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Законодательство Российской Федерации




(по состоянию на 20 октября 2006 года)

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                     от 20 декабря 2002 г. N 777-р
                        О ТАМОЖЕННОМ ОФОРМЛЕНИИ
              (с изм., согл. Приказа ГТК РФ от 12.03.2003 N 245)
       В   целях  реализации  положений  Постановления  Правительства
   Российской  Федерации от 2 ноября 1995 г.  N 1084 "О присоединении
   Российской  Федерации к Таможенной  конвенции  о карнете  АТА  для
   временного  ввоза  товаров  от  6 декабря  1961  г.  и Конвенции о
   временном  ввозе  от 26 июня 1990 г.  с принятием ряда приложений"
   (Собрание  законодательства  Российской  Федерации,  1995,  N  45,
   ст. 4339), на  основании  ст.  174  Таможенного кодекса Российской
   Федерации   (Ведомости   Съезда   народных   депутатов  Российской
   Федерации  и Верховного Совета Российской Федерации,  1993,  N 31,
   ст.  1224; Собрание законодательства  Российской  Федерации, 1995,
   N 26, ст. 2397; 1996, N 1, ст. 4; 1997, N 30, ст.  3586; N 47, ст.
   5341;  1999, N 7, ст.  879; 2002, N 1 (часть I), ст.  2; N 27, ст.
   2620; N 22, ст.  2026), обращения Генерального секретаря Всемирной
   таможенной организации от 21.06.2002 N 02.PL-0110E/A.R. обязываю:
       1.  Таможенные  органы  Российской  Федерации,  уполномоченные
   производить  таможенное  оформление и таможенный контроль товаров,
   перемещаемых  через  таможенную  границу  Российской  Федерации  с
   применением   карнетов   АТА,   принимать  для  целей  таможенного
       а)  начиная  с 18  июня 2003 года новый бланк проформы карнета
   АТА (приложение);
   (в ред. Приказа ГТК РФ от 12.03.2003 N 245)
       б) до 18 декабря 2004 года старый бланк проформы карнета АТА.
       2.  Начальников  региональных таможенных управлений и таможен,
   непосредственно   подчиненных   ГТК   России,   довести  положения
   настоящего  распоряжения  до сведения подчиненных должностных лиц,
   уполномоченных   производить  таможенное  оформление  и таможенный
   контроль товаров.
       3.  Первому заместителю председателя ГТК России  Л.А. Лозбенко
   осуществлять контроль за исполнением настоящего распоряжения.
                                                Председатель Комитета
                                       действительный государственный
                                           советник таможенной службы
                                                 Российской Федерации
                                            к распоряжению ГТК России
                                                от 20.12.2002 N 777-р
   Issuing Association              INTERNATIONAL GUARANTEE CHAIN
   Association emettrice            CHAINE DE GARANTIE INTERNATIONALE
                        ATA CARNET / CARNET ATA
   (Before completing the Garnet,  please read Notes  on  cover  page
   3/Avant  de  remplir  le  carnet, lire  la  notice en page 3 de la
   |A | C|A. HOLDER AND ADDRESS /  |G. FOR ISSUING ASSOCIATION USE / Reserve a l'association|
   |T | A|   / Titulaire et adresse|                           emettrice                    |
   |A | R|                         |                   FRONT COVER / Couverture             |
   |  | N|                         +--------------------------------------------------------+
   |  | E|                         |a) CARNET No.                             --------------|
   |C | T|                         |   Carnet N                               |            ||
   |A |  |                         |   Number of continuation sheets: ....... L-------------|
   |R |  |                         |   Nombre de feuilles supplementaires                   |
   |N | A+-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
   |E | T|B. REPRESENTED BY <*> /  |b) ISSUED BY / Delivre par                              |
   |T | A|   / Represente par <*>  |                                                        |
   L--+--+                         |                                                        |
   TO    |                         |                                                        |
   BE    +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
   RETUR-|C. INTENDED USE OF GOODS |c) VALID UNTIL / Valable jusqu'au                       |
   NED TO|   / Utilisation prevue  |                                                        |
   THE   |   des marchandises      |                                                        |
   ISSU- |                         |.............. / .................. / ..................|
   ING   |                         |    year               month            day (inclusive) |
   CHAM- |                         |    annee              mois             jour (inclus)   |
   BER   |                         |                                                        |
   IMME- +-------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+
   DIATE-|P. This carnet  may be used in the following countries / Customs territories under|
   LY    |   the guarantee of the associations listed on page four of the cover: / Ce carnet|
   AFTER |   est  valable  dans les pays / territoires douaniers ci-apres,  sous la garantie|
   USE / |   des associations reprises en page quatre de couverture:                        |
   A RE- |                                                                                  |
   TOUR- |                                                                                  |
   NER   |                                                                                  |
   A LA  |                                                                                  |
   CHAM- |                                                                                  |
   BRE   |                                                                                  |
   EME-  |   The holder of this Carnet and his representative  will be held responsible  for|
   TTRICE|   compliance with the laws  and regulations of the country / Customs territory of|
   IMME- |   departure  and  the  countries / Customs territories of importation. / A charge|
   DIA-  |   pour le titulaire et son representant de se conformer aux lois et reglements du|
   TEMENT|   pays / territoire douanier  de  depart et  des  pays / territoires    douaniers|
   APRES |   d'importation.                                                                 |
   SATION|H. CERTIFICATE BY CUSTOMS AT DEPARTURE /       |I. Signature of authorised        |
         |   Attestation de la douane, au depart         |   official and issuing           |
         |                                               |   Association stamp / Signature  |
         |                                               |   du delegue et timbre de        |
         |                                               |   l'association emettrice        |
         |a) Identification marks have been affixed as   |                                  |
         |   indicated in column 7 against the following |                                  |
         |   item No(s) of the General List              |                                  |
         |   Appose les marques d'identification         |                                  |
         |   mentionnees dans la colonne 7 en            |                                  |
         |   regard du (des) numero(s) d'ordre           |                                  |
         |   suivant(s) de la liste generale ........... |                                  |
         |   ........................................... |                                  |
         |                                               |                                  |
         |b) GOODS EXAMINED <*> / Verifie les            |                                  |
         |   merchandises <*>                            |                                  |
         |                                               |                                  |
         |   Yes / Oui          No / Non                 | ............. / ....... / ...... |
         |                                       --------| Place and Date of issue          |
         |c) Registered under Reference No ..... |      || (year / month / day)             |
         |   Enregistre sous le numero <*>.      |      || Lieu et date d'emission (annee / |
         |                                       L-------| mois / jour)                     |
         |                                               +----------------------------------+
         |d) ............................................| J.                               |
         |    Customs  Place  Date (year /  Signature and|                                  |
         |    Office          month / day)     stamp     | X..............................X |
         |    Bureau   Lieu   Date (annee / Signature et |  Signature of Holder /Signature  |
         |   de douane        mois / jour)     timbre    |            du titulaire          |
       <*> If applicable / <*> S'il y a lieu.
                                                  лист зеленого цвета
   A.T.A. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
                     GENERAL LIST / LISTE GENERALE
                                            оборотная сторона листа 3
   |Item|Trade description  | Number  |Weight  |Value /|<**>     |For Customs Use /|
   |No/N|of goods and marks |   of    |  or    |Valeur |Country  |  Reserve a la   |
   |d'  |and numbers, if    |Pieces / |Volume /| <*>   |of ori-  |     douane      |
   |or- |anyl               | Nombre  |Poids ou|       |gin /    |  Identification |
   |dre |Designation        |   de    | Volume |       |<**>     |     marks /     |
   |    |commerciale des    | Pieces  |        |       |Pays     |     Marques     |
   |    |marchandises et, le|         |        |       |d'origine|d'identification |
   |    |cas echeant, mar-  |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |ques et numeros    |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |  1 |         2         |    3    |    4   |   5   |    6    |         7       |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   +----+-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                 |
   |TOTAL or CARRIED OVER / |         |        |       |    /    |                 |
   |TOTAL OU A REPORTER     |         |        |       |   /     |                 |
   |Stamp /|
   |Timbre |
       <*>  Commercial  value in country / customs territory of issue
   and  in  its  currency,  unless  stated  differently. / <*> Valeur
   commerciale  dans le pays / territoire douanier d'emission et dans
   sa monnaie, sauf indication contraire.
       <**>  Show  country  of  origin  if  different  from country /
   customs territory of issue of the Carnet, using ISO country codes.
   /  <**>  Indiquer  le  pays d'origine s'il est different du pays /
   territoire  douanier  d'emission  du carnet,  en utilisant le code
   international des pays ISO.
                                                  лист зеленого цвета
   A.T.A. CARNET / CARNET A.T.A.  CARNET N <*> / Carnet No. |       |
   FOR   |E |E |1. The goods described                                      |
   USE BY|X |X |   in the General List under item No.(s) .................. |
   CUS-  |P |P |   Les marchandises enumerees a la liste                    |
   TOMS  |O |O |   generale sous le(s) n(s) ........... have been exported  |
   OF    |R |R |                                         ont ete exportees  |
   COUNT-|T |T +------------------------------------------------------------+
   RY /  |A |A |                                    ------------------------|
   CUS-  |T |T |2. Final date for duty-free         |                      ||
   TOMS  |I |I |   re-importation <*> /             |year / month /   day /||
   TERRI-|O |O |   Date limite pour la              |                      ||
   TORY  |N |N |   reimportation en franchise <*>   |/   .       .    .  . ||
   OF    |  |  +---------------------------------T--+----------------------++
   TEMPO-|  |  |3. Other remarks <*> / Autres    |7.                        |
   RARY  |  |  |   mentions <*> .................|                          |
   EXPOR-|  |  |   ..............................|                          |
   TATION|  |  |   ..............................|                          |
   RESER-+--+--+------------T------T-------------+                          |
   VE A  |Coun-|4.          |5.    |6.           |                          |
   LA    |ter- | .......... |......|..../..../...|                          |
   DOUANE|foil |   Customs  |Place |Date (year / |                          |
   DU    |/ So-|   Office   | Lieu |month / day) |................ ---------|
   PAYS /|uche |   Bureau   |      |Date (annee /| Signature and   |       ||
   TERRI-|No. /|  de douane |      |mois / jour) |     Stamp       |       ||
   TOIRE |No.  |            |      |             | Signature et    |       ||
   DOUA- |     |            |      |             |     Timbre      L--------|
   NIER  L-----+------------+------+-------------+---------------------------
   TION  |R |R |1. The goods described                                      |
   TEMPO-|E |E |   in the General List under item No.(s) ...................|
   RAIRE |I |I |   Les marchandises enumerees a la liste                    |
         |M |M |   generale sous le(s) n(s)                                 |
         |P |P |   .........................................................|
         |O |O |                                                            |
         |R |R |   which were temporarity exported under cover of           |
         |T |T |   exportation voucher(s) No.(s) ............ of this Carnet|
         |A |A |   have been re-imported <*>                                |
         |T |T |                                                            |
         |I |I |   exportees temporairement sous couvert du (des) volet(s)  |
         |O |O |   d'exportation N(s) ........... du present carnet ont     |
         |N |N |   ete reimportees <*>                                      |
         |  |  +---------------------------------T--------------------------+
         |  |  |2. Other remarks <*> / Autres    |6.                        |
         |  |  |   mentions <*> .................|                          |
         |  |  |   ..............................|                          |
         |  |  |   ..............................|                          |
         +--+--+------------T------T-------------+                          |
         |Coun-|3.          |4.    |5.           |                          |
         |ter- | .......... |......|..../..../...|                          |
         |foil |   Customs  |Place |Date (year / |                          |
         |/ So-|   Office   |Lieu  |month / day) |................ ---------|
         |uche |   Bureau   |      |Date (annee /| Signature and   |       ||
         |No. /|  de douane |      |mois / jour) |     Stamp       |       ||
         |No.  |            |      |             | Signature et    |       ||
         |     |            |      |             |     Timbre      L--------|
         |E |E |1. The goods described                                      |
         |X |X |   in the General List under item No.(s) .................. |
         |P |P |   Les marchandises enumerees a la liste                    |
         |O |O |   generale sous le(s) n(s) ........... have been exported  |
         |R |R |                                         ont ete exportees  |
         |T |T +------------------------------------------------------------+
         |A |A |                                ----------------------------|
         |T |T |2. Final date for duty-free     |                          ||
         |I |I |   re-importation <*> /         |year / month / day  /    /||
         |O |O |   Date limite pour la          |annee/ mois /  jour/    / ||
         |N |N |   reimportation en franchise   |                          ||
         |  |  +--------------------------------+T-------------------------++
         |  |  |3. Other remarks <*> / Autres    |7.                        |
         |  |  |   mentions <*> .................|                          |
         |  |  |   ..............................|                          |
         |  |  |   ..............................|                          |
         +--+--+------------T------T-------------+                          |
         |Coun-|4.          |5.    |6.           |                          |
         |ter- | .......... |......|..../..../...|                          |
         |foil |   Customs  |Place |Date (year / |                          |
         |/ So-|   Office   |Lieu  |month / day) |................ ---------|
         |uche |   Bureau   |      |Date (annee /| Signature and   |       ||
         |No. /|  de douane |      |mois / jour) |     Stamp       |       ||
         |No.  |            |      |             | Signature et    |       ||
         |     |            |      |             |     Timbre      L--------|
         |R |R |1. The goods described                                      |
         |E |E |   in the General List under item No.(s) ...................|
         |I |I |   Les marchandises enumerees a la liste                    |
         |M |M |   generale sous le(s) n(s)                                 |
         |P |P |   .........................................................|
         |O |O |                                                            |
         |R |R |   which were temporarity exported under cover of           |
         |T |T |   exportation voucher(s) No.(s) ............ of this Carnet|
         |A |A |                                   have been re-imported <*>|
         |T |T |                                                            |
         |I |I |   exportees temporairement sous couvert du (des) volet(s)  |
         |O |O |   d'exportation N(s) ........... du present carnet ont     |
         |N |N |                                  ete reimportees <*>       |
         |  |  +---------------------------------T--------------------------+
         |  |  |2. Other remarks <*> / Autres    |6.                        |
         |  |  |   mentions <*> .................|                          |
         |  |  |   ..............................|                          |
         |  |  |   ..............................|                          |
         +--+--+------------T------T-------------+                          |
         |Coun-|3.          |4.    |5.           |                          |
         |ter- | .......... |......|..../..../...|                          |
         |foil |   Customs  |Place |Date (year / |                          |
         |/ So-|   Office   |Lieu  |month / day) |................ ---------|
         |uche |   Bureau   |      |Date (annee /| Signature and   |       ||
         |No. /|  de douane |      |mois / jour) |     Stamp       |       ||
         |No.  |            |      |             | Signature et    |       ||
         |     |            |      |             |     Timbre      L--------|
       <*> If applicable / <*> S'il y a lieu.
                                                   лист желтого цвета
   A.T.A. CARNET / CARNET A.T.A.  CARNET N <*> / Carnet No. |       |
   FOR   |T |T |   Clearance for transit /                                  |
   USE BY|R |R |   Dedouanement pour je transit                             |
   CUS-  |A |A |1. The goods described in the                               |
   TOMS  |N |N |   General List under Item                                  |
   OF    |S |S |   No.(s) ..................................................|
   COUNT-|I |I |   Les marchandises enumerees a                             |
   RY /  |T |T |   la liste generale sous le(s)                             |
   CUS-  |  |  |   N(s)                                                     |
   TOMS  |  |  |   have been despatched in                                  |
   TERRI-|  |  |   transit to the Customs                                   |
   TORY  |  |  |   Office at ...............................................|
   OF    |  |  |   ont ete expediees en                                     |
   TRAN- |  |  |   transit sur le bureau de                                 |
   SIT   |  |  |   douane de                                                |
   RESER-|  |  |2. Final date for                                           |
   VE    |  |  |   re-exportation / production                              |
   A LA  |  |  |   to the Customs of goods <*>                              |
   DOUANE|  |  |   Date limite pour la                                      |
   DU    |  |  |   reexportation / la         ------------------------------|
   PAYS /|  |  |   representation a la douane |                            ||
   TERRI-|  |  |   des marchandises <*>       |year   / month / day   /   /||
   TOIRE |  |  |3. Registered under reference |annee /  mois /  jour /   / ||
   DOUA- |  |  |   No. <*> / Enregistre sous  |                            ||
   NER DE|  |  |   le n <**>                  L-----------------------------|
   TRAN- |  |  |   ............................. ---------------------------+
   SIT   |  |  +------------T------T-------------+7.                        |
         |  |  |4.          |5.    |6.           |                          |
         |  |  | .......... |......|..../..../...|                          |
         |  |  |   Customs  |Place |Date (year / |                          |
         |  |  |   Office   |Lieu  |month / day) |................ ---------|
         |  |  |   Bureau   |      |Date (annee /| Signature and   |       ||
         |  |  |  de douane |      |mois / jour) |     Stamp       |       ||
         |  |  |            |      |             | Signature et    |       ||
         |  |  |            |      |             |     Timbre      L--------|
         |  |  +------------+------+-------------+--------------------------+
         |  |  |   Certificate of discharge by the Customs Office of        |
         |  |  |   destination / Certificat de decharge du bureau de        |
         |  |  |   destination                                              |
         |  |  |1. The goods specified in paragraph 1 above have been       |
         |  |  |   re-exported / produced <*>                               |
         |  |  |   Les marchandises visees au paragraphe                    |
         |  |  |   1 ci-dessua ont ete reexportees /                        |
         |  |  |   representees <*>                                         |
         |  |  |2. Other remarks <*> / Autres mentions <*> .................|
         |  |  |   ............................. ---------------------------+
         +--+--+------------T------T-------------+6.                        |
         |Coun-|3.          |4.    |5.           |                          |
         |ter- | .......... |......|..../..../...|                          |
         |foil |   Customs  |Place |Date (year / |                          |
         |/ So-|   Office   |Lieu  |month / day) |................ ---------|
         |uche |   Bureau   |      |Date (annee /| Signature and   |       ||
         |No. /|  de douane |      |mois / jour) |     Stamp       |       ||
         |No.  |            |      |             | Signature et    |       ||
         |     |            |      |             |     Timbre      L--------|
         |T |T |   Clearance for transit /                                  |
         |R |R |   Dedouanement pour le transit                             |
         |A |A |1. The goods described in the                               |
         |N |N |   General List under item                                  |
         |S |S |   No.(s) ..................................................|
         |I |I |   Les marchandises enumerees a                             |
         |T |T |   la liste generale sous le(s)                             |
         |  |  |   N(s)                                                     |
         |  |  |   have been despatched in                                  |
         |  |  |   transit to the Customs                                   |
         |  |  |   Office at ...............................................|
         |  |  |   ont ete expediees en                                     |
         |  |  |   transit sur le bureau de                                 |
         |  |  |   douane de                                                |
         |  |  |2. Final date for                                           |
         |  |  |   re-exportation / production                              |
         |  |  |   to the Customs of goods <*>                              |
         |  |  |   Date limite pour la                                      |
         |  |  |   reexportation / la         ------------------------------|
         |  |  |   representation a la douane |                            ||
         |  |  |   des marchandises <*>       |year   / month / day   /   /||
         |  |  |3. Registered under reference |annee /  mois /  jour /   / ||
         |  |  |   No. <*> / Enregistre sous  |                            ||
         |  |  |   le n <**>                  L-----------------------------|
         |  |  |   ............................. ---------------------------+
         |  |  +------------T------T-------------+7.                        |
         |  |  |4.          |5.    |6.           |                          |
         |  |  | .......... |......|..../..../...|                          |
         |  |  |   Customs  |Place |Date (year / |                          |
         |  |  |   Office   |Lieu  |month / day) |................ ---------|
         |  |  |   Bureau   |      |Date (annee /| Signature and   |       ||
         |  |  |  de douane |      |mois / jour) |     Stamp       |       ||
         |  |  |            |      |             | Signature et    |       ||
         |  |  |            |      |             |     Timbre      L--------|
         |  |  +------------+------+-------------+--------------------------+
         |  |  |   Certificate of discharge by the Customs Office of        |
         |  |  |   destination / Certificat de decharge du bureau de        |
         |  |  |   destination                                              |
         |  |  |1. The goods specified in paragraph 1 above have been       |
         |  |  |   re-exported / produced <*>                               |
         |  |  |   Les marchandises visees au paragraphe                    |
         |  |  |   1 ci-dessua ont ete reexportees /                        |
         |  |  |   representees <*>                                         |
         |  |  |2. Other remarks <*> / Autres mentions <*> .................|
         |  |  |   ............................. ---------------------------+
         +--+--+------------T------T-------------+6.                        |
         |Coun-|3.          |4.    |5.           |                          |
         |ter- | .......... |......|..../..../...|                          |
         |foil |   Customs  |Place |Date (year / |                          |
         |/ So-|   Office   |Lieu  |month / day) |................ ---------|
         |uche |   Bureau   |      |Date (annee /| Signature and   |       ||
         |No. /|  de douane |      |mois / jour) |     Stamp       |       ||
         |No.  |            |      |             | Signature et    |       ||
         |     |            |      |             |     Timbre      L--------|
         |T |T |   Clearance for transit /                                  |
         |R |R |   Dedouanement pour le transit                             |
         |A |A |1. The goods described in the                               |
         |N |N |   General List under item                                  |
         |S |S |   No.(s) ..................................................|
         |I |I |   Les marchandises enumerees a                             |
         |T |T |   la liste generale sous le(s)                             |
         |  |  |   N(s)                                                     |
         |  |  |   have been despatched in                                  |
         |  |  |   transit to the Customs                                   |
         |  |  |   Office at ...............................................|
         |  |  |   ont ete expediees en                                     |
         |  |  |   transit sur le bureau de                                 |
         |  |  |   douane de                                                |
         |  |  |2. Final date for                                           |
         |  |  |   re-exportation / production                              |
         |  |  |   to the Customs of goods <*>                              |
         |  |  |   Date limite pour la                                      |
         |  |  |   reexportation / la         ------------------------------|
         |  |  |   representation a la douane |                            ||
         |  |  |   des marchandises <*>       |year   / month / day  /    /||
         |  |  |3. Registered under reference |annee /  mois /  jour/    / ||
         |  |  |   No. <*> / Enregistre sous  |                            ||
         |  |  |   le n <*>                   L-----------------------------|
         |  |  |   ............................. ---------------------------+
         |  |  +------------T------T-------------+7.                        |
         |  |  |4.          |5.    |6.           |                          |
         |  |  | .......... |......|.............|                          |
         |  |  |   Customs  |Place |Date (year / |                          |
         |  |  |   Office   |Lieu  |month / day) |................ ---------|
         |  |  |   Bureau   |      |Date (annee /| Signature and   |       ||
         |  |  |  de douane |      |mois / jour) |     Stamp       |       ||
         |  |  |            |      |             | Signature et    |       ||
         |  |  |            |      |             |     Timbre      L--------|
         |  |  +------------+------+-------------+--------------------------+
         |  |  |   Certificate of discharge by the Customs Office of        |
         |  |  |   destination / Certificat de decharge du bureau de        |
         |  |  |   destination                                              |
         |  |  |1. The goods specified in paragraph 1 above have been       |
         |  |  |   re-exported / produced <*>                               |
         |  |  |   Les marchandises visees au paragraphe                    |
         |  |  |   1 ci-dessus ont ete reexportees /                        |
         |  |  |   representees <*>                                         |
         |  |  |2. Other remarks <*> / Autres mentions <*> .................|
         |  |  |   ............................. ---------------------------+
         +--+--+------------T------T-------------+6.                        |
         |Coun-|3.          |4.    |5.           |                          |
         |ter- | .......... |......|.............|                          |
         |foil |   Customs  |Place |Date (year / |                          |
         |/ So-|   Office   |Lieu  |month / day) |................ ---------|
         |uche |   Bureau   |      |Date (annee /| Signature and   |       ||
         |No. /|  de douane |      |mois / jour) |     Stamp       |       ||
         |No.  |            |      |             | Signature et    |       ||
         |     |            |      |             |     Timbre      L--------|
         |T |T |   Clearance for transit /                                  |
         |R |R |   Dedouanement pour le transit                             |
         |A |A |1. The goods described in the                               |
         |N |N |   General List under item                                  |
         |S |S |   No.(s) ..................................................|
         |I |I |   Les marchandises enumerees a                             |
         |T |T |   la liste generale sous le(s)                             |
         |  |  |   N(s)                                                     |
         |  |  |   have been despatched in                                  |
         |  |  |   transit to the Customs                                   |
         |  |  |   Office at ...............................................|
         |  |  |   ont ete expediees en                                     |
         |  |  |   transit sur le bureau de                                 |
         |  |  |   douane de                                                |
         |  |  |2. Final date for                                           |
         |  |  |   re-exportation / production                              |
         |  |  |   to the Customs of goods <*>                              |
         |  |  |   Date limite pour la                                      |
         |  |  |   reexportation / la         ------------------------------|
         |  |  |   representation a la douane |                            ||
         |  |  |   des marchandises <*>       |year   / month / day  /    /||
         |  |  |3. Registered under reference |annee /  mois /  jour/    / ||
         |  |  |   No. <*> / Enregistre sous  |                            ||
         |  |  |   le n <*>                   L-----------------------------|
         |  |  |   ............................. ---------------------------+
         |  |  +------------T------T-------------+7.                        |
         |  |  |4.          |5.    |6.           |                          |
         |  |  | .......... |......|.............|                          |
         |  |  |   Customs  |Place |Date (year / |                          |
         |  |  |   Office   |Lieu  |month / day) |................ ---------|
         |  |  |   Bureau   |      |Date (annee /| Signature and   |       ||
         |  |  |  de douane |      |mois / jour) |     Stamp       |       ||
         |  |  |            |      |             | Signature et    |       ||
         |  |  |            |      |             |     Timbre      L--------|
         |  |  +------------+------+-------------+--------------------------+
         |  |  |   Certificate of discharge by the Customs Office of        |
         |  |  |   destination / Certificat de decharge du bureau de        |
         |  |  |   destination                                              |
         |  |  |1. The goods specified in paragraph 1 above have been       |
         |  |  |   re-exported / produced <*>                               |
         |  |  |   Les marchandises visees au paragraphe                    |
         |  |  |   1 ci-dessus ont ete reexportees /                        |
         |  |  |   representees <*>                                         |
         |  |  |2. Other remarks <*> / Autres mentions <*> .................|
         |  |  |   ............................. ---------------------------+
         +--+--+------------T------T-------------+6.                        |
         |Coun-|3.          |4.    |5.           |                          |
         |ter- | .......... |......|.............|                          |
         |foil |   Customs  |Place |Date (year / |                          |
         |/ So-|   Office   |Lieu  |month / day) |................ ---------|
         |uche |   Bureau   |      |Date (annee /| Signature and   |       ||
         |No. /|  de douane |      |mois / jour) |     Stamp       |       ||
         |No.  |            |      |             | Signature et    |       ||
         |     |            |      |             |     Timbre      L--------|
       <*> If applicable / <*> S'il y a lieu.
                                                  лист голубого цвета
   A.T.A. CARNET / CARNET A.T.A.  CARNET N <*> / Carnet No. |       |
   FOR   |I |I |1. The goods described                                      |
   USE BY|M |M |   in the General List under item No.(s) .................. |
   CUS-  |P |P |   Les merchandises enumerees a la liste                    |
   TOMS  |O |O |   generale sous le(s) n(s) ........... have been tempora-  |
   OF    |R |R |                                         rily imported      |
   COUNT-|T |T |                                        ont ete importees   |
   RY /  |A |A |                                         temporairement     |
   CUS-  |T |T +------------------------------------------------------------+
   TOMS  |I |I |                                    ------------------------|
   TERRI-|O |O |2. Final date for re-exportation /  |                      ||
   TORY  |N |N |   production to the Customs of     |year / month /  day //||
   OF    |  |  |   goods <*> /                      |                      ||
   TEMPO-|  |  |   Date limite pour la reexportation|annee / mois / jour //||
   RARY  |  |  |   / la representation a la douane, |                      ||
   IMPOR-|  |  |   des marchandises <*>             |                      ||
   TATION|  |  +---------------------------------T--+----------------------++
   RESER-|  |  |3. Registered under reference    |8.                        |
   VE A  |  |  |   No. <*> / Enregistre sous le  |                          |
   LA    |  |  |   n <*> ........................|                          |
   DOUANE|  |  +---------------------------------+                          |
   DU    |  |  |4. Other remarks / Autres        |                          |
   PAYS /|  |  |   mentions <*> .................|                          |
   TERRI-|  |  |   ..............................|                          |
   TOIRE |  |  |   ..............................|                          |
   DOUA- +--+--+------------T------T-------------+                          |
   NIER  |Coun-|4.          |5.    |6.           |                          |
   D'IM- |ter- | .......... |......|.............|                          |
   POR-  |foil |   Customs  |Place |Date (year / |                          |
   TATION|/ So-|   Office   |Lieu  |month / day) |................ ---------|
   TEMPO-|uche |   Bureau   |      |Date (annee /| Signature and   |       ||
   RAIRE |No. /|  de douane |      |mois / jour) |     Stamp       |       ||
         |No.  |            |      |             | Signature et    |       ||
         |     |            |      |             |     Timbre      L--------|
         |R |R |1. The goods described                                      |
         |E |E |   in the General List under item No.(s) ...................|
         |E |E |   Les marchandises enumerees a la liste                    |
         |X |X |   generale sous le(s) n(s)                                 |
         |P |P |   .........................................................|
         |O |O |                                                            |
         |R |R |   which were temporarily imported under cover of           |
         |T |T |   importation voucher(s) No.(s) ...........................|
         |A |A |   importees temporairement sous couvert du (des) volet(s)  |
         |T |T |   d'importation N(s)                                       |
         |I |I |   of this Carnet have been re-exported <*> / du present    |
         |O |O |   carnet, ont ete reexportees <*>                          |
         |N |N +------------------------------------------------------------+
         |  |  |2. Action taken in respect of goods produced but not re-    |
         |  |  |   exported <*> ............................................|
         |  |  |   Mesures prises a l'egard des marchandises representees   |
         |  |  |   mais non reexportees <*>                                 |
         |  |  |   .........................................................|
         |  |  +---------------------------------T--------------------------+
         |  |  |3. Action taken in respect of    |8.                        |
         |  |  |   goods not produced and not    |                          |
         |  |  |   intended for later re-        |                          |
         |  |  |   exportation <*>               |                          |
         |  |  |   Mesures prises a l'egard      |                          |
         |  |  |   des marchandises non          |                          |
         |  |  |   representees et non           |                          |
         |  |  |   destinees a une rexpor-       |                          |
         |  |  |   tation ulterieure <*>         |                          |
         |  |  |   ..............................|                          |
         |  |  |   ..............................|                          |
         +--+--+---------------------------------+                          |
         |Coun-|4. Registered under reference    |                          |
         |ter- |   No. / Enregistre sous le N    |                          |
         |foil +------------T------T-------------+                          |
         |/ So-|5.          |6.    |7.           |                          |
         |uche |            |......|.............|                          |
         |No. /|            |Place |Date (year / |                          |
         |No.  |            |Lieu  |month / day) |................ ---------|
         |     |            |      |Date (annee /| Signature and   |       ||
         |     |            |      |mois / jour) |     Stamp       |       ||
         |     |            |      |             | Signature et    |       ||
         |     |            |      |             |     Timbre      L--------|
         |I |I |1. The goods described                                      |
         |M |M |   in the General List under item No.(s) .................. |
         |P |P |   Les merchandises enumerees a la liste                    |
         |O |O |   generale sous le(s) n(s) ............ have been tempora- |
         |R |R |   rely imported ...........................................|
         |T |T |                      ont ete importees temporairement      |
         |A |A +------------------------------------------------------------+
         |T |T |                                    ------------------------|
         |I |I |2. Final date for re-exportation /  |                      ||
         |O |O |   production to the Customs of     |year / month /  day //||
         |N |N |   goods <*> /                      |                      ||
         |  |  |   Date limite pour la reexportation|annee / mois / jour //||
         |  |  |   / la representation a la douane, |                      ||
         |  |  |   des marchandises <*>             |                      ||
         |  |  +---------------------------------T--+----------------------++
         |  |  |3. Registered under reference    |8.                        |
         |  |  |   No. <*> / Enregistre sous le  |                          |
         |  |  |   n <**> .......................|                          |
         |  |  +---------------------------------+                          |
         |  |  |6. Other remarks <*>/ Autres     |                          |
         |  |  |   mentions <*> .................|                          |
         |  |  |   ..............................|                          |
         |  |  |   ..............................|                          |
         +--+--+------------T------T-------------+                          |
         |Coun-|5.          |6.    |7.           |                          |
         |ter- | .......... |......|.............|                          |
         |foil |   Customs  |Place |Date (year / |                          |
         |/ So-|   Office   |Lieu  |month / day) |................ ---------|
         |uche |   Bureau   |      |Date (annee /| Signature and   |       ||
         |No. /|  de douane |      |mois / jour) |     Stamp       |       ||
         |No.  |            |      |             | Signature et    |       ||
         |     |            |      |             |     Timbre      L--------|
         |R |R |1. The goods described                                      |
         |E |E |   in the General List under item No.(s) ...................|
         |E |E |   Les marchandises enumerees a la liste                    |
         |X |X |   generale sous le(s) n(s)                                 |
         |P |P |   .........................................................|
         |O |O |                                                            |
         |R |R |   which were temporarily imported under cover of           |
         |T |T |   importation voucher(s) No.(s) ...........................|
         |A |A |   importees temporairement sous couvert du (des) volet(s)  |
         |T |T |   d'importalion N(s) of this Carnes have been re-          |
         |I |I |   exported <*> J du present camet, ont ele reexportees <*> |
         |O |O +------------------------------------------------------------+
         |N |N |2. Action taken in respect of goods produced but not re-    |
         |  |  |   exported <*> ............................................|
         |  |  |   Mesures prises a l'egard des marchandises representees   |
         |  |  |   mais non reexportees <*>                                 |
         |  |  |   .........................................................|
         |  |  +---------------------------------T--------------------------+
         |  |  |3. Action taken in respect of    |8.                        |
         |  |  |   goods not produced and not    |                          |
         |  |  |   intended for later re-        |                          |
         |  |  |   exportation <*>               |                          |
         |  |  |   Mesures prises a l'egard      |                          |
         |  |  |   des marchandises non          |                          |
         |  |  |   representees et non           |                          |
         |  |  |   destinees a une reexpor-      |                          |
         |  |  |   tation ulterieure <*>         |                          |
         |  |  |   ..............................|                          |
         |  |  |   ..............................|                          |
         +--+--+---------------------------------+                          |
         |Coun-|4. Registered under reference    |                          |
         |ter- |   No / Enregistre sous le N <*> |                          |
         |foil +------------T------T-------------+                          |
         |/ So-|5.          |6.    |7.           |                          |
         |uche | .......... |......|.............|                          |
         |No. /|   Customs  |Place |Date (year / |                          |
         |No.  |   Office   |Lieu  |month / day) |................ ---------|
         |     |   Bureau   |      |Date (annee /| Signature and   |       ||
         |     |  de douane |      |mois / jour) |     Stamp       |       ||
         |     |            |      |             | Signature et    |       ||
         |     |            |      |             |     Timbre      L--------|
       <*> If applicable / <*> S'il y a lieu.
                                                    лист белого цвета
   А.Т.А. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
   |X|X|Titulaire et adresse       |Reserve а l'association         |
   |P|P|                           |emettrice                       |
   |O|O|                           |                                |
   |R|R|                           |G. EXPORTATION VOUCHER N .......|
   |T|T|                           |   Volet d'exportation n        |
   |A|A|                           +--------------------------------+
   |T|T|                           |a) CARNET N     ----------------|
   |I|I|                           |   Carnet n     |              ||
   |O|O|                           |                L---------------|
   | | |B. REPRESENTED BY <*> /    |b) ISSUED BY / Delivre par      |
   | | |Represente par <*>         |                                |
   | | |                           |                                |
   | | |                           |                                |
   | | +---------------------------+--------------------------------+
   | | |C. INTENDED USE OF GOODS / |c) VALID UNTIL / Valable        |
   | | |Utilisation prevue des     |jusqu'au                        |
   | | |marchandises               |........../........../..........|
   | | |                           |  year  month  day (inclusive)  |
   | | |                           |  annee mois   jour (inclus)    |
       |D. MEANS OF TRANSPORT <*> /|    FOR CUSTOMS USE ONLY /      |
       |Moyens de transport <*>    |     Reserve a la douane        |
       |                           |                                |
       |                           |  H. CLEARANCE ON EXPORTATION / |
       |                           |  Dedouanement a l'exportation  |
       |                           |                                |
       |                           |a) The goods referred to in the |
       |                           |above declaration have been ex- |
       |                           |ported / Les marchandises fai-  |
       |                           |sant t'objet de la declaration  |
       |                           |ci-contre ont ete exportees.    |
       +---------------------------+                                |
       |E. PACKAGING DETAILS       |b) Final date for duty-free     |
       |(Number, Kind, Marks,      |reimportation / Date limite pour|
       |etc.) <*> / Detail         |la reimportation en franchise:  |
       |d'emballage (nombre,       |......... / ........ / .........|
       |nature, marques, etc.) <*> |  year  month  day              |
       |                           |  annee mois   jour             |
       +---------------------------+                                |
       |F. TEMPORARY EXPORTATION   |c) This voucher must be forwar- |
       |DECLARATION / Declaration  |ded to the Customs Office       |
       |d'exportation temporaire   |at: <*>; / Le present volet     |
       |                           |devra etre transmis au bureau de|
       |                           |douane de: <*>;                 |
       |                           |................................|
       |                           |                                |
       |                           |d) Other remarks: <*>; / Autres |
       |                           |mentions: <*>;                  |
       |I, duly authorised: / Je   |                                |
       |soussigne, dument autorise:|                                |
       |                           |                                |
       |a) declare that I am tempo-|                                |
       |rarily exporting the goods |                                |
       |enumerated in the list     |                                |
       |overleaf and described in  |                                |
       |the General List under item|                                |
       |No.(s) / declare exporter  |At / A ........................ |
       |temporairement les marchan-|         Customs Office /       |
       |dises enumerees a la liste |         Bureau de douane       |
       |figurant au verso et repri-|                                |
       |ses a la liste generale des|                                |
       |marchandises sous le(s)    |                                |
       |N(s).                      |                                |
       |...........................|                                |
       |...........................|                                |
       |b) undertake to re-import  |                                |
       |the goods within the period|                                |
       |stipulated by the Customs  |                                |
       |Office or regularize their |                                |
       |status in accordance with  |                                |
       |the laws and regulations of|                     ---------  |
       |the country / Customs ter- |                     |       |  |
       |ritory of importation /    |                     |       |  |
       |m'engage a reimporter ces  |                     |       |  |
       |marchandises dans le delai |                     L--------  |
       |fixe par le bureau de doua-|                                |
       |ne ou a regulariser leur   |..../..../.... ................ |
       |situation selon les lois et|Date (year /    Signature and   |
       |reglements du pays / terri-|month / day)        Stamp       |
       |toire douanier d'importa-  |Date (annee /   Signature et    |
       |tion.                      |mois / jour)       Timbre       |
       |                           L--------------------------------+
       |c) confirm that the infor-  Place ........... Date (year /  |
       |mation given is true and    month / day) ... / .. / ....... |
       |complete / certifie sin-    Lieu Date (annee / mois / jour) |
       |ceres et completes les in-                                  |
       |dications portees sur le    Name .......................... |
       |present volet.              Nom                             |
       |                                                            |
       |                            Signature X ................. X |
       |                            Signature                       |
       <*> If applicable / <*> S'il y a lieu.
                                                   лист желтого цвета
   A.T.A. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
                     GENERAL LIST / LISTE GENERALE
                                            оборотная сторона листа 8
   |Item| Trade description | Number  |Weight  |Value /|<**>     |For Customs Use /|
   |No /|of goods and marks |   of    |  or    |Valeur |Country  |  Reserve a la   |
   |N   |    and numbers,   |Pieces / |Volume /|       |of ori-  |     douane      |
   |d'  |      if any /     | Nombre  | Poids  |       |gin /    |  Identification |
   |ord-|    Designation    |   de    |   ou   |       |<**>     |     marks /     |
   |re  |  commerciale des  | Pieces  | Volume |       |Pays     |     Marques     |
   |    |  marchandises et, |         |        |       |d'origine|d'identification |
   |    |  le cas echeant,  |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |marques et numeros |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |  1 |         2         |    3    |    4   |   5   |    6    |         7       |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   +----+-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                 |
   |TOTAL or CARRIED OVER / |         |        |       |    /    |                 |
   |TOTAL OU A REPORTER     |         |        |       |   /     |                 |
       <*>  Commercial  value in country / customs territory of issue
   and  in  its  currency,  unless  stated differently.  / <*> Valeur
   commerciale  dans le pays / territoire douanier d'emission et dans
   sa monnaie, sauf indication contraire.
       <**>  Show  country  of  origine if  different  from country /
   customs territory of issue of the Garnet, using ISO country codes.
   /  <**>  Indiquer  le  pays d'origine s'il est different du pays /
   territoire  douanier  d'emission  du carnet,  en utilisant le code
   international des pays ISO.
                                                   лист желтого цвета
   А.Т.А. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
   |E|E|Titulaire et adresse       |Reserve а l'association         |
   |I|I|                           |emettrice                       |
   |M|M|                           |                                |
   |P|P|                           |G. REIMPORTATION VOUCHER N .....|
   |O|O|                           |   Volet de reimportation n     |
   |R|R|                           +--------------------------------+
   |T|T|                           |a) CARNET N /   ----------------|
   |A|A|                           |   Carnet n     |              ||
   |T|T|                           |                L---------------|
   |O|O|B. REPRESENTED BY <*>.     |b) ISSUED BY / Delivre par      |
   |N|N|Represente par <*>         |                                |
   | | |                           |                                |
   | | |                           |                                |
   | | +---------------------------+--------------------------------+
   | | |C. INTENDED USE OF GOODS / |c) VALID UNTIL / Valable        |
   | | |Utilisation prevue des     |jusqu'au                        |
   | | |marchandises               |........../........../..........|
   | | |                           |  year  month  day (inclusive)  |
   | | |                           |  annee mois   jour (inclus)    |
       |D. MEANS OF TRANSPORT <*> /|    FOR CUSTOMS USE ONLY /      |
       |Moyens de transport <*>    |     Reserve a la douane        |
       |                           |                                |
       |                           |H. CLEARANCE ON RE-IMPORTATION /|
       |                           |   Dedouanement a la            |
       |                           |   reimportation                |
       |                           |                                |
       |                           |a) The goods referred to in     |
       |                           |paragraph F. a) and b) of the   |
       |                           |holder's declaration have been  |
       |                           |re-imported. / Les marchandises |
       |                           |visees au paragraphe F. a) et   |
       |                           |b) de la declaration ci-contre  |
       |                           |ont ete reimportees.            |
       +---------------------------+                                |
       |E. PACKAGING DETAILS       |b) This voucher must be forwar- |
       |(Number, Kind, Marks,      |ded to the Customs Office at <*>|
       |etc.) <*> / Detail         |/ Le present volet devra etre   |
       |d'emballage (nombre,       |transmis au bureau de douane de |
       |nature, marques, etc.) <*> |<*>                             |
       +---------------------------+                                |
       |F. RE-IMPORTATION DECLARA- |c) <*> Other remarks /          |
       |TION / Declaration de reim-|<*> Autres mentions             |
       |portation                  |                                |
       |I, duly authorised: / Je   |                                |
       |soussigne, dument autorise:|                                |
       |                           |                                |
       |a) declare that the goods  |                                |
       |enumerated in the list     |                                |
       |overleaf and described in  |                                |
       |the General List under item|                                |
       |No.(s) / declare que les   |                                |
       |marchandises enumerees a la|                                |
       |liste figurant au verso et |                                |
       |reprises a la liste genera-|                                |
       |le sous le(s) N(s)         |                                |
       |...........................|                                |
       |...........................|                                |
       |were temporarily exported  |                                |
       |under cover of exportation |                                |
       |voucher(s) No.(s) / ont ete|                                |
       |exportees temporairement   |                                |
       |sous le couvert du(des)    |                                |
       |volet(s) d'exportation     |                                |
       |N(s)                       |                                |
       |...........................|                                |
       |...........................|                                |
       |request duty - free re-im- |                                |
       |portation of the said goods|                                |
       |/ demande la reimportation |                                |
       |en franchise de ces marcha-|                                |
       |ndises.                    |                                |
       |b) declare that the said   |At / A ........................ |
       |goods have NOT undergone   |         Customs Office /       |
       |any process abroad, except |         Bureau de douane       |
       |for those described under  |                                |
       |N(s): <*> / declare que    |                                |
       |lesdites marchandises      |                                |
       |n'ont subi aucune ouvrai-  |                                |
       |son a l'etranger, sauf     |                                |
       |celles enumerees sous      |                                |
       |le(s) N(s) <*>             |                                |
       |...........................|                                |
       |...........................|                                |
       |c) declare that goods of   |                     ---------  |
       |the following item N(s)    |                     |       |  |
       |have not been re-imported  |                     |       |  |
       |<*>: / declare ne pas reim-|                     |       |  |
       |porter les marchandises    |                     L--------  |
       |reprises sous le(s) N(s)   |                                |
       |suivant(s) <*>:            |..../..../.... ................ |
       |...........................|Date (year /    Signature and   |
       |...........................|month / day)        Stamp       |
       |                           |Date (annee /   Signature et    |
       |                           |mois / jour)       Timbre       |
       |                           L--------------------------------+
       |d) confirm that the infor-  Place ........... Date (year /  |
       |mation given is true and    month / day) ..../..../........ |
       |complete / certifie sin-    Lieu              Date (annee / |
       |ceres et completes les in-  mois / jour)                    |
       |dications portees sur le                                    |
       |present volet.              Name .......................... |
       |                            Nom                             |
       |                                                            |
       |                            Signature X ................. X |
       |                            Signature                       |
       <*> If applicable / <*> S'il y a lieu.
                                                   лист желтого цвета
   A.T.A. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
                     GENERAL LIST / LISTE GENERALE
                                           оборотная сторона листа 10
   |Item| Trade description | Number  |Weight  |Value /|<**>     |For Customs Use /|
   |No /| of goods and marks|   of    |  or    |Valeur |Country  |  Reserve a la   |
   |N   |    and numbers,   |Pieces / |Volume /|  <*>  |of ori-  |     douane      |
   |d'  |      if any /     | Nombre  | Poids  |       |gin /    |                 |
   |ord-|    Designation    |   de    |   ou   |       |<**>     |  Identification |
   |re  |  commerciale des  | Pieces  | Volume |       |Pays     |     marks /     |
   |    |  marchandises et, |         |        |       |         |     Marques     |
   |    |  le cas echeant,  |         |        |       |         |d'identification |
   |    |marques et numeros |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |  1 |         2         |    3    |    4   |   5   |    6    |         7       |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   +----+-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                 |
   |TOTAL or CARRIED OVER / |         |        |       |    /    |                 |
   |TOTAL ou A REPORTER     |         |        |       |   /     |                 |
       <*>  Commercial  value in country / customs territory of issue
   and  in  its  currency,  unless  stated differently.  / <*> Valeur
   commerciale  dans le pays / territoire douanier d'emission et dans
   sa monnaie, sauf indication contraire.
       <**>  Show  country  of  origin  if  different  from country /
   customs territory of issue of the Carnet, using ISO country codes.
   /  <**>  Indiquer  le  pays d'origine s'il est different du pays /
   territoire  douanier  d'emission  du carnet,  en utilisant le code
   international des pays ISO.
                                                   лист желтого цвета
   А.Т.А. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
   |M|M|Titulaire et adresse       |Reserve а l'association         |
   |P|P|                           |emettrice                       |
   |O|O|                           |                                |
   |R|R|                           |G. IMPORTATION VOUCHER N .......|
   |T|T|                           |   Volet d'importation n        |
   |A|A|                           +--------------------------------+
   |T|T|                           |a) CARNET N /   ----------------|
   |I|I|                           |   Carnet n     |              ||
   |O|O|                           |                L---------------|
   | | |B. REPRESENTED BY <*> /    |b) ISSUED BY / Delivre par      |
   | | |Represente par <*>         |                                |
   | | |                           |                                |
   | | |                           |                                |
   | | +---------------------------+--------------------------------+
   | | |C. INTENDED USE OF GOODS / |c) VALID UNTIL / Valable        |
   | | |Utilisation prevue des     |jusqu'au                        |
   | | |marchandises/              |                                |
   | | |                           |........../........../..........|
   | | |                           |  year  month  day (inclusive)  |
   | | |                           |  annee mois   jour (inclus)    |
       |D. MEANS OF TRANSPORT <*> /|    FOR CUSTOMS USE ONLY /      |
       |Moyens de transport <*>    |     Reserve a la douane        |
       |                           |                                |
       |                           | H. CLEARANCE ON IMPORTATION /  |
       |                           |  Dedouanement a l'importation  |
       |                           |                                |
       |                           |a) The goods referred to in the |
       |                           |above declaration have been     |
       |                           |temporarily imported / Les mar- |
       |                           |chandises faisant l'objet de la |
       |                           |declaration ci-contre ont ete   |
       |                           |importees temporairement.       |
       +---------------------------+                                |
       |E. PACKAGING DETAILS       |b) Final date for re-exportation|
       |(Number, Kind, Marks,      |/ production to Customs <*> /   |
       |etc.) <*> / Detail         |Date limite pour la reexportati-|
       |d'emballage (nombre,       |on / la representation a la dou-|
       |nature, marques, etc.) <*> |ane <*>:                        |
       |                           |                                |
       |                           |........../........../..........|
       |                           |year  month day                 |
       |                           |annee mois  jour                |
       +---------------------------+                                |
       |F. TEMPORARY IMPORTATION   |c) Registered under reference   |
       |DECLARATION / Declaration  |N <*> / Enregistre sous le n    |
       |d'importation temporaire   |<*>                             |
       |                           |................................|
       |                           |                                |
       |I, duly authorised: / Je   |d) Other remarks <*> / Autres   |
       |soussigne, dument autorise:|mentions <*>:                   |
       |                           |                                |
       |a) declare that I am tempo-|                                |
       |rarily importing in compli-|                                |
       |ance with the conditions   |At / A ........................ |
       |laid down in the laws and  |         Customs Office /       |
       |regulations of the country |         Bureau de douane       |
       |/ Customs territory of im- |                                |
       |portation, the goods enume-|                                |
       |rated in the list overleaf |                                |
       |and described in the Gene- |                                |
       |ral List under item No.(s) |                                |
       |/ declare importer tempora-|                                |
       |irement, dans les conditi- |                                |
       |ons prevues par les lois et|                                |
       |reglements du pays /       |                                |
       |territoire douanier d'im-  |                     ---------  |
       |portation, les marchandises|                     |       |  |
       |enumerees a la liste figu- |                     |       |  |
       |rant au verso et reprises a|                     |       |  |
       |la liste generale sous     |                     L--------  |
       |le(s) N(s).................|                                |
       |...........................|..../..../.... ................ |
       |b) declare that the said   |Date (year /    Signature and   |
       |goods are intended for use |month / day)        Stamp       |
       |at / declare que les mar-  |Date (annee /   Signature et    |
       |chandises sont destinees a |mois / jour)       Timbre       |
       |etre utilisees a...........L--------------------------------+
       |...........................                                 |
       |c) undertake to comply with                                 |
       |these and laws regulations                                       |
       |and to re-export the said                                   |
       |goods within the period                                     |
       |stipulated by the Customs                                   |
       |Office or regularize their  Place ........... Date (year /  |
       |status in accordance with   month / day) ..../..../........ |
       |the laws and regulations of Lieu              Date (annee / |
       |the country / Customs ter-  mois / jour)                    |
       |ritory of importation. /                                    |
       |m'engage a observer ces     Name .......................... |
       |lois et reglements et a re- Nom                             |
       |exporter ces marchandises                                   |
       |dans les delais fixes par                                   |
       |le bureau de douane ou a                                    |
       |regulariser leur situation                                  |
       |selon les lois et regle-                                    |
       |ments du pays / territoire                                  |
       |douanier d'importation.                                     |
       |d) confirm that the infor-                                  |
       |mation given is true and                                    |
       |complete. / certifie since-                                 |
       |res et completes les indi-                                  |
       |cations portees sur le pre- Signature X ................. X |
       |sent volet.                 Signature                       |
       <*> If applicable / <*> S'il y a lieu.
                                                    лист белого цвета
   A.T.A. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
                     GENERAL LIST / LISTE GENERALE
                                           оборотная сторона листа 12
   |Item| Trade description | Number  | Weight |Value /|<**>     |For Customs Use /|
   |No /| of goods and marks|   of    |  or    |Valeur |Country  |  Reserve a la   |
   |N   |    and numbers,   |Pieces / |Volume /|  <*>  |of ori-  |     douane      |
   |d'  |      if any /     | Nombre  | Poids  |       |gin /    |                 |
   |ord-|    Designation    |   de    |   ou   |       |<**>     |  Identification |
   |re  |  commerciale des  | Pieces  | Volume |       |Pays     |     marks /     |
   |    |  marchandises et, |         |        |       |d'origine|     Marques     |
   |    |  le cas echeant,  |         |        |       |         |d'identification |
   |    |marques et numeros |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |  1 |         2         |    3    |    4   |   5   |    6    |         7       |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   +----+-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                 |
   |TOTAL or CARRIED OVER / |         |        |       |    /    |                 |
   |TOTAL ou A REPORTER     |         |        |       |   /     |                 |
       <*>  Commercial  value in country / customs territory of issue
   and  in  its  currency,  unless  stated differently.  / <*> Valeur
   commerciale  dans le pays / territoire douanier d'emission et dans
   sa monnaie, sauf indication contraire.
       <**>  Show  country  of  origin  if  different  from country /
   customs territory of issue of the Carnet, using ISO country codes.
   /  <**>  Indiquer  le  pays d'origine s'il est different du pays /
   territoire  douanier  d'emission  du carnet,  en utilisant le code
   international des pays ISO.
                                                    лист белого цвета
   А.Т.А. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
   |E|E|Titulaire et adresse       |Reserve а l'association         |
   |E|E|                           |emettrice                       |
   |X|X|                           |                                |
   |P|P|                           |G. REEXPORTATION VOUCHER N .....|
   |O|O|                           |   Volet de reexportation n     |
   |R|R|                           +--------------------------------+
   |T|T|                           |a) CARNET N /   ----------------|
   |A|A|                           |   Carnet n     |              ||
   |T|T|                           |                L---------------|
   |O|O|B. REPRESENTED BY <*> /    |b) ISSUED BY / Delivre par      |
   |N|N|Represente par <*>         |                                |
   | | |                           |                                |
   | | |                           |                                |
   | | +---------------------------+--------------------------------+
   | | |C. INTENDED USE OF GOODS / |c) VALID UNTIL / Valable        |
   | | |Utilisation prevue des     |jusqu'au                        |
   | | |marchandises               |                                |
   | | |                           |........../........../..........|
   | | |                           |  year  month  day (inclusive)  |
   | | |                           |  annee mois   jour (inclus)    |
       |D. MEANS OF TRANSPORT <*> /|    FOR CUSTOMS USE ONLY /      |
       |Moyens de transport <*>    |     Reserve a la douane        |
       |                           |                                |
       |                           |H. CLEARANCE ON RE-EXPORTATION /|
       |                           |dedouanement a la reexportation |
       |                           |                                |
       |                           |a) The goods referred to in     |
       |                           |paragraph F. a) of the holder's |
       |                           |declaration have been re-expor- |
       |                           |ted <*>. / Les marchandises vi- |
       |                           |sees au paragraphe F. a) de la  |
       |                           |declaration ci-contre ont ete   |
       |                           |reexportees <*>.                |
       +---------------------------+                                |
       |E. PACKAGING DETAILS       |b) Action taken in respect of   |
       |(Number, Kind, Marks,      |goods produced but not re-expor-|
       |etc.) <*> / Detail         |ted <*>. / Mesures prises a     |
       |d'emballage (nombre,       |l'egard des marchandises repre- |
       |nature, marques, etc.) <*> |sentees mais non reexportees    |
       |                           |<*>.                            |
       |                           |................................|
       +---------------------------+                                |
       |F. RE-EXPORTATION DECLARA- |c) Action taken in respect of   |
       |TION / Declaration de reex-|goods NOT produced and NOT in-  |
       |portation                  |tended for later re-exporation  |
       |                           |<*>. / Mesures prises a l'egard |
       |                           |des marchandises non represen-  |
       |                           |tees et non destinees a une re- |
       |                           |exportation ulterieure <*>.     |
       |                           |................................|
       |I, duly authorised: / Je   |d) Registered under reference   |
       |soussigne, dument autorise:|No.: / <*> Enregistre sous le N |
       |                           |<*>: ...........................|
       |<*> a) declare that I am   |e) This voucher must be forwar- |
       |re-exporting the goods enu-|ded to the Customs Office at    |
       |merated in the list over-  |<*>: / Le present volet devra   |
       |leaf and described in the  |etre transmis au bureau de doua-|
       |General List under item    |ne de: .........................|
       |No.(s) / declare reexporter|                                |
       |les marchandises enumerees |                                |
       |a la liste figurant au ver-|                                |
       |so et reprises a la liste  |                                |
       |generale sous le(s) N(s)   |                                |
       |...........................|                                |
       |....................       |                                |
       |which were temporarily im- |                                |
       |ported under cover of im-  |                                |
       |portation voucher(s) N(s)  |                                |
       |/ qui ont ete importees    |                                |
       |temporairement sous le     |                                |
       |couvert du (des) volet(s)  |                                |
       |d'importation N(s)         |                                |
       |...........................|                                |
       |of this carnet / du present|                                |
       |carnet                     |f) Other remarks <*>: / Autres  |
       |                           |mentions <*>:                   |
       |<*> b) declare that goods  |                                |
       |produced against the follo-|                                |
       |wing item N(s) are not in- |                                |
       |tended for re-exportation: |                                |
       |/ declare que les marchan- |                                |
       |dises representees et re-  |At / A ........................ |
       |prises sous le(s) N(s) sui-|         Customs Office /       |
       |vant(s) ne sont pas desti- |         Bureau de douane       |
       |nees a la reexportation:   |                                |
       |...........................|                                |
       |...........................|                     ---------  |
       |<*> c) declare that goods  |                     |       |  |
       |of the following item N(s) |                     |       |  |
       |not produced, are not in-  |                     |       |  |
       |tended for later re-expor- |                     L--------  |
       |tation: / declare que les  |                                |
       |marchandises non represen- |..../..../.... ................ |
       |tees et reprises sous le(s)|Date (year /    Signature and   |
       |N(s) suivant(s) ne seront  |month / day)        Stamp       |
       |pas reexportees ulterieure-|Date (annee /   Signature et    |
       |ment: .....................|mois / jour)       Timbre       |
       |<*> d) in support of this                                   |
       |declaration, present the    Place ........... Date (year /  |
       |following documents: / pre- month / day) ..../..../........ |
       |sente a l'appui de mes dec- Lieu              Date (annee / |
       |larations, les documents    mois / jour)                    |
       |suivants:                                                   |
       |........................... Name .......................... |
       |e) confirm that the infor-  Nom                             |
       |mation given is true and                                    |
       |complete / certifie since-                                  |
       |res et completes les indi-                                  |
       |cations portees sur le pre-                                 |
       |sent volet                                                  |
       |                            Signature X ................. X |
       |                            Signature                       |
       <*> If applicable / <*> S'il y a lieu.
                                                    лист белого цвета
   A.T.A. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
                     GENERAL LIST / LISTE GENERALE
                                           оборотная сторона листа 14
   |Item| Trade description | Number  |Weight  |Value /|<**>     |For Customs Use /|
   |No /| of goods and marks|   of    |  or    |Valeur |Country  |  Reserve a la   |
   |N   |    and numbers,   |Pieces / |Volume /|<*>    |of ori-  |     douane      |
   |d'  |      if any /     | Nombre  | Poids  |       |gin /    |                 |
   |ord-|    Designation    |   de    |   ou   |       |<**>     |  Identification |
   |re  |  commerciale des  | Pieces  | Volume |       |Pays     |     marks /     |
   |    |  marchandises et, |         |        |       |         |     Marques     |
   |    |  le cas echeant,  |         |        |       |         |d'identification |
   |    |marques et numeros |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |  1 |         2         |    3    |    4   |   5   |    6    |         7       |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   +----+-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                 |
   |TOTAL or CARRIED OVER / |         |        |       |    /    |                 |
   |TOTAL ou A REPORTER     |         |        |       |   /     |                 |
       <*>  Commercial  value in country / customs territory of issue
   and  in  its  currency,  unless  stated  differently  / <*> Valeur
   commerciale  dans le pays / territoire douanier d'emission et dans
   sa monnaie, sauf indication contraire.
       <**>  Show  country  of  origin  if  different  from country /
   customs territory of issue of the Carnet, using ISO country codes.
   /  <**>  Indiquer  le  pays d'origine s'il est different du pays /
   territoire  douanier  d'emission  du carnet,  en utilisant le code
   international des pays ISO.
                                                    лист белого цвета
   А.Т.А. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
   |R|R|Titulaire et adresse       |Reserve а l'association emettrice           |
   |A|A|                           |G. TRANSIT VOUCHER N .......................|
   |N|N|                           |   Volet de transit n                       |
   |S|S|                           +--------------------------------------------+
   |I|I|                           |a) CARNET N /   ----------------------------|
   |T|T|                           |   Carnet n     |                          ||
   | | |                           |                L---------------------------|
   | | +---------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
   | | |B. REPRESENTED BY <*> /    |b) ISSUED BY / Delivre par                  |
   | | |Represente par <*>         |                                            |
   | | |                           |                                            |
   | | |                           |                                            |
   | | +---------------------------+--------------------------------------------+
   | | |C. INTENDED USE OF GOODS / |c) VALID UNTIL / Valable jusqu'au           |
   | | |Utilisation prevue des     |                                            |
   | | |marchandises               |........../........../......................|
   | | |                           |  year  month  day (inclusive)              |
   | | |                           |  annee mois   jour (inclus)                |
       |D. MEANS OF TRANSPORT <*> /|          FOR CUSTOMS USE ONLY /            |
       |Moyens de transport <*>    |           Reserve a la douane              |
       |                           |                                            |
       |                           |H. CLEARANCE FOR TRANSIT / Dedouanement     |
       |                           |   pour le transit                          |
       |                           |                                            |
       |                           |a) The goods referred to in the above decla-|
       |                           |ration have been cleared for transit to the |
       |                           |Customs Office at: / Les marchandises fai-  |
       |                           |sant l'objet de la declaration ci-contre ont|
       |                           |ete dedouanees pour le transit sur le bureau|
       |                           |de douane de:                               |
       |E. PACKAGING DETAILS       |b) Final date for re-exportation / producti-|
       |(Number, Kind, Marks, etc.)|on to the Customs <*>:                      |
       |<*> / Detail d'emballage   |Date limite pour la reexportation / la rep- |
       |(nombre, nature, marques,  |resentation a la douane des marchandises    |
       |ect.) <*>                  |<*>:                                        |
       |                           |year  month day (inclusive) ..../..../......|
       |                           |annee mois  jour (inclus)                   |
       |                           |c) Registered under reference No. <*> /     |
       |                           |Enregistre sous le N <*>                    |
       |F. DECLARATION OF DESPATCH |d) <*> Customs seals applied <*> / Scelle-  |
       |IN TRANSIT / Declaration   |ments douaniers apposes ....................|
       |d'expedition en transit    |e) This voucher must be forwarded to the    |
       |I, duly authorised: / Je   |Customs Office at <*>: / Le present volet   |
       |soussigne, dument autorise:|devra etre transmis au bureau de douane     |
       |                           |de <*>: ....................................|
       |                           |                                ----------  |
       |                           |At / A ......................   |        |  |
       |                           |         Customs Office /       |        |  |
       |                           |         Bureau de douane       |        |  |
       |                           |                                L---------  |
       |a) declare that I am des-  |                                            |
       |patching to: / declare ex- |                                            |
       |pedier a:                  |..../..../.......     ................      |
       |...........................|   Date (year /        Signature and        |
       |...........................|   month / day)            Stamp            |
       |In compliance with the con-|   Date (annee /       Signature et         |
       |ditions laid down in the   |   mois / jour)           Timbre            |
       |laws and regulations of the+--------------------------------------------+
       |country / Customs territory|  Certificate of discharge by the Customs   |
       |of transit, the goods enu- |           Office at destination            |
       |merated in the list over-  |    Certificat de decharge du bureau de     |
       |leaf and described in the  |               destination                  |
       |General List under item    |                                            |
       |N(s) / dans les conditions |f) The goods referred to in the above decla-|
       |prevues par les lois et    |ration have been re-exported / produced     |
       |reglements du pays / terri-|<*> / Les marchandises faisant l'objet de la|
       |toire douanier de transit, |declaration ci-contre ont ete reexportees / |
       |les marchandises enumerees |representees <*>                            |
       |a la liste figurant au     |                                            |
       |verso et reprises a la     |g) <*> Other remarks: / Autres mentions:    |
       |liste generate sous le(s)  |                                            |
       |N(s) ......................|                                            |
       |...........................|                                            |
       |b) undertake to comply with|                                            |
       |the laws and regulations of|                                            |
       |the country / Customs ter- |At / A .....................................|
       |ritory of transit and to   |         Customs Office / Bureau de douane  |
       |produce these goods with   |                                            |
       |seals (if any) intact, and |                                            |
       |this Carnet to the Customs |                                            |
       |Office of destination      |                                            |
       |within the period stipula- |                                 ---------- |
       |ted by the Customs / m'en- |                                 |        | |
       |gage a observer les lois et|                                 |        | |
       |reglements du pays / terri-|                                 |        | |
       |toire douanier de transit  |                                 L--------- |
       |et a representer ces mar-  |..../..../.......     ................      |
       |chandises, le cas echeant  |   Date (year /        Signature and        |
       |sous scellements intacts,  |   month / day)            Stamp            |
       |en meme temps que le pre-  |   Date (annee /       Signature et         |
       |sent carnet au bureau de   |   mois / jour)           Timbre            |
       |douane de destination dans L--------------------------------------------+
       |le delai fixe par la dou-   Place ........... Date (year / month / day) |
       |ane.                        ..../..../........                          |
       |                            Lieu              Date (annee / mois / jour)|
       |c) confirm that the infor-                                              |
       |mation given is true and    Name .......................................|
       |complete / certifie since-  Nom                                         |
       |res et completes les indi-                                              |
       |cations portees sur le pre- Signature X ............................ X  |
       |sent volet.                 Signature                                   |
       <*> If applicable / <*> S'il y a lieu.
                                                  лист голубого цвета
   A.T.A. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
                     GENERAL LIST / LISTE GENERALE
                                           оборотная сторона листа 16
   |Item| Trade description | Number  |Weight  |Value /|<**>     |For Customs Use /|
   |No /| of goods and marks|   of    |  or    |Valeur |Country  |  Reserve a la   |
   |N   |    and numbers,   |Pieces / |Volume /|<*>    |of ori-  |     douane      |
   |d'  |      if any /     | Nombre  | Poids  |       |gin /    |                 |
   |ord-|    Designation    |   de    |   ou   |       |<**>     |  Identification |
   |re  |  commerciale des  | Pieces  | Volume |       |Pays     |     marks /     |
   |    |  marchandises et, |         |        |       |d'origine|     Marques     |
   |    |  le cas echeant,  |         |        |       |         |d'identification |
   |    |marques et numeros |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |  1 |         2         |    3    |    4   |   5   |    6    |         7       |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   +----+-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                 |
   |TOTAL or CARRIED OVER / |         |        |       |    /    |                 |
   |TOTAL ou A REPORTER     |         |        |       |   /     |                 |
       <*>  Commercial  value in country / customs territory of issue
   and  in  its  currency,  unless  stated differently.  / <*> Valeur
   commerciale  dans le pays / territoire douanier d'emission et dans
   sa monnaie, sauf indication contraire.
       <**>  Show  country  of  origin  if  different  from country /
   customs territory of issue of the Carnet, using ISO country codes.
   /  <**>  Indiquer  le  pays d'origine s'il est different du pays /
   territoire  douanier  d'emission  du carnet,  en utilisant le code
   international des pays ISO.
                                                  лист голубого цвета
   A.T.A. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
                     GENERAL LIST / LISTE GENERALE
   |Item| Trade description | Number  |Weight  |Value /|<**>     |For Customs Use /|
   |No /| of goods and marks|   of    |  or    |Valeur |Country  |  Reserve a la   |
   |N   |    and numbers,   |Pieces / |Volume /|<*>    |of ori-  |     douane      |
   |d'  |      if any /     | Nombre  | Poids  |       |gin /    |                 |
   |ord-|    Designation    |   de    |   ou   |       |<**>     |  Identification |
   |re  |  commerciale des  | Pieces  | Volume |       |Pays     |     marks /     |
   |    |  marchandises et, |         |        |       |d'origine|     Marques     |
   |    |  le cas echeant,  |         |        |       |         |d'identification |
   |    |marques et numeros |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |  1 |         2         |    3    |    4   |   5   |    6    |         7       |
   |TOTAL CARRIED OVER /    |         |        |       |    /    |                 |
   |REPORT                  |         |        |       |   /     |                 |
   +----T-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   +----+-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                 |
   |TOTAL or CARRIED OVER / |         |        |       |    /    |                 |
   |TOTAL ou A REPORTER     |         |        |       |   /     |                 |
       <*>  Commercial  value in country / customs territory of issue
   and  in  its  currency,  unless  stated differently.  / <*> Valeur
   commerciale  dans le pays / territoire douanier d'emission et dans
   sa monnaie, sauf indication contraire.
       <**>  Show  country  of  origin  if  different  from country /
   customs territory of issue of the Carnet, using ISO country codes.
   /  <**>  Indiquer  le  pays d'origine s'il est different du pays /
   territoire  douanier  d'emission  du carnet,  en utilisant le code
   international des pays ISO.
                                                  лист зеленого цвета
                                           оборотная сторона листа 18
   |A|C|Item| Trade description | Number  |Weight  |Value  |<**>     |For Customs Use /|
   |T|A|No /| of goods and marks|   of    |  or    |<*> /  |Country  |  Reserve a la   |
   |A|R|N   |    and numbers,   |Pieces / |Volume /|Valeur |of ori-  |     douane      |
   | |N|d'  |      if any /     | Nombre  | Poids  |<*>    |gin /    |                 |
   |C|E|ord-|    Designation    |   de    |   ou   |       |<**>     |  Identification |
   |A|T|re  |  commerciale des  | Pieces  | Volume |       |Pays     |     marks /     |
   |R| |    |  marchandises et, |         |        |       |d'origine|     Marques     |
   |N|A|    |  le cas echeant,  |         |        |       |         |d'identification |
   |E|T|    |marques et numeros |         |        |       |         |                 |
   | | |  1 |         2         |    3    |    4   |   5   |    6    |         7       |
   | | +----+-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+-----------------+
   | | |TOTAL CARRIED OVER /    |         |        |       |    /    |                 |
   | | |REPORT                  |         |        |       |   /     |                 |
   | | +----T-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                 |
   | | |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   | | |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   | | |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   L-+-+    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
       |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
       |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
       |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
       |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
       |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
       |TOTAL or CARRIED OVER / |         |        |       |    /    |                 |
       |TOTAL ou A REPORTER     |         |        |       |   /     |                 |
       <*>  Commercial  value in country / customs territory of issue
   and  in  its  currency,  unless  stated differently.  / <*> Valeur
   commerciale  dans le pays / territoire douanier d'emission et dans
   sa monnaie, sauf indication contraire.
       <**>  Show  country  of  origin  if  different  from country /
   customs territory of issue of the Carnet, using ISO country codes.
   /  <**>  Indiquer  le  pays d'origine s'il est different du pays /
   territoire  douanier  d'emission  du carnet,  en utilisant le code
   international des pays ISO.
   Signature of authorised official   Signature of Holder / Signature
   and issuing Association stamp /    du titulaire
   Signature du delegue et timbre
   de l'association emettrice
                      |      |
                      |      |
                      L-------                    лист зеленого цвета
   ...................                         ......................
   A.T.A. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
                     GENERAL LIST / LISTE GENERALE
   |VOUCHER .......... N ...... CONTINUATION SHEET GENERAL LIST No. .... CARNET N / -------------|
   |                                                                                L------------|
   |Item| Trade description | Number  |Weight  |Value /|<**>     |      For Customs Use /        |
   |No /| of goods and marks|   of    |  or    |Valeur |Country  |        Reserve a la           |
   |N   |    and numbers,   |Pieces / |Volume /|<*>    |of ori-  |           douane              |
   |d'  |      if any /     | Nombre  | Poids  |       |gin /    |                               |
   |ord-|    Designation    |   de    |   ou   |       |<**>     |        Identification         |
   |re  |  commerciale des  | Pieces  | Volume |       |Pays     |           marks /             |
   |    |  marchandises et, |         |        |       |d'origine|           Marques             |
   |    |  le cas echeant,  |         |        |       |         |      d'identification         |
   |    |marques et numeros |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |  1 |         2         |    3    |    4   |   5   |    6    |               7               |
   |TOTAL CARRIED OVER /    |         |        |       |    /    |                               |
   |REPORT                  |         |        |       |   /     |                               |
   +----T-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   +----+-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                               |
   |TOTAL or CARRIED OVER / |         |        |       |    /    |                               |
   |TOTAL ou A REPORTER     |         |        |       |   /     |                               |
       <*>  Commercial  value in country / customs territory of issue
   and  in  its  currency,  unless  stated differently.  / <*> Valeur
   commerciale  dans le pays / territoire douanier d'emission et dans
   sa monnaie, sauf indication contraire.
       <**>  Show  country  of  origin  if  different  from country /
   customs territory of issue of the Carnet, using ISO country codes.
   /  <**>  Indiquer  le  pays d'origine s'il est different du pays /
   territoire  douanier  d'emission  du carnet,  en utilisant le code
   international des pays ISO.
                                                   лист желтого цвета
   A.T.A. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
                     GENERAL LIST / LISTE GENERALE
                                           оборотная сторона листа 20
   |Item| Trade description | Number  |Weight  |Value  |<**>     |For Customs Use /|
   |No /| of goods and marks|   of    |  or    |<*> /  |Country  |  Reserve a la   |
   |N   |    and numbers,   |Pieces / |Volume /|Valeur |of ori-  |     douane      |
   |d'  |      if any /     | Nombre  | Poids  |<*>    |gin /    |                 |
   |ord-|    Designation    |   de    |   ou   |       |<**>     |  Identification |
   |re  |  commerciale des  | Pieces  | Volume |       |Pays     |     marks /     |
   |    |  marchandises et, |         |        |       |d'origine|     Marques     |
   |    |  le cas echeant,  |         |        |       |         |d'identification |
   |    |marques et numeros |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |  1 |         2         |    3    |    4   |   5   |    6    |         7       |
   |TOTAL CARRIED OVER /    |         |        |       |    /    |                 |
   |REPORT                  |         |        |       |   /     |                 |
   +----T-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   +----+-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                 |
   |TOTAL or CARRIED OVER / |         |        |       |    /    |                 |
   |TOTAL ou A REPORTER     |         |        |       |   /     |                 |
       <*>  Commercial  value in country / customs territory of issue
   and  in  its  currency,  unless  stated differently.  / <*> Valeur
   commerciale  dans le pays / territoire douanier d'emission et dans
   sa monnaie, sauf indication contraire.
       <**>  Show  country  of  origin  if  different  from country /
   customs territory of issue of the Carnet, using ISO country codes.
   /  <**>  Indiquer  le  pays d'origine s'il est different du pays /
   territoire  douanier  d'emission  du carnet,  en utilisant le code
   international des pays ISO.
                                                   лист желтого цвета
   A.T.A. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
                     GENERAL LIST / LISTE GENERALE
   |VOUCHER .......... N ...... CONTINUATION SHEET GENERAL LIST No. .... CARNET N / -------------|
   |                                                                                L------------|
   |Item| Trade description | Number  |Weight  |Value /|<**>     |      For Customs Use /        |
   |No /| of goods and marks|   of    |  or    |Valeur |Country  |        Reserve a la           |
   |N   |    and numbers,   |Pieces / |Volume /|<*>    |of ori-  |           douane              |
   |d'  |      if any /     | Nombre  | Poids  |       |gin /    |                               |
   |ord-|    Designation    |   de    |   ou   |       |<**>     |        Identification         |
   |re  |  commerciale des  | Pieces  | Volume |       |Pays     |           marks /             |
   |    |  marchandises et, |         |        |       |d'origine|           Marques             |
   |    |  le cas echeant,  |         |        |       |         |      d'identification         |
   |    |marques et numeros |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |  1 |         2         |    3    |    4   |   5   |    6    |               7               |
   |TOTAL CARRIED OVER /    |         |        |       |    /    |                               |
   |REPORT                  |         |        |       |   /     |                               |
   +----T-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   +----+-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                               |
   |TOTAL or CARRIED OVER / |         |        |       |    /    |                               |
   |TOTAL ou A REPORTER     |         |        |       |   /     |                               |
       <*>  Commercial  value in country / customs territory of issue
   and  in  its  currency,  unless  stated differently.  / <*> Valeur
   commerciale  dans le pays / territoire douanier d'emission et dans
   sa monnaie, sauf indication contraire.
       <**>  Show  country  of  origin  if  different  from country /
   customs territory of issue of the Carnet, using ISO country codes.
   /  <**>  Indiquer  le  pays d'origine s'il est different du pays /
   territoire  douanier  d'emission  du carnet,  en utilisant le code
   international des pays ISO.
                                                  лист голубого цвета
   A.T.A. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
                     GENERAL LIST / LISTE GENERALE
                                           оборотная сторона листа 22
   |Item| Trade description | Number  | Weight |Value /|<**>     |For Customs Use /|
   |No /| of goods and marks|   of    |  or    |Valeur |Country  |  Reserve a la   |
   |N   |    and numbers,   |Pieces / |Volume /|<*>    |of ori-  |     douane      |
   |d'  |      if any /     | Nombre  | Poids  |       |gin /    |  Identification |
   |ord-|    Designation    |   de    |   ou   |       |<**>     |     marks /     |
   |re  |  commerciale des  | Pieces  | Volume |       |Pays     |     Marques     |
   |    |  marchandises et, |         |        |       |d'origine|d'identification |
   |    |  le cas echeant,  |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |marques et numeros |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |  1 |         2         |    3    |    4   |   5   |    6    |         7       |
   |TOTAL CARRIED OVER /    |         |        |       |    /    |                 |
   |REPORT                  |         |        |       |   /     |                 |
   +----T-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   +----+-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                 |
   |TOTAL or CARRIED OVER / |         |        |       |    /    |                 |
   |TOTAL ou A REPORTER     |         |        |       |   /     |                 |
       <*>  Commercial  value in country / customs territory of issue
   and  in  its  currency,  unless  stated differently.  / <*> Valeur
   commerciale  dans le pays / territoire douanier d'emission et dans
   sa monnaie, sauf indication contraire.
       <**>  Show  country  of  origin  if  different  from country /
   customs territory of issue of the Carnet, using ISO country codes.
   /  <**>  Indiquer  le  pays d'origine s'il est different du pays /
   territoire  douanier  d'emission  du carnet,  en utilisant le code
   international des pays ISO.
                                                  лист голубого цвета
   A.T.A. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
                     GENERAL LIST / LISTE GENERALE
   |VOUCHER .......... N ...... CONTINUATION SHEET GENERAL LIST No. .... CARNET N / -------------|
   |                                                                                L------------|
   |Item| Trade description | Number  | Weight |Value /|<**>     |      For Customs Use /        |
   |No /| of goods and marks|   of    |  or    |<*>    |Country  |        Reserve a la           |
   |N   |    and numbers,   |Pieces / |Volume /|Valeur |of ori-  |           douane              |
   |d'  |      if any /     | Nombre  | Poids  |<*>    |gin /    |        Identification         |
   |ord-|    Designation    |   de    |   ou   |       |<**>     |           marks /             |
   |re  |  commerciale des  | Pieces  | Volume |       |Pays     |           Marques             |
   |    |  marchandises et, |         |        |       |d'origine|      d'identification         |
   |    |  le cas echeant,  |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |    |marques et numeros |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |  1 |         2         |    3    |    4   |   5   |    6    |               7               |
   |TOTAL CARRIED OVER /    |         |        |       |    /    |                               |
   |REPORT                  |         |        |       |   /     |                               |
   +----T-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                               |
   +----+-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                               |
   |TOTAL or CARRIED OVER / |         |        |       |    /    |                               |
   |TOTAL ou A REPORTER     |         |        |       |   /     |                               |
       <*>  Commercial  value in country / customs territory of issue
   and  in  its  currency,  unless  stated differently.  / <*> Valeur
   commerciale  dans le pays / territoire douanier d'emission et dans
   sa monnaie, sauf indication contraire.
       <**>  Show  country  of  origin  if  different  from country /
   customs territory of issue of the Carnet, using ISO country codes.
   /  <**>  Indiquer  le  pays d'origine s'il est different du pays /
   territoire  douanier  d'emission  du carnet,  en utilisant le code
   international des pays ISO.
                                                    лист белого цвета
   A.T.A. CARNET                                        CARNET A.T.A.
                     GENERAL LIST / LISTE GENERALE
                                           оборотная сторона листа 24
   |Item| Trade description | Number  | Weight |Value /|<**>     |For Customs Use /|
   |No /| of goods and marks|   of    |  or    |Valeur |Country  |  Reserve a la   |
   |N   |    and numbers,   |Pieces / |Volume /|<*>    |of ori-  |     douane      |
   |d'  |      if any /     | Nombre  | Poids  |       |gin /    |  Identification |
   |ord-|    Designation    |   de    |   ou   |       |<**>     |     marks /     |
   |re  |  commerciale des  | Pieces  | Volume |       |Pays     |     Marques     |
   |    |  marchandises et, |         |        |       |d'origine|d'identification |
   |    |  le cas echeant,  |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |marques et numeros |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |  1 |         2         |    3    |    4   |   5   |    6    |         7       |
   |TOTAL CARRIED OVER /    |         |        |       |    /    |                 |
   |REPORT                  |         |        |       |   /     |                 |
   +----T-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   |    |                   |         |        |       |         |                 |
   +----+-------------------+---------+--------+-------+---------+                 |
   |TOTAL or CARRIED OVER / |         |        |       |    /    |                 |
   |TOTAL ou A REPORTER     |         |        |       |   /     |                 |
       <*>  Commercial  value in country / customs territory of issue
   and  in  its  currency,  unless  stated differently.  / <*> Valeur
   commerciale  dans le pays / territoire douanier d'emission et dans
   sa monnaie, sauf indication contraire.
       <**>  Show  country  of  origin  if  different  from country /
   customs territory of issue of the Carnet, using ISO country codes.
   /  <**>  Indiquer  le  pays d'origine s'il est different du pays /
   territoire  douanier  d'emisston  du carnet,  en utilisant le code
   international des pays ISO.
                                                    лист белого цвета
   |      Guaranteeing Associations members of W.C.F (IBCC) /       |
   |               ATA International Guarantee Chain.               |
   |     Associations Garantes membres de la Chaine de Garantie     |
   |              Internationale A.T.A. / F.M.C (BICC)              |
   |                                                                |
   |                                                                |
   |                                                                |
   |                                                                |
   |                                                                |
   |                                                                |
   |                                                                |
   |                                                                |
   |                                                                |
   |                                                                |
   |          Box reserved for use by the issuing Chamber           |
   |                          of Commerce                           |
   |        Cadre reserve a la Chambre de Commerce emettrice        |
   |        As a user of this A.T.A Carnet, you are entitled        |
   |                   to the assistance of your                    |
   |         ATA contact person at the Chamber of Commerce          |
   |                        and Industry of:                        |
   |        Utilisateur de ce Carnet A.T.A., vous beneficiez        |
   |         de l'assistance de votre correspondant A.T.A.          |
   |          a la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de:           |
   |Mr / Mrs:                                                       |
   |M. / Mme:                                                       |
   |                                                                |
   |Address:                                                        |
   |Adresse:                                                        |
   |                                                                |
   |Tel:                                                            |
   |Fax:                                                            |
   |E-mail:                                                         |
   |                                                                |
   |                       APRES UTILISATION                        |
                                                  лист зеленого цвета
                                           оборотная сторона листа 26
              OF ATA CARNET                    DU CARNET ATA
   1.  All goods   covered  by  the  1.  Toutes    les   merchandises
       Carnet shall be  entered  in      placees  sous  le couvert du
       columns   1   to  6  of  the      carnet doivent figurer  dans
       General  List.  If the space      les  colonnes  1  a  6 de la
       provided  for   the  General      liste    generale.   Lorsque
       List  on  the reverse of the      l'espace reserve a celle-ci,
       front cover is insufficient,      au  verso  de la couverture,
       continuation sheets shall be      n'est pas suffisant, il  y a
       used.                             lieu d'utiliser des feuilles
   2.  In   order   to   close  the
       General List,  the totals of  2.  A l'effet d'arreter la liste
       columns  3  and  5  shall be      generale, on doit mentionner
       entered at the  end  of  the      a la fin,  en chiffres et en
       list   in   figures  and  in      toutes  lettres,  les totaux
       writing. If the General List      des colonnes 3  et 5.  Si la
       (continuation        sheets)      liste   generale   (feuilles
       consists  of several  pages,      supplementaires)    comporte
       the number  of  continuation      plusieurs  pages,  le nombre
       sheets used shall be  stated      de  feuilles supplementaires
       in  figures and  in  writing      doit    etre    indique   en
       in Box G of the front cover.      chiffres    et   en   toutes
                                         lettres dans la case G de la
   3.  Each item shall be  given an      couverture.
       item  number which  shall be
       entered in column  1.  Goods  3.  Chacune   des   merchandises
       comprising several  separate      doit   etre   affectee  d'un
       parts (including spare parts      numero d'ordre qui doit etre
       and   accessories)   may  be      indique dans  la  colonne 1.
       given a single  item number.      Les marchandises  comportant
       If so, the nature, the value      des   parties   separees  (y
       and,   if   necessary,   the      compris   les    pieces   de
       weight of each separate part      rechange et les accessoires)
       shall be entered in column 2      peuvent etre affectees  d'un
       and only  the  total  weight      seul numero d'ordre. Dans ce
       and value should  appear  in      cas,   il   y   a   lieu  de
       columns 4 and 5.                  preciser, dans la colonne 2,
                                         la  nature, la valeur et, en
   4.  When making out the lists on      tant que de besoin, le poids
       the vouchers, the same  item      de chaque partie,  seuls  le
       numbers  shall be used as on      poids  total  et  la  valeur
       the General List.                 totale  devant  figurer dans
                                         les colonnes 4 et 5.
   5.  To     facilitate    Customs
       control,  it  is recommended  4.  Lors de l'etablissement  des
       that   the  goods (including      listes  des volets,  on doit
       separate  parts thereof)  be      utiliser  les  memes numeros
       clearly   marked  with   the      d'ordre que ceux de la liste
       corresponding item number.        generale.
   6.  Items answering to  the same  5.  Pour faciliter  le  controle
       description may  be grouped,      douanier,  il est recommande
       provided that each  item  so      d'indiquer  lisiblement  sur
       grouped  is given a separate      chaque     marchandise    (y
       item   number. If  the items      compris      les     parties
       grouped  are not of the same      separees)  le numero d'ordre
       value,   or  weight,   their      correspondant.
       respective values,  and,  if
       necessary, weights  shall be  6.  Les  marchandises   de  meme
       specified in column 2.            nature      peuvent     etre
                                         groupees, a condition  qu'un
   7.  If   the  goods    are   for      numero d'ordre soit  affecte
       exhibition, the  importer is      a chacune d'entre elles.  Si
       advised in his  own interest      les marchandises groupees ne
       to  enter in  Box  С  of the      sont pas de  meme  valeur ou
       importation voucher the name      poids, on doit indiquer leur
       and     address    of    the      valeur  et,  s'il  y a lieu,
       exhibition    and   of   its      leur poids respectif dans la
       organiser.                        colonne 2.
   8.  The    Carnet    shall    be  7.  Dans le cas des marchandises
       completed legible and  using      destinees  a une exposition,
       permanent ink.                    il    est     conseille    a
                                         l'importateur,    dans   son
   9.  All goods   covered  by  the      propre  interet,  d'indiquer
       Carnet  should  be  examined      dans  la  case  С  du  volet
       and   registered   in    the      d'importation,  le   nom  de
       country / Customs  territory      l'exposition et le  lieu  ou
       of departure and,  for  this      elle  se  tient ainsi que le
       purpose  should be presented      nom   et   l'adresse  de son
       together  with the Carnet to      organisateur.
       the Customs there, except in
       cases   where  the   Customs  8.  Le  carnet doit etre  rempli
       regulations of that  country      de   maniere    lisible   et
       / Customs territory  do  not      indelebile.
       provide       for       such
       examination.                  9.  Toutes   les    marchandises
                                         couvertes   par   le  carnet
   10. If   the   Carnet   has been      doivent  etre  verifiees  et
       completed   in   a  language      prises  en  charge  dans  le
       other   than   that  of  the      pays  /  territoire douanier
       country / Customs  territory      de   depart    et   y   etre
       of importation,  the Customs      presentees  a  cette fin, en
       may require a translation.        meme temps que le carnet,  a
                                         la douane, sauf dans les cas
   11. Expired  Carnet and  Carnets      ou cet   examen   n'est  pas
       which  the  holder  does not      prescrit       par        la
       intend to use again shall be      reglementation douaniere  de
       returned   by  him   to  the      ce    pays    /    erritoire
       issuing association.              douanier.
   12. Arabic   numerals  shall  be  10. Lorsque le carnet est rempli
       used throughout.                  dans  une  autre  langue que
                                         celle  du  pays / territoire
   13. In   accordance   with   ISO      douanier  d'importation,  la
       Standard 8601, dates must be      douane   peut   exiger   une
       entered  in  the   following      traduction.
       order: year / month / day.
                                     11. Le   titulaire   restitue  a
   14. When blue transit sheets are      l'association emettrice  les
       used, the holder is required      carnets  perimes  ou dont il
       to present the Carnet to the      n'a plus l'usage.
       Customs  office  placing the
       goods   in    transit    and  12. Toute  indication   chiffree
       subsequently,   within   the      doit   etre    exprimee   en
       time  limit  prescribed  for      chiffres arabes.
       transit,  to  the  specified
       Customs      "office      of  13. Conformement  a la Norme ISO
       destination".  Customs  must      8601, les dates doivent etre
       stamp and sign  the  transit      indiquees    dans    l'ordre
       vouchers   and  counterfoils      suivant: annee / mois /jour.
       appropriately at each stage.
                                     14. Lorsqu'il      est      fait
                                         utilisation   des  feuillets
                                         bleus pour une  operation de
                                         transit,  le  titulaire  est
                                         tenu de presenter son carnet
                                         au bureau de mise en transit
                                         et ulterieurement,  dans les
                                         delais   fixes   pour  cette
                                         operation, au bureau designe
                                         comme       "bureau       de
                                         destination"  de l'operation
                                         de   transit.  Les  services
                                         douaniers  ont  l'obligation
                                         de  donner  aux  souches  et
                                         aux volets de ces  feuillets
                                         la suite qu'il convient.

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