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(по состоянию на 20 октября 2006 года)

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                                                   Loan Number 3806 RU
                            LOAN AGREEMENT
                        BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION
                            AND DEVELOPMENT
                        (Washington, 6.II.1995)
       Agreement,  dated February 6, 1995, between Russian  Federation
   (the  Borrower)  and  International  Bank  for  Reconstruction  and
   Development (the Bank).
       Whereas.  (A) the Borrower, having satisfied itself as  to  the
   feasibility and priority of the Project described in Schedule 2  to
   this  Agreement, has requested the Bank to assist in the  financing
   of the Project;
       (B)  The Borrower intends to continue its discussions with  the
   Swiss  Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations regarding a grant  to
   the  Borrower  in the amount of 10 million Swiss Francs  to  assist
   the   Borrower  in  the  fulfillment  of  the  objectives  of   the
   Borrower's Environmental Framework Program; and
       (C)  The  Borrower intends to establish the National  Pollution
   Abatement  Facility  (the  NPAF, as  defined  in  this  Agreement),
   through  a  resolution  of the Borrower, in  accordance  with  this
   Agreement, and appoint the NPAF to carry out Part B of the  Project
   with the Borrower's assistance, as provided in this Agreement;
       Whereas the Bank has agreed, on the basis, inter alia,  of  the
   foregoing,  to extend the Loan to the Borrower upon the  terms  and
   conditions set forth in this Agreement;
       Now therefore the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:
                               Article I
                    General Conditions; Definitions
       Section  1.01. The "General Conditions Applicable to  Loan  and
   Guarantee Agreements" of the Bank, dated January 1, 1985  with  the
   modifications  set forth below (the General Conditions)  constitute
   an integral part of this Agreement:
       (a) The last sentence of Section 3.02 is deleted.
       (b)  In Section 6.02, sub-paragraph (k) is re-lettered as  sub-
   paragraph (1) and a new sub-paragraph (k) is added to read:
       "(k)  An extraordinary situation shall have arisen under  which
   any  further withdrawals under the Loan would be inconsistent  with
   the provisions of Article III, Section 3 of the Bank's Articles  of
       Section  1.02.  Unless  the  context  otherwise  requires,  the
   several  terms  defined  in  the  General  Conditions  and  in  the
   Preamble  to  this  Agreement have the respective meanings  therein
   set  forth  and  the following additional terms have the  following
       (a)   "Advance  Agreement"  means  any  agreement  between  the
   Borrower  and  a  proposed Sub-borrower, entered into  pursuant  to
   Section 3.3 (d) of this Agreement, as the same may be amended  from
   time   to   time,  concerning  an  Investment  Project  Preparation
       (b)  "CPPI" means the Borrower's Center for Project Preparation
   and  Implementation, a non-commercial organization founded  by  the
   MEPNR pursuant to MEPNR Order No. 247, dated December 2, 1993,  and
   duly   registered  on  December  30,  1993,  by  the  Division   on
   Registration of Noncommercial Organizations, Department  of  Social
   and Political Relations, Municipal Government of Moscow;
       (c)  "CPPI Statutes" means the statutes, decision, charter,  or
   other  founding instruments of the CPPI, including  any  legal  and
   regulatory  enactments upon which such instruments  are  based,  in
   existence as of the day and year of this Agreement;
       (d) "CPPI Supervisory Board" means the supervisory board of the
   CPPI  consisting  of  representatives of the Borrower's  ministries
   and  agencies,  and chairpersons of the supervisory  committees  of
   Project  subcomponents,  and responsible for  overall  coordination
   and monitoring of the Project;
       (e)   "Investment  Project"  means  a  high  priority  resource
   recovery / pollution abatement project selected in accordance  with
   the  procedures and eligibility criteria set forth  in  Sections  A
   and  B  of Schedule 7 to this Agreement and proposed to be  carried
   out by a Sub-borrower utilizing the proceeds of the NPAF Sub-loan;
       (f)  "Investment Project Preparation Advance" means  a  foreign
   currency  advance made or proposed to be made by the Borrower,  out
   of  the proceeds of the Loan, pursuant to Section 3.03 (c) and  (d)
   of  this  Agreement, to a proposed Sub-borrower for the preparation
   of  technical,  environmental,  financial,  and  legal  information
   concerning a proposed Investment Project;
       (g)  "MEPNR"  means  the Borrower's Ministry  of  Environmental
   Protection and Natural Resources;
       (h) "MOF" means the Borrower's Ministry of Finance;
       (i)  "NPAF" means the National Pollution Abatement Facility  to
   be  established  by the Borrower pursuant to Section  3.03  (a)  of
   this Agreement;
       (j)  "NPAF  Account" means a separate bank account  established
   and  maintained by the Borrower on terms and conditions  set  forth
   in Section 4.02 of this Agreement;
       (k)  "NPAF Sub-loan" means a foreign currency sub-loan made  or
   proposed to be made by the Borrower, pursuant to a Subsidiary  Loan
   Agreement,  out  of the proceeds of the Loan to a Sub-borrower  for
   an Investment Project;
       (l)  "NPAF  Supervisory  Board"  means  the  supervisory  board
   responsible for consideration and approval of Investment  Projects,
   established   pursuant  to  the  Resolution   and   consisting   of
   representatives  of  the relevant ministries and  agencies  of  the
       (m)  "Operating Instructions" means instructions containing the
   operating procedures and policies of the NPAF, adopted pursuant  to
   Section 3.03 (h) of this Agreement;
       (n) "Project Preparation Advance" means the project preparation
   advance  granted  by  the  Bank  to the  Borrower  pursuant  to  an
   exchange  of letters, dated January 14, 1993, and March  31,  1993,
   between the Bank and the Borrower;
       (o)  "Resolution" means the resolution or resolutions, and  all
   attachments  thereto, adopted by the Borrower pursuant  to  Section
   3.03  (a)  of this Agreement, as the same may be amended from  time
   to time in agreement with the Bank;
       (p)  "Special Account" means the account referred to in Section
   2.02 (b) of this Agreement;
       (q)  "Sub-borrower" means an enterprise or entity  selected  in
   accordance  with the procedures set forth in Sections A  and  B  of
   Schedule  7  to this Agreement to carry out an Investment  Project;
       (r) "Subsidiary Loan Agreement" means any agreement between the
   Borrower and a Sub-borrower, entered into pursuant to Section  3.03
   (f)  of  this  Agreement, as the same may be amended from  time  to
   time,  concerning  the financing of an Investment  Project  by  the
   Borrower,  and such term includes all schedules to such  Subsidiary
   Loan Agreement.
                              Article II
                               The Loan
       Section 2.01. The Bank agrees to lend to the Borrower,  on  the
   terms  and  conditions  set  forth  or  referred  to  in  the  Loan
   Agreement,  various currencies that shall have an  aggregate  value
   equivalent  to  the  amount  of  one hundred  ten  million  dollars
   (110,000,000 USD), being the sum of withdrawals of the proceeds  of
   the  Loan, with each withdrawal valued by the Bank as of  the  date
   of such withdrawal.
       Section 2.02. (a) The amount of the Loan may be withdrawn  from
   the  Loan  Account in accordance with the provisions of Schedule  1
   to this Agreement for:
       (i) amounts paid (or if the Bank shall so agree, to be paid) by
   the  Borrower  on  account of withdrawals made by  a  Sub  borrower
   under  a  NPAF  Sub-loan to meet the reasonable cost of  goods  and
   services  required for the Investment Project in respect  of  which
   the withdrawal from the Loan Account is requested; and
       (ii)  expenditures made (or, if the Bank shall so agree, to  be
   made)  in  respect  of the reasonable cost of  goods  and  services
   required  under  Parts  A, B(1) and C of  the  Project  and  to  be
   financed out of the proceeds of the Loan.
       (b)  The Borrower shall, for the purposes of the Project,  open
   and maintain in Dollars a special account in a commercial bank,  on
   terms   and   conditions  satisfactory  to  the   Bank,   including
   appropriate  protection  against set-off,  seizure  or  attachment.
   Deposits  into, and payments out of, the Special Account  shall  be
   made  in  accordance  with the provisions of  Schedule  6  to  this
       (c)  Promptly  after  the Effective Date, the  Bank  shall,  on
   behalf  of the Borrower, withdraw from the Loan Account and pay  to
   itself  the  amount required to repay the principal amount  of  the
   Project  Preparation Advance withdrawn and outstanding as  of  such
   date  and  to  pay  all  unpaid charges  thereon.  The  unwithdrawn
   balance  of  the  authorized  amount  of  the  Project  Preparation
   Advance shall thereupon be cancelled.
       Section 2.03. The Closing Date shall be June 30, 2001, or  such
   later  date  as  the Bank shall establish. The Bank shall  promptly
   notify the Borrower of such later date.
       Section  2.04. The Borrower shall pay to the Bank a  commitment
   charge at the rate of three-fourths of one percent (3/4 of 1%)  per
   annum  on the principal amount of the Loan not withdrawn from  time
   to time.
       Section  2.05.  (a)  The Borrower shall  pay  interest  on  the
   principal  amount of the Loan withdrawn and outstanding  from  time
   to  time, at a rate for each Interest Period equal to the  Cost  of
   Qualified   Borrowings  determined  in  respect  of  the  preceding
   Semester, plus one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%). On each of  the
   dates  specified  in Section 2.06 of this Agreement,  the  Borrower
   shall  pay  interest  accrued on the principal  amount  outstanding
   during  the  preceding  Interest Period,  calculated  at  the  rate
   applicable during such Interest Period.
       (b)  As soon as practicable after the end of each Semester, the
   Bank  shall notify the Borrower of the Cost of Qualified Borrowings
   determined in respect of such Semester.
       (c) For the purposes of this Section:
       (i)  "Interest Period" means a six-month period ending  on  the
   date  immediately preceding each date specified in Section 2.06  of
   this  Agreement, beginning with the Interest Period in  which  this
   Agreement is signed.
       (ii)  "Cost  of  Qualified  Borrowings"  means  the  cost,   as
   reasonably  determined by the Bank and expressed  as  a  percentage
   per  annum,  of the outstanding borrowings of the Bank  drawn  down
   after  June 30, 1982, excluding such borrowings or portions thereof
   as the Bank has allocated to fund:
       (A) the Bank's investments; and
       (B)  loans  which may be made by the Bank after  July  1,  1989
   bearing  interest rates determined otherwise than  as  provided  in
   paragraph (a) of this Section.
       (iii)  "Semester" means the first six months or the second  six
   months of a calendar year.
       (d)  On  such date as the Bank may specify by no less than  six
   months'  notice to the Borrower, paragraphs (a), (d) and (c)  (iii)
   of this Section shall be amended to read as follows:
       "(a) The Borrower shall pay interest on the principal amount of
   the  Loan  withdrawn and outstanding from time to time, at  a  rate
   for  each  Quarter  equal  to  the  Cost  of  Qualified  Borrowings
   determined  in respect of the preceding Quarter, plus  one-half  of
   one  percent (1/2 of 1%). On each of the dates specified in Section
   2.06 of this Agreement, the Borrower shall pay interest accrued  on
   the  principal  amount  outstanding during the  preceding  Interest
   Period,  calculated  at the rates applicable during  such  Interest
       "(b) As soon as practicable after the end of each Quarter,  the
   Bank  shall notify the Borrower of the Cost of Qualified Borrowings
   determined in respect of such Quarter."
       "(c)  (iii) 'Quarter' means a three-month period commencing  on
   January 1, April 1, July 1 or October 1 in a calendar year."
       Section  2.06.  Interest  and other charges  shall  be  payable
   semiannually on March 1 and September 1 in each year.
       Section 2.07. The Borrower shall repay the principal amount  of
   the Loan in accordance with the amortization schedule set forth  in
   Schedule 3 to this Agreement.
                              Article III
                       Execution of the Project
       Section  3.01.  The  Borrower declares its  commitment  to  the
   objectives  of  the  Project as set forth in  Schedule  2  to  this
   Agreement,  and, to this end shall carry out the Project  with  due
   diligence   and  efficiency  and  in  conformity  with  appropriate
   administrative,  financial, environmental and commercial  practices
   and  shall  provide,  promptly as needed,  the  funds,  facilities,
   services and other resources required for the Project.
       Section 3.02. Without limitation or restriction upon any of its
   other  obligations  under the Loan Agreement, the  Borrower  shall,
   except  as  the Borrower and the Bank shall otherwise agree,  carry
   out  the Project in accordance with the Implementation Program  set
   forth in Schedule 5 to this Agreement.
       Section 3.03. Without limitation or restriction upon any of its
   other  obligations  under  the Loan Agreement  and  except  as  the
   Borrower  and  the Bank shall otherwise agree, the Borrower  shall,
   for the purpose of carrying out Part B of the Project:
       (a)  adopt  a resolution (the Resolution) satisfactory  to  the
   Bank,  establishing the NPAF and authorizing the  carrying  out  of
   Part  B of the Project in accordance with Schedules 5, 7 and  8  to
   this  Agreement, and including, without limitation, the  terms  and
   conditions governing:
       (i) the use by the NPAF of Loan proceeds and goods and services
   financed by the Loan;
       (ii)  the  rights and responsibilities of the MOF, MEPNR,  NPAF
   Supervisory  Board,  CPPI  and other  appropriate  parties  of  the
   Borrower with respect to the NPAF;
       (iii) the NPAF Account;
       (iv)  procedures, eligibility criteria and terms and conditions
   related to the Investment Projects; and
       (v)  maintenance and audit of records and accounts of the NPAF,
   and  disclosure of information related to the NPAF,  in  accordance
   with Article IV of this Agreement;
       (b) adopt all necessary internal legal and regulatory decisions
   to   enable  NPAF  Sub-loans  and  Investment  Project  Preparation
   Advances  to  be  made  out of the proceeds of  the  Loan  to  Sub-
       (c)  ensure  that,  unless  the  Bank  shall  otherwise  agree,
   Investment  Project Preparation Advances will be made in accordance
   with  the procedures and eligibility criteria set forth in Sections
   A and B of Schedule 8 to this Agreement;
       (d) ensure that each Investment Project Preparation Advance  is
   made  pursuant  to  an  advance agreement (the  Advance  Agreement)
   entered  into  between the Borrower and the proposed  Sub-borrower,
   under  terms and conditions which shall have been approved  by  the
   Bank  and  which shall include, without limitation, the  terms  and
   conditions set forth in Section C of Schedule 8 to this Agreement;
       (e)  ensure  that,  unless  the  Bank  shall  otherwise  agree,
   Investment  Projects are selected and approved in  accordance  with
   the  procedures and eligibility criteria set forth  in  Sections  A
   and B of Schedule 7 to this Agreement;
       (f)  ensure  that  each NPAF Sub-loan is  made  pursuant  to  a
   subsidiary  loan agreement (the Subsidiary Loan Agreement)  entered
   into  between  the Borrower and the Sub-borrower, under  terms  and
   conditions which shall have been approved by the Bank, which  shall
   include, without limitation, the terms and conditions set forth  in
   Section C of Schedule 7 to this Agreement;
       (g)  cause each Sub-borrower to perform in accordance with  the
   provisions of the respective Subsidiary Loan Agreement; and
       (h)  ensure  that  the  NPAF  operates  pursuant  to  operating
   instructions  (the  Operating Instructions),  satisfactory  to  the
   Bank,  which  shall contain a model Subsidiary Loan Agreement  with
   terms  and  conditions set forth in Part C of Schedule  7  to  this
   Agreement  and a model Advance Agreement with terms and  conditions
   set  forth  in  Part  C of Schedule 8 to this  Agreement,  and  the
   operating procedures of the NPAF, including such matters as:
       (i) project eligibility criteria;
       (ii)  project  approval and appraisal criteria,  including  the
   Bank's right of prior review approval;
       (iii) staff and consultant responsibilities;
       (iv) procurement procedures;
       (v) auditing and reporting requirements;
       (vi) general terms and conditions of NPAF Sub-loans; and
       (vii) environmental guidelines.
       Section 3.04. In order to facilitate the efficient carrying out
   of  the  Project,  the Borrower shall ensure the operation  of  the
   CPPI  with  functions, staffing, including consultants,  and  other
   resources satisfactory to the Bank.
       Section  3.05.  Except  as  the  Bank  shall  otherwise  agree,
   procurement  of the goods and consultants' services to be  financed
   out of the proceeds of the Loan and required for:
       (i) Parts A, B(1) and C of the Project shall be governed by the
   provisions of Schedule 4 to this Agreement; and
       (ii)  Part  B(2)  of  the  Project shall  be  governed  by  the
   provisions of Schedule 9 to this Agreement.
                              Article IV
                     Financial and Other Covenants
       Section  4.01. (a) The Borrower shall maintain or cause  to  be
   maintained  records and accounts adequate to reflect in  accordance
   with  sound  accounting  practices the  operations,  resources  and
   expenditures  of  the  departments  or  agencies  of  the  Borrower
   responsible for carrying out the Project or any part thereof.
       (b)  The Borrower shall and shall cause relevant ministries and
   agencies  of the Borrower responsible for carrying out the  Project
   or any part thereof to:
       (i)  have the records and accounts referred to in paragraph (a)
   of  this Section, including those for the Special Account, for each
   fiscal   year  audited  in  accordance  with  appropriate  auditing
   principles    consistently   applied   by   independent    auditors
   satisfactory to the Bank;
       (ii)  furnish to the Bank as soon as available, but in any case
   not  later  than four months after the end of each such  year,  the
   report  of such audit by said auditors, of such scope and  in  such
   detail as the Bank shall have reasonably requested; and
       (iii)  furnish  to  the Bank such other information  concerning
   said  records and accounts and the audit thereof as the Bank  shall
   from time to time reasonably request.
       (c) For all expenditures with respect to which withdrawals from
   the  Loan  Account  were  made  on  the  basis  of  statements   of
   expenditure, the Borrower shall:
       (i)  maintain  or  cause to be maintained, in  accordance  with
   paragraph  (a)  of  this Section, records and  accounts  reflecting
   such expenditures;
       (ii)  retain,  until  at  least one year  after  the  Bank  has
   received  the  audit report for the fiscal year in which  the  last
   withdrawal  from  the Loan Account or payment out  of  the  Special
   Account was made, all records (contracts, orders, invoices,  bills,
   receipts and other documents) evidencing such expenditures;
       (iii)  enable  the  Bank's  representatives  to  examine   such
   records; and
       (iv) ensure that such records and accounts are included in  the
   annual audit referred to in paragraph (b) of this Section and  that
   the  report  of  such  audit contains a separate  opinion  by  said
   auditors  as  to  whether the statements of  expenditure  submitted
   during  such fiscal year, together with the procedures and internal
   controls  involved  in their preparation, can  be  relied  upon  to
   support the related withdrawals.
       Section 4.02. (a) Except as the Bank shall otherwise agree, the
   Borrower  shall,  in  respect of any repayments  of  principal  and
   advances,  payment of commitment fees, interest and other  payments
   to  be  made by the Sub-borrowers under their respective Subsidiary
   Loan Agreements and Advance Agreements, if applicable:
       (i)  open, by the date on which the Borrower shall receive  the
   first   such   payment,  and  thereafter  maintain,   in   a   bank
   satisfactory  to  the Bank, a NPAF account (the NPAF  Account),  on
   terms  and  conditions, including auditing conditions, satisfactory
   to the Bank; and
       (ii)  promptly  upon receipt of such repayments  and  payments,
   credit the same to the NPAF Account.
       Each March 1 and September 1, the Borrower shall:
       (i)  withdraw from the NPAF Account an amount equivalent to the
   amount  of interest and commitment charge due from the Borrower  to
   the  Bank under Article II of this Agreement with respect  to  NPAF
   Sub-Loans  and,  if  no  such amounts are  available  in  the  NPAF
   Account,  the  amounts due herein shall accrue for the  benefit  of
   the  Borrower and be withdrawn out of the NPAF Account at such time
   as sufficient funds are available in the NPAF Account;
       (ii) utilize the amounts, if any, remaining in the NPAF Account
   following   withdrawals  under  Section  4.02  (b)  (i)   of   this
   Agreement,  excluding the amounts equivalent to  the  repayment  of
   principal   under   the  NPAF  Sub-loans  and  Investment   Project
   Preparation  Advances,  for  the operating  expenses  of  the  NPAF
   expected to be incurred during the next six months;
       (iii)  utilize  the  amounts, if any,  remaining  in  the  NPAF
   Account  following  withdrawals under  Section  4.02  (b)  (i)  and
   Section  4.02  (b)  (ii) of this Agreement, excluding  the  amounts
   equivalent  to  the repayment of principal under the NPAF  Subloans
   and Investment Project Preparation Advances, as follows:
       (A)  thirty  percent (30%) shall be used by  the  Borrower  for
   payments  due  from the Borrower to the Bank under this  Agreement;
       (B)  seventy percent (70%) shall be available to the  NPAF  for
   loans  to  Russian  subborrowers  for  high  priority  recovery   /
   pollution abatement projects; and
       (iv) utilize the amounts, if any, remaining in the NPAF Account
   following withdrawals under Section 4.02 (b) (i), Section 4.02  (b)
   (ii)  and  Section 4.02 (b) (ii) of this Agreement  for  loans  and
   advances  to  Russian  sub-borrowers for high priority  recovery  /
   pollution abatement projects.
       (c)  The Borrower shall select a bank satisfactory to the  Bank
   and   enter   into  an  arrangement,  under  terms  and  conditions
   satisfactory  to  the  Bank, with such a  bank  to  administer  the
   Subloans and manage the NPAF Account.
                               Article V
                         Remedies of the Bank
       Section  5.01.  Pursuant to Section 6.02  (1)  of  the  General
   Conditions,  the  following additional event is specified,  namely,
   that  the  Resolution  or CPPI Statutes shall  have  been  amended,
   suspended,   abrogated,  repealed  or  waived  so  as   to   affect
   materially and adversely the ability of the NPAF to implement  Part
   B of the Project.
       Section  5.02.  Pursuant to Section 7.01  (h)  of  the  General
   Conditions,  the  following additional event is specified,  namely,
   that  any  event specified in Section 5.01 of this Agreement  shall
   occur  and shall continue for a period of thirty days after  notice
   thereof shall have been given by the Bank to the Borrower.
                              Article VI
                      Effective Date; Termination
       Section  6.01. The following events are specified as additional
   conditions  to the effectiveness of the Loan Agreement  within  the
   meaning of Section 12.01 (c) of the General Conditions:
       (a) the Resolution and all other actions necessary to implement
   Part  B  of  the  Project,  including  any  actions  necessary   to
   authorize  the CPPI to implement Part B of the Project,  have  been
   duly adopted by the Borrower; and
       (b)  the  core  team of consultants necessary  to  perform  the
   executive, financial and operating duties related to the  selection
   and   appraisal  of  Investment  Projects  has  been  selected  and
   consultants'  contracts with such consultants  have  been  properly
       Section  6.02.  The  following is specified  as  an  additional
   matter,  within  the meaning of Section 12.02 (c)  of  the  General
   Conditions,  to  be  included in the  opinion  or  opinions  to  be
   furnished  to the Bank, namely, that the Resolution has  been  duly
   adopted  and  is  legally binding upon the Borrower  in  accordance
   with its terms.
       Section  6.03.  The date ninety days after  the  date  of  this
   Agreement is hereby specified for the purposes of Section 12.04  of
   the General Conditions.
                              Article VII
              Representatives of the Borrower; Addresses
       Section  7.01.  Except  as provided in  Section  2.08  of  this
   Agreement, the Minister of Finance or the First Deputy Minister  of
   Finance  of  the  Borrower is designated as representative  of  the
   Borrower  for  the  purposes  of  Section  11.03  of  the   General
       Section  7.02.  The following addresses are specified  for  the
   purposes of Section 11.01 of the General Conditions:
       For the Borrower:
       Ministry of Finance
       Ul. Ilyinka, 9
       Moscow, Russia
       For the Bank:
       International Bank for
       Reconstruction and Development
       1818 H Street, N.W.
       Washington, D.C. 20433
       United States of America
       Cable address:                                  Telex:
       INTBAFRAD                                       248423 (RCA)
       Washington, D.C.                                82987 (FTCC)
                                                       64145 (WUI) or
                                                       97688 (TRT)
       In  witness  whereof, the parties hereto, acting through  their
   duly  authorized representatives, have caused this Agreement to  be
   signed  in  their  respective names in the  District  of  Columbia,
   United  States  of  America, as of the day  and  year  first  above
                              SCHEDULE 1
       1.  The  table below sets forth the Categories of items  to  be
   financed  out  of the proceeds of the Loan, the allocation  of  the
   amounts  of  the  Loan  to  each Category  and  the  percentage  of
   expenditures for items so to be financed in each Category:
   ¦         Category        ¦  Amount of the   ¦       % of        ¦
   ¦                         ¦  Loan Allocated  ¦   Expenditures    ¦
   ¦                         ¦  (Expressed in   ¦  to be Financed   ¦
   ¦                         ¦Dollar Equivalent)¦                   ¦
   ¦(1) NPAF Sub-loans       ¦  50,000,000      ¦100%               ¦
   ¦    under Part B(2) of   ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦    the Project          ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦(2) Investment Project   ¦   5,000,000      ¦100%               ¦
   ¦    Preparation Advance  ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦    under Part B(2) of   ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦    the Project          ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦(3) Goods for Parts A,   ¦   6,700,000      ¦100% of foreign    ¦
   ¦    B(1) and C of the    ¦                  ¦expenditures,      ¦
   ¦    Project              ¦                  ¦100% of local      ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦expenditures       ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦(ex-factory cost)  ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦and 75% of local   ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦expenditures       ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦for other items    ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦procured locally   ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦(4) Consultants'         ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦    services and         ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦    training:            ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦    (a) for Parts A and  ¦  33,700,000      ¦100%               ¦
   ¦    C of the Project     ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦    (b) for Part B(1)    ¦   3,800,000      ¦100%               ¦
   ¦    of the Project       ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦(5) Incremental Recurrent¦   2,000,000      ¦100% of local      ¦
   ¦    Costs                ¦                  ¦expenditures       ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦incurred up to     ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦November 30, 1997, ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦and 50% of local   ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦expenditures       ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦thereafter         ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦(6) Refunding of         ¦     460,000      ¦Amounts due        ¦
   ¦    Project              ¦                  ¦pursuant to        ¦
   ¦    Preparation          ¦                  ¦Section 2.02 "c"   ¦
   ¦    Advance              ¦                  ¦of this Agreement  ¦
   ¦                         ¦                  ¦                   ¦
   ¦(7) Unallocated          ¦   8,340,000      ¦                   ¦
   ¦    TOTAL                ¦ 110,000,000      ¦                   ¦
       2. For the purposes of this Schedule:
       (a)  the term "foreign expenditures" means expenditures in  the
   currency  of any country other than that of the Borrower for  goods
   or  services supplied from the territory of any country other  than
   that of the Borrower;
       (b)  the  term "local expenditures" means expenditures  in  the
   currency  of  the Borrower or for goods or services  supplied  from
   the territory of the Borrower; and
       (c)   the   term  "Incremental  Recurrent  Costs"   means   the
   incremental  recurrent  costs incurred for Project  implementation,
   such  as  operating  costs, vehicle and equipment  maintenance  and
   communications expenses.
       3.  Notwithstanding  the provisions of paragraph  1  above,  no
   withdrawals shall be made in respect of payments made for:
       (a) expenditures prior to the date of this Agreement;
       (b)  any  NPAF  Sub-loan under Category (1) of  this  Schedule,
       (i)  the  Operating Instructions have been adopted in a  manner
   satisfactory to the Bank;
       (ii)  the Borrower has entered into an arrangement with a  bank
   pursuant to Section 4.02 (c) of this Agreement; and
       (iii)  the  Investment Project concerned has been  approved  in
   accordance  with the procedures, eligibility criteria  and  on  the
   terms and conditions set forth in Schedule 7 to this Agreement; or
       (c) any Investment Project Preparation Advance under Category 2
   of this Schedule, unless:
       (i)  the  Operating Instructions have been adopted in a  manner
   satisfactory to the Bank;
       (ii)  the Borrower has entered into an arrangement with a  bank
   pursuant to Section 4.02 (c) of this Agreement; and
       (iii) the Investment Project Preparation Advance concerned  has
   been  approved  in  accordance  with  the  procedures,  eligibility
   criteria  and on the terms and conditions set forth in  Schedule  8
   to this Agreement.
       4. The Bank may require withdrawals from the Loan Account to be
   made  on  the  basis of statements of expenditure for  expenditures
   under  contracts for goods, and consultants' services and training,
   and   incremental   recurrent  costs  not  exceeding   50,000   USD
   equivalent,  under  such terms and conditions  as  the  Bank  shall
   specify by notice to the Borrower.
                              SCHEDULE 2
                      DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT
       The objectives of the Project are to assist the Borrower to:
       (i)    strengthen   and   streamline   federal   and   regional
   institutional structures for environmental management;
       (ii)   improve   federal  and  regional  environmental   policy
   formulation and implementation;
       (iii)  upgrade  federal  and regional environmental  management
   systems; and
       (iv)  assist  in  the  financing of  economically  viable  high
   priority  resource recovery / pollution abatement projects  in  the
   Russian Federation.
       The  Project is part of the Borrower's Environmental  Framework
   Program  and  consists  of the following  parts,  subject  to  such
   modifications thereof as the Borrower and the Bank may  agree  upon
   from time to time to achieve such objectives:
                     Part A. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE
                   1. Policy and Regulatory Support
       Strengthening of the Borrower's capacity to develop,  implement
   and  enforce environmental policies and regulations on federal  and
   regional  levels  (with  focus on Urals and  Upper  Volga  regions)
   through the provision of consulting services, training and goods.
                     2. Environmental Epidemiology
       Strengthening    of   federal   and   regional    environmental
   epidemiology  management system, with emphasis  on  the  collection
   and  analysis of environmental health data, identification  of  the
   most  urgent  problems and development of appropriate  federal  and
   regional  policies,  through the provision of consulting  services,
   training and goods.
            3. Water Quality and Water Resource Management
       Development  and implementation of an integrated  planning  and
   regulatory  reform  program on federal and  regional  levels  (with
   focus  on  the  Upper Volga River basin, the Urals region  and  the
   North  Caucasus  region),  with  emphasis  on  the  improvement  of
   drinking  water  supplies, development of a prioritized  investment
   and  action  programs, and development of water  management  policy
   issues, through the provision of consulting services, training  and
                     4. Hazardous Waste Management
       Development  of  a  national industrial waste  data  management
   system  and  development and demonstration of a regional regulatory
   hazardous  waste  management  system,  through  the  provision   of
   consulting services, training and goods.
                             Part B. NPAF
       Strengthening  of  financial delivery  mechanisms  required  to
   address priority environmental management investment through:
       1) the establishment and operation of the NPAF; and
       2) financing of Investment Projects and re-financing of similar
   high priority recovery / pollution abatement projects.
                             Part C. CPPI
       Maintenance   of   a   Center  for  Project   Preparation   and
   Implementation responsible for:
       (i)   implementation  of  the  Project,  following  the  Bank's
   procurement,  disbursement,  accounting,  auditing  and   reporting
       (ii) facilitation of training activities under the Project;
       (iii) facilitation of overall Project coordination;
       (iv)  dissemination of information to third  parties  regarding
   the environmental projects of the Borrower; and
       (v)  interaction  with other multilateral funding  institutions
   and other funding agencies.
       The Project is expected to be completed by December 31, 1999.
                              SCHEDULE 3
                         AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE
   ¦        Date Payment Due           ¦   Payment of Principal     ¦
   ¦                                   ¦(expressed in dollars) <*>  ¦
   ¦On each March 1 and September 1    ¦                            ¦
   ¦                                   ¦                            ¦
   ¦   beginning March 1, 2000         ¦                            ¦
   ¦   through March 1, 2011           ¦           4,585,000        ¦
   ¦                                   ¦                            ¦
   ¦And on September 1, 2011           ¦           4,545,000        ¦
       <*>  The  figures  in this column represent dollar  equivalents
   determined  as of the respective dates of withdrawal.  See  General
   Conditions, Sections 3.04 and 4.03.
                        PREMIUMS ON PREPAYMENT
       Pursuant  to  Section 3.04 (b) of the General  Conditions,  the
   premium  payable  on the principal amount of any  maturity  of  the
   Loan  to  be  prepaid  shall be the percentage  specified  for  the
   applicable time of prepayment below:
   ¦     Time of Prepayment        ¦           Premium              ¦
   ¦                               ¦The interest rate (expressed as ¦
   ¦                               ¦a percentage per annum)         ¦
   ¦                               ¦applicable to the Loan on the   ¦
   ¦                               ¦day of prepayment multiplied by:¦
   ¦                               ¦                                ¦
   ¦Not more than three years      ¦           0.18                 ¦
   ¦   before maturity             ¦                                ¦
   ¦                               ¦                                ¦
   ¦More than three years but      ¦           0.35                 ¦
   ¦   not more than six years     ¦                                ¦
   ¦   before maturity             ¦                                ¦
   ¦                               ¦                                ¦
   ¦More than six years but        ¦           0.65                 ¦
   ¦   not more than 11 years      ¦                                ¦
   ¦   before maturity             ¦                                ¦
   ¦                               ¦                                ¦
   ¦More than 11 years but not     ¦           0.88                 ¦
   ¦   more than 15 years          ¦                                ¦
   ¦   before maturity             ¦                                ¦
   ¦                               ¦                                ¦
   ¦More than 15 years before      ¦           1.00                 ¦
   ¦   maturity                    ¦                                ¦
                              SCHEDULE 4
                    Section I. PROCUREMENT OF GOODS
                                Part A
                   International Competitive Bidding
       1.  Except as provided in Parts B and C hereof, goods shall  be
   procured  under  contracts  awarded in accordance  with  procedures
   consistent  with  those  set forth in Sections  I  and  II  of  the
   "Guidelines  for  Procurement under IBRD  Loans  and  IDA  Credits"
   published by the Bank in May 1992 (the Guidelines).
       2. For fixed-price contracts, the invitation to bid referred to
   in  paragraph  2.13  of  the Guidelines shall  provide  that,  when
   contract award is delayed beyond the original bid validity  period,
   the  successful bidder's bid price will be increased for each  week
   of  delay  by  two predisclosed correction factors satisfactory  to
   the  Bank, one to be applied to all foreign currency components and
   the  other  to the local currency component of the bid price.  Such
   an increase shall not be taken into account in the bid evaluation.
       3.  In the procurement of goods in accordance with this Part A,
   the  Borrower  shall  use the relevant standard  bidding  documents
   issued  by  the Bank, with such modifications thereto as  the  Bank
   shall  have agreed to be necessary for the purposes of the Project.
   Where  no  relevant standard bidding documents have been issued  by
   the  Bank, the Borrower shall use bidding documents based on  other
   internationally recognized standard forms agreed with the Bank.
                                Part B
                 Preference for Domestic Manufacturers
       In  the  procurement of goods in accordance with the procedures
   described  in  Part A.1 hereof, goods manufactured in  the  Russian
   Federation  may  be  granted a margin of preference  in  accordance
   with,  and subject to, the provisions of paragraphs 2.55  and  2.56
   of  the  Guidelines  and  paragraphs 1  through  4  of  Appendix  2
                                Part C
                     Other Procurement Procedures
       1.  Items  or groups of items for goods estimated to  cost  the
   equivalent of 300,000 USD or less per contract, up to an  aggregate
   amount   equivalent  to  2,330,000  USD,  may  be  procured   under
   contracts  awarded on the basis of comparison of  price  quotations
   obtained  from  at  least  three  suppliers  from  at  least  three
   different  countries eligible under the Guidelines,  in  accordance
   with procedures satisfactory to the Bank.
       2.  Items  or groups of items for goods estimated to  cost  the
   equivalent  of 10,000 USD or less per contract, up to an  aggregate
   amount  equivalent to 500,000 USD, may be procured under  contracts
   awarded  on  the  basis of comparison of price quotations  obtained
   from  at least three suppliers from the Russian Federation eligible
   under  the  Guidelines, in accordance with procedures  satisfactory
   to the Bank.
                                Part D
              Review by the Bank of Procurement Decisions
       1.  Review  of  invitations to bid and of proposed  awards  and
   final contracts:
       (a)  With respect to each contract for goods estimated to  cost
   the equivalent of 100,000 USD or more, the procedures set forth  in
   paragraphs  2  and 4 of Appendix I to the Guidelines  shall  apply.
   Where  payments for such contract are to be made out of the Special
   Account, such procedures shall be modified to ensure that  the  two
   conformed  copies of the contract required to be furnished  to  the
   Bank  pursuant  to said paragraph 2 (d) shall be furnished  to  the
   Bank  prior  to the making of the first payment out of the  Special
   Account in respect of such contract.
       (b) With respect to each contract not governed by the preceding
   paragraph,  the  procedures set forth in  paragraphs  3  and  4  of
   Appendix  I to the Guidelines shall apply. Where payments for  such
   contract  are  to  be  made  out  of  the  Special  Account,   said
   procedures  shall  be  modified to ensure that  the  two  conformed
   copies   of  the  contract  together  with  the  other  information
   required  to be furnished to the Bank pursuant to said paragraph  3
   shall  be  furnished  to the Bank as part of  the  evidence  to  be
   furnished pursuant to paragraph 4 of Schedule 6 to this Agreement.
       (c)  The provisions of the preceding subparagraph (b) shall not
   apply  to  contracts on account of which withdrawals from the  Loan
   Account are to be made on the basis of statements of expenditure.
       2.  The  figure  of  15% is hereby specified  for  purposes  of
   paragraph 4 of Appendix I to the Guidelines.
                 Section II. EMPLOYMENT OF CONSULTANTS
       1.  In order to assist the Borrower in the carrying out of  the
   Project,    the    Borrower   shall   employ   consultants    whose
   qualifications, experience and terms and conditions  of  employment
   shall  be  satisfactory  to  the Bank. Such  consultants  shall  be
   selected  in accordance with principles and procedures satisfactory
   to  the  Bank  on  the  basis of the "Guidelines  for  the  Use  of
   Consultants  by  World  Bank Borrowers and by  the  World  Bank  as
   Executing  Agency"  published  by the  Bank  in  August  1981  (the
   Consultant  Guidelines). For complex, time-based  assignments,  the
   Borrower  shall employ such consultants under contracts  using  the
   standard form of contract for consultants' services issued  by  the
   Bank,  with  such modifications as shall have been  agreed  by  the
   Bank.  Where  no  relevant standard contract  documents  have  been
   issued  by  the  Bank, the Borrower shall use other standard  forms
   agreed with the Bank.
       2.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions of  paragraph  1  of  this
   Section,  the  provisions  of the Consultant  Guidelines  requiring
   prior  Bank  review or approval of budgets, short lists,  selection
   procedures,  letters of invitation, proposals,  evaluation  reports
   and  contracts shall not apply to contracts estimated to cost  less
   than  100,000 USD equivalent each. However, this exception to prior
   Bank  review  shall  not apply to the terms of reference  for  such
   contracts  or  to the employment of individuals, to  single  source
   selection  of  firms,  to  assignments  of  a  critical  nature  as
   reasonably  determined  by the Bank or to amendments  of  contracts
   raising the contract value to 100,000 USD equivalent or above.
                              SCHEDULE 5
                        IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM
         A. Overall Coordination and Management of the Project
       1.  The  MEPNR shall be responsible for implementation  of  the
   Project.  The  overall coordination and monitoring of  the  Project
   shall be the responsibility of the CPPI Supervisory Board.
       2. The CPPI shall be responsible for, inter alia, the following
   day-to-day    activities   related   to   Project   implementation:
   procurement,   accounting,   disbursement,   auditing,   reporting,
   monitoring  and  evaluation of activities  under  all  federal  and
   regional components of the Project, and preparation, appraisal  and
   supervision  of Investment Projects. The CPPI shall be assisted  by
   consultants   providing  procurement,  financial   management   and
   information  systems,  and  general project  advice  and  services,
   project   performance  and  progress  evaluation,  and  sub-project
   investment  services.  The  CPPI shall  liaise  with  international
   donors,  Borrower's  ministries and  agencies,  other  parties  and
   subcomponent  implementing teams regarding Project activities.  The
   CPPI  shall  engage  consultants (individuals and  firms)  for  the
   purpose  of staffing the CPPI, NPAF and subcomponent iaplementation
            B. Part A of the Project: Technical Assistance
       1. Policy and Regulatory Support
       Policy and regulatory support subcomponent of the Project shall
   be  implemented by the relevant federal and regional  environmental
   policy  teams, supervised by Governmental Commission on Environment
   and  Use  of  Natural Resources and the interregional environmental
   councils of the Upper Volga and Urals regions, in cooperation  with
   the MEPNR, relevant regional authorities and CPPI.
       2. Environmental Epidemiology
       Environmental epidemiology subcomponent of the Project shall be
   implemented  by  federal  and two regional centers,  supervised  by
   federal  and  regional  subcomponent  interagency  committees,   in
   cooperation  with  the  MEPNR, Ministry  of  Public  Health,  State
   Committee  for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance,  relevant
   regional authorities and CPPI.
       3. Water Quality and Water Resource Management
       Water quality and water resource management subcomponent of the
   Project  shall be implemented by federal and three regional  teams,
   supervised   by  the  relevant  federal  and  regional   management
   committees in the regions of the Upper Volga, the Urals  and  North
   Caucases,    in    cooperation   with   the    relevant    regional
   administrations,   the  MEPNR,  Committee   for   Water   Resources
   Management and CPPI.
       4. Hazardous Waste Management
       Hazardous waste management subcomponent of the Project shall be
   implemented   by   federal  and  regional  teams,   supervised   by
   subcomponent management committees, in cooperation with the  MEPNR,
   the   Institute   of   Economic  Problems  of  Nature   Management,
   administrations   and   environmental  protection   committees   of
   Yaroslavl and Vologda Oblast, the CPPI and relevant ministries  and
                  C. Part B of the Project: National
                     Pollution Abatement Facility
       1.   The   CPPI,   assisted  by  consultants,   shall   provide
   professional  services related to the selection, design,  appraisal
   and  supervision  of  the  Investment Projects,  on  the  basis  of
   procedures and eligibility criteria set forth in Sections A  and  B
   of Schedule 7 to this Agreement and the Operating Instructions.
       2.   The  NPAF  Supervisory  Board  shall  review  and  approve
   Investment Projects proposed by the CPPI.
       3.  The  MOF,  as  the  sub-loan lender of record,  shall  take
   decisions  related  to  the  Investment  Projects  considered   and
   approved  by  the  NPAF  Supervisory Board, and  shall  enter  into
   appropriate Subsidiary Loan Agreements.
                              SCHEDULE 6
                            SPECIAL ACCOUNT
       1. For the purposes of this Schedule:
       (a) the term "eligible Categories" means Categories (1) through
   (5)  set  forth in the table in paragraph 1 of Schedule 1  to  this
       (b)  the  term  "eligible expenditures" means  expenditures  in
   respect  of the reasonable cost of goods and services required  for
   the  Project  and to be financed out of the proceeds  of  the  Loan
   allocated  from  time  to  time  to  the  eligible  Categories   in
   accordance  with  the provisions of Schedule 1 to  this  Agreement;
       (c) the term "Authorized Allocation" means an amount equivalent
   to  2,000,000  USD  to  be  withdrawn from  the  Loan  Account  and
   deposited  in the Special Account pursuant to paragraph  3  (a)  of
   this Schedule.
       2.   Payments  out  of  the  Special  Account  shall  be   made
   exclusively  for  eligible  expenditures  in  accordance  with  the
   provisions of this Schedule.
       3. After the Bank has received evidence satisfactory to it that
   the  Special  Account  has  been duly opened,  withdrawals  of  the
   Authorized  Allocation and subsequent withdrawals to replenish  the
   Special Account shall be made as follows:
       (a)  For withdrawals of the Authorized Allocation, the Borrower
   shall  furnish to the Bank a request or requests for a  deposit  or
   deposits  which  do  not  exceed  the  aggregate  amount   of   the
   Authorized  Allocation. On the basis of such request  or  requests,
   the  Bank shall, on behalf of the Borrower, withdraw from the  Loan
   Account  and deposit in the Special Account such amount or  amounts
   as the Borrower shall have requested.
       (b)  (i) For replenishment of the Special Account, the Borrower
   shall  furnish to the Bank requests for deposits into  the  Special
   Account at such intervals as the Bank shall specify.
       (ii) Prior to or at the time of each such request, the Borrower
   shall  furnish  to  the  Bank  the  documents  and  other  evidence
   required  pursuant to paragraph 4 of this Schedule for the  payment
   or  payments in respect of which replenishment is requested. On the
   basis  of  each  such request, the Bank shall,  on  behalf  of  the
   Borrower,  withdraw  from the Loan Account  and  deposit  into  the
   Special  Account such amount as the Borrower shall  have  requested
   and  as  shall have been shown by said documents and other evidence
   to  have  been  paid  out  of  the  Special  Account  for  eligible
       All  such deposits shall be withdrawn by the Bank from the Loan
   Account  under  the  respective eligible  Categories,  and  in  the
   respective  equivalent  amounts, as shall have  been  justified  by
   said documents and other evidence.
       4.  For  each  payment made by the Borrower out of the  Special
   Account,  the  Borrower  shall, at such  time  as  the  Bank  shall
   reasonably  request, furnish to the Bank such documents  and  other
   evidence  showing  that  such  payment  was  made  exclusively  for
   eligible expenditures.
       5.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions of  paragraph  3  of  this
   Schedule,  the Bank shall not be required to make further  deposits
   into the Special Account:
       (a)  if,  at any time, the Bank shall have determined that  all
   further  withdrawals should be made by the Borrower  directly  from
   the Loan Account in accordance with the provisions of Article V  of
   the  General Conditions and paragraph (a) of Section 2.02  of  this
   Agreement; or
       (b) once the total unwithdrawn amount of the Loan allocated  to
   the  eligible  Categories,  less  the  amount  of  any  outstanding
   special  commitment  entered into by the Bank pursuant  to  Section
   5.02  of the General Conditions with respect to the Project,  shall
   equal  the  equivalent  of  twice  the  amount  of  the  Authorized
       Thereafter,  withdrawal from the Loan Account of the  remaining
   unwithdrawn   amount  of  the  Loan  allocated  to   the   eligible
   Categories  shall follow such procedures as the Bank shall  specify
   by  notice to the Borrower. Such further withdrawals shall be  made
   only  after  and  to  the  extent that the  Bank  shall  have  been
   satisfied  that  all  such  amounts remaining  on  deposit  in  the
   Special  Account as of the date of such notice will be utilized  in
   making payments for eligible expenditures.
       6.  (a) If the Bank shall have determined at any time that  any
   payment out of the Special Account:
       (i)  was  made for an expenditure or in an amount not  eligible
   pursuant to paragraph 2 of this Schedule; or
       (ii)  was not justified by the evidence furnished to the  Bank,
   the Borrower shall, promptly upon notice from the Bank:
       (A)  provide such additional evidence as the Bank may  request;
       (B) deposit into the Special Account (or, if the Bank shall  so
   request, refund to the Bank) an amount equal to the amount of  such
   payment  or  the  portion  thereof not so  eligible  or  justified.
   Unless  the Bank shall otherwise agree, no further deposit  by  the
   Bank into the Special Account shall be made until the Borrower  has
   provided such evidence or made such deposit or refund, as the  ease
   may be.
       (b)  If  the  Bank shall have determined at any time  that  any
   amount  outstanding in the Special Account will not be required  to
   cover  further  payments  for eligible expenditures,  the  Borrower
   shall, promptly upon notice from the Bank, refund to the Bank  such
   outstanding amount.
       (c)  The Borrower may, upon notice to the Bank, refund  to  the
   Bank  all  or  any portion of the funds on deposit in  the  Special
       (d)  Refunds to the Bank made pursuant to paragraphs 6 (a), (b)
   and  (c) of this Schedule shall be credited to the Loan Account for
   subsequent  withdrawal or for cancellation in accordance  with  the
   relevant  provisions  of  this  Agreement,  including  the  General
                              SCHEDULE 7
                             A. Procedures
       1.  No  expenditures  for goods and services  required  for  an
   Investment  Project  shall be eligible for  financing  out  of  the
   proceeds of the Loan unless:
       (i)  the  Bank  has  reviewed and issued  a  no-objection  with
   respect to the Investment Project before the Investment Project  is
   approved by the NPAF Supervisory Board; and
       (ii)   expenditures  under  the  NPAF  Sub-loan  for  such   an
   Investment  Project  shall have been made not earlier  than  ninety
   days  prior  to the date on which the Bank shall have received  the
   application and information required under paragraph 2  of  Part  A
   of this Schedule in respect of such NPAF Sub-loan.
       2. In addition to the general procedures described in paragraph
   1  of  Part A of this Schedule, the following procedures  shall  be
   followed in connection with any proposed Investment Project:
       (a)  a  Sub-borrower seeking a NPAF Sub-loan shall prepare  and
   submit  to  the  CPPI an application and summary  of  the  proposed
   Investment Project;
       (b)  an initial review of the proposed Investment Project shall
   be  undertaken by the NPAF consultants, who shall then  prepare  an
   initial review summary;
       (c)  the Bank shall review and comment upon the initial  review
   summary for each proposed Investment Project;
       (d)  following the Bank review and comment, the director of the
   CPPI  shall  determine, taking into account the recommendations  of
   the  NPAF  consultants,  whether or  not  to  further  prepare  and
   appraise the proposed Investment Project;
       (e)  if a decision is made to proceed with the preparation  and
   appraisal  of the proposed Investment Project, the NPAF consultants
   shall  prepare  a  feasibility study for  the  proposed  Investment
   Project  in accordance with the Operating Instructions and  in  the
   form   satisfactory  to  the  Bank.  The  feasibility  study  shall
       (i)  a  description  of the Sub-borrower, including  its  legal
   status and ownership; and
       (ii)  a  summary  and detailed description  of  the  Investment
   Project,  including  financing plan,  cost  and  benefit  analysis,
   environmental  impact assessment and other pertinent  environmental
   information,  financial  projections, cash flow  forecast,  foreign
   currency  justification,  proposed  procurement  arrangements,  and
   status of authorizations and licenses;
       (f)  prior to submitting the proposed Investment Project to the
   NPAF  Supervisory Board, the proposed Investment Protect  shall  be
   submitted  to  the  Bank  for  review  and  a  no-objection.   When
   presenting  the  proposed  Investment  Project  to  the  Bank,  the
   Borrower  shall  furnish  to  the  Bank  an  application,  in  form
   satisfactory to the Bank, together with:
       (i)  a  description of the Sub-borrower to which the NPAF  Sub-
   loan is proposed to be made and the approved feasibility study  for
   such   Investment   Project,  including  a   description   of   the
   expenditures  proposed to be financed out of the  proceeds  of  the
       (ii)  the  draft  Subsidiary  Loan  Agreement  containing   the
   proposed  terms  and  conditions  of  the  NPAF  Sub-loan  and  the
   schedule of amortization of the NPAF Subloan; and
       (iii)  such  other  information as the  Bank  shall  reasonably
       (g)  following the Bank's review and no-objection, and the NPAF
   Supervisory   Board  appraisal  and  approval,  of   the   proposed
   Investment  Project,  the Borrower, based on the  determination  of
   the  NPAF Supervisory Board, shall make the final decision  whether
   to approve the proposed Investment Project; and
       (h)  following  the approval of the Investment Project  by  the
   Borrower,  the Borrower, Sub-borrower and any other relevant  party
   shall  execute  a  Subsidiary Loan Agreement  giving  the  Borrower
   legal rights adequate to protect the interests of the Bank and  the
   Borrower  and containing, inter alia, the terms and conditions  set
   forth in Part C of this Schedule 7.
                        B. Eligibility Criteria
       NPAF  Sub-loans shall be made only to enterprises selected  and
   evaluated  in  accordance with criteria satisfactory to  the  Bank.
   The evaluation criteria shall include the following;
       (a)  technical-economic criteria demonstrating the  feasibility
   and cost efficiency of the proposed Investment Project;
       (b)    environmental   criteria   incorporating   environmental
   assessment  and audit considerations and demonstrating  significant
   reduction   of   harmful   environmental  impacts   from   existing
   operations; and
       (c)   financial  criteria  demonstrating  that   the   proposed
   Investment Project is a commercially viable project.
                        C. Terms and Conditions
       1.  Each  Subsidiary  Loan Agreement  shall  require  the  Sub-
   borrower to, inter alia:
       (a)  carry  out  and operate the Investment  Project  with  due
   diligence  and  efficiency under the supervision of  qualified  and
   experienced  management  assisted by competent  staff  in  adequate
   numbers,   and  in  accordance  with  sound  technical,  financial,
   environmental, commercial and managerial standards;
       (b)  maintain  records  and accounts  adequate  to  reflect  in
   accordance  with  sound  accounting practices  its  operations  and
   financial  conditions,  including  separate  records  and  accounts
   adequate to reflect all resources and expenditures related  to  the
   Investment Project;
       (c)  have  its  records, accounts and financial statements  for
   each  fiscal year audited, in accordance with appropriate  auditing
   principles   consistently   applied,   by   independent    auditors
   satisfactory  to  the  Borrower, and furnish to  the  Borrower  not
   later  than  six  months after the end of each such year  certified
   copies  of  its financial statements for such year so  audited  and
   the  report  of such audit by the auditors of such scope  and  such
   detail  as  the NPAF shall have reasonably requested (which  report
   shall  include  an analysis of the Sub-borrower's  performance,  as
   measured  by  the performance indicators satisfactory to  the  NPAF
   and   the  Bank,  which  shall  include,  inter  alia,  commercial,
   technical,    operational,   environmental,   administrative    and
   financial indicators);
       (d)  procure the goods and services to be financed by the  NPAF
   Sub-loans in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 9  to  this
   Agreement  and  to use such goods and services exclusively  in  the
   carrying out of the Investment Project;
       (e)   allow   the   Borrower,  by  itself   or   jointly   with
   representatives  of  the Bank, if the Bank  shall  so  request,  to
   inspect  such  goods and the sites, works, plants and  construction
   included in the Investment Project, the operation thereof, and  any
   relevant records and documents;
       (f)  take  out  and  maintain  with responsible  insurers  such
   insurance,  against  such risks and in such amounts,  as  shall  be
   consistent  with  sound  business  practice,  including   insurance
   covering  hazards  incident to the acquisition, transportation  and
   delivery  of  goods financed out of the proceeds of the  NPAF  Sub-
   loan  to the place of use or installation, any indemnity thereunder
   to  be made payable in a currency freely usable by the Sub-borrower
   to replace or repair such goods;
       (g) assume the foreign exchange risk between the Dollar and the
       (h)  contribute from amounts generated internally funds for the
   Investment  Project equal to not less than twenty  percent  of  the
   total  cost  of the Investment Project and pay an up-front  project
   appraisal  fee  equal to one percent of the proposed NPAF  Sub-loan
       (i)   prepare  and  promptly  furnish  to  the  Borrower,   for
   forwarding  to  the  Bank, if so requested by the  Bank,  all  such
   information  as  the Borrower or the Bank shall reasonably  request
   relating  to the administration, operations and financial condition
   of  the  Sub-borrower and to the benefits to be  derived  from  the
   Investment Project;
       (j)  give  the  Borrower the right to suspend or terminate  the
   right  of  the Subborrower to the use of the proceeds of  the  NPAF
   Sub-loan   upon  failure  by  such  Subborrower  to   perform   its
   obligations under the Subsidiary Loan Agreement; and
       (k)  at the conclusion of the Investment Project, submit to the
   Borrower, in a manner and by date satisfactory to the Borrower  and
   the Bank, an Investment Project completion report.
       2. Each NPAF Sub-loan shall:
       (i) be denominated and be repayable (principle and interest) in
       (ii) carry an interest rate satisfactory to the Bank;
       (iii)  require the payment of a loan supervision fee  equal  to
   0.25  percent  for the first five years and 0.125 percent  for  all
   subsequent years;
       (iv) be issued for a maximum maturity period of eight years, or
   such  longer period as may be satisfactory to the Bank, with up  to
   three years grace period for the repayment of the principal of  the
   NPAF Sub-loan;
       (v)  be  equal  to no less than 350,000 USD and  no  more  than
   7,000,000 USD, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Bank; and
       (vi)  contribute no more than seventy percent of the total cost
   of  the  Investment Project, unless otherwise agreed  upon  by  the
                              SCHEDULE 8
                             A. Procedures
       1.  The  following procedures shall be followed  in  connection
   with any proposed Investment Project Preparation Advance:
       (a)  a  Sub-borrower seeking an Investment Project  Preparation
   Advance  for a NPAF Sub-loan shall prepare and submit to the  NPAF,
   together   with  an  application  and  summary  of   the   proposed
   Investment  Project,  an  application for  the  Investment  Project
   Preparation  Advance,  in  form  and  with  information  (including
   technical,   environmental,  financial,  and   legal   information)
   satisfactory to the NPAF;
       (b) if the NPAF determines that the proposal for the Investment
   Project  Preparation  Advance meets the  technical,  environmental,
   financial,  and legal criteria, the proposal shall be sent  to  the
   Bank,  together  with the initial review summary for  the  proposed
   Investment Project;
       (c)  following the Bank's review and no-objection, and the NPAF
   Supervisory  Board or its appointee approval, the  Borrower  shall,
   based on the determination of the NPAF Supervisory Board, make  the
   final  decision  whether or not to approve the  Investment  Project
   Preparation Advance; and
       (d)   following   the   approval  of  the  Investment   Project
   Preparation  Advance  by  the Borrower, the Borrower,  Sub-borrower
   and  any  other  relevant party shall execute an Advance  Agreement
   giving  the Borrower legal rights adequate to protect the interests
   of  the Bank and the Borrower and containing, inter alia, the terms
   and conditions set forth in Part C of this Schedule 8.
                        B. Eligibility Criteria
       Investment Project Preparation Advances shall be made  only  to
   enterprises  selected  and  evaluated in accordance  with  criteria
   satisfactory  to  the Bank. The evaluation criteria  shall  include
   technical, environmental, financial and legal criteria.
                        C. Terms and Conditions
       1.  Each  Advance  Agreement  shall require  the  Sub-borrower,
   unless  otherwise  agreed upon by the Borrower and  the  Bank,  to,
   inter alia:
       (a)  carry out preparation work and feasibility studies related
   to   the  proposed  Investment  Project  with  due  diligence   and
   efficiency  under  the  supervision of  qualified  and  experienced
   management assisted by competent staff in adequate numbers, and  in
   accordance   with   sound   technical,  financial,   environmental,
   commercial and managerial standards;
       (b)  maintain  records  and accounts  adequate  to  reflect  in
   accordance  with  sound  accounting practices  its  operations  and
   financial  conditions,  including  separate  records  and  accounts
   adequate to reflect all resources and expenditures related  to  the
   Investment Project Preparation Advance;
       (c)  procure  the  goods and services to  be  financed  by  the
   Investment  Project  Preparation Advance  in  accordance  with  the
   provisions  of Schedule 9 to this Agreement and to use  such  goods
   and  services  exclusively in the carrying out of preparation  work
   and  feasibility  studies  related to the proposed  the  Investment
       (d)   allow   the   Borrower,  by  itself   or   jointly   with
   representatives  of  the Bank, if the Bank  shall  so  request,  to
   inspect any relevant records and documents;
       (e) assume the foreign exchange risk between the Dollar and the
       (f)   prepare  and  promptly  furnish  to  the  Borrower,   for
   forwarding  to  the  Bank, if so requested by the  Bank,  all  such
   information  as  the Borrower or the Bank shall reasonably  request
   relating  to the administration, operations and financial condition
   of  the  Sub-borrower and to the benefits to be  derived  from  the
   Investment Project Preparation Advance;
       (g)  give  the  Borrower the right to suspend or terminate  the
   right  of  the  Subborrower  to the use  of  the  proceeds  of  the
   Investment  Project  Preparation  Advance  upon  failure  by   such
   Subborrower   to   perform  its  obligations  under   the   Advance
   Agreement; and
       (h)  at  the  conclusion of preparation  work  and  feasibility
   studies related to the proposed Investment Project, submit  to  the
   Borrower, in a manner and by date satisfactory to the Borrower  and
   the Bank, an Investment Project preparation report.
       2.  Each  Investment Project Preparation Advance shall,  unless
   otherwise agreed upon by the Borrower and the Bank:
       (i) be denominated and be repayable (principle and interest) in
       (ii) carry an interest rate satisfactory to the Bank;
       (iii) be equal to no more than 300,000 USD; and
       (vi)  contribute no more than eighty percent of the total  cost
   of   preparation  work  and  feasibility  studies  related  to  the
   proposed the Investment Project.
                              SCHEDULE 9
                         UNDER NPAF SUB-LOANS
                    Section I. PROCUREMENT OF GOODS
                                Part A
                   International Competitive Bidding
       1.  Except as provided in Parts B and C hereof, goods shall  be
   procured  under  contracts  awarded in accordance  with  procedures
   consistent  with  those  set forth in Sections  I  and  II  of  the
   "Guidelines  for  Procurement under IBRD  Loans  and  IDA  Credits"
   published by the Bank in May 1992 (the Guidelines).
       2. For fixed-price contracts, the invitation to bid referred to
   in  paragraph  2.13  of  the Guidelines shall  provide  that,  when
   contract award is delayed beyond the original bid validity  period,
   the  successful bidder's bid price will be increased for each  week
   of  delay  by  two predisclosed correction factors satisfactory  to
   the  Bank, one to be applied to all foreign currency components and
   the  other  to the local currency component of the bid price.  Such
   an increase shall not be taken into account in the bid evaluation.
       3.  In the procurement of goods in accordance with this Part A,
   the  Borrower  shall  use the relevant standard  bidding  documents
   issued  by  the Bank, with such modifications thereto as  the  Bank
   shall  have agreed to be necessary for the purposes of the Project.
   Where  no  relevant standard bidding documents have been issued  by
   the  Bank, the Borrower shall use bidding documents based on  other
   internationally recognized standard forms agreed with the Bank.
                                Part B
                 Preference for Domestic Manufacturers
       In  the  procurement of goods in accordance with the procedures
   described  in  Part A.1 hereof, goods manufactured in  the  Russian
   Federation  may  be  granted a margin of preference  in  accordance
   with,  and subject to, the provisions of paragraphs 2.55  and  2.56
   of  the  Guidelines  and  paragraphs 1  through  4  of  Appendix  2
                                Part C
                     Other Procurement Procedures
       1.  Items  or groups of items for goods estimated to  cost  the
   equivalent  of  2,000,000  USD  or less  per  contract,  up  to  an
   aggregate  amount  equivalent to 33,190,000 USD,  may  be  procured
   under  contracts  awarded  on  the basis  of  comparison  of  price
   quotations  obtained from at least three suppliers  from  at  least
   three  different  countries  eligible  under  the  Guidelines,   in
   accordance with procedures satisfactory to the Bank.
       2.  Items  or groups of items for goods estimated to  cost  the
   equivalent  of 10,000 USD or less per contract, up to an  aggregate
   amount  equivalent to 500,000 USD, may be procured under  contracts
   awarded  on  the  basis of comparison of price quotations  obtained
   from  at least three suppliers from the Russian Federation eligible
   under  the  Guidelines, in accordance with procedures  satisfactory
   to the Bank.
                                Part D
              Review by the Bank of Procurement Decisions
       1.  Review  of  invitations to bid and of proposed  awards  and
   final contracts:
       (a)  With respect to each contract for goods estimated to  cost
   the equivalent of 300,000 USD or more, the procedures set forth  in
   paragraphs  2  and 4 of Appendix I to the Guidelines  shall  apply.
   Where  payments for such contract are to be made out of the Special
   Account, such procedures shall be modified to ensure that  the  two
   conformed  copies of the contract required to be furnished  to  the
   Bank  pursuant  to said paragraph 2 (d) shall be furnished  to  the
   Bank  prior  to the making of the first payment out of the  Special
   Account in respect of such contract.
       (b) With respect to each contract not governed by the preceding
   paragraph,  the  procedures set forth in  paragraphs  3  and  4  of
   Appendix  I to the Guidelines shall apply. Where payments for  such
   contract  are  to  be  made  out  of  the  Special  Account,   said
   procedures  shall  be  modified to ensure that  the  two  conformed
   copies   of  the  contract  together  with  the  other  information
   required  to be furnished to the Bank pursuant to said paragraph  3
   shall  be  furnished  to the Bank as part of  the  evidence  to  be
   furnished  pursuant  to  paragraph 4 of  Schedule  6  to  the  Loan
       (c)  The provisions of the preceding subparagraph (b) shall not
   apply  to  contracts on account of which withdrawals from the  Loan
   Account are to be made on the basis of statements of expenditure.
       2.  The  figure  of  15% is hereby specified  for  purposes  of
   paragraph 4 of Appendix 1 to the Guidelines.
                 Section II. EMPLOYMENT OF CONSULTANTS
       1. In order to assist the NPAF in the carrying out of Part B of
   the    Project,   the   NPAF   shall   employ   consultants   whose
   qualifications, experience and terms and conditions  of  employment
   shall  be  satisfactory  to  the Bank. Such  consultants  shall  be
   selected  in accordance with principles and procedures satisfactory
   to  the  Bank  on  the  basis of the "Guidelines  for  the  Use  of
   Consultants  by  World  Bank Borrowers and by  the  World  Bank  as
   Executing  Agency"  published  by the  Bank  in  August  1981  (the
   Consultant  Guidelines). For complex, time-based  assignments,  the
   NPAF  shall  employ  such  consultants under  contracts  using  the
   standard form of contract for consultants' services issued  by  the
   Bank,  with  such modifications as shall have been  agreed  by  the
   Bank.  Where  no  relevant standard contract  documents  have  been
   issued  by  the  Bank, the Borrower shall use other standard  forms
   agreed with the Bank.
       2.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions of  paragraph  1  of  this
   Section,  the  provisions  of the Consultant  Guidelines  requiring
   prior  Bank  review or approval of budgets, short lists,  selection
   procedures,  letters of invitation, proposals,  evaluation  reports
   and  contracts shall not apply to contracts estimated to cost  less
   than  100,000 USD equivalent each. However, this exception to prior
   Bank  review  shall  not apply to the terms of reference  for  such
   contracts  or  to the employment of individuals, to  single  source
   selection  of  firms,  to  assignments  of  a  critical  nature  as
   reasonably  determined  by the Bank or to amendments  of  contracts
   raising the contract value to 100,000 USD equivalent or above.

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