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(по состоянию на 20 октября 2006 года)

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                         RECOMMENDATION No. 24
                           (SECOND EDITION)
                           (Geneva, V.2000)
                (with a change in the code lists noted
                 by the seventh session of UN/CEFACT,
                          Geneva, March 2001)
                              I. PREAMBLE
       The United Nations through UN/CEFACT  (United  Nations  Centre
   for   Trade   Facilitation   and   Electronic  Business)  supports
   activities dedicated to improving the ability of  business,  trade
   and administrative organizations,  from developed,  developing and
   transitional economies, to exchange products and relevant services
   effectively.  Its  principal  focus is to facilitate international
   transactions,  through the  simplification  and  harmonization  of
   procedures and information flows <*>.
       <*> From the mission statement of UN/CEFACT.
       Globalization of the marketplace is taking place rapidly, with
   companies sourcing components in one part of the world, assembling
   them in another part of the world and selling them in yet another.
   The trend towards transacting business through electronic means is
   leading  to  more  physical  goods  flows  with  smaller  and more
   frequent shipments of goods and commodities. This globalization of
   markets  has  resulted in the growing need for even more efficient
   and  effective  information  flows.  The  solution  to   achieving
   effective  information  flows across international markets lies in
   the use of common procedures and processes based  on  the  use  of
   globally  agreed standards.  Inherent in this approach is the need
   for precise mechanisms to define the data and  for  common  coding
   systems to represent specific data items.
       Trade and  transport  status  codes  are  a  much  needed  and
   required  tool to facilitate the exchange of status information on
   goods,   consignments   and/or   equipment,   whenever  electronic
   reporting takes place.
       The UN/CEFACT  work  programme   emphasizes   the   need   for
   developing  recommendations,  which  simplify  and  harmonize  the
   current   practices   and   procedures   used   in   international
   transactions. Within this context, the role of the UN/CEFACT Codes
   Working Group (CDWG) is  to  secure  the  quality,  relevance  and
   availability  of  code  sets  and  code  structures to support the
   objectives of UN/CEFACT,  including managing  the  maintenance  of
   UN/ECE  Recommendations  related to codes.  The CDWG prepared this
   revision of Recommendation 24.
       This second edition  of  Recommendation  No. 24 supercedes and
   replaces  the  first  edition  (ECE/TRADE/WP.4/R.1067,   September
                           II. RECOMMENDATION
       At its sixth session in March 2000,  UN/CEFACT agreed to adopt
   the  following  Recommendation.  A  list  of  the  countries   and
   organizations represented at this session can be found in Annex 1.
       The United  Nations  Centre   for   Trade   Facilitation   and
   Electronic  Business  (UN/CEFACT)  recommends that Governments and
   business do implement the Trade  and  Transport  Status  Codes  in
   support of a common approach to trade facilitation.
                               III. SCOPE
       1. This  Recommendation establishes a common code list for the
   identification of status information on goods, consignments and/or
                        IV. FIELD OF APPLICATION
       2. This   Recommendation   applies  in  cases  where  a  coded
   representation is  required  for  the  description  of  trade  and
   transport  status codes,  for information exchange between parties
   involved in international trade and transport.  It may be  applied
   to all modes of transport.
                          V. EXPLANATORY TEXT
                             A. Definitions
       3. The   following  definitions  have  been  adopted  for  the
   purposes of this Recommendation:
       code: character  string  that  represents a member of a set of
       code list: complete set of code values for a data item.
       consignment: separately   identifiable   amount    of    goods
   (available  to be) transported from one consignor to one consignee
   via one or more than one modes of transport as  specified  in  one
   single transport document.
       data: re-interpretable  representation  of  information  in  a
   formalised  manner  suitable for communication,  interpretation or
       document: recorded permanent data containing information.
       EDI (Electronic Data Interchange):  electronic  transfer  from
   computer  application  to  computer  application  of commercial or
   administrative transactions using an agreed standard to  structure
   the transaction or message data.
       EDI message:  approved,  published,  and   maintained   formal
   description  of  how  to  structure the data required to perform a
   specific business function,  in such a way as  to  allow  for  the
   transfer and handling of this data by electronic means.
       electronic business:   process   of    transacting    business
   electronically.  This  includes  the  sharing  of  unstructured or
   structured business information  by  any  electronic  means  among
   suppliers,  customers,  governmental bodies, service providers and
   other parties in order to  conduct  and  execute  transactions  in
   business, administrative and other activities.
       facilitation: implementation  of  measures  leading   to   the
   simplification,   standardisation   and   harmonization   of   the
   formalities,  procedures,  documents and  operations  inherent  to
   international trade transactions.
       goods: all materials received from a shipper.
       procedure: steps  to  be  followed  in  order to comply with a
   formality,  including the timing,  format and transmission  method
   for  the  submission  of  required  information.
       standardization: development of standards whose purpose is  to
   align   formalities,   procedures,   documents,  information,  and
       status reason:  explanation or justification of the status  of
   consignments, goods and/or equipment.
       transport status: snapshot of the position and/or condition of
   consignments, goods and/or equipment at any point in time or place
   within the full transport or logistical chain.
                       B. Specific Considerations
       4. In international trade there is a requirement  to  exchange
   information about the status of consignments,  goods, equipment or
   means of transport at a certain time  or  place  in  the  logistic
       5. More and more,  Electronic Data Interchange is  used  as  a
   means  to  convey  information  concerning  the  movement of goods
   throughout the transport chain.
       6. For  tracing and tracking purposes,  the concept "trade and
   transport  status  codes"  has  been  introduced  and   UN/EDIFACT
   messages have been developed to contain this information.
       7. In  order  to  ensure  consistency  in  the   exchange   of
   information  concerning  the status of goods,  consignments and/or
   equipment,  a common  understanding  of  the  concepts  "Transport
   status"  and  "Status reason" is necessary (see the definitions in
   section V. A).
       8. Users  of  the  trade and transport status codes may choose
   codes to fulfil the business requirements to suit Transport status
   or Status reason as they wish.
       9. Parties responsible for each stage of a  trade  transaction
   in  a  value  chain  are encouraged to use the Trade and Transport
   Codes in conjunction with  other  applicable  UN  Recommendations.
   These include:
       UN Recommendation 8 - Unique Identification Code Methodology -
       UN Recommendation   11   -   Documentary   aspects   of    the
   international transport of dangerous goods
       UN Recommendation 16 - UN/LOCODE - Code for  Ports  and  Other
       UN Recommendation  18  -  Facilitation  Measures  related   to
   International Trade Procedures
       UN Recommendation 19 - Codes for Modes of Transport
       UN Recommendation 21 - Codes for Types of Cargo,  Packages and
   Packaging Materials.
                       C. General Considerations
       10. Emerging  technologies  such  as  those  offered   through
   Electronic   Business  and  the  World  Wide  Web  are  having  an
   increasing impact on the way business is being conducted.
       11. The growth in the number of parties using the Internet for
   commercial or personal purposes will have  significant  impact  on
   the level of goods being moved across international boundaries.
       12. Despite  increased  numbers  of  consignments  and  goods,
   unnecessary  delays can occur because of incorrect or insufficient
   information related to the clearance and handling  of  the  goods.
   EDI  is  one  application  of  information technology specifically
   designed to address this issue through the electronic exchange  of
   information.    International   standards   such   as   UN/EDIFACT
   incorporate the use of various international code lists,  such  as
   the   Trade   and   Transport   Status   Codes.  Similarly,  other
   developments using the Internet  such  as  electronic  forms,  may
   depend on the use of an international code list.
                      VI. MAINTENANCE AND UPDATING
       13. This  Recommendation  shall  be  maintained  on  behalf of
   UN/CEFACT by the UN/CEFACT Codes Working Group (CDWG).
       14. Proposals  for  updating  this  Recommendation  should  be
   addressed  to  the  Trade  Facilitation  Section,  United  Nations
   Economic Commission for Europe, Palais des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva
   10, Switzerland.
       15.  Draft revisions to the body text and/or code list of this
   Recommendation shall be issued by the CDWG when required and shall
   be made available on the CDWG Web page on the UN/CEFACT website at
   this address: http://www.uncefact.org/.
       16. Draft  revisions  shall  be  subject  to  a public comment
   period of at least two months. UN/CEFACT Heads of Delegation shall
   be notified of the availability of a draft revision and the period
   for comment.  Following the conclusion of the comment period,  the
   CDWG  shall  address  all  comments  received.  Depending  on  the
   comments received,  the CDWG shall issue a new draft  revision  or
   shall prepare a final revision for approval.
       17. Final revisions of the body text  of  this  Recommendation
   shall be approved by the UN/CEFACT Plenary.
       18. Final revisions of the code list  of  this  Recommendation
   shall  be  approved  by  the CDWG Plenary or in the case where the
   body text has also been revised, by the UN/CEFACT Plenary.
                      VII. CODE LIST PRESENTATION
       19. The trade and transport code lists  are  annexed  to  this
   Recommendation, as follows:
       Annex 2 Trade and transport status codes, listed in code value
       Annex 3 Trade and transport status codes,  listed in code name
       20. The code lists are presented with the following columns:
       Change indicator (CI)
       a plus sign (+) for an addition
       a hash sign (#) for changes to the code name
       a vertical bar (|) for changes to the code description
       a letter  X  (X) for marked for deletion in this edition (will
   not appear in the next edition)
       Code value
       3 alphanumeric code value
       Code name
       Code value name
       Code description
       Code value description
                                                              Annex 1
       Countries and  organizations  in  attendance  at the UN/CEFACT
   session where this recommendation was approved.
       Participants in  the  sixth  UN/CEFACT  session  in March 2000
   included representatives  of  the  following  countries:  Albania,
   Australia,   Austria,   Azerbaijan,   Belarus,   Belgium,  Brazil,
   Bulgaria,  Canada,  Chile, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark,
   Egypt,  Finland,  France,  Germany,  Guatemala,  Hungary, Iceland,
   India,  Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan,
   Kenya,  Kyrgyzstan,  Lithuania,  Luxembourg,  Malaysia,  Mongolia,
   Nepal,  Netherlands,  Philippines,  Poland,  Republic  of   Korea,
   Romania,   Russian   Federation,   Senegal,  Singapore,  Slovakia,
   Slovenia,  Spain,  Sweden,  Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, The
   former  Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,  Turkey,  Ukraine,  United
   Kingdom,  United  States.  The  European  Union  (EU)   was   also
       The following  intergovernmental  organizations  participated:
   the   Bank   for   International  Settlements  (BIS),  the  Danube
   Commission (CD),  the European Free Trade Association (EFTA),  the
   League of Arab States, the Universal Postal Union (UPU), the World
   Customs Organization  (WCO),  and  the  World  Trade  Organization
       The following United Nations bodies were also represented: the
   United  Nations  Office  for  Drug  Control  and  Crime Prevention
   (UN/ODCCP),  the United Nations Commission on International  Trade
   Law  (UNCITRAL),  the  United  Nations  Conference  on  Trade  and
   Development (UNCTAD), and the World Bank.
       The following non-governmental organizations participated: the
   United Towns Agency for North-South Cooperation, the International
   Railway  Transport  Committee  (CIT),  the  International  Article
   Numbering Association (EAN),  the  European  Electronic  Messaging
   Association  (EEMA),  the  International  Association of Ports and
   Harbours (IAPH),  the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the
   International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the International
   Multimodal  Transport  Association   (IMTA),   the   International
   Organization  for  Standardization  (ISO),  and  the  Society  for
   Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (S.W.I.F.T).
       Observers present   at   the  invitation  of  the  secretariat
   included  representatives  of   the   Electronic   Commerce   Code
   Management  Association  (ECCMA),  the  Electronic Commerce Europe
   Association  (ECEA),  the  Organization  for  the  Advancement  of
   Structured  Information  Standards  (OASIS),  the  Taipei  EDIFACT
   Committee, and the Webforce International.
                                                              Annex 2
                       Listed in code value order
   CI Code Name
      1    Arrival, completed
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport has
      2    Loading, authorized
               Authorization to load has been given.
      3    Arrival, in defective condition
               The goods/consignment/equipment   or   a   means    of
           transport has arrived in a defective condition.
      4    Defective equipment returned to service
               The equipment  previously  the subject of a 'defective
           condition' status has been returned to service.
      5    Process, begun
               The process has begun.
      6    Booking, completed
               The goods/consignment/equipment or means of  transport
           has been booked.
      7    Booking, cancelled
               The booking of goods/consignment/equipment or means of
           transport has been cancelled.
      8    Cleared, import restrictions
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means   of   transport
           held  for  import restriction purposes,  has been released
           for import.
      9    Cleared, export restrictions
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means   of   transport
           held  for  export restriction purposes,  has been released
           for export.
      10   Cleared, by agriculture, food or fisheries authorities
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport has
           been   cleared   by   agriculture,   food   or   fisheries
      11   Cleared, by port authority
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport has
           been cleared by port authority.
      12   Cleared, by customs
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport has
           been cleared by customs.
      13   Collection/pick-up, completed
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has  bee  collected /
      14   Process, completed
               The process has been completed.
      15   Consolidated
               The goods/consignments have been consolidated.
      16   Crossed border
               The goods/consignments/equipment/means   of  transport
           has crossed a border.
      17   Customs clearance, refused
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport has
           been refused to be cleared by the customs authorities.
      18   Damaged in the course of transportation
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been  damaged in
           the course of transportation.
      19   Equipment, damage quoted for
               Damaged equipment  has  been  assessed  and  a  repair
           quotation has been sent.
      20   Delayed, in the course of transportation
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport has
           been delayed in the course of transportation.
      21   Delivery, completed
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been delivered.
      22   Delivery, completed as per instruction
               Delivery of the goods/consignment/equipment  has  been
           completed as per instruction.
      23   Delivery, not completed
               Delivery of  the  goods/consignment/equipment  has not
           been completed.
      24   Departure, completed
               The means of transport has departed.
      25   Departure, delayed
               The means of transport has been delayed in departure.
      26   Deramped
               The equipment has been removed from a  position  above
           another type of equipment and/or on a means of transport.
      27   Despatch, completed
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been despatched.
      28   Stripped
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been unloaded from
           a piece of equipment in which they were transported.
   #  29   Unloaded
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been unloaded from
           a means of transport.
      30   Empty on inspection
               The package/equipment  has  been  found to be empty on
      31   En route
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport  is
           moving to destination.
      32   Equipment, returned from repair
               The equipment has been returned from repair.
      33   Equipment, sent for repair
               The equipment has been sent for repair.
      34   Equipment, repaired
               The equipment has been repaired.
   #| 35   Forwarded to destination
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has been forwarded to
           a destination.
      36   Not found
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport has
           not been found.
      37   Found
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport has
           been found.
      38   Freight paid
               The freight charges have been paid.
      39   Released from bond
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been released from
      40   Arrival, at port
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has  arrived  at  the
      41   Handed over under continued responsibility
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been  handed  over
           under responsibility of the same transport operator.
   #  44   Misrouted consignment corrected
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport has
           been re-routed to the correct destination.
      45   Arrival, consignee informed
               The consignee has been informed of the arrival of  the
           goods/consignments/equipment/means of transport.
      46   Moved, into bond
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been  moved into
      47   Moved, into packing depot
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been moved into  a
           packing depot.
      48   Loading, completed onto a means of transport
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been loaded onto a
           means of transport.
      49   Lost
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport has
           been lost.
      50   Manifested
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been included on a
   #| 51   Onloaded from a means of transport
               The consignment has been  onloaded  from  a  means  of
      53   Collection/pick-up, not completed
               The goods/consignment/equipment  expected has not been
      54   Unidentifiable
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means   of   transport
           cannot be identified.
   X  56   Delivery, not completed
               The goods/consignment/equipment     has    not    been
      57   Not loaded onto a means of transport
               The goods/consignment/equipment has  not  been  loaded
           onto a means of transport.
      58   Equipment, off hire
               The equipment is no longer under lease.
   #| 59   Premature onloading
               The goods/consignment/equipment   has   been  onloaded
           prematurely from a means of transport.
      60   Equipment, on hire
               The equipment has been leased.
      61   Outstanding claims settled
               Outstanding   claims  in  respect   of   the   goods /
           consignment/equipment have been settled.
   #| 62   Overlanded
               Unmanifested goods/consignments/equipment   has   been
   #| 63   Not available for collection/pick-up
               The goods/consignment/equipment is not  available  for
      64   Collection/pick-up, awaited
               The goods/consignment/equipment       is      awaiting
      65   Equipment, plugged-in
               The equipment has been plugged into a power source.
      66   Plundered
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport has
           been plundered.
      67   Positioned
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been positioned.
      68   Pre-informed
               The party has been informed in advance.
      69   Disposed of
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been disposed of.
      70   Ramped equipment
               The equipment  has  been  placed above another type of
           equipment and/or placed on a means of transport.
      71   Ready for transportation
               The goods/consignment/equipment    is    ready     for
      72   Receipt of goods fully acknowledged
               The receipt of goods has been fully acknowledged.
      73   Receipt of goods partially acknowledged
               The receipt of goods has been partially acknowledged.
      74   Received
               The goods/consignment/equipment have been received.
      75   Consignee changed
               The consignee has been changed.
      76   Transport re-arranged
               The transport  of  the goods/consignment/equipment has
           been re-arranged.
      77   Refused, action
               The transport action has been refused.
      78   Released
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been released.
      79   Reloaded onto a means of transport
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been reloaded onto
           a means of transport.
      80   Returned as instructed
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been returned as
      81   Returned wrecked
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport has
           been returned in a wrecked condition.
      82   Returned
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been returned.
      83   Sealed equipment
               The equipment has been sealed.
      84   Service ordered
               A service has been ordered.
   |  85   Short landed
               Goods/consignments/equipment manifested  for unloading
           have not been unloaded.
      86   Short shipped
               The goods/consignment/equipment expected  to  be  sent
           has not been fully loaded onto a means of transport.
      87   Despatched, completed via a wrong route
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been  despatched
           via a wrong route.
      88   Split consignment
               The consignment of goods has been split.
      89   Steam cleaned
               The goods/equipment has been steam cleaned.
      90   Movement stopped
               The movement of  the  goods/consignment/equipment  has
           been stopped.
      91   Stored
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been placed into
      92   Stowed
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been placed  on  a
           means of transport.
      93   Stuffed
               The goods/consignments  have  been loaded into a piece
           of equipment.
      94   Stuffed and sealed
               The goods/consignments have been loaded into  a  piece
           of equipment and the equipment has been sealed.
      95   Sub-lease notice in
               A sub-lease notice has been sent to the lessor.
      96   Sub-lease notice out
               A sub-lease notice has been sent by the lessee.
      97   Damage surveyed
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been surveyed to
           assess the damage.
      98   Transferred in
               The goods/consignment/equipment has  been  transferred
      99   Transferred out
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been transferred
      100  Transshipment
               The goods/consignment/equipment has  been  transferred
           to another means of transport.
   #  101  Delayed in transit
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport has
           been delayed in transit.
      102  Unknown
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport  is
           not known.
      103  Equipment, unplugged
               The equipment has been removed from the power source.
      104  Delivery refused, to be re-arranged
               The delivery  of  the goods has been refused and is to
           be re-arranged.
      105  Delivery, postponed
               A part or the whole of the delivery is postponed.
      106  Delivery refused
               A part or the whole of the delivery is refused.
      107  Anomaly on arrival
               An anomaly has been found on arrival.
      108  Delivery claim
               A claim has been made at delivery.
      109  Delivery, impossible, delivery notice left
               Delivery has not been possible;  a delivery notice has
           been left.
      110  Delivery, impossible, no delivery notice left
               Delivery has not been possible; no delivery notice has
           been left.
   |  111  Transport terminated
               The transport  of   the  goods/consignment/equipment /
           means of transport has been terminated.
      112  Held, at consignee's disposal
               The goods/consignment is held at consignee's disposal.
      113  Delivery, in progress
               The delivery of the goods/consignment is in progress.
   |  114  Delivery, accepted subject to further inspection
               Delivery accepted subject to further inspection of the
           good/consignment/equipment/means of transport.
      115  Discrepancy
               There is a discrepancy in the details.
      116  Export inhibited
               Export is inhibited.
      117  Missing
               The goods/consignment/equipment is missing.
      118  Stowed on deck
               The goods/consignment/equipment   has   been    stowed
           on/above deck.
      119  Unable to be located
               The goods/consignment/equipment cannot be located.
      120  Unacceptable condition
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means  of transport is
           in an unacceptable condition.
      121  Stowed under deck
               The goods/consignment/equipment   has   been    stowed
           under/below deck.
      123  Accompanying documents delivered
               All documents   accompanying   the   cargo  have  been
   |  124  For transfer
               The goods/consignment/equipment is to be transferred.
      125  No status
               No status information is available.
      126  Customs clearance, in progress
               Customs clearance is in progress.
      127  Departed, completed on a means of transport
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has  departed  on   a
           means of transport.
      128  Awaiting customs import release
               Awaiting customs release for import.
      129  In-bond movement
               The goods/consignment/equipment are moving under bond.
      130  Consignment received from shipper
               The consignment has been received from shipper.
   |  131  For transfer, to another carrier
               The goods/consignment/equipment  is  to be transferred
           to another carrier.
      132  Loading, in progress
               The goods/consignment/equipment is being loaded onto a
           means of transport.
      133  Special loading operations
               Operations related  to  special  loading  of  goods  /
      134  Embarking passengers
               The embarkation of passengers.
      135  Unloading, in progress
               The goods/consignment/equipment is being unloaded from
           a means of transport.
      136  Special unloading
               Operations related  to  special  unloading  of goods /
      137  Disembarking passengers
               The disembarkation of passengers.
      138  Relocation of a means of transport
               Relocating of a means of transport.
      139  Manoeuvring operations, entering port
               Manoeuvring operations  connected  with  entering  the
      140  Manoeuvring operations, leaving port
               Manoeuvring operations   connected  with  leaving  the
      141  Manoeuvring operations, within the port
               Manoeuvring operations connected with movement  within
           the port.
      142  Means of transport, under preparation
               Preparation for handling of the means of transport.
      143  Ballast loading
               Loading of ballast.
      144  Ballast unloading
               Unloading of ballast.
      145  Cargo space under preparation
               Preparation of   the  cargo  space  of  the  means  of
      146  Provisioning
               Provision of supplies for a means of transport.
      147  Provisioning, fuel
               Provision of fuel for a means of transport.
      148  Provisioning, water
               Provision of water for a means of transport.
      149  Provisioning, oil
               Provision of oil for a means of transport.
      150  Provisioning, food
               Provision of food for a means of transport.
      151  Sanitary operations
               Operations related to sanitary conditions.
   |  152  Fumigation operations
               Operations related to fumigation of the  equipment  or
           the means of transport.
   |  153  Desinfestation operations
               Operations related  to desinfestation of the equipment
           or the means of transport.
      154  Deratization operations
               Operations related to deratization  of  the  means  of
      155  Degasation operations
               Operations related to the removal of unwanted gas.
      156  Crew recruitment operation
               Operation related to recruitment of crew.
      157  Training operations
               Operations related to training.
      158  Salvage operations
               Operations related to salvage work.
      159  Loading, alongside
               Loading the  goods  when  the  means  of  transport is
      161  Loading, at anchor
               Loading the goods when the means of  transport  is  at
      162  Unloading, at wharf
               Unloading the  goods when the means of transport is at
           the wharf.
      163  Unloading on board
               Unloading the goods from the vessel.
      164  Unloading, at anchor
               Unloading the goods when the means of transport is  at
      165  Loading and unloading, simultaneously
               Loading and unloading operations simultaneously.
      166  Idle time operations
               Operations during idle time pending a scheduled event.
      167  Technical operations
               Operations of a technical nature.
      168  Compass calibration
               Operations related to calibration of a compass.
      169  Document, clearance operation
               Operation related to clearance of a document.
      170  Customs formalities operation
               Operation related to customs formalities.
      171  Medical control operations
               Medical control operations related to the crew.
      172  Loading, preparation for
               Preparation for the loading of the goods.
      174  Unloading, preparation for
               Preparation for the unloading of the goods.
      175  Unloading, polluted ballast
               Unloading of polluted ballast.
      176  Obtaining documents from shipping register
               Operations related  to  obtaining  documents  from the
           shipping register.
      177  Obtaining wreckage documentation
               Operations related  to  obtaining  documents   for   a
           wrecked means of transport.
      178  Waiting, to enter or leave
               Waiting to enter or leave.
      179  Waiting, for a pilot
               Waiting for an available pilot.
      180  Waiting, for a tug
               Waiting for an available tug.
      181  Waiting, for day light
               Waiting for day light hours.
      182  Waiting, due to meteorological circumstances
               Waiting due to meteorological circumstances.
      183  Waiting, to form a convoy
               Waiting to form a convoy.
      184  Waiting, for action by authorities
               Waiting for action to be taken by authorities.
      185  Waiting, due to a ban
               Waiting due to a ban.
      186  Waiting, for entry permission
               Waiting for entry permission from the authorities.
      187  Waiting, due to an action taken by authorities
               Waiting due to an action taken by the authorities.
      188  Waiting, due to the terms of charter
               Waiting due to terms of the charter.
      189  Waiting, for a location
               Waiting for a location.
      190  Waiting, for cargo
               Waiting for cargo.
      191  Waiting, for workers
               Waiting for workers.
      192  Waiting, for storage area
               Waiting for a storage area.
      193  Waiting, for equipment
               Waiting for equipment.
      194  Waiting, for other means of transport
               Waiting for other means of transport.
      195  Waiting, for handling equipment
               Waiting for handling equipment.
      196  Waiting, for on board handling equipment
               Waiting for onboard handling equipment.
      197  Waiting, for cargo to be ready for loading
               Waiting due  to  the  cargo  not  being  ready  to  be
      198  Waiting, for means of transport to be ready
               Waiting due to the means of transport not being ready.
      199  Waiting, due to damaged cargo
               Waiting because cargo was damaged.
      200  Waiting, for operational periods
               Waiting due to being outside the period of operation.
      201  Waiting,  for  repair  and/or  maintenance of the means of
               Waiting due to repairs and/or maintenance to the means
           of transport.
      202  Waiting,  for  repair  and/or   maintenance   of  handling
               Waiting due  to repairs and/or maintenance of handling
      203  Embarking passengers from tender
               The embarkation of passengers from a tender.
      204  Waiting, for a counter convoy to pass
               Waiting due to passage of counter convoy.
      205  Delivery address outside delivery area
               The address for delivery is outside the  area  of  the
           carrier/transport operator.
      206  Arrival, after means of transport departed
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has arrived after the
           means of transport has departed.
      207  Delivery refused, agent
               The agent refused to accept delivery.
      208  Seals, replaced
               The seals on the equipment have been replaced.
      209  Delivery, scheduled
               The delivery has been scheduled.
      210  Delivery, unsuccessful attempt
               An unsuccessful attempt has been made to  deliver  the
   #  211  Delivery not completed, business closed
               The goods/consignment/equipment could not be delivered
           as the business was closed.
      212  Delivery, changed schedule
               The goods/consignment/equipment cannot be delivered at
           the arranged time because of a change of schedule.
      213  Delivery, further address needed
               A further  address is needed to effect delivery of the
      214  Computer system not in operation
               The computer system is not in operation.
      215  Delivery, awaiting credit approval
               Delivery on a credit base is requested.
      216  Delivery, awaiting customer arrangements
               The goods/consignment/equipment    require    delivery
           arrangements by the customer.
      218  Damaged
               The goods/consignments/equipment have been damaged.
   #| 219  Delivery pending, awaiting specified dates/times/periods
               Delivery of the goods/consignment/equipment is pending
           awaiting specified dates/times/periods.
      220  Destination incorrect
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been  sent  to  an
           incorrect destination.
   |  222  Derailment
               The train has derailed.
      224  Delivery, industrial dispute
               The goods/consignment/equipment  cannot  be  delivered
           due to an industrial dispute.
      225  Operation affected by customer action
               An operation  has  been  affected  by an action of the
      227  Delivery, equipment failure
               The goods/consignment/equipment  cannot  be  delivered
           due to a failure in the equipment.
      228  Inspection required by authority
               An inspection of the goods/equipment is required by an
      229  Export suspended
               The goods/consignment/equipment   has  been  suspended
           from export pending further investigation.
   #| 231  Missing, goods item
               The goods item is missing.
      232  Import suspended
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been   suspended
           from import pending further investigation.
   |  233  Incorrect picklist
               The goods/consignment/equipment         was        not
           collected/picked-up due to an incorrect picklist.
   |  234  Incorrect address
               The address is incorrect.
      235  Industrial dispute
               An industrial dispute has happened.
      236  Waiting, for instructions
               Further instructions are awaited.
      238  Means of transport, damaged
               The means of transport has been damaged.
      239  Mechanical breakdown
               There has been a mechanical breakdown of the means  of
      240  Mechanical inspection required
               A mechanical    inspection    of    the    means    of
           transport/equipment is required.
      241  Missing, document
               The document  for the goods/consignments/equipment
           is missing.
      242  New delivery arrangements advised
               New delivery arrangements have been advised.
      243  No recipient contact information
               No contact  information   available   concerning   the
      247  Collection/pick-up, package not available
               The package is not available for collection/pick-up.
   #| 248  Tracking number unknown
               The tracking number of the goods/consignment/equipment
           is unknown.
      250  Transport payment not received
               The transport payment has not been received.
      251  Refused, non-payment by payer
               Payer refused to make the payment.
      253  Refused, no reason given
               The transport  action/documentation  has  been refused
           without a reason given.
      254  Delivery, scheduled past cut-off time
               The goods/consignment/equipment to  be  delivered  has
           been scheduled past the cut-off time.
      255  Shunted to siding
               The means of transport has been shunted to a siding.
      256  Signature not required
               A signature is not required.
      258  Special service required
               A special service is required.
      260  Tracking information unavailable
               The tracking information is unavailable.
      265  Reason unknown
               The reason is unknown.
   #| 266  Delivery delayed, adverse weather conditions
               Adverse weather conditions have delayed delivery.
      267  Free storage time expired
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has been in a storage
           facility for longer than the permitted free time.
      269  Delivery, consignee absent
               The goods/consignment/equipment cannot  be  delivered,
           as the consignee was absent.
      270  Delayed operation, local circumstances
               The operation is delayed due to local circumstances.
      271  Delayed operation, consignee's instructions
               The operation   is   delayed   awaiting    consignee's
      272  Delayed operation, consignor's instructions
               The operation    is   delayed   awaiting   consignor's
   #| 273  Delayed operation
               The operation is delayed.
      274  Incomplete address
               The address is incomplete.
      275  Delivery refused, purchase order cancelled
               The delivery was refused as  the  purchase  order  has
           been cancelled.
      276  Delivery refused, return to the consignor
               The delivery      was      refused       and       the
           goods/consignment/equipment   will   be  returned  to  the
      277  Delivery refused, inconsistent with purchase order
               The delivery  was refused as an inconsistency with the
           purchase order was found.
      278  Delivery refused, incorrect delivery date
               The delivery was refused,  as the  delivery  date  was
      279  Delivery refused, automatic return
               The delivery      was      refused       and       the
           goods/consignment/equipment  is  automatically returned as
      280  Delivery refused, duplicate delivery
               The delivery  was   refused   because   of   duplicate
      281  Delivery refused, instructions requested
               The delivery   was   refused   and   instructions  are
      282  Delivery refused, consignee's condition
               The delivery  was  refused  due  to  the   consignee's
      283  Delivery refused, delivery incomplete
               The delivery was refused due to incomplete delivery.
      284  Delivery refused, not ordered
               The delivery       was       refused,      as      the
           goods/consignment/equipment had not been ordered.
      285  Delivery refused, remainder not accepted
               The delivery of the remaining goods was not accepted.
      286  Delivery refused, spoilt state
               The  delivery was refused as  the  goods/consignment /
           equipment was in a spoilt state.
   #| 287  Missing, contents
               The contents are missing.
      288  Not on package list
               The goods/consignment is not on the package list.
      291  Delivery refused, collect freight charges not paid
               The delivery  was  refused,  as  the  collect  freight
           charges were not paid.
      292  Delivery refused, reimbursement not paid
               The delivery was refused, as the reimbursement was not
      295  Delivery refused, opened
               The delivery  was refused as the goods/consignment was
           found to be opened.
      297  Delivery refused, commercial dispute
               The delivery  was  refused  because  of  a  commercial
      298  Delivery refused, error on product or packaging
               The delivery  was  refused  as  an  error was found on
           product or packaging.
      299  Delivery refused, delivery date/time changed
               The delivery was refused as the delivery date or  time
           has been changed.
      300  Document, received without goods
               A document for a consignment has been received without
           the corresponding goods.
      301  Goods, received without documentation
               Goods/consignment has  been   received   without   the
           corresponding documentation.
      302  Overcarried consignment
               The consignment has been overcarried.
      306  Document, found
               The document has been found.
      307  Damaged but deliverable
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been damaged but
           delivery can be completed.
      308  Spoilt
               The goods/consignment/equipment is spoilt.
      309  Packaging/equipment opened
               The packaging/equipment has been opened.
      310  Processed as contractually agreed
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been processed  as
           contractually agreed.
      311  Claim folder opened
               A claim folder has been opened.
      312  Moved, completed
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been moved.
      313  Returned by recipient
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been returned by
           the recipient.
      314  Delayed, at origin
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport has
           been delayed at the origin.
      315  Held, by logistic service provider
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been held by the
           logistic service provider.
      316  Incident occurred but accepted by ordering party
               An incident has occurred but has been accepted by  the
           ordering party.
      317  Delivery party' premises closed during normal hours
               The premises  of the delivery party were closed during
           normal hours.
      318  Delivery incomplete, time shortage
               The delivery of the goods/consignment/equipment  could
           not  be  completed due to a shortage of time to handle the
      319  Despatch, preparation error
               An error  occurred  during  the  preparation  of   the
      320  Undefined incident attributed to logistic server provider
               An undefined  incident  has  occurred  which  has been
           attributed to the logistic service provider.
      321  Instruction to despatch, received
               The instruction to despatch has been received.
      322  Despatch, under preparation
               The despatch of the goods/consignment/equipment is  in
      323  Return in progress
               The goods/consignment/equipment is being returned.
      324  Instruction to despatch, cancelled
               The instruction to despatch has been cancelled.
      325  Delivery refused, by recipient
               The delivery  of  the  goods/consignment/equipment has
           been refused by the recipient.
      326  Goods, held by third party on instruction from owner
               Goods are  held  under  control  of  a   third   party
           following an instruction from the owner of the goods.
      327  Weight or volume loss
               The goods have suffered a weight or volume loss.
      328  Moved, internally
               The goods/consignment/equipment    has    been   moved
      329  Consignment partially stolen
               The consignment has been partially stolen.
      330  Consignment partially lost or missing
               The consignment is partially lost or missing.
      331  Destroyed
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been destroyed.
      332  Action by logistics service provider
               An action was taken by the logistics service provider.
      333  Action  by  logistics service provider  on  instruction by
               An action  was taken by the logistics service provider
           as instructed by owner of the goods.
      334  Document, refused
               The document has been refused.
      335  Seals, damaged
               The seals on the equipment have been damaged.
      336  Seals, broken
               The seals on the equipment have been broken.
      337  Seals, tampered
               The seals on the equipment have been tampered.
      338  Collection/pick-up, business closed
               The goods/consignment/equipment     could    not    be
           collected/picked-up as the business was closed.
      339  Collection/pick-up, changed schedule
               The goods/consignment/equipment       cannot        be
           collected/picked-up  at  the  arranged  time  because of a
           change of schedule.
      340  Collection/pick-up, further address needed
               A further address  is  needed  to  effect collection /
           pick-up of the goods/consignment/equipment.
      341  Collection/pick-up, industrial dispute
               The goods/consignment/equipment        cannot       be
           collected/picked-up due to an industrial dispute.
      342  Collection/pick-up, equipment failure
               The goods/consignment/equipment       cannot        be
           collected/picked-up due to a failure in the equipment.
      343  Document, incorrect
               The document  for  the goods/consignments/equipment is
      344  Collection/pick-up, scheduled past cut-off time
               The  goods/consignment/equipment   to  be  collected /
           picked-up has been scheduled past the cut-off time.
      345  Collection/pick-up, adverse weather conditions
               Adverse weather  conditions have affected collection /
      346  Unloading, completed from a means of transport
               The goods/consignment/equipment has been unloaded from
           a means of transport.
   +  347  Deliverable
               The goods/consignment/equipment can be delivered.
   +  348  Not deliverable
               The goods/consignment/equipment cannot be delivered.
   +  349  Handed over
               The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been handed over
           to another party.
   +  350  Signature required
               A signature is required.
   +  351  Defined incident attributed to logistic server provider
               A defined  incident  has  occurred  which   has   been
           attributed to the logistic service provider.
   +  352  Delivery not completed, business closed, inventory count
               The goods/consignment/equipment could not be delivered
           as the business was closed due to inventory count.
   +  353  Delivery not completed, business closed on Saturday
               The goods/consignment/equipment could not be delivered
           as the business was closed on Saturday.
   +  354  Delivery  not  completed,  business  closed   on  national
               The goods/consignment/equipment could not be delivered
           as the business was closed on a national holiday.
   +  355  En route, via local route
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means  of transport is
           moving to destination via a local route.
   +  356  En route, via national route
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport  is
           moving to destination via a national route.
   +  357  En route, via international route
               The goods/consignment/equipment/means  of transport is
           moving to destination via an international route.
   +  358  Transport terminated, mail not received
               The transport  of   the  goods/consignment/equipment /
           means  of  transport  has been terminated and the mail has
           not been received.
                                                              Annex 3
                        TRADE AND TRANSPORT STATUS CODES
                           Listed in code name order
   CI Name
           Description                                           Code
      Accompanying documents delivered                            123
           All documents   accompanying   the  cargo  have  been
      Action by logistics service provider                        332
           An action  was  taken  by   the   logistics   service
      Action by logistics service  provider  on  instruction  by  333
           An action was taken by the logistics service provider
       as instructed by owner of the goods.
      Anomaly on arrival                                          107
           An anomaly has been found on arrival.
      Arrival, after means of transport departed                  206
           The goods/consignment/equipment has arrived after the
       means of transport has departed.
      Arrival, at port                                             40
           The goods/consignment/equipment has  arrived  at  the
      Arrival, completed                                            1
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means   of  transport
       has arrived.
      Arrival, consignee informed                                  45
           The consignee has been informed of the arrival of the
       goods/consignments/equipment/means of transport.
      Arrival, in defective condition                               3
           The goods/consignment/equipment   or   a   means   of
       transport has arrived in a defective condition.
      Awaiting customs import release                             128
           Awaiting customs release for import.
      Ballast loading                                             143
           Loading of ballast.
      Ballast unloading                                           144
           Unloading of ballast.
      Booking, cancelled                                            7
           The booking of goods/consignment/equipment  or  means
       of transport has been cancelled.
      Booking, completed                                            6
           The goods/consignment/equipment or means of transport
       has been booked.
      Cargo space under preparation                               145
           Preparation of  the  cargo  space  of  the  means  of
      Claim folder opened                                         311
           A claim folder has been opened.
      Cleared, by agriculture, food or fisheries authorities       10
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means   of  transport
       has  been  cleared  by  agriculture,  food  or  fisheries
      Cleared, by customs                                          12
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means   of  transport
       has been cleared by customs.
      Cleared, by port authority                                   11
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means  of   transport
       has been cleared by port authority.
      Cleared, export restrictions                                  9
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means   of  transport
       held for export restriction purposes,  has been  released
       for export.
      Cleared, import restrictions                                  8
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means   of  transport
       held for import restriction purposes,  has been  released
       for import.
      Collection/pick-up, adverse weather conditions              345
           Adverse weather conditions have affected collection /
      Collection/pick-up, awaited                                  64
           The goods/consignment/equipment      is      awaiting
      Collection/pick-up, business closed                         338
           The goods/consignment/equipment    could    not    be
       collected/picked-up as the business was closed.
      Collection/pick-up, changed schedule                        339
           The goods/consignment/equipment       cannot       be
       collected/picked-up  at  the  arranged  time because of a
       change of schedule.
      Collection/pick-up, completed                                13
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been  collected /
      Collection/pick-up, equipment failure                       342
           The goods/consignment/equipment       cannot       be
       collected/picked-up due to a failure in the equipment.
      Collection/pick-up, further address needed                  340
           A further    address    is    needed    to     effect
       collection/pick-up of the goods/consignment/equipment.
      Collection/pick-up, industrial dispute                      341
           The goods/consignment/equipment       cannot       be
       collected/picked-up due to an industrial dispute.
      Collection/pick-up, not completed                            53
           The goods/consignment/equipment expected has not been
      Collection/pick-up, package not available                   247
           The package is not available for collection/pick-up.
      Collection/pick-up, scheduled past cut-off time             344
           The goods/consignment/equipment  to  be  collected  /
       picked-up has been scheduled past the cut-off time.
      Compass calibration                                         168
           Operations related to calibration of a compass.
      Computer system not in operation                            214
           The computer system is not in operation.
      Consignee changed                                            75
           The consignee has been changed.
      Consignment partially lost or missing                       330
           The consignment is partially lost or missing.
      Consignment partially stolen                                329
           The consignment has been partially stolen.
      Consignment received from shipper                           130
           The consignment has been received from shipper.
      Consolidated                                                 15
           The goods/consignments have been consolidated.
      Crew recruitment operation                                  156
           Operation related to recruitment of crew.
      Crossed border                                               16
           The goods/consignments/equipment/means  of  transport
       has crossed a border.
      Customs clearance, in progress                              126
           Customs clearance is in progress.
      Customs clearance, refused                                   17
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means   of  transport
       has  been  refused  to  be   cleared   by   the   customs
      Customs formalities operation                               170
           Operation related to customs formalities.
      Damage surveyed                                              97
           The goods/consignment/equipment  has been surveyed to
       assess the damage.
      Damaged                                                     218
           The goods/consignments/equipment have been damaged.
      Damaged but deliverable                                     307
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been damaged  but
       delivery can be completed.
      Damaged in the course of transportation                      18
           The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been damaged in
       the course of transportation.
      Defective equipment returned to service                       4
           The equipment previously the subject of a  'defective
       condition' status has been returned to service.
   +  Defined incident attributed to logistic server provider     351
           A defined   incident  has  occurred  which  has  been
       attributed to the logistic service provider.
      Degasation operations                                       155
           Operations related to the removal of unwanted gas.
   #  Delayed in transit                                          101
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means  of   transport
       has been delayed in transit.
   #| Delayed operation                                           273
           The operation is delayed.
      Delayed operation, consignee's instructions                 271
           The operation   is   delayed   awaiting   consignee's
      Delayed operation, consignor's instructions                 272
           The operation   is   delayed   awaiting   consignor's
      Delayed operation, local circumstances                      270
           The operation is delayed due to local circumstances.
      Delayed, at origin                                          314
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means   of  transport
       has been delayed at the origin.
      Delayed, in the course of transportation                     20
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means  of   transport
       has been delayed in the course of transportation.
   +  Deliverable                                                 347
           The goods/consignment/equipment can be delivered.
      Delivery address outside delivery area                      205
           The address  for  delivery is outside the area of the
       carrier/transport operator.
      Delivery claim                                              108
           A claim has been made at delivery.
   #| Delivery delayed, adverse weather conditions                266
           Adverse weather conditions have delayed delivery.
      Delivery incomplete, time shortage                          318
           The delivery of the goods/consignment/equipment could
       not  be completed due to a shortage of time to handle the
   #  Delivery not completed, business closed                     211
           The goods/consignment/equipment    could    not    be
       delivered as the business was closed.
   +  Delivery not   completed,   business  closed  on  national
      holiday                                                     354
           The goods/consignment/equipment    could    not    be
       delivered as  the  business  was  closed  on  a  national
   +  Delivery not completed, business closed on Saturday         353
           The goods/consignment/equipment    could    not    be
       delivered as the business was closed on Saturday.
   +  Delivery not completed, business closed, inventory count    352
           The goods/consignment/equipment    could    not    be
       delivered  as  the  business  was closed due to inventory
      Delivery party' premises closed during normal hours         317
           The premises of the delivery party were closed during
       normal hours.
   #| Delivery  pending,  awaiting specified dates/times/periods  219
           Delivery of   the   goods/consignment/equipment    is
       pending awaiting specified dates/times/periods.
      Delivery refused                                            106
           A part or the whole of the delivery is refused.
      Delivery refused, agent                                     207
           The agent refused to accept delivery.
      Delivery refused, automatic return                          279
           The delivery was refused and  the goods/consignment /
       equipment is automatically returned as instructed.
      Delivery refused, by recipient                              325
           The delivery  of  the goods/consignment/equipment has
       been refused by the recipient.
      Delivery refused, collect freight charges not paid          291
           The delivery was  refused,  as  the  collect  freight
       charges were not paid.
      Delivery refused, commercial dispute                        297
           The delivery  was  refused  because  of  a commercial
      Delivery refused, consignee's condition                     282
           The delivery  was  refused  due  to  the  consignee's
      Delivery refused, delivery date/time changed                299
           The delivery was refused as the delivery date or time
       has been changed.
      Delivery refused, delivery incomplete                       283
           The delivery was refused due to incomplete delivery.
      Delivery refused, duplicate delivery                        280
           The delivery  was  refused   because   of   duplicate
      Delivery refused, error on product or packaging             298
           The delivery  was  refused  as  an error was found on
       product or packaging.
      Delivery refused, inconsistent with purchase order          277
           The delivery was refused as an inconsistency with the
       purchase order was found.
      Delivery refused, incorrect delivery date                   278
           The delivery  was  refused,  as the delivery date was
      Delivery refused, instructions requested                    281
           The delivery  was  refused   and   instructions   are
      Delivery refused, not ordered                               284
           The delivery was refused,  as the goods/consignment /
       equipment had not been ordered.
      Delivery refused, opened                                    295
           The delivery was refused as the goods/consignment was
       found to be opened.
      Delivery refused, purchase order cancelled                  275
           The delivery  was  refused  as the purchase order has
       been cancelled.
      Delivery refused, reimbursement not paid                    292
           The delivery was refused,  as the  reimbursement  was
       not paid.
      Delivery refused, remainder not accepted                    285
           The delivery of the remaining goods was not accepted.
      Delivery refused, return to the consignor                   276
           The delivery  was refused and the goods/consignment /
       equipment will be returned to the consignor.
      Delivery refused, spoilt state                              286
           The delivery was refused  as the  goods/consignment /
       equipment was in a spoilt state.
      Delivery refused, to be re-arranged                         104
           The delivery  of the goods has been refused and is to
       be re-arranged.
   |  Delivery, accepted subject to further inspection            114
           Delivery accepted subject to  further  inspection  of
       the good/consignment/equipment/means of transport.
      Delivery, awaiting credit approval                          215
           Delivery on a credit base is requested.
      Delivery, awaiting customer arrangements                    216
           The goods/consignment/equipment    require   delivery
       arrangements by the customer.
      Delivery, changed schedule                                  212
           The goods/consignment/equipment cannot  be  delivered
       at the arranged time because of a change of schedule.
      Delivery, completed                                          21
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been delivered.
      Delivery, completed as per instruction                       22
           Delivery of  the goods/consignment/equipment has been
       completed as per instruction.
      Delivery, consignee absent                                  269
           The goods/consignment/equipment cannot be  delivered,
       as the consignee was absent.
      Delivery, equipment failure                                 227
           The goods/consignment/equipment  cannot  be delivered
       due to a failure in the equipment.
      Delivery, further address needed                            213
           A further address is needed to effect delivery of the
      Delivery, impossible, delivery notice left                  109
           Delivery has not been possible; a delivery notice has
       been left.
      Delivery, impossible, no delivery notice left               110
           Delivery has not been possible;  no  delivery  notice
       has been left.
      Delivery, in progress                                       113
           The delivery of the goods/consignment is in progress.
      Delivery, industrial dispute                                224
           The goods/consignment/equipment  cannot  be delivered
       due to an industrial dispute.
      Delivery, not completed                                      23
           Delivery of the goods/consignment/equipment  has  not
       been completed.
   X  Delivery, not completed                                      56
           The goods/consignment/equipment    has    not    been
      Delivery, postponed                                         105
           A part or the whole of the delivery is postponed.
      Delivery, scheduled                                         209
           The delivery has been scheduled.
      Delivery, scheduled past cut-off time                       254
           The goods/consignment/equipment to be  delivered  has
       been scheduled past the cut-off time.
      Delivery, unsuccessful attempt                              210
           An unsuccessful  attempt has been made to deliver the
      Departed, completed on a means of transport                 127
           The goods/consignment/equipment  has  departed  on  a
       means of transport.
      Departure, completed                                         24
           The means of transport has departed.
      Departure, delayed                                           25
           The means of transport has been delayed in departure.
   |  Derailment                                                  222
           The train has derailed.
      Deramped                                                     26
           The equipment  has been removed from a position above
       another type of equipment and/or on a means of transport.
      Deratization operations                                     154
           Operations related to deratization of  the  means  of
   |  Desinfestation operations                                   153
           Operations related to desinfestation of the equipment
       or the means of transport.
      Despatch, completed                                          27
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been despatched.
      Despatch, preparation error                                 319
           An error  occurred  during  the  preparation  of  the
      Despatch, under preparation                                 322
           The despatch of the goods/consignment/equipment is in
      Despatched, completed via a wrong route                      87
           The goods/consignment/equipment has  been  despatched
       via a wrong route.
      Destination incorrect                                       220
           The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been sent to an
       incorrect destination.
      Destroyed                                                   331
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been destroyed.
      Discrepancy                                                 115
           There is a discrepancy in the details.
      Disembarking passengers                                     137
           The disembarkation of passengers.
      Disposed of                                                  69
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been disposed of.
      Document, clearance operation                               169
           Operation related to clearance of a document.
      Document, found                                             306
           The document has been found.
      Document, incorrect                                         343
           The document for the goods/consignments/equipment  is
      Document, received without goods                            300
           A document   for  a  consignment  has  been  received
       without the corresponding goods.
      Document, refused                                           334
           The document has been refused.
      Embarking passengers                                        134
           The embarkation of passengers.
      Embarking passengers from tender                            203
           The embarkation of passengers from a tender.
      Empty on inspection                                          30
           The package/equipment has been found to be  empty  on
      En route                                                     31
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport is
       moving to destination.
   +  En route, via international route                           357
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport is
       moving to destination via an international route.
   +  En route, via local route                                   355
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport is
       moving to destination via a local route.
   +  En route, via national route                                356
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport is
       moving to destination via a national route.
      Equipment, damage quoted for                                 19
           Damaged equipment  has  been  assessed  and  a repair
       quotation has been sent.
      Equipment, off hire                                          58
           The equipment is no longer under lease.
      Equipment, on hire                                           60
           The equipment has been leased.
      Equipment, plugged-in                                        65
           The equipment has been plugged into a power source.
      Equipment, repaired                                          34
           The equipment has been repaired.
      Equipment, returned from repair                              32
           The equipment has been returned from repair.
      Equipment, sent for repair                                   33
           The equipment has been sent for repair.
      Equipment, unplugged                                        103
           The equipment has been removed from the power source.
      Export inhibited                                            116
           Export is inhibited.
      Export suspended                                            229
           The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been  suspended
       from export pending further investigation.
   |  For transfer                                                124
           The goods/consignment/equipment is to be transferred.
   |  For transfer, to another carrier                            131
           The goods/consignment/equipment  is to be transferred
       to another carrier.
   #| Forwarded to destination                                     35
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been forwarded to
       a destination.
      Found                                                        37
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means   of  transport
       has been found.
      Free storage time expired                                   267
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been in a storage
       facility for longer than the permitted free time.
      Freight paid                                                 38
           The freight charges have been paid.
   |  Fumigation operations                                       152
           Operations related  to fumigation of the equipment or
       the means of transport.
      Goods, held by third party on instruction from owner        326
           Goods are  held  under  control  of  a  third   party
       following an instruction from the owner of the goods.
      Goods, received without documentation                       301
           Goods/consignment has   been   received  without  the
       corresponding documentation.
   +  Handed over                                                 349
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been handed  over
       to another party.
      Handed over under continued responsibility                   41
           The goods/consignment/equipment  has been handed over
       under responsibility of the same transport operator.
      Held, at consignee's disposal                               112
           The goods/consignment   is   held   at    consignee's
      Held, by logistic service provider                          315
           The goods/consignment/equipment  has been held by the
       logistic service provider.
      Idle time operations                                        166
           Operations during  idle  time  pending  a   scheduled
      Import suspended                                            232
           The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been  suspended
       from import pending further investigation.
      In-bond movement                                            129
           The goods/consignment/equipment   are   moving  under
      Incident occurred but accepted by ordering party            316
           An incident has occurred but has been accepted by the
       ordering party.
      Incomplete address                                          274
           The address is incomplete.
   |  Incorrect address                                           234
           The address is incorrect.
   |  Incorrect picklist                                          233
           The goods/consignment/equipment        was        not
       collected/picked-up due to an incorrect picklist.
      Industrial dispute                                          235
           An industrial dispute has happened.
      Inspection required by authority                            228
           An inspection of the goods/equipment is  required  by
       an authority.
      Instruction to despatch, cancelled                          324
           The instruction to despatch has been cancelled.
      Instruction to despatch, received                           321
           The instruction to despatch has been received.
      Loading and unloading, simultaneously                       165
           Loading and unloading operations simultaneously.
      Loading, alongside                                          159
           Loading the  goods  when  the  means  of transport is
      Loading, at anchor                                          161
           Loading the goods when the means of transport  is  at
      Loading, authorized                                           2
           Authorisation to load has been given.
      Loading, completed onto a means of transport                 48
           The goods/consignment/equipment  has been loaded onto
       a means of transport.
      Loading, in progress                                        132
           The goods/consignment/equipment is being loaded  onto
       a means of transport.
      Loading, preparation for                                    172
           Preparation for the loading of the goods.
      Lost                                                         49
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means   of  transport
       has been lost.
      Manifested                                                   50
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been included  on
       a manifest.
      Manoeuvring operations, entering port                       139
           Manoeuvring operations  connected  with  entering the
      Manoeuvring operations, leaving port                        140
           Manoeuvring operations  connected  with  leaving  the
      Manoeuvring operations, within the port                     141
           Manoeuvring operations connected with movement within
       the port.
      Means of transport, damaged                                 238
           The means of transport has been damaged.
      Means of transport, under preparation                       142
           Preparation for handling of the means of transport.
      Mechanical breakdown                                        239
           There has been a mechanical breakdown of the means of
      Mechanical inspection required                              240
           A mechanical  inspection  of the means of transport /
       equipment is required.
      Medical control operations                                  171
           Medical control operations related to the crew.
   #  Misrouted consignment corrected                              44
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means  of   transport
       has been re-routed to the correct destination.
      Missing                                                     117
           The goods/consignment/equipment is missing.
   #| Missing, contents                                           287
           The contents are missing.
      Missing, document                                           241
           The document  for the goods/consignments/equipment is
   #| Missing, goods item                                         231
           The goods item is missing.
      Moved, completed                                            312
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been moved.
      Moved, internally                                           328
           The goods/consignment/equipment   has   been    moved
      Moved, into bond                                             46
           The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been moved into
      Moved, into packing depot                                    47
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been moved into a
       packing depot.
      Movement stopped                                             90
           The movement  of  the goods/consignment/equipment has
       been stopped.
      New delivery arrangements advised                           242
           New delivery arrangements have been advised.
      No recipient contact information                            243
           No contact  information  available   concerning   the
      No status                                                   125
           No status information is available.
   #| Not available for collection/pick-up                         63
           The goods/equipment/equipment  is  not  available for
   +  Not deliverable                                             348
           The goods/consignment/equipment cannot be delivered.
      Not found                                                    36
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means  of   transport
       has not been found.
      Not loaded onto a means of transport                         57
           The goods/consignment/equipment  has  not been loaded
       onto a means of transport.
      Not on package list                                         288
           The goods/consignment is not on the package list.
      Obtaining documents from shipping register                  176
           Operations related to obtaining  documents  from  the
       shipping register.
      Obtaining wreckage documentation                            177
           Operations related   to  obtaining  documents  for  a
       wrecked means of transport.
   #| Onloaded from a means of transport                           51
           The consignment has been onloaded  from  a  means  of
      Operation affected by customer action                       225
           An operation  has  been  affected by an action of the
      Outstanding claims settled                                   61
           Outstanding claims  in  respect  of   the   goods   /
       consignment/equipment have been settled.
      Overcarried consignment                                     302
           The consignment has been overcarried.
   #| Overlanded                                                   62
           Unmanifested goods/consignments/equipment   has  been
      Packaging/equipment opened                                  309
           The packaging/equipment has been opened.
      Plundered                                                    66
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means  of   transport
       has been plundered.
      Positioned                                                   67
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been positioned.
      Pre-informed                                                 68
           The party has been informed in advance.
   #| Premature onloading                                          59
           The goods/consignment/equipment   has  been  onloaded
       prematurely from a means of transport.
      Process, begun                                                5
           The process has begun.
      Process, completed                                           14
           The process has been completed.
      Processed as contractually agreed                           310
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been processed as
       contractually agreed.
      Provisioning                                                146
           Provision of supplies for a means of transport.
      Provisioning, food                                          150
           Provision of food for a means of transport.
      Provisioning, fuel                                          147
           Provision of fuel for a means of transport.
      Provisioning, oil                                           149
           Provision of oil for a means of transport.
      Provisioning, water                                         148
           Provision of water for a means of transport.
      Ramped equipment                                             70
           The equipment  has  been placed above another type of
       equipment and/or placed on a means of transport.
      Ready for transportation                                     71
           The goods/consignment/equipment    is    ready    for
      Reason unknown                                              265
           The reason is unknown.
      Receipt of goods fully acknowledged                          72
           The receipt of goods has been fully acknowledged.
      Receipt of goods partially acknowledged                      73
           The receipt of goods has been partially acknowledged.
      Received                                                     74
           The goods/consignment/equipment have been received.
      Refused, action                                              77
           The transport action has been refused.
      Refused, no reason given                                    253
           The transport  action/documentation  has been refused
       without a reason given.
      Refused, non-payment by payer                               251
           Payer refused to make the payment.
      Released                                                     78
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been released.
      Released from bond                                           39
           The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been   released
       from bond.
      Reloaded onto a means of transport                           79
           The goods/consignment/equipment   has  been  reloaded
       onto a means of transport.
      Relocation of a means of transport                          138
           Relocating of a means of transport.
      Return in progress                                          323
           The goods/consignment/equipment is being returned.
      Returned                                                     82
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been returned.
      Returned as instructed                                       80
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been returned  as
      Returned by recipient                                       313
           The goods/consignment/equipment  has been returned by
       the recipient.
      Returned wrecked                                             81
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means  of   transport
       has been returned in a wrecked condition.
      Salvage operations                                          158
           Operations related to salvage work.
      Sanitary operations                                         151
           Operations related to sanitary conditions.
      Sealed equipment                                             83
           The equipment has been sealed.
      Seals, broken                                               336
           The seals on the equipment have been broken.
      Seals, damaged                                              335
           The seals on the equipment have been damaged.
      Seals, replaced                                             208
           The seals on the equipment have been replaced.
      Seals, tampered                                             337
           The seals on the equipment have been tampered.
      Service ordered                                              84
           A service has been ordered.
   |  Short landed                                                 85
           Goods/consignments/equipment manifested for unloading
       have not been unloaded.
      Short shipped                                                86
           The goods/consignment/equipment expected to  be  sent
       has not been fully loaded onto a means of transport.
      Shunted to siding                                           255
           The means of transport has been shunted to a siding.
      Signature not required                                      256
           A signature is not required.
   +  Signature required                                          350
           A signature is required.
      Special loading operations                                  133
           Operations related  to  special  loading  of  goods /
      Special service required                                    258
           A special service is required.
      Special unloading                                           136
           Operations related to special unloading  of  goods  /
      Split consignment                                            88
           The consignment of goods has been split.
      Spoilt                                                      308
           The goods/consignment/equipment is spoilt.
      Steam cleaned                                                89
           The goods/equipment has been steam cleaned.
      Stored                                                       91
           The goods/consignment/equipment  has been placed into
      Stowed                                                       92
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been placed on  a
       means of transport.
      Stowed on deck                                              118
           The goods/consignment/equipment   has   been   stowed
       on/above deck.
      Stowed under deck                                           121
           The goods/consignment/equipment   has   been   stowed
       under/below deck.
      Stripped                                                     28
           The goods/consignment/equipment   has  been  unloaded
       from a piece of equipment in which they were transported.
      Stuffed                                                      93
           The goods/consignments have been loaded into a  piece
       of equipment.
      Stuffed and sealed                                           94
           The goods/consignments  have been loaded into a piece
       of equipment and the equipment has been sealed.
      Sub-lease notice in                                          95
           A sub-lease notice has been sent to the lessor.
      Sub-lease notice out                                         96
           A sub-lease notice has been sent by the lessee.
      Technical operations                                        167
           Operations of a technical nature.
      Tracking information unavailable                            260
           The tracking information is unavailable.
   #| Tracking number unknown                                     248
           The   tracking  number  of  the   goods/consignment /
       equipment is unknown.
      Training operations                                         157
           Operations related to training.
      Transferred in                                               98
           The goods/consignment/equipment  has been transferred
      Transferred out                                              99
           The goods/consignment/equipment has been  transferred
      Transport payment not received                              250
           The transport payment has not been received.
      Transport re-arranged                                        76
           The transport  of the goods/consignment/equipment has
       been re-arranged.
   |  Transport terminated                                        111
           The transport  of  the  goods/consignment/equipment /
       means of transport has been terminated.
   +  Transport terminated, mail not received                     358
           The transport  of  the  goods/consignment/equipment /
       means of transport has been terminated and the  mail  has
       not been received.
      Transshipment                                               100
           The goods/consignment/equipment  has been transferred
       to another means of transport.
      Unable to be located                                        119
           The goods/consignment/equipment cannot be located.
      Unacceptable condition                                      120
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport is
       in an unacceptable condition.
      Undefined incident attributed to logistic server provider   320
           An undefined  incident  has  occurred  which has been
       attributed to the logistic service provider.
      Unidentifiable                                               54
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means  of   transport
       cannot be identified.
      Unknown                                                     102
           The goods/consignment/equipment/means of transport is
       not known.
   #  Unloaded                                                     29
           The goods/consignment/equipment  has  been   unloaded
       from a means of transport.
      Unloading on board                                          163
           Unloading the goods from the vessel.
      Unloading, at anchor                                        164
           Unloading the goods when the means of transport is at
      Unloading, at wharf                                         162
           Unloading the goods when the means of transport is at
       the wharf.
      Unloading, completed from a means of transport              346
           The goods/consignment/equipment   has  been  unloaded
       from a means of transport.
      Unloading, in progress                                      135
           The goods/consignment/equipment  is  being   unloaded
       from a means of transport.
      Unloading, polluted ballast                                 175
           Unloading of polluted ballast.
      Unloading, preparation for                                  174
           Preparation for the unloading of the goods.
      Waiting, due to a ban                                       185
           Waiting due to a ban.
      Waiting, due to an action taken by authorities              187
           Waiting due to an action taken by the authorities.
      Waiting, due to damaged cargo                               199
           Waiting because cargo was damaged.
      Waiting, due to meteorological circumstances                182
           Waiting due to meteorological circumstances.
      Waiting, due to the terms of charter                        188
           Waiting due to terms of the charter.
      Waiting, for a counter convoy to pass                       204
           Waiting due to passage of counter convoy.
      Waiting, for a location                                     189
           Waiting for a location.
      Waiting, for a pilot                                        179
           Waiting for an available pilot.
      Waiting, for a tug                                          180
           Waiting for an available tug.
      Waiting, for action by authorities                          184
           Waiting for action to be taken by authorities.
      Waiting, for cargo                                          190
           Waiting for cargo.
      Waiting, for cargo to be ready for loading                  197
           Waiting due  to  the  cargo  not  being  ready  to be
      Waiting, for day light                                      181
           Waiting for day light hours.
      Waiting, for entry permission                               186
           Waiting for entry permission from the authorities.
      Waiting, for equipment                                      193
           Waiting for equipment.
      Waiting, for handling equipment                             195
           Waiting for handling equipment.
      Waiting, for instructions                                   236
           Further instructions are awaited.
      Waiting, for means of transport to be ready                 198
           Waiting due to  the  means  of  transport  not  being
      Waiting, for on board handling equipment                    196
           Waiting for onboard handling equipment.
      Waiting, for operational periods                            200
           Waiting due to being outside the period of operation.
      Waiting, for other means of transport                       194
           Waiting for other means of transport.
      Waiting, for   repair   and/or   maintenance  of  handling
      equipment                                                   202
           Waiting due to repairs and/or maintenance of handling
      Waiting, for  repair  and/or  maintenance  of the means of
      transport                                                   201
           Waiting due to  repairs  and/or  maintenance  to  the
       means of transport.
      Waiting, for storage area                                   192
           Waiting for a storage area.
      Waiting, for workers                                        191
           Waiting for workers.
      Waiting, to enter or leave                                  178
           Waiting to enter or leave.
      Waiting, to form a convoy                                   183
           Waiting to form a convoy.
      Weight or volume loss                                       327
           The goods have suffered a weight or volume loss.

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