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Законодательство Российской Федерации




(по состоянию на 20 октября 2006 года)

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                          (Moscow, 26.V.2000)
       In  accordance with the recommendations contained in the Agreed
   Minute   on   the  Reorganization  of  the  Debt  of  the   Russian
   Federation,  signed at Paris on August 1, 1999  (the  "Minute")  by
   representatives  of certain governments, including  the  Government
   of  the United States (the "Participating Creditor Countries"), and
   by representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation;
       In  light of the April 2, 1993 Declaration by the Government of
   the   Russian  Federation  confirming  its  liability  to   foreign
   creditors  for  the  debts  of the former  Soviet  Union  described
   therein  and the April 2, 1993 Statement by the Representatives  of
   the  Governments of the Participating Creditor Countries concerning
   such debts;
       The  Government  of the United States of America  (the  "United
   States")  and  the  Government  of  the  Russian  Federation   (the
   "Russian Federation") agree as follows:
                               Article I
                     Application of the Agreement
       1.  In  accordance  with  the  terms  and  conditions  of  this
   Agreement  the  United States and the Russian Federation  agree  to
   consolidate and reschedule certain payments with respect  to  debts
   owed  to  or  guaranteed  by the United States  Government  or  the
   Commodity    Credit   Corporation   ("CCC"),    an    agency    and
   instrumentality of the United States.
       2. This Agreement shall be implemented between: (a) the Russian
   Federation  and the United States Department of the  Treasury  with
   respect  to  the Contracts specified in Article II (1)(a),  (1)(b),
   and  (1)(e)  below;  and (b) the Russian Federation  and  CCC  with
   respect  to  the Contracts specified in Article II (1)(b),  (1)(c),
   (1)(d),  and  (1)(e)  below. In implementing  the  Agreement,  each
   agency   shall  notify  the  Russian  Federation  of  the   amounts
   consolidated and/or deferred hereunder and of a principal  schedule
   of  those  amounts,  in  conformity with  this  Agreement  and  its
                              Article II
       1. "Contracts" means:
       (a)  The  Settlement of Lend Lease, Reciprocal Aid  and  Claims
   Agreement,   signed   October  18,  1972  (the   "1972   Settlement
   Agreement"),  and  the  related Agreement Regarding  Settlement  of
   Lend  Lease  Accounts,  effected by a  June  1,  1990  exchange  of
   letters,  which remain in force between the United States  and  the
   Russian Federation.
       (b)   The   bilateral   debt  rescheduling   agreement   ("1993
   Rescheduling Agreement") between the United States and the  Russian
   Federation signed on September 30, 1993.
       (c)   The   bilateral   debt  rescheduling   agreement   ("1994
   Rescheduling Agreement") between the United States and the  Russian
   Federation signed on October 25, 1994.
       (d)   The   bilateral   debt  rescheduling   agreement   ("1995
   Rescheduling Agreement") between the United States and the  Russian
   Federation signed on October 9, 1995.
       (e)   The   bilateral   debt  rescheduling   agreement   ("1997
   Rescheduling Agreement") between the United States and the  Russian
   Federation signed on February 6, 1997.
       A  table  listing the relevant Contracts to be  included  under
   this rescheduling is attached hereto as Annex A.
       2.  "Consolidation Period" means the period from July  1,  1999
   through December 31, 2000, inclusive.
       3.  "Consolidated Amounts" means one hundred (100)  percent  of
   the  sum  of  unpaid principal and interest falling due during  the
   Consolidation   Period  with  respect  to   the   1972   Settlement
   Agreement, including unpaid principal and interest falling  due  on
   July  1, 2000, in respect of amounts deferred in 1994, 1995,  1996,
   and 1999 pursuant to the terms of the 1972 Settlement Agreement.
       4. "Previously Rescheduled Consolidated Amounts" means:
       (a)  One  hundred  (100) percent of the sum  of  principal  and
   interest  that  was due and unpaid as of June 30,  1999  (including
   late  interest),  excluding Previously Rescheduled Non-Consolidated
   Amounts  as  defined in Paragraph 6 of this Article,  with  respect
           (i) the 1993  Rescheduling  Agreement,  excluding  amounts
       that were reorganized  in  accordance with  Article III (2)(d)
       of that agreement;
           (ii) the 1994 Rescheduling Agreement;
           (iii) the 1995 Rescheduling Agreement; and
           (iv) the 1997 Rescheduling Agreement; and
       (b)  One  hundred (100) percent оf the sum of unpaid  principal
   and  interest  falling  due  during the Consolidation  Period  with
   respect to:
           (i) the 1993  Rescheduling  Agreement,  excluding  amounts
       that were reorganized in  accordance  with  Article III (2)(d)
       of that agreement;
           (ii) the 1994 Rescheduling Agreement;
           (iii) the 1995 Rescheduling Agreement; and
           (iv) the 1997 Rescheduling Agreement.
       5. "1993 Non-Consolidated Amounts" means:
       (a)  One  hundred  (100) percent of the sum  of  principal  and
   interest  which  was due and unpaid as of June 30, 1999  (including
   late  interest)  with respect to Article III  (2)(d)  of  the  1993
   Rescheduling Agreement; and
       (b)  One  hundred (100) percent of the sum of unpaid  principal
   and  interest  falling  due  during the Consolidation  Period  with
   respect to Article III (2)(d) of the 1993 Rescheduling Agreement.
       6.  "Previously Rescheduled Non-Consolidated Amounts" means one
   hundred  (100)  percent  of  the  sum  of  principal  and  interest
   (including  late interest accrued as of December 31, 1998  pursuant
   to  the  corresponding Contracts) which fell due between August  1,
   1998  and  December 31, 1998, and was unpaid as of June  30,  1999,
   with respect to:
       (i)  the  1993  Rescheduling Agreement, excluding amounts  that
   were  reorganized  in accordance with Article III  (2)(d)  of  that
       (ii) the 1994 Rescheduling Agreement;
       (iii) the 1995 Rescheduling Agreement; and
       (iv) the 1997 Rescheduling Agreement.
                              Article III
                    Terms and Conditions of Payment
       1.  The  Russian  Federation agrees to repay  the  Consolidated
   Amounts,  Previously Rescheduled Consolidated  Amounts,  1993  Non-
   Consolidated   Amounts,  Previously  Rescheduled   Non-Consolidated
   Amounts,  and interest on such amounts in United States dollars  in
   accordance with the following terms and conditions:
       (a)  The  Consolidated Amounts shall be repaid in  thirty-eight
   (38)  consecutive semi-annual installments payable on  February  20
   and  August  20  of  each year, commencing on  February  20,  2002,
   according to the following schedule:
       0,90% on February 20, 2002;          0,90% on August 20, 2002;
       1,68% on February 20, 2003;          1,78% on August 20, 2003;
       2,08% on February 20, 2004;          2,18% on August 20, 2004;
       2,29% on February 20, 2005;          2,40% on August 20, 2005;
       2,43% on February 20, 2006;          2,43% on August 20, 2006;
       2,55% on February 20, 2007;          2,68% on August 20, 2007;
       2,81% on February 20, 2008;          2,94% on August 20, 2008;
       3,08% on February 20, 2009;          3,23% on August 20, 2009;
       3,37% on February 20, 2010;          3,53% on August 20, 2010;
       3,69% on February 20, 2011;          3,85% on August 20, 2011;
       4,02% on February 20, 2012;          4,20% on August 20, 2012;
       4,38% on February 20, 2013;          4,57% on August 20, 2013;
       4,76% on February 20, 2014;          4,96% on August 20, 2014;
       5,17% on February 20, 2015;          5,38% on August 20, 2015;
       5,60% on February 20, 2016;          2,16% on August 20, 2016;
       0,50% on February 20, 2017;          0,50% on August 20, 2017;
       0,50% on February 20, 2018;          0,50% on August 20, 2018;
       0,50% on February 20, 2019;          0,50% on August 20, 2019;
       0,50% on February 20, 2020;          0,50% on August 20, 2020.
       A  table summarizing the amount of Consolidated Amounts owed to
   the United States is attached hereto as Annex B.
       (b)  The  Previously Rescheduled Consolidated Amounts shall  be
   repaid  in thirty (30) consecutive semi-annual installments payable
   on  February 20 and August 20 of each year, commencing on  February
   20, 2002, according to the following schedule:
       0,90% on February 20, 2002;          0,90% on August 20, 2002;
       1,68% on February 20, 2003;          1,78% on August 20, 2003;
       2,08% on February 20, 2004;          2,18% on August 20, 2004;
       2,29% on February 20, 2005;          2,40% on August 20, 2005;
       2,43% on February 20, 2006;          2,43% on August 20, 2006;
       2,55% on February 20, 2007;          2,68% on August 20, 2007;
       2,81% on February 20, 2008;          2,94% on August 20, 2008;
       3,08% on February 20, 2009;          3,23% on August 20, 2009;
       3,37% on February 20, 2010;          3,53% on August 20, 2010;
       3,69% on February 20, 2011;          3,85% on August 20, 2011;
       4,02% on February 20, 2012;          4,20% on August 20, 2012;
       4,38% on February 20, 2013;          4,57% on August 20, 2013;
       4,76% on February 20, 2014;          4,96% on August 20, 2014;
       5,17% on February 20, 2015;          5,38% on August 20, 2015;
       5,60% on February 20, 2016;          6,16% on August 20, 2016.
       A  table  summarizing  the  amount  of  Previously  Rescheduled
   Consolidated Amounts owed to the United States and CCC is  attached
   hereto as Annex C.
       (c)  The  1993  Non-Consolidated Amounts  shall  be  repaid  as
   follows:  ninety  (90) percent of the sum of unpaid  principal  and
   interest (excluding late interest) which was due and unpaid  as  of
   June  30,  1999  with  respect to Article III (2)(d)  of  the  1993
   Rescheduling  Agreement; ninety (90) percent of the sum  of  unpaid
   principal and interest falling due during the Consolidation  Period
   with  respect  to  Article  III (2)(d)  of  the  1993  Rescheduling
   Agreement; and one hundred (100) percent of late interest  due  and
   unpaid  as  of June 30, 1999 with respect to Article III (2)(d)  of
   the  1993 Rescheduling Agreement shall be repaid in ten (10)  equal
   and  consecutive semi-annual installments payable  on  February  20
   and  August 20 of each year, commencing on February 20,  2001,  and
   ending on August 20, 2005.
       The  remainder  of the 1993 Non-Consolidated Amounts  shall  be
   repaid no later than July 1, 2000.
       A  table  summarizing the reprofiled portion of the  1993  Non-
   Consolidated Amounts owed to the United States and CCC is  attached
   hereto as Annex D.
       (d) Seventy-six (76) percent of the Previously Rescheduled Non-
   Consolidated Amounts, together with 100% of late interest  accruing
   between   January  1,  1999  and  June  30,  1999   on   Previously
   Rescheduled  Non-Consolidated Amounts (excluding the late  interest
   portion   thereof),  shall  be  repaid  in  ten  (10)   equal   and
   consecutive  semi-annual installments payable on  February  20  and
   August  20  of  each  year, commencing on February  20,  2001,  and
   ending on August 20, 2005.
       The  remaining  amounts  of  the  Previously  Rescheduled  Non-
   Consolidated Amounts shall be or have been repaid as follows:
       -  Ninety-one  (91) percent was due no later than November  30,
       - Nine (9) percent shall be repaid no later than July 1, 2000.
       A table of the reprofiled portion of the Previously Rescheduled
   Non-Consolidated  Amounts  owed to the United  States  and  CCC  is
   attached hereto as Annex E.
       2.  (a) Interest shall accrue under this Agreement at the  rate
   of  6.5  percent per annum. The rate is based on the U.S.  Treasury
   average  market yields in effect on the date of signature  of  this
   Agreement  for  a  10  year  loan maturity  plus  one-half  of  one
   percent. Interest shall accrue as follows:
           (i) with respect to the  Consolidated Amounts,  Previously
       Rescheduled    Consolidated    Amounts    as     defined    in
       Article II (4)(b),  and  1993  Non-Consolidated   Amounts   as
       defined  in Article II (5)(b),  beginning  on  the  due  dates
       specified in the corresponding Contracts; and
           (ii) with    respect   to   the   Previously   Rescheduled
       Consolidated Amounts  as  defined  in  Article II (4)(a), 1993
       Non-Consolidated Amounts as defined in  Article II (5)(a), and
       Previously Rescheduled Non-Consolidated  Amounts, beginning on
       July 1, 1999.
       (b) Interest shall be paid on February 20 and August 20 of each
   year, beginning on August 20, 2000.
       (c)  In  the  event  any  installment of Consolidated  Amounts,
   Previously  Rescheduled Consolidated Amounts, 1993 Non-Consolidated
   Amounts and Previously Rescheduled Non-Consolidated Amounts is  not
   paid  within  15 days of the due date specified in this  Agreement,
   such  installment shall thereafter accrue interest  until  paid  in
   full  at  the  rate of 6.5 percent per annum plus one-half  of  one
       3.  It is understood that adjustments may be made, as necessary
   and  as  mutually agreed in writing, in the amounts of Consolidated
   Amounts,  Previously Rescheduled Consolidated  Amounts,  1993  Non-
   Consolidated  Amounts, and Previously Rescheduled  Non-Consolidated
                              Article IV
                          General Provisions
       1.  The  provisions  of  Article III  of  this  Agreement  will
   continue to apply unless:
       (a)  the Russian Federation has failed to make the payments due
   November  30,  1999,  as  provided  for  in  Article  III  of  this
   Agreement, and the Chairman of the Paris Club notifies the  Russian
   Federation that the provisions of the Minute cease to apply; or
       (b)  the Russian Federation prior to March 31, 2000, ceases  to
   have  an  appropriate  arrangement with the International  Monetary
   Fund,  and  the  Chairman of the Paris Club  notifies  the  Russian
   Federation that the provisions of the Minute cease to apply; or
       (c) the Russian Federation prior to December 31, 2000 fails  to
   make  the  payments due to the Participating Creditor Countries  as
   specified  in  the  Minute,  and the Chairman  of  the  Paris  Club
   notifies  the Russian Federation that the provisions of the  Minute
   cease to apply.
       2. Notwithstanding any terms of this Agreement to the contrary,
   if  the  provisions of Article III of this Agreement are  suspended
   or  the  Agreement is terminated pursuant to Article IV (1)  above,
   all  payments  under the Contracts shall be made according  to  the
   terms  and conditions of the Contracts and payments that  are  past
   due according to such Contracts shall be paid immediately.
       3.   Except  with  respect  to  interest  rates,  the   Russian
   Federation agrees to grant the United States and CCC treatment  and
   terms  no less favorable than that which it has accorded, or  which
   it  may accord, any other creditor country or its agencies for  the
   consolidation  and  rescheduling  or  refinancing   of   debts   of
   comparable maturities.
       4.  The  Russian Federation will seek to secure  from  external
   creditors,   including   banks  and  suppliers,   rescheduling   or
   refinancing arrangements on terms comparable to those set forth  in
   the  Minute  for  credits of comparable maturities making  sure  to
   avoid inequality between different categories of creditors.
       5.  Except as they may be modified by this Agreement, all terms
   of the Contracts remain in full force and effect.
       6.  With  respect to amounts owing to CCC under this Agreement,
   the   Russian  Federation  agrees  to  the  additional  terms   and
   conditions set forth in Annex F, which is an integral part of  this
       7. With respect to amounts owing to the United States under the
   1972   Settlement   Agreement   and   consolidated   or   otherwise
   rescheduled  by  this Agreement, the Russian Federation  agrees  to
   the additional terms and conditions set forth in Annex G, which  is
   an integral part of this Agreement.
                               Article V
                       Suspension or Termination
       1.  The  United  States  may,  in its  discretion,  suspend  or
   terminate  all  or  parts of this Agreement  if  the  Participating
   Creditor  Countries,  in  accordance with  the  provisions  of  the
   Minute,  declare that the terms of the Minute have ceased to  apply
   and  the  Chairman  of  the  Paris Club has  notified  the  Russian
   Federation  to  that  effect. The United  States  may  affect  such
   suspension or termination by giving sixty (60) days written  notice
   to The Russian Federation through the diplomatic channel.
       2.  This Agreement may be amended or modified by mutual consent
   of the United States and The Russian Federation.
                              Article VI
                           Entry Into Force
       This  Agreement shall enter into force following signature  and
   receipt  by  the Russian Federation of written notice  through  the
   diplomatic  channel  from  the United  States  that  all  necessary
   domestic  legal requirements for entry into force of the  Agreement
   have  been  fulfilled. A Russian language text  shall  be  prepared
   which  shall  be considered equally authentic upon an  exchange  of
   diplomatic  notes  confirming  its  conformity  with  the   English
   language text.
       Done at Moscow, Russia, in duplicate, this 26 day of May, 2000.
                                                               Annex A
                       The Settlement Agreement
              Commodity Credit Corporation Credit Number
                                                               Annex В
                          (thousands of USD)
       1972 Settlement Agreement                          USD 155,027
       TOTAL                                              USD 155,027
                                                               Annex C
                          (thousands of USD)
       CCC                                                USD 269,478
       1972 Settlement Agreement                          USD  10,916
       TOTAL                                              USD 280,394
                                                               Annex D
                     1993 NON-CONSOLIDATED AMOUNTS
                          (thousands of USD)
       CCC                                                  USD 5,531
       1972 Settlement Agreement                            USD    34
       TOTAL                                                USD 5,565
                                                               Annex E
                          (thousands of USD)
       CCC                                                 USD 44,402
       TOTAL                                               USD 44,402
                                                               Annex F
                              A. Payments
       1. Payments. All payments of principal and interest are payable
   in  immediately  available funds, free and clear  of,  and  without
   deduction   for,  any  taxes,  levies,  imposts,  deductions,   and
   withholdings   whatsoever   now  or  hereafter   imposed,   levied,
   collected,  or  assessed with respect thereto  by  any  central  or
   local  authority of the Russian Federation, except  to  the  extent
   that  such taxes may be required by Russian law. If any such  taxes
   are  deducted  or withheld, the Russian Federation shall  pay  such
   additional amount simultaneously with the payment of principal  and
   interest  then due and payable as may be necessary for  the  United
   States to receive the amount that would have been received if  such
   taxes had not been deducted or withheld.
       2.  Funds and Place of Payment. All payments to be made by  the
   Russian  Federation under this Agreement shall be  made  in  United
   States  dollars  in  immediately available  funds  to  the  Federal
   Reserve  Bank of New York for credit to CCC's account at  the  U.S.
   Treasury  Department as identified below or as  otherwise  directed
   in  writing  by  the  Treasurer or Controller of  CCC.  The  United
   States  shall,  at least thirty days before the  due  date  of  any
   payment   hereunder,  provide  Vnesheconombank  with  a   statement
   specifying  the  amount to be paid. The failure to provide  such  a
   statement  does not affect the obligation of the Russian Federation
   to make the payment when due.
       U.S. Treasury Department
       3. Payment on a Non-Business Day. Repayments which are due on a
   Saturday,  Sunday, or U.S. federal holiday shall  be  made  on  the
   next  succeeding  day  that  is not a  Saturday,  Sunday,  or  U.S.
   federal holiday. Any such extension of time for repayment shall  be
   included,  however, in computing the interest due  and  payable  in
   the next interest period.
       4.  Application  of  Payments.  All  payments  by  the  Russian
   Federation to CCC under this Agreement shall be applied to  amounts
   then  due and payable in the following order of priority: first  to
   satisfy  the  interest payable under Article  III  (2)(b)  of  this
   Agreement,  then  to satisfy other interest due and  payable  under
   this  Agreement,  with  the  remainder,  if  any,  to  satisfy  the
   principal amount due.
       5.  Prepayments. The Russian Federation shall have the right to
   prepay  at  any  time  and  from time-to-time  without  penalty  or
   premium,  all or part of the principal then outstanding under  this
   Agreement;  provided that the Russian Federation  shall  have  paid
   all  amounts  due and payable under this Agreement at the  date  of
   such  prepayment, together with interest which has accrued  to  the
   date of prepayment on the amount prepaid.
                      B. Computation of Interest
       Interest shall be computed on the basis of the actual number of
   days  elapsed, using a 365-day year. With respect to  any  interest
   period,  interest shall be calculated from but excluding the  first
   day of the period to and including the last day of the period.
                          C. Representations
       The  United  States  and the Russian Federation  represent  and
   warrant  that they have taken all action necessary or advisable  to
   authorize  the  execution,  delivery,  and  performance   of   this
   Agreement,  on  their own behalf and, on the  part  of  the  United
   States, on behalf of CCC.
                      D. Miscellaneous Provisions
       1.  Adjustments. CCC has informed the Russian Federation of the
   amounts  CCC has determined to be rescheduled under this Agreement.
   The  parties hereto agree to make any necessary adjustments to  the
   amounts being rescheduled.
       2.  Communications.  All  communications  between  the  Russian
   Federation  and  CCC under this Agreement shall be in  writing,  in
   the  English  language  (or  accompanied  by  an  accurate  English
   translation).  All communications to the Russian  Federation  shall
   be  addressed  to the Russian Federation at the address  designated
   by  the Russian Federation from time-to-time in writing to CCC; all
   communications  to CCC shall be addressed to CCC at  the  following
       Commodity Credit Corporation
       P.O. Box 2415
       Washington, D.C. 200013
       Attention: Controller
                  РОС, 12th floor
       Telephone: 703-305-1386
       Facsimile: 703-305-2842
       CCC  may change this designated address upon written notice  to
   the Russian Federation.
                                                               Annex G
                         REPAYMENT PROVISIONS
                              A. Payments
       1. Payments. All payments of principal and interest are payable
   in  immediately  available funds, free and clear  of,  and  without
   deduction   for,  any  taxes,  levies,  imposts,  deductions,   and
   withholdings   whatsoever   now  or  hereafter   imposed,   levied,
   collected,  or  assessed with respect thereto  by  any  central  or
   local  authority of the Russian Federation, except  to  the  extent
   that  such taxes may be required by Russian law. If any such  taxes
   are  deducted  or withheld, the Russian Federation shall  pay  such
   additional amount simultaneously with the payment of principal  and
   interest  then due and payable as may be necessary for  the  United
   States to receive the amount that would have been received if  such
   taxes had not been deducted or withheld.
       2.  Funds  and  Place of Payments. The terms of this  Agreement
   require  payment  in United States dollar in immediately  available
   funds.  To meet this requirement, the Russian Federation will  wire
   transfer  payment  to  the Federal Reserve Bank  of  New  York  for
   credit  to  the  account of the United States Treasury,  accounting
   stations  20-18-0099 exactly as identified below  or  as  otherwise
   directed  in  writing  by the Department of  Treasury.  The  United
   States  shall,  at least thirty days before the  due  date  of  any
   payment   hereunder,  provide  Vnesheconombank  with  a   statement
   specifying  the  amount to be paid. The failure to provide  such  a
   statement  does not affect the obligation of the Russian Federation
   to make the payment when due.
       3. Payment on a Non-Business Day. Repayments which are due on a
   Saturday,  Sunday, or U.S. federal holiday, shall be  made  on  the
   next  succeeding  business  day. Any such  extension  of  time  for
   repayment  shall  be included, however, in computing  the  interest
   due and payable in the next interest period.
       4.  Application of Payments. If an installment payment made  by
   the  Russian  Federation is insufficient to satisfy  the  aggregate
   amount of principal and interest then due, such repayment shall  be
   applied  first  to satisfy the interest due with the remainder,  if
   any, applied to satisfy the principal amount of the installment.
       5.  Prepayments. The Russian Federation shall have the right to
   prepay  at  any  time  and  from time-to-time  without  penalty  or
   premium,  all or part of the principal then outstanding under  this
   Agreement;  provided that the Russian Federation  shall  have  paid
   all amounts due and payable under this Agreement as of the date  of
   such  prepayment, together with interest which has accrued  to  the
   date of prepayment on the amount prepaid.
                      B. Computation of Interest
       Interest shall be computed on the basis of the actual number of
   days  using  a  365-day year. With respect to any interest  period,
   interest  shall be calculated from and including the first  day  of
   the period to but excluding the last day of the period.
                          C. Representations
       The  United  States  and the Russian Federation  represent  and
   warrant  that they have taken all action necessary or advisable  to
   authorize  the  execution,  delivery,  and  performance   of   this
                      D. Miscellaneous Provisions
       1.  Adjustments.  The Department of Treasury shall  inform  the
   Russian  Federation of the actual amounts rescheduled, and  provide
   a  repayment  schedule of those amounts within sixty (60)  days  of
   signature of this Agreement.
       2.  Communications.  All  communications  between  the  Russian
   Federation  and  the  Department of Treasury under  this  Agreement
   shall be in writing, in the English language (or accompanied by  an
   accurate  English translation). All communications to  the  Russian
   Federation  shall  be addressed to the Russian  Federation  at  the
   address  designated by the Russian Federation from time-to-time  in
   writing  to  the Department of the Treasury; all communications  to
   the   Department  of  the  Treasury  shall  be  addressed  to   the
   Department of the Treasury at the following address:
       The Department of the Treasury
       Financial Management Service
       Credit Accounting Branch
       P.G. Center II Building
       3700 East-West Highway
       Hyattsville, MD 20782
       Telephone: (202) 874-8218
       Facsimile: (202) 874-7900

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