  number or other particulars of their chambers,  likewise
   in  the  form customarily used by members of the Bar to which  they
   belong; and
       (e)  take  part  in conferences and symposia, mentioning  their
   membership of the Bar, publish articles in the specialist and  non-
   specialist press and make statements on radio or television.
       4.  Members of the Bar who continuously or occasionally provide
   services  to individuals or companies must require them to  refrain
   from  any  advertising that does not comply with the provisions  of
   this Statute.
       5.  The  Bar  council  shall  rule  on  allegedly  doubtful  or
   unforeseen   cases   and   violations   of   provisions   governing
   advertising or any misuse of rights derived from the rules in  this
   Statute.  It may expressly prohibit practices it deems contrary  to
   the  spirit  of  this  Statute  and punish  any  breaches  of  such
       2. The rules specific to the Barcelona Bar
       (a) Regime applicable at the material time
       (i) The 1947 Statute of the Barcelona Bar
       24.  At the time when the penalty was imposed on the applicant,
   the  1947  Statute of the Barcelona Bar (Estatutos del  Colegio  de
   Abogados de Barcelona) was still in force. Article 18 quite  simply
   prohibited  members of the Bar from advertising, in  the  following
       Article 18
       "Members  of the Bar are forbidden to publish notices  relating
   to  the  practice of their profession as a means of advertising  or
       (ii) The decision of 24 February 1981
       25.  Being  of  the  view that the ban on  advertising  was  an
   important  rule of professional conduct, the Barcelona Bar  Council
   adopted  a decision on 24 February 1981 on "Members of the Bar  and
   advertising"  (Acord  sobre "Els advocats i la publicitat"),  which
   provided, inter alia:
       "1. General principle
       It  is forbidden for members of the Bar to undertake any direct
   or indirect personal advertising intended to attract clients.
       2. Authorised notices
       Members  of  the Bar may publish small notices in  local  daily
   newspapers  in order to announce the setting up of their  practices
   or  changes in membership or of address, telephone number or  telex
       The size and content of notices must be approved in advance  by
   the  Bar Council. They may not appear more than three times  during
   a maximum period of two months.
       6. Professional directories
       Members   of  the  Bar  may  publish  their  names,  addresses,
   telephone  numbers  and telex numbers, with a brief  indication  of
   the   type   of  professional  services  offered,  in  professional
   directories,  provided that all members of the Bar  have  the  same
   access to these.
       (b) Subsequent regime
       (i) The 1985 Statute of the Barcelona Bar
       26.  A new Statute of the Barcelona Bar (Estatuts del Il.lustre
   Col.legi  d'Advocats de Barcelona) was published in  the  Catalonia
   Official Gazette of 5 June 1985. Article 19 provides:
       "1.  It  is  forbidden for members of the Bar to undertake  any
   personal  advertising intended to secure clients, whether  directly
   or indirectly.
       2.  It  is  also  forbidden for members of the Bar  to  consent
   either  expressly or tacitly to any form of advertising offered  to
       3.  The  foregoing prohibition shall cover both advertising  by
   word  of  mouth and written or graphic advertising in any form  and
   of  any kind. It shall also apply to advertising by means of  radio
   or television broadcasts.
       5.  The  Bar Council may adopt rules to deal in greater  detail
   with the matters covered in this Article."
       Failure   to   comply  with  the  provisions  of  the   Statute
   constitutes   serious  or  minor  misconduct,  depending   on   the
   circumstances,  and may lead to penalties being  imposed  (Articles
   94 to 96 of the Statute).
       (ii) The 1985 decision of the Barcelona Bar Council
       27.  On 5 February 1985 the Bar Council amended the rules  laid
   down  in  its 1981 decision (see paragraph 25 above) by  forbidding
   members  of  the  Bar  to  send press releases  involving  personal
   advertising to the media.
       (iii) The rules adopted by the Council of the Catalonia
       Bars in 1991
       28.  On  4 July 1991 the Council of the Catalonia Bars (Consell
   dels  Col.legis  d'Advocats  de Catalunya)  adopted  new  rules  on
   advertising.  These superseded the earlier rules  included  in  the
   statutes and decisions of the Catalonia Bars (Rule 6).
       The preamble states:
       "Advertising by members of the Bar is traditionally  considered
   to  be more or less incompatible with professional ethics. However,
   it  is  obvious  that advertising, provided it does not  go  beyond
   certain  limits,  does  not  offend the  vital  principles  of  the
   profession's  code  of  ethics, namely  probity  and  independence.
   Today   information  is  one  of  the  foundations  of   democratic
   countries and a right for users of a service.
       Rules 2 and 3 make a distinction in this field:
       "Rule 2
       Authorised advertising
       Members of the Bar may
       (b) publish documents, circulars or articles on legal subjects,
   even  in  publications  not  specialising  in  law,  bearing  their
   signature  and  indicating the author's status as a member  of  the
       (c) express their personal opinions in the media on subjects of
   public   interest   or  on  cases  in  which  they   are   involved
   professionally,  taking care at all times to maintain  professional
       (d)  publish  brochures giving details of their practices,  the
   members  of  the Bar who work there and the types of case  handled.
   This  publicity  material must be approved in advance  by  the  Bar
   Council.  They  may  also publish information  circulars  on  legal
   topics.  The brochures and circulars referred to in this  paragraph
   may be distributed only to clients and not to third parties;
       ... "
       "Rule 3
       Unauthorised advertising
       Members  of the Bar may not advertise otherwise than as allowed
   under the terms of the preceding Rule. In particular, they may not
       (a) advertise their services by making known their professional
   successes,   giving  the  names  of  their  clients  or   comparing
   themselves with other members of the Bar or by allowing  others  so
   to act without objecting;
       (b) send brochures, circulars or other documents or offer their
   services to persons other than clients;
       (e) advertise in the press or on radio or television except  as
   allowed under Rule 2."
       29. Mr Casado Coca applied to the Commission on 25 May 1989. He
   alleged several breaches of the Convention:
       (a)  Article 7 (art. 7), in that the disciplinary rules of  the
   Spanish Bars were laid down by decree and not by a Law;
       (b) Article 10 (art. 10), because the Barcelona Bar Council had
   given him a warning for publishing a notice in a local newsletter;
       (c)  Article  4  para.  2 (art. 4-2), because  members  of  the
   Spanish Bar could not choose to specialise;
       (d) Article 14 taken together with Article 10 (art. 14+10),  in
   that the members of other professions had more scope to advertise.
       30.  On 2 December 1991 the Commission declared the application
   (no.  15450/89) admissible in respect of the complaint relating  to
   Article 10 (art. 10) but inadmissible as to the remainder.  In  its
   report  of 1 December 1992 (made under Article 31) (art.  31),  the
   Commission  expressed the opinion by nine votes to nine,  with  the
   President's casting vote, that there had been a breach  of  Article
   10  (art. 10). The full text of the Commission's opinion and of the
   two  dissenting opinions contained in the report is  reproduced  as
   an annex to this judgment <*>.
       <*>  Note  by the Registrar: for practical reasons  this  annex
   will  appear only with the printed version of the judgment  (volume
   285-A of Series A of the Publications of the Court), but a copy  of
   the Commission's report is available from the registry.
       31.  In their memorial of 13 July 1993 the Government requested
   the Court to hold
       "1. that this case does not come within the scope of Article 10
   (art. 10); and
       2.  that  if Article 10 (art. 10) does apply in this case,  the
   Kingdom  of  Spain  has not failed to fulfil its obligations  under
   the Convention".
                             AS TO THE LAW
               Alleged violation of article 10 (art. 10)
       32.  Mr  Casado  Coca  complained of the disciplinary  sanction
   imposed  on  him by the Barcelona Bar Council on 6 April  1983  for
   having  published a notice about his practice in several issues  of
   a  local  newsletter.  He relied on Article 10  (art.  10)  of  the
   Convention, which provides:
       "1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right
   shall  include freedom to hold opinions and to receive  and  impart
   information and ideas without interference by public authority  and
   regardless  of frontiers. This article (art. 10) shall not  prevent
   States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television  or
   cinema enterprises.
       2.  The  exercise of these freedoms, since it carries  with  it
   duties  and  responsibilities, may be subject to such  formalities,
   conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law  and
   are  necessary  in  a  democratic  society,  in  the  interests  of
   national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for  the
   prevention  of disorder or crime, for the protection of  health  or
   morals,  for the protection of the reputation or rights of  others,
   for   preventing   the  disclosure  of  information   received   in
   confidence,  or  for maintaining the authority and impartiality  of
   the judiciary."
               A. Applicability of Article 10 (art. 10)
       33.  The  Government disputed the applicability of  Article  10
   (art.  10). They contended that the applicant's notices did not  in
   any  way  constitute information of a commercial  nature  but  were
   simply  advertising.  He had paid for them with  the  sole  aim  of
   securing more clients. Advertising as such did not come within  the
   ambit of freedom of expression; an advertisement did not serve  the
   public  interest  but  the  private interests  of  the  individuals
   concerned.  Applying  the guarantees of Article  10  (art.  10)  to
   advertising  would  be tantamount to altering  the  scope  of  that
   Article (art. 10).
       34.  According to the applicant, the information given  in  his
   notices  had indeed been intended for the general public;  assuming
   it  had  succeeded in attracting an influx of clients,  this  would
   have  been  because the public had found it useful  and  necessary.
   Advertising  was,  moreover, a general concept  comprising  several
   categories according to the political or commercial content of  the
   information  or ideas in question. Furthermore, the  protection  of
   human  rights  did  not  necessarily have  to  further  the  public
   interest; it could serve private interests.
       35.  The Court would first point out that Article 10 (art.  10)
   guarantees  freedom of expression to "everyone". No distinction  is
   made  in it according to whether the type of aim pursued is profit-
   making  or  not  (see,  mutatis  mutandis,  the  Autronic   AG   v.
   Switzerland  judgment of 22 May 1990, Series  A  no.  178,  p.  23,
   para.  47) and a difference in treatment in this sphere might  fall
   foul of Article 14 (art. 14).
       In its Barthold v. Germany judgment of 25 March 1985 (Series  A
   no.  90,  pp.  20 - 21, para. 42) the Court left open the  question
   whether  commercial advertising as such came within  the  scope  of
   the  guarantees under Article 10 (art. 10), but its later  case-law
   provides  guidance on this matter. Article 10 (art.  10)  does  not
   apply  solely to certain types of information or ideas or forms  of
   expression (see the markt intern Verlag GmbH and Klaus Beermann  v.
   Germany  judgment of 20 November 1989, Series A  no.  165,  p.  17,
   para.  26),  in  particular those of a political  nature;  it  also
   encompasses  artistic expression (see the {Muller}  and  Others  v.
   Switzerland  judgment of 24 May 1988, Series  A  no.  133,  p.  19,
   para.  27),  information  of a commercial  nature  (see  the  markt
   intern  Verlag  GmbH and Klaus Beermann judgment previously  cited,
   ibid.)  -  as the Commission rightly pointed out - and  even  light
   music  and commercials transmitted by cable (see the Groppera Radio
   AG  and  Others v. Switzerland judgment of 28 March 1990, Series  A
   no. 173, p. 22, paras. 54 - 55).
       36.  In  the instant case the impugned notices merely gave  the
   applicant's  name, profession, address and telephone  number.  They
   were  clearly  published  with the aim  of  advertising,  but  they
   provided  persons requiring legal assistance with information  that
   was  of  definite  use  and likely to facilitate  their  access  to
       37. Article 10 (art. 10) is therefore applicable.
                B. Compliance with Article 10 (art. 10)
                 1. Whether there was an interference
                        by a "public authority"
       38. The Government submitted that if there was an interference,
   it  did  not  come from a "public authority" within the meaning  of
   Article  10  para.  1  (art.  10-1). The  Barcelona  Bar  Council's
   written  warning (see paragraph 10 above) could be regarded  as  an
   internal  sanction  imposed on Mr Casado Coca  by  his  peers.  The
   Spanish  State had merely ratified, in the form of a royal  decree,
   the  statute  drawn up by the members of the Bar themselves,  under
   Article  31  of  which  professional advertising  was  banned  (see
   paragraph 22 above).
       39.  Like  the  applicant and the Commission, the Court  notes,
   however,   that   section  1  of  the  1974  Law  on   professional
   associations  states  that  they are public-law  corporations  (see
   paragraph  20  above).  In the case of the  Bars,  this  status  is
   further  buttressed by their purpose of serving the public interest
   through   the  furtherance  of  free,  adequate  legal   assistance
   combined  with public supervision of the practice of the profession
   and  of compliance with professional ethics (see, in the case of  a
   Bar,  the Van der Mussele v. Belgium judgment of 23 November  1983,
   Series  A  no. 70, p. 15, para. 29 in fine, and the H.  v.  Belgium
   judgment  of  30 November 1987, Series A no. 127-B, pp.  27  -  28,
   paras.  24  -  29; see also, mutatis mutandis, in  the  case  of  a
   medical  association,  the  Le Compte, Van  Leuven  and  De  Meyere
   judgment of 23 June 1981, Series A no. 43, pp. 26 - 27, para.  64).
   Furthermore,  the impugned decision was adopted in accordance  with
   the  provisions applicable to members of the Barcelona Bar  and  an
   appeal  against  it lay to the competent courts (see  paragraph  22
   above).  These courts and the Constitutional Court,  all  of  which
   are  State institutions, upheld the penalty (see paragraphs 12,  13
   and  15 above). That being so, it is reasonable to hold that  there
   was  an  interference by a "public authority" with Mr Casado Coca's
   freedom to impart information.
               2. Whether the interference was justified
       40.  Such  an  interference contravenes Article  10  (art.  10)
   unless  it  was "prescribed by law", had an aim that was legitimate
   under  Article  10  para. 2 (art. 10-2) and  was  "necessary  in  a
   democratic   society"   for  the  aforementioned   aim   (see,   in
   particular,  the  Thorgeir Thorgeirson v. Iceland  judgment  of  25
   June 1992, Series A no. 239, p. 25, para. 56).
       (a) "Prescribed by law"
       41.  The  applicant  contended that the penalty  complained  of
   lacked a valid basis in law. The 1974 Law had become null and  void
   after  the  1978  Constitution came into  force,  under  which  any
   earlier  provisions contrary to it were repealed (see paragraph  19
   above).  Since  the  Statute of the Spanish Bar  had  been  adopted
   pursuant to that Law, it had been affected in the same way.
       42.  It  was  common  ground between  the  Government  and  the
   Commission  that the disciplinary measure was based on the  ban  on
   advertising  imposed on members of the Bar by  Article  31  of  the
   Statute of the Spanish Bar and by the Statute of the Barcelona  Bar
   and its council's decisions (see paragraphs 22, 24 and 25 above).
       43.  It is primarily for the national authorities, notably  the
   courts,  to interpret and apply domestic law (see, inter alia,  the
   Thorgeir  Thorgeirson v. Iceland judgment previously cited,  Series
   A  no. 239, p. 25, para. 58). In the instant case, in rejecting the
   ground  of appeal based on violation of the principle that  only  a
   statute  can  define offences and lay down penalties,  the  Supreme
   Court took as its authority the Constitutional Court's case-law  on
   the  subject (see paragraphs 13 and 18 above). In the light of  the
   wording  of the provisions in question (see, mutatis mutandis,  the
   Castells v. Spain judgment of 23 April 1992, Series A no.  236,  p.
   21,  para.  37) and the state of its own case-law at the time,  the
   Court  finds this interpretation to be reasonable and likewise  the
   Constitutional  Court's  interpretation  of  Article  20   of   the
   Constitution  in its decision of 17 April 1989 (see  paragraphs  15
   and 16 above). In short, the interference was "prescribed by law".
       (b) Legitimate aim
       44.  The Government and the Commission considered on the  whole
   that  the  main  aim  of  the  ban on professional  advertising  by
   members  of  the Bar was the "protection of the rights of  others",
   in  particular  the rights of the public and other members  of  the
   Bar.  The  Government also pointed out that advertising had  always
   been  found  to be incompatible with the dignity of the profession,
   the  respect due to fellow members of the Bar and the interests  of
   the public.
       45.  In  the  applicant's view, the Commission's opinion  could
   only  be  held  in cases where the advertising was  comparative  or
   untruthful, but not where a notice simply gave information about  a
   practice.   The  impugned  ban  made  it  possible  to   perpetuate
   discrimination  between members of the Bar in independent  practice
   and  those  practising as employees, civil servants  or  university
   teachers.  For the former, advertising was the only possible  means
   of  reaching potential clients, whereas the positions held  by  the
   latter  afforded  them greater scope for making  themselves  known.
   Furthermore,  the  ban  did not apply to the big  legal  consulting
   firms  active  on an international scale or to insurance  companies
   which  also  offered  legal assistance. Far from  being  a  measure
   protecting  the  independent practitioner, the ban  was  a  way  of
   safeguarding  the interests of certain privileged  members  of  the
       46.  The  Court does not have any reason to doubt that the  Bar
   rules  complained of were designed to protect the interests of  the
   public  while  ensuring respect for members of  the  Bar.  In  this
   connection,  the  special  nature of the  profession  practised  by
   members  of  the  Bar  must be considered;  in  their  capacity  as
   officers  of  the  court they benefit from an  exclusive  right  of
   audience  and immunity from legal process in respect of their  oral
   presentation  of  cases  in  court,  but  their  conduct  must   be
   discreet,  honest  and dignified. The restrictions  on  advertising
   were   traditionally  justified  by  reference  to  these   special
   features.  In the case of the decision in issue, there  is  nothing
   to  show  that  the  Bar Council's intention at the  time  did  not
   correspond   to   the   acknowledged  aim   of   the   legislation.
   Furthermore,  the  factors  alluded to by  Mr  Casado  Coca  relate
   primarily  to  the  way in which the legislation  in  question  was
   applied  and are therefore relevant to assessing the need  for  the
   disciplinary measure.
       (c) "Necessary in a democratic society"
       47.  The applicant contended that the penalty complained of was
   not  "necessary in a democratic society", because it constituted  a
   disproportionate  interference with his right to impart  commercial
   information,  a  right  which  members  of  the  Bar,  like   other
   citizens,  were  guaranteed under Article 10 (art.  10).  He  added
   that  such  a  restriction was permissible only if it  reflected  a
   freely  and  democratically accepted willingness to exercise  self-
   restraint; that was not so in the instant case.
       48.  The Government considered that the impugned rules  of  the
   Spanish  Bar  possessed those characteristics. They  reflected  the
   conception  that  members  of  the  Bar  themselves  had  of  their
   profession as officers of the court, which excluded practising  the
   profession on a purely commercial basis. Furthermore, in 1982  they
   corresponded to the common general practice of European Bars,  even
   if  a degree of relaxation of the rules in this area has been noted
       In any case, the penalty imposed on Mr Casado Coca was almost a
   token one in nature. It in fact sanctioned repeated advertising  by
   Mr  Casado  Coca, who had already received warnings and  reprimands
   in  respect  of  the  notices he had placed in  the  "miscellaneous
   advertisements"  sections of several newspapers and  the  circulars
   he  had  sent  to  companies (see paragraphs 7 and 8  above).  That
   being  so and where commercial speech was concerned, the Government
   claimed  a  considerable margin of appreciation  for  the  relevant
       49.   In   the  Commission's  view,  banning  practically   all
   advertising  by  members of the Bar appeared to  be  excessive  and
   scarcely compatible with the right to freedom of expression,  which
   includes  the freedom to impart information and its corollary,  the
   right  to  receive it. The applicant's notice set  out  particulars
   that  were  wholly  neutral  (his  name,  occupation  and  business
   address and telephone number) and did not contain information  that
   was  untrue  or  offensive to fellow members of  the  Bar.  He  was
   therefore  entitled  to  impart  that  information,  just  as   his
   potential clients were entitled to receive it.
       50.  Under  the  Court's case-law, the States  parties  to  the
   Convention  have a certain margin of appreciation in assessing  the
   necessity  of  an  interference, but  this  margin  is  subject  to
   European  supervision as regards both the relevant  rules  and  the
   decisions  applying them (see, inter alia, the markt intern  Verlag
   GmbH  and  Klaus Beermann judgment previously cited, Series  A  no.
   165,   p.  20,  para.  33).  Such  a  margin  of  appreciation   is
   particularly  essential  in the complex  and  fluctuating  area  of
   unfair  competition  (ibid.). The same applies to  advertising.  In
   the  instant  case,  the  Court's task  is  therefore  confined  to
   ascertaining  whether  the measures taken  at  national  level  are
   justifiable in principle and proportionate (see, inter alia,  ibid.
   and  the  Barthold judgment previously cited, Series A no.  90,  p.
   25, para. 55).
       51.  For the citizen, advertising is a means of discovering the
   characteristics   of   services   and   goods   offered   to   him.
   Nevertheless,  it  may  sometimes  be  restricted,  especially   to
   prevent   unfair   competition   and   untruthful   or   misleading
   advertising.  In some contexts, the publication of even  objective,
   truthful  advertisements might be restricted  in  order  to  ensure
   respect   for  the  rights  of  others  or  owing  to  the  special
   circumstances  of  particular business activities and  professions.
   Any  such restrictions must, however, be closely scrutinised by the
   Court,  which  must  weigh  the requirements  of  those  particular
   features  against  the advertising in question; to  this  end,  the
   Court  must look at the impugned penalty in the light of  the  case
   as  a  whole  (see, mutatis mutandis, the markt intern Verlag  GmbH
   and Klaus Beermann judgment previously cited, Series A no. 165,  p.
   20, para. 34).
       52.  In  the  present case, Mr Casado Coca received  a  written
   warning  from the Barcelona Bar Council on 6 April 1983 for  having
   contravened the ban on professional advertising (see paragraphs  10
   and  22 above). In confirming the penalty, the National Bar Council
   held  that, given their nature, the notices in question went beyond
   the  limits  permitted by the relevant rules of the Barcelona  Bar;
   the  Barcelona Audiencia Territorial gave the same ground  for  its
   judgment (see paragraphs 11, 12, 24 and 25 above). The Court  notes
   that  those  rules allowed advertising in certain  cases  -  namely
   when a practice was being set up or when there was a change in  its
   membership,  address  or  telephone  number  -  and  under  certain
   conditions (see paragraph 25 above). The ban was therefore  not  an
   absolute one.
       53.  The  applicant and the Commission argued  that  commercial
   undertakings  such  as  insurance  companies  are  not  subject  to
   restrictions on advertising their legal consulting services.
       54. In the Court's opinion, however, they cannot be compared to
   members  of  the Bar in independent practice, whose special  status
   gives  them a central position in the administration of justice  as
   intermediaries between the public and the courts. Such  a  position
   explains  the usual restrictions on the conduct of members  of  the
   Bar  and also the monitoring and supervisory powers vested  in  Bar
       Nevertheless, the rules governing the profession,  particularly
   in  the  sphere  of advertising, vary from one country  to  another
   according  to cultural tradition. Moreover, in most of  the  States
   parties  to  the Convention, including Spain, there  has  for  some
   time  been a tendency to relax the rules as a result of the changes
   in  their  respective societies and in particular the growing  role
   of  the  media  in them. The Government cited the examples  of  the
   Code  of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Community (Strasbourg,
   28  October  1988)  and the conclusions of the  Conference  of  the
   European  Bars (Cracow, 24 May 1991); while upholding the principle
   of  banning advertising, these documents authorise members  of  the
   Bar  to express their views to the media, to make themselves  known
   and  to  take  part  in  public debate. In  accordance  with  these
   guidelines, the new rules on advertising issued by the  Council  of
   the  Catalonia  Bars  (4  July  1991)  allow  the  publication   of
   circulars  or  articles, including in the press (see  paragraph  28
   above).  More  recently, the Government have  begun  to  study  the
   draft  of  the  new  Statute of the Spanish Bar (see  paragraph  23
   above), which permits somewhat greater freedom in this sphere.
       55.  The  wide range of regulations and the different rates  of
   change  in  the  Council  of Europe's member  States  indicate  the
   complexity  of  the  issue.  Because of  their  direct,  continuous
   contact  with their members, the Bar authorities and the  country's
   courts  are  in  a better position than an international  court  to
   determine  how, at a given time, the right balance  can  be  struck
   between the various interests involved, namely the requirements  of
   the   proper  administration  of  justice,  the  dignity   of   the
   profession,  the  right  of everyone to receive  information  about
   legal  assistance and affording members of the Bar the  possibility
   of advertising their practices.
       56.  In view of the above, the Court holds that at the material
   time  -  1982-83 - the relevant authorities' reaction could not  be
   considered disproportionate to the aim pursued.
       57.  In conclusion, no breach of Article 10 (art. 10) has  been
   made out.
                     FOR THESE REASONS, THE COURT
       1.  Holds unanimously that Article 10 (art. 10) applied in  the
   instant case.
       2. Holds by seven votes to two that there has not been a breach
   of it.
       Done  in  English  and  in French, and delivered  at  a  public
   hearing  in  the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 24  February
                                                  Signed: Rolv RYSSDAL
                                           Signed: {Marc-Andre} EISSEN
       In  accordance  with  Article 51 para. 2  (art.  51-2)  of  the
   Convention  and  Rule 53 para. 2 of the Rules of Court,  the  joint
   dissenting  opinion  of  Mr {Thor Vilhjalmsson}  and  Mrs  Palm  is
   annexed to this judgment.
                                                      Initialled: R.R.
                                                  Initialled: M.-A. E.
                       JOINT DISSENTING OPINION
       We agree with the majority of the Chamber that Article 10 (art.
   10)  of  the  Convention is applicable in this case and that  there
   has  been  an interference, which was prescribed by law and  had  a
   legitimate aim.
       However,  with regard to the necessity, we agree with  what  is
   said  in  paragraphs 54-65 of the Commission's report.  Accordingly
   we  find that there has been a violation of Article 10 (art. 10) of
   the Convention.

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