21/REV.2 , ( ) (ECE/TRADE/211) [.]

( 20 2006 )



                        RECOMMENDATION 21/REV.2
                        CODES FOR PACKAGE NAMES

                           (Geneva, IX.1996)

       The Working  Party  on  Facilitation  of  International  Trade
   Procedures,  a subsidiary body  of  the  United  Nations  Economic
   Commission for Europe,  agreed to include in its programme of work
   in 1976  a  project  to  specify  various  types  and  methods  of
   packaging  with  a  view  to  the subsequent creation of codes for
   names of packages most frequently used in trade.  The aim  was  to
   provide  a  link  between  documents  and goods and facilitate the
   identification of goods and other cargo handling operations during
       Realizing that other international bodies, such as the  UN/ECE
   Inland Transport Committee, the European Economic Community (EEC),
   the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the  International
   Union  of  Railways  (UIC)  also  had a strong interest in and had
   undertaken work on this subject,  the UN/ECE Working Party in 1981
   invited   the   secretariats   of   all  interested  international
   organizations to examine the various concepts and  to  collaborate
   to  harmonize  the  different codes.  After extensive national and
   international consultation and  collaboration,  in  1986  a  final
   project  was  transmitted  to  the  Working  Party  which  at  its
   twenty-third session in March 1986 agreed to adopt the appropriate
       At its thirty-ninth session (March 1994),  the  Working  Party
   agreed to approve the proposal made by the delegation of Canada in
   document TRADE/WP.4/R.895 to incorporate,  as an additional annex,
   the packaging codes used for the transportation of dangerous goods
   into the Recommendation and to amend it appropriately.


       The Working  Party  on  Facilitation  of  International  Trade
       Bearing in  mind  the  rapid  and  accelerating  pace  of  the
   introduction  of  new transport and data processing techniques and
   urgent need to adapt trade procedures to such new techniques;
       Noting that  there is a need to harmonize existing expressions
   and codes used in international trade procedures to  describe  and
   represent different types cargo, packages and packaging materials;
       Recommends Governments  and  organizations   responsible   for
   relevant   national  regulations  and  practices  related  to  the
   movement of goods in international trade to support  international
   facilitation  work  by  considering  the  codes  described  in the
   present recommendation with a view to  introducing  them  in  such
   regulations and in practice;
       Recommends organizations   responsible    for    international
   instruments  that  contain  codes  such  as  those  covered by the
   present recommendation to consider harmonization of any such codes
   in  accordance  with  those  presented  hereafter  when  reviewing
   existing or preparing new international provisions;
       Recommends participants  in  international  trade  to use,  as
   required,  the numeric codes presented in this recommendation when
   there  is  a  need for such codes in trade procedures to represent
   different types of cargo, packages, and packaging materials;
       Recommends participants  in  international  trade  to use,  as
   required,  the complementary alphabetic codes  presented  in  this
   recommendation  when  there  is  a  need  for  such codes in trade
   procedures to represent names of packages;
       Invites Governments  and international organizations concerned
   to notify the Executive Secretary of the Economic  Commission  for
   Europe  of  the  extent  to  which  they are able to harmonize the
   relevant  codes  for  which  they  carry  responsibility   or   to
   communicate the reasons for being unable to do so.
       At the   thirty-ninth   session   of   the    Working    Party
   representatives attended from: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada,
   Croatia,  Czech  Republic,  Denmark,  Estonia,  Finland,   France,
   Germany,  Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Malta,
   the Netherlands,  Norway,  Poland,  Romania,  Russian  Federation,
   Slovakia,  Slovenia,  Spain,  Sweden,  Switzerland, Turkey, United
   Kingdom of Great Britain  and  Northern  Ireland  and  the  United
   States of America.  Representatives from Australia, Brazil, Gabon,
   Japan,  Korea, New Zealand, Nigeria and Senegal participated under
   Article 11 of the Commission's terms of reference.
       The session was attended by representatives  of  the  European
   Union (EU).
       The session  was  also  attended  by  representatives  of  the
   secretariat   of  the  United  Nations  Conference  on  Trade  and
   Development   (UNCTAD),   the   United   Nations   Commission   on
   International  Trade  Law (UNCITRAL),  and the International Trade
   Centre UNCTAD/GATT (ITC),  as well as by  representatives  of  the
   following intergovernmental organizations:  Universal Postal Union
   (UPU),  European Free Trade Association (EFTA), Central Office for
   International  Railway  Transport  (OCTI) and Customs Co-operation
   Council (CCC).  The following non-governmental organizations  were
   represented: Comite International des Transport Ferroviares (CIT),
   International  Air  Transport  Association  (IATA),  International
   Article   Numbering   Association   (EAN),  International  Express
   Carriers' Conference (IECC),  International Road  Transport  Union
   (IRU),  International  Chamber  of  Commerce (ICC),  International
   Organization for Standardization  (ISO),  International  Union  of
   Railways   (UIC),   Society   for  Worldwide  Interbank  Financial
   Telecommunication   (S.W.I.F.T.),   Union   des    Administrations
   Portuaires  du  Nord  de  I'Afrique  (UAPNA).  Also present at the
   invitation of the secretariat were representatives of  the  Taipei
   EDIFACT  Committee,  SITPROSA (Trade Facilitation Committee of the
   Republic  of  South  Africa)  and  International   Federation   of
   Inspection Agencies (IFIA).

                             I. BACKGROUND

       1. International  trade  implies  the  movement  of goods over
   international boundaries.  For several reasons these goods need to
   be   described   and   identified  while  they  are  being  moved.
   Identification marks ("shipping marks")  are  essential  for  this
   purpose and descriptions of the nature of the merchandise may also
   be helpful.  But the appearance of  the  goods  as  presented  for
   transport  is  a very useful means to identify them and is also of
   vital  importance  for  handling  operations,  for  planning   and
   statistical  recording  of  such operations and as a basis for the
   establishment of freight and cargo handling tariffs.
       2. The  harmonization  of  expressions  and  concepts  used to
   describe and identify goods and cargo moving in transport has been
   recognized  as a problem that needs attention within the framework
   of the international work on facilitation of trade procedures.  It
   is  recognized  that  valuable work has already been undertaken by
   unimodal transport  operators  and  by  some  official  regulatory
   agencies  responsible for health and safety standards in transport
   of certain products (e.g. food, plants, drugs, dangerous goods and
   hazardous  wastes).  But  these  have been independent efforts and
   there is at present a number of non-harmonized terms and codes for
   loads,  packagings  and  other  modes  of  appearance  of goods in
   transport  and  transport-related   operations.   This   lack   of
   harmonization  has  caused  difficulties,  for  consecutive  cargo
   operations by different modes of transport  as  well  as  for  the
   forwarding   and   packaging   industries  and  the  recording  of
   statistics on international trade and transport.
       3. The  computerization  of  transport  procedures has further
   increased the need for harmonization.  Standardized data  elements
   are  a pre-requisite for data interchange between trading partners
   and  other  private  or  official  participants  in   trade,   for
   paper-less  interchange by automated means and also for simplified
   documentary procedures.
       4. In  1976  the  UN/ECE  Working  Party  on  Facilitation  of
   International Trade Procedures agreed  on  a  new  work  item:  to
   develop a packaging code with the main aim of linking documents to
   consignments.  At that time the International  Union  of  Railways
   (UIC),  together  with  the  Organization for the Collaboration of
   Railways (OSZhD),  was developing packaging codes for the needs of
   railway  transport and the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)
   was developing such codes for  maritime  transport.  UIC  and  ICS
   undertook to work as co-rapporteurs for the new work item. The aim
   was to establish a harmonized coding system,  in the  belief  that
   such  a standard would be of considerable general interest,  inter
   alia for trade facilitation.  The offer was gratefully accepted by
   the Working Party.
       5. The work of the  co-rapporteurs  involved  the  listing  of
   various  names  for packages and their synonyms,  consideration of
   the meanings of detailed descriptions,  and preparing diagrams for
   easy  recognition.  A  comprehensive report was transmitted to the
   Working  Party  in  1981  (TRADE/WP.4/R.140);  the  analysis   and
   methodology   developed   during   the   work   resulted   in  the
   establishment of a structure which  provided  for  a  three-tiered
   numeric  system  of  four  digits,  with  a  first digit for "unit
   loads", second and third digits for fifty-seven recognized package
   types  and  a  fourth  digit  for  specifying packaging materials.
   Within this flexible structure further international harmonization
   could be pursued.
       6. In 1977 the ECE Inland Transport Committee  agreed  to  the
   proposal  by  the  thirty-first session of the Group of Experts on
   Transport  Statistics  that  the  Commodity   Classification   for
   Transport Statistics in Europe (CSTE) should be adapted to current
   needs.  The terms of reference for a task force set  up  for  this
   work  included  "consideration of the possibilities to incorporate
   characteristics of handling cargo in the CSTE".
       7. The Governments of Belgium and the Netherlands undertook to
   collaborate on this item and submitted a joint paper in April 1979
   (TRANS/GE.6/R.21),  which  recommended a one-digit classification,
   separate from the CSTE, for cargo-handling characteristics in four
   modes  of transport (sea,  inland water-way,  rail and road) to be
   known as "mode of appearance".  The  European  Economic  Community
   submitted a draft one-digit cargo classification applicable to all
   modes of transport in 1981 (TRANS/GE.6/R.36).
       8. The  Shipping  Division  of  UNCTAD  developed  in  1979  a
   one-digit "broad packing code"  and  also  a  two-digit  "detailed
   packing  code"  for  the  "Manual  on  a  Uniform  System  of Port
   Statistics and Performance Indicators".
       9. The  Working  Party  on Facilitation of International Trade
   Procedures realised that other international bodies  such  as  the
   Customs   Co-operation   Council   (CCC),  and  regional  economic
   groupings also had a strong interest in the  coding  project.  The
   secretariat  of  the  ECE undertook to report on their work and to
   ascertain which organizations would participate in an  examination
   of  the compatibility of various concepts (TRADE/WP.4/R.202).  The
   secretariats of the interested  international  organizations  were
   invited  by  the  ECE  secretariat  to  collaborate with a view to
   achieving the optimum future harmonization of classification  and,
   if  possible,  of  codes.  Five  such  inter-secretariat meetings,
   serviced by the Trade Division of the UN/ECE and  chaired  by  the
   Statistical  Office  of  the  European  Communities  (SOEC),  were
   arranged at Geneva between 1981 and 1985.
       10. The  first  meeting  examined  the purposes of the various
   codes and agreed that they should cover all goods in all modes  of
   transport  and should classify them according to the most external
   cover or wrapping.  The meeting also  agreed  on  the  first  five
   common categories for a one-digit cargo classification. The second
   meeting  (September  1982)  examined  underlying  principles   and
   practical   problems   (synonyms,   simultaneous   packagings   in
   "combination",  complications related to dangerous goods etc).  It
   was agreed:
       1) to identify "preferred" terms,
       2)  to  envisage  both  simple  applications covering only one
   packaging (e.g. the EEC and UNCTAD codes) and complex applications
   for combined packagings (UIC/ICS code) and
       3)  to omit reference to dangerous goods (because danger was a
   characteristic  of  the  goods,  not of the package,  and could be
   present also in unpacked bulk gods). The third meeting (June 1984)
   agreed  that "shape" should be the basic criterion for classifying
   packaging types and that the first digit could be a one-digit code
   for  packages.  Codes were allocated to nine types of cargo,  nine
   types  of  packages  (arranged in order from the most to the least
   frequent)  and  to eight types of packaging materials.  The fourth
   inter-secretariat  meeting  (February  1985)  agreed,  in  view of
   comments   received,   to   apply   the   "shape"  criterion  more
   consistently  to package types,  a further breakdown was suggested
   according to "size".
       11. The  final  meeting  (November  1985)  prepared  a   draft
   Recommendation,  in the form of a structured,  numeric code system
   for  cargo  units  (one-digit),  package  types   (one-digit   or,
   optionally,  two-digits) and packaging materials (one-digit).  The
   UN/ECE secretariat  prepared  complimentary  two-letter  codes  to
   represent  the  most  frequently  used  package  names.  Pictorial
   symbols were added to the textual descriptions to provide a visual
   association  between the codes and the types of packages that they
       12. After   further   extensive   national  and  international
   consultations  the  present  recommendation  was  adopted  at  the
   twenty-third  session  of the UN/ECE Working Party on Facilitation
   of International Trade Procedures, in March 1986.

                               II. SCOPE

       13. This Recommendation establishes a numeric code  system  to
   represent  types  of  cargo,  packages  and packaging materials in
   trade,  transport  and  other  economic  activities   related   to
   international   trade.   The   Recommendation   also   establishes
   complementary alphabetic codes for names of packages.
       14. At  its thirty-ninth session,  the Working Party agreed to
   approve the proposal made by the delegation of Canada in  document
   TRADE/WP.4/R.895  to  incorporate,  as  an  additional annex,  the
   packaging codes used for the  transportation  of  dangerous  goods
   into the Recommendation and to amend it appropriately.

                       III. FIELD OF APPLICATION

       15. The  code  system  and  the  codes  provided  for  in this
   Recommendation are intended for use in  data  interchange  between
   participants  in  international  trade,  by  automatic interchange
   methods,  and also in  other  applications.  The  codes  are  also
   intended  for  use  in  manual  systems,  e.g.  to  complement  or
   substitute  plain  language  descriptions   in   forms   used   in
   international  trade.  Where appropriate and desirable,  the codes
   can be used in the context of other economic activities.

                       IV. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS

       16. For the  purpose  of  this  Recommendation  the  following
   definitions  apply:
       Cargo: The load of goods carried on board a ship or on another
   means of transport; <*>
       <*> Cargo can consist of either liquid or solid  materials  or
   substances,  without any packaging (e.g.  bulk cargo), or of loose
   items of unpacked goods, packages, unutilized goods (on pallets or
   in  freight  containers)  or  goods  loaded on transport units and
   carried on active means of transport.

       Cargo type:  A classification of cargo carried, or intended to
   be   carried,   on  means  of  transport,  based  on  its  general
       Package: The  complete  product  of a packaging operation,  as
   prepared  for  transport   and   consisting   of   the   packaging
   (receptacle, container) and its contained goods; <**>
       <**> The  term  package  includes  all  articles used and,  in
   particular,  holders used as external or  internal  coverings  for
   goods,  holders  on  which  goods  are rolled,  wound or attached,
   containers (other than those defined in international conventions)
   and receptacles. The term excludes means of transport and articles
   of transport equipment such as pallets and freight containers.

       Packaging: Materials  and  components  used  in  any packaging
   operation to wrap,  contain and  protect  articles  or  substances
   during transport;
       Package type:  The shape or configuration of a package  as  it
   appears for transport.

                             V. REFERENCES

       17. The following international instruments and documents have
   been  taken  into  account  in  the  preparation  of  the  present
       UN/ECE/TRANS/GE.6/R.36, 1981:  Possibilities of  developing  a
   classification of characteristics of handling cargo in relation to
   the CSTE
       UN Statistical Commission:  Recommendation of a uniform system
   to link commodity flows  and  shipping  documents  (20th  session,
       UNCTAD/SHIP/185/Rev. 1,  Manual on a uniform  system  of  port
   statistics and performance indicators, 1979, 2nd edition, 1983
       UN/ECE/FAL Recommendation No. 19: Code for Modes of Transport,
       UN/ECE/FAL   Recommendation   No.   20:   Code  for  Units  of
   Measurement Used in International Trade, 1985
       European Convention on Customs Treatment of  Pallets  Used  in
   International Transport, Geneva, 1956
       OECD: Recommendations on the international standardization  of
   packing for fruit and vegetables
       Customs Convention on the temporary importation  of  Packings,
   Brussels, 1960
       Customs Convention on Containers, Geneva, 1956
       Customs Convention on Containers, Geneva, 1972
       ISO TC 122: Packing, draft proposal 5988
       ISO 3676-1983 Packing. Unit load sizes. Dimensions
       IATA, 1982: Special handling codes.
       United Nations  Recommendations  on the Transport of Dangerous
   goods, ST/SG/AC.10/1/Rev.8, 1993
       18. Reference  is  also made to the UN/ECE Trade Data Elements
   Directory (UNTDED),  which includes the  following  data  element,
   relevant for this Recommendation:
       7064 Package Type
       Desc: Description of the form in which goods are presented
       7064 Package Type, coded
       Repr: n..4; a2

                          SYSTEM AND THE CODES

                A. Structure of the numeric code system

       19. The Recommendation provides numeric codes for:
       (a) Cargo     type     (one-digit),     indicating    handling
   characteristics of the cargo.
       (b) Package type (two digits of which the second is optional),
   referring  to  packages  (by extension in order to insure complete
   coverage)  of  goods carried loose in freight containers,  wagons,
   ships, etc.
       (c)  Packaging material (one-digit),  referring to the type of
   any material (steel,  wood, textile, paper etc), used for making a

                     B. Optional alphabetic codes

       20. Complementary alphabetic codes are provided  to  represent
   package  names  most  commonly used in trade and transport.  These
   names are listed in Annex V and VI in  alphabetic  name  and  code
   order,  respectively  with  their  two-letter  representations and
   corresponding numeric codes.

                   C. The presentation of the codes

       21. The different codes are presented in the Annexes  to  this
   Recommendation, as follows:
       Annex I: Basic numeric, one-digit code system
       Annex II:   Cargo  type  one-digit  code:  descriptions,  with
   pictorial symbols
       Annex III:  Table  of  cargo type code,  package type code and
   packing materials code
       Annex IV:   Package   type   code:   2-digit  codes  (1-digit,
   optionally), pictorial symbols, descriptions and common names
       Annex V:  Coded  representation  of package type names used in
   international trade (in alphabetic name order)
       Annex VI:  Coded representations of package type names used in
   international trade (in alphabetic code order)
       Annex VII:  Code  for  designating  types of packagings in the
   transport of dangerous goods.

                       VII. RULES OF APPLICATION

       22. The  three  numeric  codes  (Cargo  type,  Package   type,
   Packaging   Material)   can  each  be  used  independently  or  in
   combination with one or both  of  the  other  two.  The  Packaging
   Material  code  is especially suitable for use in combination with
   the Package Type code.
       23. The numeric codes can  be  used  at  the  one-digit  level
   (ANNEX I).
       24. Each of the  codes  can  be  used  in  a  simple,  single,
       In this type of application:
       (a) the Cargo Type code can be used to record  only  the  most
   external form of the cargo visible during transport and indicative
   of the most appropriate method of handling.  (This  is  designated
   the "first-level mode of appearance" by transport statisticians);
       (b) the Package Type code can be used (by a manufacturer,  for
   example)  to  record only the "immediate wrapping or receptacle of
   the goods,  which the purchaser normally  acquires  with  them  in
   retail sales"; similarly, this code can be used (by an exporter or
   shipper,  for example) to record only the "most external  wrapping
   or receptacle of the goods,  which the importer, wholesaler or the
   retailer normally acquires";
       (c) the Packaging Material code can be used to record only the
   material used to make that packaging which is to be recorded under
   the Package Type code.
       25. The codes for Cargo Type and Package Type may be  used  in
   combination  with  other codes such as Code for Modes of Transport
   (UN/ECE Recommendation No. 19).
       26. The  codes  for Package Type (one-digit level) and Package
   Names (two-alpha) may be used in combination with a  data  element
   specifying unit  of  measurement,  to indicate the precise size of
   package,  for example,  "5 KGM", "25 KGM", or "50 KGM" receptacles
   for  dry  goods,  or  "70 CLT",  "1 LTR",  "5 LTR" receptacles for
   liquid goods (UN/ECE Recommendation No. 20 under revision).
       27. The Package Type codes can be used,  alternatively, at the
   two-digit level.  The two-digit Package Type code is  hierarchical
   in  structure:  the  first  digit indicates primarily shape of the
   package,  whilst the (optional) second digit  indicates  primarily
   size of packages within each shape.
       28. The numeric code system is generic and accommodates in its
   structure  all existent and all possible types of cargo,  packages
   and packaging materials at either the one-digit or the  two  digit
       29. As a further alternative, Package Names codes can be used.
   These  complementary,  two-alpha  codes cover the current and most
   frequently used package names in the English,  French and  Russian
   languages.  Additional  package names and codes may be added under
   the maintenance procedure.

                     Rules of extended application

       30. Each of the codes can  be  used,  by  extension,  in  more
   complex,  multiple  applications.  In  this  type  of application,
   several characters for each code (numeric or  alphabetic)  can  be
   used  simultaneously as nested data elements (corresponding to the
   several levels of cargo units being carried, or the several levels
   of  packages  being  shipped,  simultaneously  nested  one  inside
   another) so that
       (a) the  Cargo Type code can be used to record,  in succession
   two,  three or more levels of cargo from the most  external  cargo
   inwards;  for  example,  a lorry with a freight container "said to
   contain" pallets loaded with sacks of coffee coded:
       6, 2, 4, 9;
       (b) the Package Type code can be used to record, in succession
   two,  three,  or more levels of packaging from the  most  external
   packaging inwards;  for example, a large box containing cartons of
   small bags or sachets tea is coded:
       2, 2, 6 (one-digit code) or
       24, 22, 61 (two-digit code) or
       BX, CN, SA (two-alpha code);
       (c) the  Packaging  Material  code  can  be  used to record in
   succession,  and in the same order,  the material(s) used to  make
   each of the two,  three,  or more levels of packaging which are to
   be recorded under the Package Type code.


       31. Users can choose between structured numeric and alphabetic
   codes.  Numeric  codes  may  be  preferable  for  ADP  as they are
   structured  whereas  alphabetic  codes  offer   more   permutation
   possibilities.  In  trade  documents  package  types are described
   mainly for the purpose of enabling the identification of the goods
   when  these  are moved and handled during transport operations and
   for the  purpose  of  frontier  control;  in  this  context  short
   alphabetic  codes  are  often  preferred,  as  they  are easier to
   memorize,  particularly if they provide a mnemonic link  with  the
   name of the package type.
       32. In their choice of coding systems traders  might  use  the
   following checklist:
       - Is there a de jure mandatory coding system that must be used
   in view of the nature of the goods?
       - Is there a de facto mandatory coding  system  prescribed  by
   the mode of transport?
       - What codes are required by frontier controlling  authorities
   in the chain of transport?
       - Are the goods sent to a client in a country where the  Latin
   alphabet is little known?
       - What codes are preferred by  the  trading  partner  for  his
   (computerized) office management system?

                       IX. PROVISION FOR UPDATING

       33. Proposals  for updating the lists of the codes appended to
   this Recommendation should  be  addressed  to  the  Working  Party
   through  the  ECE Trade Division.  The Working Party will consider
   the proposals at one of its regular sessions.
       34. When  a  change  in  the list of codes is agreed,  the ECE
   secretariat will issue an amending supplement or a revised list of
   codes, as appropriate.

                                                              Annex I


                       (a) Passengers and Cargo

               Passengers and Cargo Type code

               0      No cargo unit (liquid bulk
               1      No cargo unit (solid bulk goods)
               2      Large freight containers
               3      Other freight containers
               4      Palletized
               5      Pre-slung
               6      Mobile self-propelled units
               7      Other mobile units
               8      Passengers
               9      Other cargo types

                             (b) Packages

               Package Type code <*>

               0      Bulk
               1      Loose, unpacked (excluding bulk)
               2      Rigid, box-type, (prismatic)
               3      Rigid, drum-type, (cylindrical)
               4      Rigid, bulb-type, (spherical)
               5      Rigid, other
               6      Flexible, bag-type
               7      (for future use)
               8      (Reserved)
               9      Other, or special packages
       <*> The  two-digit codes for Package Types are in Annexes III,
   IV, V and VI.

                        (c) Packaging Materials

               Packaging material code

               0      None
               1      Plastics
               2      Paper and fibreboard
               3      Wood
               4      (For future use)
               5      Metal
               6      Glass, porcelain, ceramic,
               7      Textile
               8      (Reserved)
               9      Unknown or not otherwise

                                                             Annex II



     0   No cargo unit (liquid bulk goods):
         includes  i)  liquids  ii)  liquified  gases  iii) molten or
         slurried solids, suitable for continuous mechanical handling
         for transport by pipeline or loose in a hold,  tank or other
         compartment integral to a means of transport.

     1   No cargo unit (solid bulk goods):
         includes  i) fine powders ii) granular particles iii) large,
         lumpy,   dry  solids,  suitable  for  continuous  mechanical
         handling,  for  transport by fixed installations (other than
         pipeline)  or  loose in a hold or other compartment integral
         to a means of transport.

     2   Large freight containers:
         Goods loaded in/on a freight container 20ft. (6m) or more in
         external length;  includes lift van,  swap/swop body,  flat,
         moveable tank or similar articles of transport equipment.

     3   Other freight containers:
         Goods loaded in/on a freight container less than 20 ft. (6m)
         in  external  length;  includes  i)  rigid Intermediate Bulk
         Containers  (IBCs)  ii)  aircraft  Unit Load Devices (ULDs);
         excludes  i)  air  mode  pallets  ii) sea or land mode box-,
         tank-, post, rack-pallets not exceeding 1.25 m2 deck area.

     4   Palletized:
         Goods  loaded  on  a deck;  includes  i)  disposable one-way
         pallets   ii)   sea  or  land  mode  box-,   tank-,   post-,
         rack-pallets   not   exceeding   1.25   m2  deck  area  iii)
         slip-sheets  iv)  air mode pallets v) bricks,  ingots,  etc.
         suitably assembled for fork-lift truck handling.

     5   Pre-slung:
         Goods  (one or more items) supplied with a sling (or slings)
         or various materials (natural/artificial fibre,  steel wire,
         etc.) and of various designs (loop, ring, cloverleaf, etc.);
         includes i) "packaged" timber ii) Flexible Intermediate Bulk
         Containers (FIBCs).

     6   Mobile self-propelled units:
         includes i) road motor vehicles (lorries,  buses,  cars) and
         accompanying  trailers,  semi-trailers,  caravans engaged in
         goods/passenger transport ii) motorised road,  agricultural,
         industrial, etc.  vehicles moving in trade iii) live animals
         "on the hoof".

     7   Other mobile units:
         non-self-propelled   vehicles   and   equipment  on  wheels;
         includes    i)    unaccompanied   trailers,    semi-trailers
         railwagons, ship-borne barges engaged in goods transport ii)
         caravans  and  other road,  agricultural,  industrial,  etc.
         vehicles iii) ship-borne port-to-port trailers.

     8   Passengers

     9   Other cargo types:
         all cargo not elsewhere enumerated (i.e.  the residual types
         of  cargo  carried  in transport:  "break-bulk" or "general"
         cargo,  e.g.  boxes,  drums, bags, etc.  and loose, unpacked
         items such as pipes, rods, etc.).


       Liquid bulk          0 <*>

       Solid bulk           1 <*>

       Large freight        2 <*>

       Other freight        3 <*>

       Palletized           4 <*>

       Pre-slung            5 <*>

       Mobile               6 <*>

       Other mobile units   7 <*>

       Passengers on        8 <*>

       Other cargo types    9 <*>
       <*>   .

                                                            Annex III

                        PACKAGING MATERIALS CODE

       CARGO                                     PACKAGE TYPE CODE                                                                                   PACKAGE   
       UNIT      +-------------T-T------------T--------------T-------------T-------------T------------T----------T------------T----------T-----------+ MATERIAL  
       CODE                   0      1             2           3            4            5          6          7          8         9        CODE    
         0       0             solid, fine solid,        solid        liquid at    liquified atgas (at               (reserved)n.o.e.         0      
   No cargo unit Bulk          particles   granular      large        normal       abnormal    1031 mbar)                      (not          None    
   (liquid bulk)                           particles     particles    temperature  temperature                                 otherwise  +-----------+
   +--------------+                                                     and pressure and pressure                                enumerated)    1      
         1                                                                                                                                 Plastics  
   No cargo unit                                                                                                                          +-----------+
   (solid bulk)  +-------------+-+------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+------------+----------+------------+----------+-----------+    2      
   +--------------+1             cylinder    cylinder      cylinder     cylinder     rectangle   rectangle rectangle   (reserved)complex or  Paper and 
         2       Loose,        long        long          hollow       hollow formedsuperficial linear    dense                 special    fibreboard 
   Large freight unpacked      hollow      solid         formed by    by linear    (plane)                                     shapes,    +-----------+
    containers   (excluding                              flat materialmaterial                                                 n.o.e.         3      
   +--------------+bulk)                                   wound        wound                                                                  Wood    
         3                                               on itself    on itself                                                           +-----------+
   Other freight +-------------+-+------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+------------+----------+------------+----------+-----------+    4      
    containers   2             complete    complete      complete     complete     complete    incompleteincomplete  (reserved)incomplete (for future
   +--------------+Rigid,        very small  small         medium       large        very large  skeletal  on top                on top with    use)   
         4       box-type      (KGM<1      (1         <1>          <1>                                                        +-----------+
     Pre-slung   +-------------+-+------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+------------+----------+------------+----------+-----------+    6      
   +--------------+3             very small  small         medium       large        very large                        (reserved)n.o.e.        Glass,  
         6       Rigid,        (KGM, LTR,  (KGM, LTR,    (KGM, LTR,   (KGM, LTR,   (KGM, LTR,                                              porselain 
   Mobile units, drum-type     MTQ) <2>    MTQ) <2>      MTQ) <2>     MTQ) <2>     MTQ) <2>                                                ceramics, 
   self-propelled(cylindrical)                                                                                                             stoneware 
   +--------------+                                                                                                                         +-----------+
         7                                                                                                                                    7      
       Other     +-------------+-+------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+------------+----------+------------+----------+-----------+  Textile  
    mobile units 4             very small  small         medium       large        very large                        (reserved)n.o.e.     +-----------+
   +--------------+Rigid,        wide        narrow        narrow       truncated    truncated                                                  8      
         8       bulb-type     opening     opening       opening      ends         ends                                                   (reserved) 
     (reserved)  spherical     (KGM, LTR,  oblate        oblate       prolate      prolate                                                +-----------+
   +--------------+              MTQ) <2>    (KGM, LTR,    (KGM, LTR,   (KGM, LTR,   (KGM, LTR,                                                 9      
         9                                 MTQ) <2>      MTQ) <2>     MTQ) <2>     MTQ) <2>                                               Unknown or 
       Other     +-------------+-+------------+--------------+-------------+-------------+------------+----------+------------+----------+-----------+   n.o.e.  
    cargo units  5             cone                                   parallel-                                      (reserved)n.o.e.     L------------
   L---------------Rigid,        truncated,                             piped                                                               
                   other         normally                                                                                                   
                   6             complete    complete      complete     complete     complete    incompletesheet       (reserved)n.o.e.     
                   Flexible,     very small  small         medium       large        very large  open mesh superimsosed                     
                   bag-type      (KGM, LTR,  (KGM, LTR,    (KGM, LTR,   (KGM, LTR,   (KGM, LTR,                                             
                                 MTQ) <2>    MTQ) <2>      MTQ) <2>     MTQ) <2>     MTQ) <2>                                               
                   7                                                                                                   (reserved)           
                   (for future                                                                                                              
                   8                                                                                                   (reserved)           
                   9             cylindrical                                                                           (reserved)n.o.e.     
                   Other or      with rims on                                                                                               
                   special       whith goods                                                                                                
                   packages      are wound                                                                                                  
        <1>    "f"   .
        <2> Same figures as for "Rigid, box-type (prismatic)" code.

                                                             Annex IV


                                0 Bulk

       01 <*>  solid, fine particles ("powders")
       02 <*>  solid, granular particles ("grains")
       03 <*>  solid, large particles ("nodules")
       04 <*>  liquid (at normal temperature/pressure)
       05 <*>  gas (liquified at abnormal temperature/pressure)
       06 <*>  gas (at l031 mbar and l5 degr. C)
       07      (reserved)
       09      n.o.e. (not otherwise enumerated)
       <*>   .

                  1 Loose, Unpacked, (excluding bulk)

       11 <*>  cylinder, long, hollow
               ("pipe, tube")
               ("pipes, tubes in bundle/bunch/truss")
       12 <*>  cylinder, long, solid
               ("rod, log")
               ("rods, logs in bundle/bunch/truss")
       13 <*>  cylinder, hollow, formed by flat material wound on
               itself ("roll, bolt")
       14 <*>  cylinder,  hollow,  formed by linear material wound on
               itself ("coil, ring")
       15 <*>  rectangle, superficial
               ("sheet, plate")
               ("sheets, plates in bundle/bunch/truss")
       16 <*>  rectangle, linear
               ("bar, board, girder, plank")
               ("bars, boards, girders, planks in bundle/bunch/
       17 <*>  rectangle, dense
               ("ingots in bundle/bunch/truss")
       18      (reserved)
       19      n.o.e. (not otherwise enumerated)
       <*>   .

                    2 Rigid, Box-type, (prismatic)

       21 <*>  complete, very small
               (KGM,1; LTR<1; MTQ<0.001)
               ("match box")
       22 <*>  complete, small
               (1  complete, medium
               (5  complete, large
               (50  complete, very large
               (300  incomplete, skeletal framework
               ("cage, frame, skeletoncase")
       27 <*>  incomplete on top
               ("basket, shallow crate, tray, traypack")
       28      (reserved)
       29 <*>  incomplete on top with internal divisions
               ("bottlecrate, bottlerack") & n.o.e.
       <*>   .

                   3 Rigid, Drum-type, (cylindrical)

       31 <*>  very small
               (KGM<1; LTR<1; MTQ<0.001)
               ("ampoule, vial")
       32 <*>  small
               (1  medium
               (5  large
               (50  very large
               (300   .

                    4 Rigid, Bulb-type, (spherical)

       41 <*>  very small, wide opening
               (KGM<1; LTR<1; MTQ<0.001)
               ("jug, jar, pitcher, pot")
       42 <*>  small, narrow opening, oblate
               (1  medium, narrow opening, oblate
               (5  large, truncated ends, prolate
               (50  very large, truncated ends, prolate
               (300   .

                            5 Rigid, Other

       51 <*>  cone, truncated, normally with handle
               ("bucket, cup, pail, tub")
       54 <*>  parallelepiped
       58      (reserved)
       59      n.o.e. (not otherwise enumerated)
       <*>   .

                         6 Flexible, Bag-type

       61 <*>  complete, very small
               (KGM<1; LTR<1; MTQ<0.001)
       62 <*>  complete, small
               (1  complete, medium
               (5  complete, large
               (50  complete, very large
               (300  incomplete, open mesh
       67 <*>  sheet, superimposed
               ("filmpack, shrinkwrapped, vacuum-packed")
       68      (reserved)
       69      n.o.e. (not otherwise enumerated)
       <*>   .

                          7 (for future use)

       78      (reserved)
       79      n.o.e. (not otherwise enumerated)

                             8 (Reserved)

                      9 Other or special packages

       91 <*>  cylinder with rims on which goods are wound
               ("bobbin, reel spindle")
       98      (reserved)
       99      n.o.e. (not otherwise enumerated)

                                                              Annex V


                      (in alphabetical name order)

                                         Coded representations    
        Package type names          +-----------------T------------+
                                    Alphabetical codeNumeric code
   Aerosol                                 AE        42 or 43    
   Ampoule, non-protected                  AM        31          
   Ampoule, protected                      AP        31          
   Atomizer                                AT        42 or 43    
   Bag                                     BG        62 to 64    
   Bale, compressed                        BL        65          
   Bale, non-compressed                    BN        65          
   Balloon, non-protected                  BF        42 or 43    
   Balloon, protected                      BP        42 or 43    
   Bar                                     BR        16          
   Barrel                                  BA        44 or 45    
   Bars, in bundle/bunch/truss             BZ        16          
   Basket                                  BK        27          
   Beer crate                              CB        23 to 27    
   Bin                                     BI        21 or 25    
   Board                                   BD        16          
   Board, in bundle/bunch/truss            BY        16          
   Bobbin                                  BB        91          
   Bolt                                    BT        13          
   Bottle, non-protected,                                        
    cylindrical                            BO        32 or 33    
   Bottle, non-protected, bulbous          BS        42 or 43    
   Bottle, protected cylindrical           BQ        32 or 33    
   Bottle, protected bulbous               BV        42 or 43    
   Bottlecrate, bottlerack                 BC        29          
   Box                                     BX        21 or 25    
   Bucket                                  BJ        51          
   Bulk, liquefied gas (at                                       
    abnormal temperature/pressure)         VQ        05          
   Bulk, gas (at 1031 mbar and                                   
    15 degr. C)                            VG        06          
   Bulk, liquid                            VL        04          
   Bulk, solid, fine particles                                   
    ("powders")                            VY        01          
   Bulk, solid, granular particles                               
    ("grains")                             VR        02          
   Bulk, solid, large panicles                                   
    ("nodules")                            VO        03          
   Bunch                                   BH        61 to 65    
   Bundle                                  BE        61 to 65    
   Butt                                    BU        44 or 45    
   Cage                                    CG        26          
   Can, rectangular                        CA        22          
   Can, cylindrical                        CX        32          
   Canister                                CI        21 or 22    
   Canvas                                  CZ        67          
   Carboy, non-protected                   CO        43          
   Carboy, protected                       CP        43          
   Carton                                  CT        22 to 24    
   Case                                    CS        21 or 25    
   Cask                                    CK        44 or 45    
   Chest                                   CH        25          
   Churn                                   CC        32 or 33    
   Coffer                                  CF        24          
   Coffin                                  CJ        54          
   Coil                                    CL        14          
   Collapsible tube                        TD        62 to 64    
   Cover                                   CV        67          
   Crate                                   CR        24 to 25    
   Creel                                   CE        27          
   Cup                                     CU        51          
   Cylinder                                CY        12          
   Demijohn, non-protected                 DJ        43          
   Demijohn, protected                     DP        43          
   Drum                                    DR        34          
   Envelope                                EN        67          
   Filmpack                                FP        67          
   Firkin                                  FI        44 or 45    
   Flask                                   FL        42 or 43    
   Footlocker                              FO        23          
   Frame                                   FR        26          
   Framed crate                            FD        26          
   Fruit crate                             FC        23 to 27    
   Gas bottle                              GB        31 or 35    
   Girder                                  GI        16          
   Girders, in bundle/bunch/truss          GZ        16          
   Hamper                                  HR        23          
   Hogshead                                HG        44 or 45    
   Ingot                                   IN        17          
   Ingots, in bundle/bunch/truss           IZ        17          
   Jar                                     JR        41          
   Jerrican, rectangular                   JC        23          
   Jerrican, cylindrical                   JY        33          
   Jug                                     JG        41          
   Jutebag                                 JT        61 or 65    
   Keg                                     KG        44 or 45    
   Log                                     LG        12          
   Logs, in bundle/bunch/truss             LZ        12          
   Milk crate                              MC        27          
   Multiply bag                            MB        62 to 64    
   Multiwall sack                          MS        62 to 64    
   Mat                                     MT        67          
   Match box                               MX        21          
   Nest                                    NS        24          
   Net                                     NT        66          
   Package                                 PK        21 to 23    
   Packet                                  PA        21 to 23    
   Pail                                    PL        51          
   Parcel                                  PC        21 to 23    
                                                     or 61 to 63 
   Pipe                                    PI        11          
   Pipes, in bundle/bunch/truss            PZ        11          
   Pitcher                                 PH        41          
   Plank                                   PN        16          
   Planks, in bundle/bunch/truss           PZ        16          
   Plate                                   PG        15          
   Plates, in bundle/bunch/truss           PY        15          
   Pot                                     PT        41          
   Pouch                                   PO        61          
   Rednet                                  RT        66          
   Reel                                    RL        91          
   Ring                                    RG        14          
   Rod                                     RD        12          
   Rods, in bundle/bunch/truss             RZ        12          
   Roll                                    RO        13          
   Sachet                                  SH        61          
   Sack                                    SA        65          
   Sea-chest                               SE        22 or 23    
   Shallow crate                           SC        27          
   Sheet                                   ST        15          
   Sheetmetal                              SM        15          
   Sheets, in bundle/bunch/truss           SZ        15          
   Shrinkwrapped                           SW        67          
   Skeleton case                           SK        26          
   Slipsheet                               SL        67          
   Spindle                                 SD        91          
   Suitcase                                SU        21 to 23    
                                                     or 61 to 63 
   Tank, rectangular                       TK        24 or 25    
   Tank, cylindrical                       TY        34 or 35    
   Tea-chest                               TC        21 to 23    
   Tin                                     TN        21 or 22    
   Tray                                    PU        27          
   Tray pack                               PU        27          
   Trunk                                   TR        24 or 25    
   Truss                                   TS        16          
   Tub                                     TB        51          
   Tube                                    TU        11          
   Tube, collapsible                       TD        61 or 65    
   Tubes, in bundle/bunch/truss            TZ        11          
   Tun                                     TO        44 or 45    
   Unpacked or unpackaged                  NE        00          
   Vacuum-packed                           VP        67          
   Vat                                     VA        35          
   Vial                                    VI        31          
   Wickerbottle                            WB        42 or 43    

                                                             Annex VI

                         CODED REPRESENTATIONS

                      (in alphabetical code order)

                                         Coded representations    
        Package type names          +-----------------T------------+
                                    Alphabetical codeNumeric code
   Aerosol                                AE         42 or 43    
   Ampoule, non-protected                 AM         31          
   Ampoule, protected                     AP         31          
   Atomizer                               AT         42 or 43    
   Barrel                                 BA         44 or 45    
   Bobbin                                 BB         91          
   Bottlecrate, bottlerack                BC         29          
   Board                                  BD         16          
   Bundle                                 BE         61 to 65    
   Balloon, non-protected                 BF         42 or 43    
   Bag                                    BG         62 to 64    
   Bunch                                  BH         61 to 65    
   Bin                                    BI         21 or 25    
   Bucket                                 BJ         51          
   Basket                                 BK         27          
   Bale, compressed                       BL         65          
   Bale, non-compressed                   BN         65          
   Bottle, non-protected,                                        
    cylindrical                           BO         32 or 33    
   Balloon, protected                     BP         42 or 43    
   Bottle, protected cylindrical          BQ         32 or 33    
   Bar                                    BR         16          
   Bottle, non-protected, bulbous         BS         42 or 43    
   Bolt                                   BT         13          
   Butt                                   BU         44 or 45    
   Bottle, protected bulbous              BV         42 or 43    
   Box                                    BX         21 or 25    
   Board, in bundle/bunch/truss           BY         16          
   Bars, in bundle/bunch/truss            BZ         16          
   Can, rectangular                       CA         22          
   Beer crate                             CB         23 to 27    
   Churn                                  CC         32 or 33    
   Creel                                  CE         27          
   Coffer                                 CF         24          
   Cage                                   CG         26          
   Chest                                  CH         25          
   Canister                               CI         21 or 22    
   Coffin                                 CJ         54          
   Cask                                   CK         44 or 45    
   Coil                                   CL         14          
   Carboy, non-protected                  CO         43          
   Carboy, protected                      CP         43          
   Crate                                  CR         24 to 25    
   Case                                   CS         21 or 25    
   Carton                                 CT         22 to 24    
   Cup                                    CU         51          
   Cover                                  CV         67          
   Can, cylindrical                       CX         32          
   Cylinder                               CY         12          
   Canvas                                 CZ         67          
   Demijohn, non-protected                DJ         43          
   Demijohn, protected                    DP         43          
   Drum                                   DR         34          
   Envelope                               EN         67          
   Fruit crate                            FC         23 to 27    
   Framed crate                           FD         26          
   Firkin                                 FI         44 or 45    
   Flask                                  FL         42 or 43    
   Footlocker                             FO         23          
   Filmpack                               FP         67          
   Frame                                  FR         26          
   Gas bottle                             GB         31 or 35    
   Girder                                 GI         16          
   Girders, in bundle/bunch/truss         GZ         16          
   Hogshead                               HG         44 or 45    
   Hamper                                 HR         23          
   Ingot                                  IN         17          
   Ingots, in bundle/bunch/truss          IZ         17          
   Jerrican, rectangular                  JC         23          
   Jug                                    JG         41          
   Jar                                    JR         41          
   Jutebag                                JT         61 or 65    
   Jerrican, cylindrical                  JY         33          
   Keg                                    KG         44 or 45    
   Log                                    LG         12          
   Logs, in bundle/bunch/truss            LZ         12          
   Multiply bag                           MB         62 to 64    
   Milk crate                             MC         27          
   Multiwall sack                         MS         62 to 64    
   Mat                                    MT         67          
   Match box                              MX         21          
   Unpacked or unpackaged                 NE         00          
   Nest                                   NS         24          
   Net                                    NT         66          
   Packet                                 PA         21 to 23    
   Parcel                                 PC         21 to 23    
                                                     or 61 to 63 
   Plate                                  PG         15          
   Pitcher                                PH         41          
   Pipe                                   PI         11          
   Package                                PK         21 to 23    
   Pail                                   PL         51          
   Plank                                  PN         16          
   Pouch                                  PO         61          
   Pot                                    PT         41          
   Tray pack                              PU         27          
   Tray                                   PU         27          
   Plates, in bundle/bunch/truss          PY         15          
   Planks, in bundle/bunch/truss          PZ         16          
   Pipes, in bundle/bunch/truss           PZ         11          
   Rod                                    RD         12          
   Ring                                   RG         14          
   Reel                                   RL         91          
   Roll                                   RO         13          
   Rednet                                 RT         66          
   Rods, in bundle/bunch/truss            RZ         12          
   Sack                                   SA         65          
   Shallow crate                          SC         27          
   Spindle                                SD         91          
   Sea-chest                              SE         22 or 23    
   Sachet                                 SH         61          
   Skeleton case                          SK         26          
   Slipsheet                              SL         67          
   Sheetmetal                             SM         15          
   Sheet                                  ST         15          
   Suitcase                               SU         21 to 23    
                                                     or 61 to 63 
   Shrinkwrapped                          SW         67          
   Sheets, in bundle/bunch/truss          SZ         15          
   Tub                                    TB         51          
   Tea-chest                              TC         21 to 23    
   Tube, collapsible                      TD         61 or 65    
   Collapsible tube                       TD         62 to 64    
   Tank, rectangular                      TK         24 or 25    
   Tin                                    TN         21 or 22    
   Tun                                    TO         44 or 45    
   Trunk                                  TR         24 or 25    
   Truss                                  TS         16          
   Tube                                   TU         11          
   Tank, cylindrical                      TY         34 or 35    
   Tubes, in bundle/bunch/truss           TZ         11          
   Vat                                    VA         35          
   Bulk, gas (at 1031 mbar                                       
    and 15 degr. C)                       VG         06          
   Vial                                   VI         31          
   Bulk, liquid                           VL         04          
   Bulk, solid, large particles                                  
    ("nodules")                           VO         03          
   Vacuum-packed                          VP         67          
   Bulk, liquefied gas (at                                       
    abnormal temperature/pressure)        VQ         05          
   Bulk, solid, granular particles                               
    ("grains")                            VR         02          
   Bulk, solid, fine particles                                   
    ("powders")                           VY         01          
   Wickerbottle                           WB         42 or 43    

                                                            Annex VII


       Based on the eighth edition (1993) of the Recommendations
    on the Transport of Dangerous Goods ("Orange Book"), Section 9.4

       1. The code should consist of:
       - an  Arabic  numeral  indicating the kind of packaging,  e.g.
   drum, jerrican, etc., followed by
       - a  capital  letter(s)  in  Latin  characters  indicating the
   nature of the material,  e.g.  steel,  wood,  etc., followed where
   necessary by
       - an Arabic  numeral  indicating  the  category  of  packaging
   within the kind to which the packaging belongs.
       2. In the case of composite packagings, two capital letters in
   Latin characters should be used in sequence in the second position
   of the code.  The first should indicate the material of the  inner
   receptacle and the second that of the outer packaging.
       3. In the case of combination packagings, only the code number
   for the outer packaging should be used.
       4. The letters "V" or "W" may follow the packaging  code.  The
   letter  "V"  signifies  a  special packaging for articles or inner
   packagings of  any  type  for  solids  or  liquids  which  may  be
   assembled  and  transported  without testing in an outer packaging
   under the appropriate conditions (see the "Orange Book", paragraph The letter "W" signifies that the packaging, alghough of
   the same  type  indicated  by  the  code,  is  manufactured  to  a
   specification  different  to  that  in  Section 9.6 of the "Orange
   Book"  and  is  considered  equivalent  under  the  provisions  of
   paragraph  9.3.15  of  the "Orange Book" (use of packagings having
   specifications different from those in Section 9.6).
       5. The  following  numerals  should  be  used for the kinds of
       1. Drum
       2. Wooden barrel
       3. Jerrican
       4. Box
       5. Bag
       6. Composite packaging
       7. Pressure receptacle
       6. The following capital letters should be used for the  types
   of material:
       A. Steel (all types and surface treatments)
       B. Aluminium
       C. Natural wood
       D. Plywood
       F. Reconstituted wood
       G. Fibreboard
       H. Plastics material
       L. Textile
       M. Paper, multiwall
       N. Metal (other than steel or aluminium)
       P. Glass, porcelain or stoneware
       7. The following types and codes of packaging are assigned:

   Kind          Material         Category           Code Paragraph
   1. Drums      A. Steel         non-removable head 1A1  9.6.1    
                                  removable head     1A2           
                 B. Aluminium     non-removable head 1B1  9.6.2    
                                  removable head     1B2           
                 D. Plywood                          1D   9.6.4    
                 G. Fibre                            1G   9.6.6    
                 H. Plastics      non-removable head 1H1  9.6.7    
                                  removable head     1H2           
   2. Barrels    C. Wooden        bung type          2C1  9.6.5    
                                  removable head     2C2           
   3. Jerricans  A. Steel         non-removable head 3A1  9.6.3    
                                  removable head     3A2           
                 H. Plastics      non-removable head 3H1  9.6.7    
                                  removable head     3H2           
   4. Boxes      A. Steel                            4A   9.6.13   
                 B. Aluminium                        4B   9.6.13   
                 C. Natural wood  ordinary           4C1  9.6.8    
                                  with sift-proof                  
                                   walls             4C2           
                 D. Plywood                          4D   9.6.9    
                 F. Reconstituted                                  
                    wood                             4F   9.6.10   
                 G. Fibreboard                       4G   9.6.11   
                 H. Plastics      expanded           4H1  9.6.12   
                                  solid              4H2           
   5. Bags       H. Woven         without inner                    
                    plastics       lining or coating 5H1           
                                  silt-proof         5H2  9.6.15   
                                  water resistant    5H3           
                 H. Plastics                                       
                    film                             5H4  9.6.16   
                 L. Textile       without inner                    
                                   or coating        5L1           
                                  sift-proof         5L2  9.6.14   
                                  water resistant    5L3           
                 M. Paper         multiwall          5M1  9.6.17   
                                  multiwall, water                 
                                   resistant         5M2           
   6. Composite  H. Plastics                                       
      packagings    receptacle    in steel drum      6HA1          
                                  in steel crate                   
                                   or box            6HA2          
                                  in aluminium drum  6HB           
                                  in aluminium crate               
                                   or box            6HB2          
                                  wooden box         6HC           
                                  in plywood drum    6HD1 9.6.18   
                                  in plywood box     6HD2          
                                  in fibre drum      6HG1          
                                  in fibreboard box  6HG2          
                                  in plastics drum   6HH1          
                                  in solid plastics                
                                   box               6HH2          
                 P. Glass,                                         
                    porcelain or  in steel drum      6PA1          
                    stoneware     in steel crate                   
                    receptacle     or box            6PA2          
                                  in aluminium drum  6PB1          
                                  in aluminium crate               
                                   or box            6PB2          
                                  wooden box         6PC           
                                  in plywood drum    6PD1 9.6.19   
                                  in wickerwork                    
                                   hamper            6PD2          
                                  in fibre drum      6PG1          
                                  in fibreboard box  6PG2          
                                  in expanded                      
                                   packagings        6PH1          
                                  in solid plastics                
                                   packaging         6PH2          





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